My dear children,
Today, I am happy to meet you in this sacred forest of contemplation, a place blessed by Me, because for thirty years, your Heavenly Mother was a faithful witness of the inner offerings and of all the vigils that took place here, for love of humanity and for its salvation.
Therefore, on this day, as I have shown you, I come to renew and reconsecrate this forest with the name of "Forest of Harmony and Contemplation", as a new extension of the Marian Centre of Figueira.
All the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary will be erected here, through small altars that will be built so that souls may contemplate all the facts and mysteries of the Holy Family.
The Forest of Harmony and Contemplation will be the space offered to pilgrim souls and to all those who live here so that they may rediscover the Grace of feeling loved by God, through the recitation of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.
The Forest of Harmony and Contemplation will also lead souls, in the current area of the hut, Oca, to stand before a small lake and, in its center, the image that today has been offered to Me on the altar.
For this to be possible and given the urgency of this space, your Heavenly Mother summons all consecrated Children of Mary to take care of this sacred place.
I also wish that under each space of the altar dedicated to the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, there would be small gardens with benches, so that there would be a space for contemplation at each station.
At the same time, I also aspire that in the lake of Your Holy Lady there may be various species of plants and a small waterfall, a source, so that souls may receive the Grace of the healing of their emotions.
If this were to be fulfilled, as I have requested, I promise that this new area of the Marian Centre will be a place of blessings and miracles for all who come here in faith.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Sacred Forest of Figueira.
Dear children,
In this month of May that now begins, may the prayer of the Rosary be the preamble and also the inner preparation for the upcoming events.
May your faith be fixed upon My Immaculate Heart, a maternal Heart that opens a spiritual door for all My children to pass through and, thus, enter the House of the Heavenly Father.
This is the time that My soldiers of prayer must already live in the contemplative state.
May the daily exercise, through the prayerful word, be the way to awaken the mirror heart within you, so that I may have the permission for your souls to receive from Heaven the impulses of Redemption and Mercy that are kept in My great inner network of Celestial Mirrors.
This is the great moment for each of My servants to broaden their consciousnesses and to actively participate together with the Celestial Mother in Her great intercessions for humanity and for the planet.
To be in contemplation is to be in silence, but it is also to practice the life of prayer so that your hearts are blessed receptacles of the Graces that My hands wait to pour out upon all of humanity.
By awakening your mirror heart, you will be more sensitized by the difficult planetary situation, and your consciousnesses will rise to unite in spirit to My great spiritual network of supplication that exists in the great Celestial Kingdom, from where I come to deliver My Words of Love to you.
Dear children, I invite you once again to place your minds and especially your hearts in the Heights, in Heaven, in the Universe, because that is where you will find inner peace.
I thank you for postulating to be part of My Praying and Supplicating Armies of Heaven!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Thirty-eighth Poem
Most Holy Mother of Contemplation,
Sacred Guardian of the Relics of Christ,
Messenger of Your Son’s Word of Love,
on this day, we ask You
to help us integrally live
all the teachings of Christ
so that, in this definitive time,
we may be an example of Redemption and Grace.
Most Holy Mother of Contemplation,
help us so that each Word of Christ
may resonate like an impulse of Light within us.
Through the Gospel, may we be self-summoned
to serve God without conditions,
aiming to alleviate
the wounded Heart of Christ
for everything that He observes in the world.
Most Holy Mother of Contemplation,
teach us to commit ourselves to the Path of Christ
because, in adherence, we will help to prepare His Return
through works of love.
May we never lose the joy of serving
and recognizing that we are children of God.
When we manage to be divested of self,
we ask You, Mother, to take us by the hand
towards the path of truth,
where we will continue redeeming our lives,
which will be at the service of Our Lord’s
Plan of Love
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Eleventh Poem
Eternal Lady of Light,
invincible and immaculate Power,
Sustenance for those who need You,
Divine Love for those who seek it,
make us discover God within
so that any adversity or challenge may be overcome
through the spiritual assistance that You give us,
Divine Mother.
On this day, we ask You
that You may always guide us towards Your beloved Son.
That in the unconditional service of our lives,
we may recognize the Face of Christ.
