Allow yourself, child, to enter into the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, and there, understand not only the mysteries of His deepest suffering, but also and above all, the expansion of His extreme and unknown Love for all of life and the whole human race.
In prayer, enter into the Agonizing Heart of Jesus so you may perceive what a union between God and His Creatures means, so you may experience being supported by a divine-human bond, which reveals the true significance of the likeness with God to your being.
In contemplation, enter into the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, and with every beat of that Heart, feel the power of Divine Love and the capacity for renewal which the Creator grants His Creatures.
Within the Agonizing Heart of Jesus, also allow your small heart to experience the expansion and the meaning of Love, so that in this way, you may know that the tests of life are not limitations of the human potential, but rather, in truth, are engines that lead creatures to evolution.
Learn to be in God under any circumstances, and in Him, you will understand the purpose of life and of each experience you have on Earth; you will learn to love life in essence and will live to open the path so that all creatures may experience and be a conscious part of the Love of God.
All that begins with prayer, with contemplation, with surrender, when you allow yourself to enter without fear into the Agonizing Heart of Jesus and there discover the profound mysteries of His Passion and His Love for life.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart simply to confess your deepest miseries, like a child who can divest themselves of their shame with their father.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart to present your defects and difficulties to Me, the vices you have not overcome, your most entrenched fears, your lacks of understanding most difficult for you to shape, your resistances hardest to break, your walls, your limits.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and, even though you cannot manage to say anything, offer Me your silence, your incapacity to surrender, of letting go of the reins of your life, of exposing your heart and feeling yourself to be weak and small.
Be at the Reliquary of My Heart and show Me your sorrows, but also your joys, tell Me about your defeats and also your victories, so that I, child, may dissolve your illusions with My Love, strengthen your virtues with My Grace, and show you in the mirror of the Reliquary of My Heart that to be human is more than what you have discovered about yourself up to now.
Let Me show you your truth, what hides beyond your appearances, what is hidden beyond your confessed weaknesses. Human beings are not just a mixture of miseries and virtues, of flesh and spirit, but they are the spirit, overlaid and hidden in what until now you believe is your only truth.
Contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart not to find Me, but rather to find you, and in you, God.
You have My blessing for that.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At all the Marian Centers, through the Reliquary of My Heart, I will be the doorkeeper and the protector, the guardian of the spiritual relics and of the divine gifts that are held within the sacred places, erected in honor of God and for the manifestation of His Plan.
The Reliquary of My Heart will be the protector of all the virtues achieved by souls. It will be the guardian of the evolution of those who said 'yes' to God, and each time that you should contemplate it with love, you will not only be receiving within yourselves that which I once achieved through humility and spiritual emptiness, but also, children, you will be safeguarded by Me, Who before God has received the authority to be your father and guardian in these times of transition.
It is for this reason that, in the face of the difficulties that seem impossible to you to transform, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. When the desert is greater than your faith, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. When the energies of the world within you seem to battle with your purest principles, pray with Me, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart.
And so that all the souls of the world may have the chance to be before the Reliquary of My Heart, I ask that every 19th of the month, in a simple way, the Reliquary of My Heart be transmitted live, for one hour, so that all those who want to be before It in silence, may do so. This practice will allow you to find peace and to strengthen all the virtues that you have already achieved with you.
In this time of transition, I will be the guardian of your souls, your father and companion who, in silence, will follow your steps so that you not become lost, but that you may be always in Christ.
It is in this way, children, that I ask that every 19th day, of each month, at 7 pm, your hearts unite in prayer. Especially those who today cannot be at the Marian Centers, so that they may also receive the Graces and the Gifts that emerge from the Reliquary of My Heart for the world.
If you do this simple exercise on the day of the Celebration of the Heart of Saint Joseph, not only for yourselves but also for all the souls of the world, you will be able to intercede with Me for the greatest sinners and for those who are self-condemned, so that those souls may open their eyes and find the light and salvation in Christ.
I wait for you in prayer and I bless you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Since His crucifixion, and for eternity, from the Heart of Christ emerge Blood and Water, dripping little by little over the world and over Creation. For as long as you pray to His Divine Mercy, for as long as you live under that Law, being merciful, those drops of Blood and Water will touch souls, cleansing their eyes so that they may see a new path, and cleansing their hearts so that they may be worthy of walking upon it.
