In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May peace be in this place, this nation and in the heart of all beings.
While ignorance permeates the hearts of humanity, I come to the world to continue to call it to an awakening.
While chaos becomes established within and outside of beings, I come to call you to live a state of peace.
While humanity closes its eyes not to see the reality of the planet, to not perceive the times it lives and the steps it should take, I come to call you, children, to be different, to begin to transform yourselves from the inside out.
I come to call you to open your eyes, your physical eyes, the eyes of consciousness, the eyes of the heart, so that you may see the reality of the world beyond appearances and superficiality.
Remember that you are in times of the Armageddon, times of purification, of transition between the old and the new human being.
Nothing will remain the way it is. Each aspect of the human consciousness will be purified and transformed so that a new reality may be established in the world, so that you may be worthy of being part of a new Confederation which walks toward the fulfillment of Divine Will, which lives that which is Sacred, Love, Christic Love, unknown to most beings, although it seems so ancient in this world.
Therefore, do not cling to the old human being, do not cling to that which you are, to that which you appear to be. Do not cling to this world either, because it will also pass. Each one, each space of this planet will be transformed.
For a moment it will seem that chaos will dominate all places, all hearts, but it will not be so, children, for those who decide to live peace within themselves. The Kingdom is within your hearts. In it, the King of the Universe rules, in it, His Will manifests itself, and nothing will happen in your lives that is not His Divine Will.
Despite the chaos, the confusion, the evil that permeates the world, I call upon you to live peace, I call upon you not to enter into conflicts with one another, I call upon you to respect each other so that you may understand the Laws that rule the universes, so that you may allow these very same Laws to manifest themselves in life upon Earth.
Ignorance takes over the hearts of humanity more and more, and if you do not learn to look within, to find God within yourselves, you will also go astray, children, in this confusion that the adversary tries to establish in humanity, so that parents quarrel with their children, so that nations rise against nation, so that there not be peace within anyone.
This spiritual battle can be won through prayer, through the transformation of lives and the retrograde patterns of humanity. This battle is won through silence in face of arrogance, humiliation, the lack of love and fraternity. This battle is won through examples.
Where there is lack of love, may your hearts go beyond and manifest love.
Where there is ignorance, arrogance, indifference, may your hearts manifest fraternity, wisdom and silence.
The planet will not escape its purification. While you walk in the calvary of these times, do not think that the Plan of God has failed just because it did not manifest itself the way you expected. Just as Christ was capable of seeing beyond, even on the Cross, be capable of seeing beyond the calvary of these times and, at each opportunity of sacrifice, renew the Love of God within your hearts. In each apparent defeat in life, decree within yourselves the establishment of the Will of God and make, of each lesson, opportunities to renew love, to strengthen the consciousness, to transform the human condition and be new.
Do not have greater wills than the Divine Will. Do not have better ideas than the Thought of God. Meditate, reflect, feel, within your hearts, each step that you must take and trust that, in the trajectory with the cross of these times, triumph is lived from inside out.
It is not the reality of the planet that dictates the triumph of God in your lives. It is not what you appear to live. It is not what the world sees, but rather what God sees, only He sees, within you.
Many times, children, not even yourselves will perceive that God is triumphing within you, and His Will manifests itself little by little in those who persevere, His Love grows little by little in those who are persistent, in those who look at the world and, in spite of what they see, do not give up, just as Christ did not give up in the face of the human condition.
There was nothing more retrograde or worst than the humanity of two-thousand years ago. Even so, the Redeemer placed His Eyes upon the world, upon the imperfect, and made of them His companions, just as today He hopes to renew all things. His Gaze continues to be upon the Earth, going beyond human imperfection and finding the essence of beings, hidden within them, the essence of each one of you, essences called to imitate Christ, to live Christic Love.
Raise your voice to pray. Just rise as if it is on the cross, the cross of these times, which does not mean suffering, but rather overcoming, overcoming of superficialities, overcoming of appearances, to live a new love, which transcends all things.