That, in each opportunity to give of ourselves,
we may understand the importance
of the Plan of Love for humanity.
Thus, Most Holy Mother,
we will be free of ourselves
so that, each new day,
our surrender and offering may be deeper and deeper.
Dear Mother,
protect each one of our steps.
Help us to find humility and silence
in the rhythm of life,
because we aspire to imitate You
in contemplation and silent prayer.
Therefore, Mother, we surrender before You
so that Your most pure Heart
may bless us forever.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Today we reach the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new stage.
After these last months of retreat, My Maternal Heart has been able to contemplate, with joy, the maturity, seriousness and responsibility with which each praying heart undertook the mission of praying for peace in the nations; and I have also been able to contemplate, My children, the positive and global effect that this daily work lovingly built, in recent times.
For this reason, dear children, it is today that I can say that I love you and that I have always loved you, because I know that within you there are great possibilities of loving God and of helping to express, on the Earth, His Plan of Love and Redemption.
I want to tell the world that I have a strong praying army today, consecrated as Children of Mary, who already understand and live the importance of manifesting the Will of God.
For this reason, My children, never tire of praying and supplicating because prayer opens the doors of the Kingdom of God and the Grace, which is infinite, can be poured upon all of My children.
I invite you to continue spreading this important request.
I invite you, each day more, to open the doors of your groups of prayer so that more souls may be consecrated by the Mercy of God.
My children, keep this loyalty with Me. Let nothing make you doubt or oscillate because within this cycle we are building the triumph of My Immaculate Heart within each being.
Dear children, I encourage you to keep collaborating so that My Plans of peace may be concretized in humanity and all the conflicts may end.
My children, today I pour the power of the Light of God upon your souls so that, strengthened by faith and filled by wisdom, the Celestial Father may grant the world a longer period of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Feel, all the time, how God contemplates His Creation and, among all the infinity of the galaxies, universes and stars, how He especially loves the Earth.
Feel the unknown value that the planet Earth has and remember the experience in which He was a participant during the Life of Jesus.
Remember how God, being so great and powerful, made Himself small to be able to incarnate amongst humanity and teach them about the stages of love and of forgiveness.
Be aware of all of this, time and again, and affirm that, above each trial or difficulty, this truth of love always prevails, which is eternal and is transmitted from generation to generation.
Bring to your consciousness the meaning of all that the Father did for His children and how His Love, which is invincible, continues to work and act throughout the times.
Hang on to this Divine Truth; live through it so that every day you may be a servant as similar as Christ, Our Lord, was.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I receive all My children in My Maternal Heart, regardless of their condition and their inner state.
I am the Mother of infinite Piety, the one who contemplates, with eyes of mercy, the creatures of God and fills them with His Light and His faith.
I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I am the one who understands beyond all reason. I am the Mother who welcome the difficulties of Her children. I am the Mother who silently helps to resolve what seems to be impossible.
I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I am the one that listens to the pained heart, the wounded soul and the suffered spirit. I am the Mother who guides and shows the solution. I am the Mother who gives advice and supports the most difficult cases.
I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I am the Mother that helps Her most lost children. I am the Mother that protects the path of those that gave themselves to Christ.
I am the Mother of infinite Piety, I am the Mother that wants to take you to peace and to good. I Am who loves every child of God, just as they are, without preferences. I am the Mother who considers everything.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and, in this silence, contemplate the omnipotent Presence of God.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and contemplate the magnificent Creation through the Sun.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and contemplate the infinite Universe of the Creation.
Renew through all of this and, in inner communion, become a part of the Higher Laws.
Re-ignite in yourself your filiation with God and find the inner meaning of each learning.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and learn to feel the Presence of the Creator in all that exists, vibrates and manifests as Cosmic Light.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and find the path by which your spirit will return to the great Dwelling.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven and, with devotion, appreciate the One who created us, who loves us and blesses us.
Elevate your eyes toward Heaven to simply say "yes."
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May the Peace of Jesus be in your hearts so that, in this time, you may learn to live the end of cycles.
Today I illuminate you with My Star of Light of Bethlehem and I have come to ask you, and to announce to you that on November 30th I would like to see, in all homes, places of work, as well as in each Monastery of the Order, the Manger of the Sacred Family.