In these times, children, you need to learn to contemplate and love the signs of your salvation, as are the Blood and Water that emerge from the Heart of Christ.
To remain with your hearts in balance, growing in the spiritual life, with true foundations, it is not enough to live by your own efforts and knowledge or from all the Grace received; you also need to experience the yielding and the love that the contemplation of the sacrifice of Christ leads you into experiencing.
There is a unique power in the Blood of Christ: the power to restore, heal and redeem that which is impossible. The Blood of Christ is the foundation for all redemption, it is the meaning of spirituality in this world, it is the secret to holiness, the doorway toward yielding, the revelation of the deepest mysteries of Love for all Creation. And to enter into this mystery, it is enough that you sincerely cry out for Mercy, that you spiritually contemplate the Cross of Christ, always elevated to the inner levels of the human consciousness, and reliving His Passion repeatedly, to again find the meaning of your lives.
Contemplating the Blood of Christ, you will find the Gifts of His Spirit, the unity of a Triune God, Who surrenders out of love in each instant; you will relive the humility of knowing yourselves to be small in front of such an immense love, and at the same time, the Grace of knowing yourselves to be called to imitate that love.
Pray for Mercy and live the bases of all true spirituality. Within the Blood of Christ lies the foundation for all religious life. Pray for one another, contemplating the Blood of Christ and, above all, yield at the foot of His Cross and you will understand what I tell you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Learn to contemplate and adore the Blood of Christ, knowing that each drop poured out by the Lord represents His unlimited Love for each being and for life itself.
Place your eyes on the Christ of Calvary and know that His Love, even without the Cross, has already surpassed and renewed all of Creation, but His offer went further, and pouring out Blood and Water, He perpetuated the Grace of salvation and redemption for all beings of Earth and beyond it.
May your eyes, placed upon the poured Blood of Christ, grant you the understanding and the experience of that which yielding and surrender are, that which giving all for love is.
The Water that was poured by Christ represented the unlimited Mercy that, along with pouring out all His Blood, He also poured out Water in order to give all of Himself, in matter and in spirit.
Together, Blood and Water represent the mystery of a Love still not understood by humankind; that Love that you are called upon to renew and to surpass so that everything may be recreated and evolution may find a new beginning, a greater life of union with the Creator Father.
Begin, then, by contemplating within your heart the Blood of Christ and the Water that was poured out from His Body so that you may penetrate His Mysteries and they may inspire you, and lead to a more true likeness with the Love of Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
IV - To Defeat the World
A soul that aspired to live the Christic path and imitate the Lord struggled every day again human temptations and tendencies. Feeling that they were always defeated by the world, the soul questioned God, asking Him: "Lord, how will I be able to defeat the temptations of the world and overcome the vices of the flesh, which seem to be the masters of my human condition?"
And responding also with a question, the Lord said: "Little soul, did I not give you the example for overcoming the human condition? Did I not defeat the vices and tendencies of humanity, while in fragile and mortal flesh, through My Son? So contemplate the Cross of Christ, for there you will find the answers to your deepest questions; there, your body, mind and your feelings will be moved to experience transformation. Through the Love of Christ, you will find the key and the momentum so that in each situation of life in which temptations are presented to you, you may choose Christic life rather than the world.
The Passion of Christ must be your refuge, where you must run to each time the world seeks your heart. When you are tempted to choose the things of the world, place your eyes upon the Cross and contemplate each injury and wound of the Lord. All this was for you, so that today you could choose Love rather than illusion, so that today you could discover who you are, and you would not remain with veils upon your face.
Human vices are only defeated when your consciousness is taken by a higher Love that leads you to walk toward Christ, and this Love is to be found on the Cross. Therefore, every day, contemplate the Lord of Calvary, and there you will find peace."
I tell you this story so that you may know how to defeat the world that is stirred within you, in that constant battle between the old and the new human that is fought within your hearts.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Prayer to Imitate Christ
may my eyes contemplate the world with Your Eyes;
may my heart feel life as does Your Heart;
may my soul live upon Earth and beyond it, as does Your Soul;
may my days be an eternal reflection of Your Mercy
so that I may see my neighbor as You see me,
so that I understand my neighbor as You understand me,
so that I may be patient with my neighbor as You are with me,
so that I may speak to my neighbor as You speak to those who are Yours,
so that I may act with my neighbor as You act with those who are Yours,
and so that I may deliver to them all that You may wish to deliver.