This is to be on the cross: being capable of looking at one’s neighbor and not paying attention to their appearance, but rather recognizing their heart, their soul, the divine perfection hidden within them, nourishing in the other the best they have, their virtues, their gifts, so that they may grow. May you look at the suffering of your neighbor and not place your own suffering on the scales but rather be able to overcome indifference to reach your hands out and serve. This is what the new human being is all about.
May you be capable of listening. May you be capable of welcoming. May you be capable of overcoming yourselves and not trying to prevail over everyone. This is what the new human being is all about.
I am here, children, to establish a Spiritual Government in this place, through the descent of Divine Will. And through the opening of the heart of each one of you, may this Government and this Will permeate each space of this nation so that, beyond appearances, the Will of God may triumph, from inside out, in the hearts of the consistent.
The manifestation of the Plan of God is not about numbers but rather about truth. The transformation of humanity two-thousand years ago took place with the ‘yes’ of twelve imperfect men that accepted to follow the steps of Christ, who accepted to live His Will and, although they did not perceive it, they accepted to transform their human condition, multiply the disciples, carry the Good News, establish peace, live sacrifice, renunciation, humiliation, emptiness.
Today you are called on to be apostles, disciples, companions, making of your lives the harbinger of a New Humanity. This is why I came here, to call you by your names and lead you to Christ, to open the path for the Lord, just as I did two-thousand years ago.
I just warn you: know how to see beyond appearances, know how to understand that the triumph happens within beings, and do not lose hope, regardless of what may happen in the four corners of this world.
So that the Celestial Government may descend here, I call you to prayer, I call you to pray for peace, to strengthen the channel of Light that We have opened in this city, in this state, in this country, through your prayers.
Here We have established a sacred place, dedicated to the Kingdoms of Nature, a point of Light amidst darkness. I call on you, children, to strengthen this place, so that it may be a representation of the entire Brazilian consciousness, of its Kingdoms, of its people, and, through prayer, you may allow the Higher Laws to be those which will lead the manifestation of the events.
Brazil has a special place in God’s Heart, just like every nation. From the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the Creator hopes to renew His Love in this sacred place for the entire planet. Each nation holds within itself a Divine Will, and it is in the Will of the Father that a New Humanity may be born from the heart of Brazil and of South America, and expand to the whole planet.
How will that happen? Through you.
The new human being will not manifest itself in others who will be born in the world. The new human being is born from the transformation of each being that lives on the planet today. This transformation into Christ must happen through you.
Who will be a postulant to live it, to believe that God triumphs beyond their imperfections?
Who will offer their smallness so that God may manifest His Greatness?
Who will give their own strength so that God may manifest His Power?
Who will be capable of believing in the Father more than in themselves, just as Christ did when He carried the Cross?
He did not believe in Himself, but rather in the One who sent Him. You are being called to live this today. Do not think of your own capacities, do not measure the manifestation of the Plan of God by your own forces, but rather by the Gift of Faith. Trust in Divine Will.
Meditate on My Words, keep them in your hearts, feel and perceive that to which God summons you today.
This is all that I have to tell you. And I give you My Peace, I give you the Gift of Healing, Rehabilitation, Restoration, so that those who came to seek may receive what they are asking of God.
Through prayer and peace, may your sick cells be healed, may your consciousness be healed of all fear, all pain, all superficiality, because God calls you to something greater.
Why do you seek healing?
Why do you aspire to continue on living?
What will you do with your lives if you are healed?
Make each second in this world count, allow God to triumph within yourselves. You have My blessing for this.
Commune with My Peace and with the Sacrament that I leave you so that the One who sends Me may enter you and manifest His Grace within your bodies.
I bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the Silence of the Heart of God speak to the world.
Let your hearts transcend appearances, matter, this physical space, so that I may lead you to the place where I want to take you to today.
As a Servant of God, I come to lead you to the Source of Divine Mercy, from which I drank, as consciousness, as a human heart.
The Mercy that comes from the Heart of God is still very unknown to you, because if you knew this Mercy you would love it infinitely.
Place your attention on the Heart of God. Give this permission to your own spirit, so that in this place I can show you something different from all suffering and anguish that is kept in the human consciousness and in the ether of the Earth.
I want to show you a Face of the Divine Consciousness that is the merciful aspect of God, through His Son.