Therefore, Lord,
may I love as You love,
serve as You serve
and live as You live,
Pray like the first companions of Christ, who, gathered around Him, - Jews, pagans, atheists, fishermen, prostitutes, scholars and soldiers, poor people and tax collectors, doctors and lepers - learned to love one another as He loved them.
Through His sacred Presence, their eyes became merciful and they could see beyond miseries and appearances.
This is how, children, you should look at one another today, with these very Eyes. This is how you should recognize one another, in the eternal Presence of Christ; loving, understanding, patient, merciful and compassionate, as His Heart is.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seated at the table with your Lord, pray, child, for all life, for all beings, for those who are lost in their own ignorance, for those who do not recognize the One that shares the Bread and surrenders Himself to repair the sins of the world.
Seated at the table with your Lord, contemplate all life, the depth of each instant, the greatness hidden in each movement, the attentive Eyes of God upon the Earth, His Spirit flooding all of Creation.
Observe that the Time of God unites with the time of the Earth and, for an instant, nothing is separate. The Son and the Father are One with the Consoling Spirit and your little essence participates in divine unity.
Seated at the table with your Lord, give thanks for each offering, each word and each silence, each gesture and movement, each instant of stillness. Everything is a part of a universal ceremony, celestial and human, revealing that which the human being really is for all Creation.
Thus, let your feet be washed, your spirit purified and your soul redeemed. In this way, remember the purity of your essence and, allowing the dust of the past to be taken off of your feet, open to a new and eternal path of return to the Heart of God: a path that is tread in sacrifice, in love and in perfect unity with Divine Consciousness.
Washed by Christ, your spirit becomes one with Him. You are bread, a part of the Bread that is given at the altar; you are blood, part of the Blood that is poured on Calvary. And in the way that the offering of your Lord is forever renewed, so also must your surrender be renewed.
Thus, sit down once again at the table of renewal with your Lord and God, your Brother and Friend, your Father, Husband and Companion, your own heart, since you were called to be one with Christ.
Receive His Body and His Blood and renew your surrender. Give body, blood and life to the One that gives you everything each day. Live the revelation of surrender in the mystery of Communion.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To understand and love the Justice of God, child, first you must open your heart to know God Himself -pure Love, Mercy and Compassion - Who with tenderness awaits the return of His children to the Celestial Source.
With your prayer, through your dialogue with the Creator, with meditation upon all the holy words that He has sent throughout the centuries, with the adoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ, with contemplation of His Sacred Face, with silence, with your own life, know God and deepen your contact with Him.
Seek to know who He is, so that you will then know that His Love exceeds all limits and even hides in justice and in the corrections that His Laws express in universal and planetary life.
Know God, and you will know that His Love, My child, is always present, is upon you through the fixed Eyes of God within your heart. Let this gaze protect you. You too will find the Sacred Face of your Creator and unite with Him through the gaze that finds His and transforms, merges, dissolves into this Divine Presence.
All this is achieved, not only with faith, but also with a constant striving, with an ever more inner, deeper surrender of the more hidden spaces of your consciousness.
Each day surrender more to God and you will know how much He also waits to surrender Himself to your heart.
The Love of God is a mirror that is reflected within you so that you go deeper, so that you learn to love. And the more you open to receive the Love of the Father, the more this Love expands and transforms you.
Ask for the Grace to know Him better, of providing more space for His expression, His Voice, His Life, His Love within you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With love, I contemplate the Heart of God and, standing before Him, I plead for the world.
I plead for each one of His creatures so that they not only find peace but, above all, they may awaken from the illusion and the immaturity of these times.
I plead for them to know who they are, where they are and what they are called to experience in this and in all cycles.
I plead that the suffering of so many souls may move the spirit of others so that, in love and in prayer, those who know God may cry out for peace and live it, in this way, balancing the evils of this world.
I plead for the prompt manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon Earth, for the fulfilling of the scriptures and, above all, for the fulfilling of the new and eternal universal Gospel, which you do not know, in spite of the story of your souls being written within it.
I plead for the triumph of the Heart of God in each being. I ask My Lord for His Light to illuminate the eyes of humankind and show them the truth, the way and eternal life, the path of return to His Heart.
I plead with My Lord and God, Creator of life, to have compassion for lost souls, and that they may find themselves.
My Heart, small and simple, opens to share the pain that God feels because of the indifference and ignorance of humankind in the face of so many gifts given to humanity throughout the centuries and since its origin.
In the very depths of My being, I feel the Love of God for life and, moved by that Love, I plead to the Father for all beings of all the Kingdoms and I constantly cry out for His Mercy and pity, for His compassion and love, for His peace and for His living Presence in each being.
Today, children, I plead that this same feeling of love may live within you and that you thus can unite with Me, in this perpetual crying out for Creation, because the world, the Universe and all beings need it.
May the Love of God flood you and may His Word manifest in your hearts, in your thoughts and, finally, in your mouths, as a perpetual crying out of return to the Heart of the Father.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While you cry out for Mercy, in your heart contemplate those who do not know God.
In your heart contemplate the ignorant of soul and spirit, who do not believe in a higher reality and who suffer for not seeking in God the encouragement and the purpose of their lives.
While you cry out for Mercy, contemplate the seas and the oceans, the violated Kingdoms of Nature and, with your consciousness, travel through each needy space of this planet. In this way, find the meaning of your prayer, of your song, of your cry, of your life.
Contemplate the consciousness of this planet, the Infinity and the Time of God. In this way, child, while you pray, aspire for this Higher Life so that it may come to the world as a healing of all the ills and deceits, as the doorway toward redemption for all souls.
Give meaning and depth to your prayer, each day enter deeper into your heart and, in this way, you will enter more deeply into the Heart of God. Like a mirror, you will be in God and He, in you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Come to know the unlimited Love of God through the union with your Creator and you will understand the vastness of His Creation and the perfection with which your Lord fills the details, the paths and the dimensions with mysteries by uniting His Consciousness with the consciousnesses of His children.
Come to know the unlimited Love of God for life and upon discovering the greatness of His Creation, you will not be surprised. Infinite are the forms that the essences received from God in order to fulfill His Purpose and recreate life.
However, child, to recreate life is not only by beginning a new Creation from zero. To recreate life means that the evolutionary spiral has reached a higher point and, from there, closer to God, a new cycle begins.
Contemplate and come to know the unlimited Love of God, and you will not be surprised when you discover that, more than just sending His Son into this world, the Creator sent many more of His companions and He also created other worlds, other races, other lives so that in the perfect expression of each one of them, they would complement and help each other to grow and return to His Heart with a renewed love, multiplied and matured through the overcoming experiences.
Thus, contemplate and come to know the unlimited Love of God, and also be unlimited in your understanding, in your openness, in your giving of self and in your surrender so that, someday, child, more than just contemplating and knowing, you may experience and become the unlimited Love of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Quiet your heart so as to unite it with the Universe and the Infinity. Higher life begins to be revealed within you.
Send to the very depths of your consciousness the Gift of Forgiveness, which comes from the Divine Consciousness.
Meditate upon your Lord on the Cross and upon all the merits that He achieved so that you may experience redemption, not only from what was done and experienced upon this planet but also, and, above all, far beyond it, the history of your evolution, which you do not yet know.
Contemplate the Blood of Christ and feel how that very Blood, a redeeming code, permeates your cells and atoms. Commune of forgiveness and of redemption.
Beginning with your cells, let this forgiveness enter into your inner universe, into the deepest registers of your consciousness. And there, where universal life unites with your human condition, let the purpose of your incarnation take place and experience the peace of feeling forgiven.
Every day, the sacrifice of Christ is renewed in each Eucharist so that His codes of forgiveness and redemption, achieved for you upon the Cross may reach ever deeper into your being.
With your heart, accompany the establishment and the fulfillment of forgiveness in all of your being. The time has come to be healed rather than just to purify endlessly that which was rotten within you.
Your forgiveness and redemption must be conscious. It is necessary to know and to see what it is that you must forgive, but for this, child, your consciousness must be matured in the Love of Christ and in the certainty of all that He has already achieved for you.
Now that you have the mud before you, contemplate the Love and Forgiveness of Christ and experience the hidden chemistry of the redemption and transfiguration of consciousness.
Your miseries, touched by the Mercy of God, are transformed into the renewal of His eternal Love.
You have My blessing to experience what I tell you, and to achieve peace.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Place your heart at the disposal of God, at each new day. In silence, contemplate His Presence within you and in all things.