Mercy is not only born of the suffering of Christ on the Cross. It has, in that suffering, its door to the world, but this Fountain is vast, universal and divine. This Fountain overflows to all life from the Heart of Christ.
Mercy is the healing for all diseases. Mercy is the forgiveness for all errors and the Grace for all needs.
I look at the world and see a sick humanity because it does not know the power of Divine Mercy. I see the souls that get lost in the abysses of darkness, of hopelessness, of ignorance and of lack of love for not knowing the Divine Mercy.
I look at the world and so often I see the Kingdoms of Nature outraged by the human consciousness because the Divine Mercy does not dwell in it.
As simple as a spring of water that rises from the Earth and becomes in a river that quenches the thirst of men, so is the Fountain of the Divine Mercy in the Heart of God.
A Fountain that becomes an inexhaustible flow when souls cry out with sincerity, when words do not pass empty through their mouth when they invoke: "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have Mercy on us and on the whole world."
This is an exercise that opens the door for Something still inaccessible to the human heart, incomprehensible, because you have not yet deepened in the love for the Divine Mercy.
If you knew that there is no eternal sin when souls sincerely cry out for an opportunity, when you repent and convert your paths by the Grace of the Divine Mercy.
Souls can be raised from the hells and purgatories of this world if there is that sincere heart that cries out for Mercy.
Mercy is the Fountain of the Hope of God, it comes from the infinite Love of the Father for humanity and for life; it comes from the infinite Love of God for each one of His children.
Mercy is the true sign that He is God, the God of Love and of Grace.
Mercy hides even in the Divine Justice; it reconverts the Laws and transforms them when they seem to be immutable because it is there where the potential of the human heart is kept, its resemblance to the Father.
The likeness of men with God is not in the appearances, nor in what they know of themselves. It is in something deeper they do not know. And it is when they consent to this truth that they can convert the Laws and transform the destiny of humanity, as well as that of the planet, of the Creation.
The Mercy that was born of the Heart of Christ when He was on the Cross, and shed the Blood and the Water from His Body, fertilizing the Earth, expanded to the Universe and generated opportunities of redemption for all creatures.
But this Mercy does not spring on its own. An inner force is needed to propel it. It Is the repentance that opens the door, the clamoring or the sincere love that is born from the heart when it cries out for Mercy not only for itself, but for the whole world.
Many think they know the Divine Mercy, but they do not live it. They are saddened by the situation of the planet, they resent the suffering of the Kingdoms and of men, but they do not seek for Mercy.
Children, the transformation of this world will not be born of social projects, it will be born of the depths of the human heart.
It will be worthless building great things if inside of you love were not great also, and Mercy does not live in your cells.
Today I am here not only to rescue souls and heal wounded hearts.
I am here to teach you to be true intercessors, who deepen in your prayers as the greatest service that you can render to mankind and to the planet.
Few were like Saint Faustina, who, deeply knowing the Divine Mercy, could not withhold inside of herself her will to announce it to the world.
So great was the anguish of her heart knowing that the balm for all diseases was available and hearts preferred to remain sick.
The greatness of the Divine Mercy is that you can ask for it to one another in the name of Christ when you cry out to God.
If you unite your hearts to the Heart of the Father and immerse yourselves in the Fountain of His Mercy, you will be interceding for the world, for realities that you do not know, that you could never imagine, that only the Eyes of God, which contemplate everything, can see.
Justice is already knocking on the doors of the world because the hearts have chosen not to awaken.
That is why We have come here, so that you may unite your hearts to Mercy.
May you unite the human consciousness to the Fountain of the Divine Mercy, and may you not miss the opportunity to live the Redemption and the Forgiveness of God, for ignorance.
Thank for the Mercy that is born of the Heart of Christ every day. Love the moment of uniting with it, because it justifies the existence of this Work and of your lives.
It is to bring a new opportunity to the world that your souls were gathered; it is not to allow humanity to go astray, not to allow to fade all Love deposited by God in this human project.
Be aware of this mission, which goes far beyond your little human understanding.
You can penetrate the mysteries of the Divine Mercy when you pray and when you ask God to know it a little more, to live it.
When you contemplate the Cross of Christ, when you contemplate the Immaculate Heart of Mary, eternal bearer of the Divine Mercy, and when you contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart, as a symbol of that Heart that opened to something higher, which allowed itself to know the Mercy of God, to live it and to announce it as I do today.
Let My Heart inspire you, so that you may find a sure way to transform your lives and become intercessors before God.
The doors to the Celestial Kingdom are always open to the servants who pray from the heart.
Enter, place yourselves at the Feet of the Father and, by the memory of the Passion of His Son, cry out for Mercy.
By the memory of the surrender of the Most Holy Mary, accompanying the Calvary of Christ and feeling, in Her Heart, each of His Wounds, cry out for Mercy.
By the renunciation of the Heart of Saint Joseph who, knowing all that His Little Son and His Holy Wife would live, left this world, because His renunciation was His true Mission. By the merits of this renunciation, cry out for Mercy.
And by the renunciation that each one live, every day, which is ever greater and you are invited to love, also offer it in order for you to cry out for Mercy.
Every act of your lives can become an opportunity of intercession before God if you learn not to complain, but to cry out for Mercy.
Receive today the Grace of knowing this Divine Fountain.
Accept this mission of being merciful and everything will be fulfilled just as God thought in the beginning.
Today the Rays of Mercy of Christ pierce My Most Chaste Heart, they radiate to the Reliquaries of My Heart in the world, wherever they may be.
Remember My Words when you contemplate those Reliquaries and before them ask for the Grace of loving Mercy, because I will intercede for you, that you might intercede for others.
With these words I thank you, I bless you, and I unite your hearts to the Fountain of the Divine Mercy.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Where I come from love is scarce and the suffering of souls does not allow them to receive the Grace and Mercy of God.
As a servant of the Creator of all things, I entered the deep abysses of this planet to have a different reality be made known to all hearts, which their eyes could not see, which they could not feel, or understand that it existed.
A part of this suffering I have brought here and you may ask yourselves why. So that you may see, children, that truly, you have everything; all you have left to do is give all of yourselves for those who are truly in need.
In spite of My bringing this suffering so that it may be liberated, this is not the only thing which I place before your hearts; I also bring you hope and the Grace of liberation, so that you may believe that it is possible to transform everything, even the most ancient wounds, the deepest sufferings, the worst mistakes made; it is possible to transform everything.
This abyss which I show you today comes from the heart of a wounded nation. Wounded by the ignorance of humankind, by the distance that lies between the human heart and the Heart of God, when you do not want to see Him. But in the same way, children, from the same heart of this nation, deeper than all abysses, more powerful than ignorance, than indifference, than pain, I bring you a new hope.
From the depths of the heart of this wounded nation, I cause an essence to emerge that does not come from this world, but rather from the Heart of God. Today, this essence is incomprehensible to you, because it is unknown, but it is as bright as a thousand suns and as palpable as you are for the world.
This essence which was hidden now starts to pulsate, because it has received a new opportunity. This essence crossed the abysses which enshrouded it, and silently, it also crossed borders, and withdrawing from this wounded nation, found rest in another place.
I am speaking of the heart of Roraima. This does not mean, children, that your beloved brothers and sisters of Venezuela no longer have hope; on the contrary, this essence which now emerges and prepares to express itself, comes to aid all souls, comes to aid its children, those who have committed to it since the beginning of this creation; who have committed themselves, also, to purify their lives and to persevere, trusting in this plan of love.
Why do I speak to you of these things, being here, apparently so far away from the heart of Roraima? Because this is My home. Here I protect My words and I pronounce them to the world with the authority the Creator has granted Me to instruct and to awaken souls. Here I reveal mysteries, separate from human understanding, because My words are like codes of light and of love that transform and uplift you, so that you may reach that place where the Creator waits for you, where you should have been from the beginning.
This is why from here, from My home, I give impulse to the heart of Roraima and I protect it so that its essence may be safeguarded and no longer be in captivity in this world, as so many souls are in this time. The essence of Roraima frees itself, so that souls may also be freed, and in spite of the pain and the tests that they will keep experiencing, may the inner strength of the children of Roraima not be destroyed, and the love which they have found, the happiness and the hope, not disappear from their hearts.