Child, seek to always go deeper into your union with the Creator. In your heart, let all the impulses and teachings that the Creator sent to humanity be synthesized, and, within you, may these paths become one: the narrow and deep path of union with God.
Feel the Creator within the air that you breathe, in the nature around you and in your human nature. Feel the Creator in the Universe upon you, in the infinite Cosmos and in your inner cosmos.
Allow the times to be united within your own heart. There you will find the revelation of the new and the remembrance of the eternal. There you will discover the story of your origin, the path to fulfill this Infinity and to return to the starting point, which is the very Heart of God.
When a being returns to the Creator after having fulfilled their mission, and they carry with them a particle of a new and infinite love, as did the Son of God, in the Heart of the Father, Creation begins to recreate Itself, a new infinity is designed, a new path begins.
Transcend that which is superficial and merely human. Child, part away from the confusion and the illusion of this world, and each day focus your consciousness on that which is eternal, so that when the Time of God comes to Earth, you may be able to recognize it, for It is alive within you and you live within it.
The truth begins to be revealed within you when you are able to perceive that which is hidden within you. So, when you open your eyes, you will see that which was hidden in all life.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the Kingdom of God within you and discover that the Father, with all His Power and infinite Light, dwells within you.
Let Christ reveal Himself, always alive at the center of your heart, so that you may realize, child, that you do not need to die in order to be in God, but rather to discover the true life, the revelation that God is within you.
The Christs of the New Time are those who seek the Truth within their own hearts and find it; they are the ones who know the Kingdom of God dwells within them as well as within their neighbors, and that the key of love and of humility is enough to open the doors that keep It in their hearts.
The Christs of the New Time do not seek the revelation of the Kingdom beyond the stars, looking toward the sky. The Christs of the New Time revere the stars and their mysteries; however, they know themselves as mirrors of the infinite Cosmos; they know that that which they seek so much is within them.
Thus, experience your search, child, from the inside out. Contemplate the Cosmos that exists within you; value the power of virtues and of love, and love to know that the Kingdom is within you. Be that living Kingdom to the world. Be a mirror that reveals to your neighbor that all that lives and breathes is part of God, dwelling of His Kingdom.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I know, child, that it is not easy to forget oneself in order to carry out the Plan of God, to serve and transcend one's human condition; but this is the essence of Love.
Even God renounced His self by multiplying Himself and creating life; He renounced His self to be born as a human being, among humankind; He renounced His life and the love He experienced for it and for His creatures when dying on the Cross.
The essence of life is not to overcome suffering; it is to live love. That is what you must understand now. It is not by suffering that you fulfill the Will of God for you, it is by loving.
The true key of the triumph of God in Christ was not the suffering that He experienced in the world; it was the growing Love undertaken, from the manger to the Cross. It is that limitless Love that you must seek.
It is only this Love, revealed in you, that will be able to provide for you within, and lead your being to what is true. But this same Love, which is the meaning of existence for all children of God, is hidden under your aspects and records, experiences held in your cells and in your consciousness, accumulated throughout all of human evolution.
To break these walls of the human condition was what Christ did on the Cross, and not only on Calvary, but in each instant of His life. This was His mission; to find the revelation of this Love and live it, transcending the entire human condition, not only of His material bodies, but of all beings of Earth.
When I tell you to contemplate the Cross, it is because there is found He Who revealed the Love of God for you. There, He overcame your human condition and opened the doors to God for you.
Contemplate and love the Passion of Christ. In His Wounds find the open path to reach His Heart and discover in it a perfect Love. Let the spiritual wounds that open within you in these times also reveal to you this greater Love, this Love which will renew and surpass the Love of God.
Do not concentrate your attention on accepting pain and suffering, but rather on going beyond, and untiringly seeking Love. This is your path, your redemption, your salvation, your plenitude, your return to the Divine Origin.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The more you contemplate and adore God in the Eucharist, the more He will be in you and will reveal Himself within you.
The Eucharist is not just the Lamb given up for Love to repair the sins of the world. The Eucharist is the complete and perfect Heart of Christ, where the mysteries of Creation and the essence of the Love of God are kept; a Love that, containing all things within, multiplied so that life could have form and spirit, renewing and recreating Divine Existence.