Apparently, the enemy celebrates a triumph, but God, children, celebrates the victory of His creatures through the love which overcomes all suffering, just as His Son overcame it when on the cross.
For its children, the essence of Roraima will be like the archangels and the celestial armies which supported the Cross of Christ until the end. It frees itself so that its light may sustain them, in spite of the Calvary of this world, and heal them, even though the body appears to decline. And if all the cells disappeared and the consciousness encounters what it calls death, the essence of Roraima will show them the real life, which is still unknown to humanity because it is so imprisoned in the illusions of this world.
Today is the day of a new beginning, a day to raise your faces to God and cry out for renovation.
The essence of Roraima will have a lot to rebuild, and although keeping silent, its silence speaks louder than all the cries of pain of this world.
With this I tell you, children, that the world will come to know its purification in this cycle, but also an unknown hope, just as Aurora has awakened in these last days through the Voice of the Mother of the World, which echoed in the universes and opened again the sources of healing for the Earth.
This healing, like a spring coming from the Kingdom of Aurora, is also arriving silently to those essences that were silent and hidden in the depths of the planet, as if they did not exist, as if no one knew them because, by the Law of God, they should be silent, so that then the time would come when their voices resounded again, when the sound of these divine essences, held in the depths of the Earth, could make themselves heard in the heart of humankind, and all the mysteries hidden on Earth, to emerge in this time and awaken the creatures, should reveal themselves to the hearts of humankind.
Those who were thought to be crazy will be the only ones who will be right and will know to be standing when these mysteries are revealed. May all the teachings which brought you here be the basis for this new stairway, which you must start climbing as from this new cycle. Do not hold on only to what you already know. Let wisdom and knowledge be renewed within you, so that you may be instruments for the renewal of this humanity, so that what seems new to you be the obvious, that which God has thought from the beginning, but which humanity never lived.
May all that you have already learned give you strength so that you may learn again. Be like the children who know nothing and are open to all things. Who throw themselves into truth with intensity, who do not let doubts take over their minds, and with happiness and without fear, follow this path which God points out to them with His invisible hands.
The essence of Roraima has already touched the heart of Brazil, so that her children might shelter it. Now, children, companions, and servers will have a lot to do, to build, to manifest, to awaken, to transform, and to experience, to give a chance to others.
And your siblings in Boa Vista now need your help. Because the difficulties already transcend their human capabilities and their hearts are somewhat tired. Be this hand which reaches out and this heart which comes to renew, as new blood in the veins of your siblings, who until today have persevered in service and in this mission which goes far beyond their tasks, their daily activities, and that which their eyes may see.
This mission is making them grow, but God cannot allow his children to lose their strength and do things which they are not ready for; this is why they need more hands, hearts, and above all, consciousnesses ready to serve.
There is a lot which you still should know, not only about the essence of Roraima, but also about so many essences that are hidden in this world. In the way that children learn how to read and spell out the first letters, I teach you the mysteries of God.
When you grow up you will discover that not just a phrase was hidden in My words, but an entire history, a history of the creation of this humanity, of the present, and of the triumph of God in the defeat of human ignorance, pride, and selfishness.
With this, children, I bless you and I thank you for being here.
Today I want to leave you a special grace, as a symbol of this suffering which I came to heal, of this fortitude that I came to awaken, so that hearts may transcend the pain, the sadness, or the illness, and may recognize that, separate from your tests, God calls you to a greater surpassing, to an experience of love which, just like His Son, transcends any bodily suffering, inner or spiritual, because it is in this is way that love becomes real and crosses dimensions.
Offer this grace to those who do not know the Grace of God, who do not see it, and who plunge deeper each day into their suffering and into their pain.
To those who seek, they will always be given. If it were not this way, the words of the Son of God would not be real. Trust His promises and live them in this time.
Let us sing so that humanity may receive this grace.
With this I bless you and bless all of humanity, with the authority which God has granted me, to intercede for souls and lift them up to His Heart.
Go now, children, and with this impulse in your consciousnesses, multiply it to offer it at the foot of the altar of your Master and Lord, when on this night His Feet touch the Earth.
I thank you and again I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace and carry this peace to the world.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more