The Eucharist is the revealed presence of the Most High. There lies Who God is, His mysteries, His Love and His hope. Contemplate and adore the Eucharist and within It lies the Portal for returning to the Origin, to the Truth, to the Light
God hides in His mysteries and reveals Himself to those who seek Him. Seek your Creator and Redeemer in the Eucharist and, in silence, let Him guide you to His Heart, into perfect unity with His Truth and Love.
The mystery of the Eucharist is revealed to the humble, in the silence of their hearts. In humility, stand before this consecrated element and, in the same way that God filled the bread with all that He is, let Him also consecrate and transform the elements of your being into unity with Him.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the Eucharistic Heart of your Lord and within it find relief for your heart and for your consciousness.
In the Eucharist, contemplate the constant surrender of the Son of God for you. Know that you are not simply looking at a piece of bread but rather, child, at an eternal sacrifice, which lasted beyond the Cross and which is renewed every day so that your spirit always has a new opportunity for redemption and forgiveness.
The Eucharist is the fruit of the Mercy of God. In it is to be found His universal Mystery, the key for the renewal of His Divine Love, the key to constantly overcoming, to the emptiness of self and to a wholeness in God so that, in spite of the solitude, the discouragement and the agony experienced by the one who carries the cross of these times, Love may always speak louder, forgiveness may always be alive and Mercy may renew itself constantly, beyond human errors and outrages.
Today, child, contemplate before you the Eucharistic Heart of your Lord and renew your heart, recognizing the Love of God in the Eucharist.
Your Creator calls on you to sacrifice and surrender, to renunciation, to the void and many times, to solitude; but He also lives this for you, every day, in each instant of your existence. That surrender is consummated in all the altars consecrated to God, in all the Shrines of the world.
So, when you feel the weight of the cross of these times upon your heart and your consciousness, come before the Eucharist and be thankful to your Lord for the Grace that He grants you in sharing with Him, not only His Cross but, above all, the revelation of His Love.
The Love of God is revealing itself in the hidden part of your heart and, as much as you sometimes only feel sorrow and emptiness, the time will come in which the tree of sacrifice will yield its fruits, and that will be the Love of God within you. Then you will no longer contemplate the Eucharist with your eyes, but instead you will find it alive in your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the Mercy of God that descends upon the world through the prayers of His children. These are times of miracles and inexplicable spiritual Graces.
Announce with your heart the Presence of God. Unite your heart to the choirs of angels and archangels that proclaim the victory of your Lord in the battle of this world.
Unite your voice to the deepest prayers of those who cry out for peace. Surrender your life, consciously, for a greater purpose.
Prayer, child, is the perfect key that opens the doors of Heaven and the hearts of men, which brings down the original principles of the Thought of God, to life and to beings. Like a rain of new codes, it cleanses beings of their old standards of conduct and restores them, revealing the truth that was hidden in their essence.
Prayer is this celestial melody which, when it is sincere, runs through the Universes and spreads through the air, bringing the Good News of renewal to all beings, of all the Kingdoms. It enters deep into the seas and restores the spirit of the oceans; enters the depths of the Earth and heals its internal registries; enters the depths of beings and makes them worthy children of God.
So pray with your entire being. Pray from the heart and see, that which I tell you to do, become fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Stand before the Reliquary of My Chaste Heart so that it may silently reveal to you the love that is within you and lead you into unconditionally loving God.
Let your soul express, without fear or shame, without the fear of being new, different or unknown. Plunge into the mystery of your inner world to express what humanity does not know. Seek the reference of your evolutionary path in the depths of your essence because it is there where the Truth is held, that which you so aspire to find.
The greatest of all contacts is the one that is established with one's own inner world, and the greatest of all revelations is to discover that the Universe and its mysteries are within you. The understanding of inexplicable things, the revelation of invisible things, contact with life and eternity, knowledge and awareness of the Truth, all of this is within you.
But this world has taught humankind to not seek answers within themselves and to go through life looking for guidelines of mundane things outside of themselves. They seek for intelligence instead of wisdom; they seek vanity instead of inner beauty; they seek pleasures and happiness instead of the transcendence of all for being in the fullness of God.
Stand before the Reliquary of My Heart, in prayer, because it will silently show you the path to your own inner being, and you will know who you are, even without knowing, seeing or hearing. It will be a feeling, it will be the expression of the truth in your heart and in your life.
Stand before the Reliquary of My Heart and feel the peace and the freedom that I felt on discovering the path to be in God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more