For this, today I give the mission to each one of your hearts so that they commit to collaborate in the manifestation of the Manger of the Sacred Family, so that in each space of prayer it may be present to bless you.
I wish that the place in which you will choose to place the Holy Manger be preciously adorned with Christmas garlands, thus creating a sacred space of adoration and contemplation.
With this request, My aspiration is that, from December 1st until the Nativity of your Lord, you pray at least three times a day the prayer that was once delivered to the Divine Manger of the Sacred Family.
I especially wish that within the Communities, during these days, you work in prayer at the foot of the Holy Manger of Bethlehem so that the hearts may remember, in this cycle, the importance of nurturing the spirit of fraternity, solidarity and compassion among beings.
I wish, My children, that those who accept to carry out the fulfillment of this request of your Celestial Mother know that, from December 1st until the date of the Nativity of Jesus, we will be working together in the reconstruction of the spirit of love within the families of the world, as well as in the healing of hatred, resentments and the lack of love that is daily generated among the servers of the spiritual path, and in the families that are most distant from God.
I would like to see the humble hearts internally preparing, every day, for the rebirth of the inner child, so that humanity may be healed, at least of indifference and omission.
Blessed will be those who comply with this request, because God will see how great the love in their hearts can be.
I thank you for responding to this important request.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children:
In the Celestial Universe Our Sacred Hearts: the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, keep in the center of Their Beings a spiritual replica of the Tabernacle of Jesus with the Most Holy and Divine Eucharist.
This Tabernacle of Jesus, both in Saint Joseph and in his Celestial Mother, radiates to the world and to humanity the divine Codes of Redemption, codes that will allow to form the consciousness of the new humanity.
Thus, the Sacred Hearts of Saint Joseph and of Holy Mary, bring to the world this Divine Tabernacle as if the Mother of the Redeemer carried in Her Arms the Child Jesus.
The importance of this Divine Tabernacle is that, so the souls can find in it, a safe door to redemption and to their own freedom.
The permanent devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, allows any heart on the planet to make contact with that mystery hidden at the spiritual center of your Celestial Mother and of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
The souls that dedicate their devotion to the Divine Tabernacle of Jesus through the Most Holy Mary and Saint Joseph the Worker, will acquire, spiritually, all the necessary merits, the same Merits attained by Jesus Christ during His public Life, His Passion, His Death and His Resurrection.
All souls that dedicate if only fifteen minutes, that pray, meditate and contemplate before them the power of the Mystery of the Divine Tabernacle of Jesus through Mary and Saint Joseph, will receive the Grace of a life blessed by God, the Grace of a divine protection in the time of death, the possibility of celestial atonement of all faults committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and also the Grace to be in perpetual communion with the Divine Son of the Universe.
For this reason, I come in this day to give you the Sacred Devotional of the Triune Union of the Chaste and Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, so that souls and all the planet may be worthy of the divine Merits attained by Jesus during His passage on Earth.
Sacred Devotional of the Triune Union of the Chaste and Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph
Union bead
By the invincible Trinity of the Sacred Hearts,
Eternal Father, grant us the Grace of fullness and of redemption.
Fist decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal sanctity.
Second decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of redemption.
Third decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal love.
Fourth decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal protection.
Fifth decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
Merciful Father, open the Doors to Your Divine Kingdom for us.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Contemplate, dear children, My Maternal Heart flagellated by all the mistakes of the world and by all the sins of indifference and omission.
Contemplate, dear children, My flagellated Maternal Heart, and see how much weight It is carrying to help to transmute humanity.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart, and relieve It from all the offences that souls of the world commit towards God.
Contemplate My Maternal Heart flagellated by seeing the priests of My Son in a deep indifference and pride.
Who will guide the flocks of My Son?
Contemplate My Maternal Heart flagellated by all the bad thoughts emanated by those who have closed their hearts to the Love of God.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart full of thorns of ingratitude and evil generated by the souls that commit themselves day by day with My adversary.
Contemplate, My children, My Maternal Heart flagellated by the actions of power over life, unfairly performed by humanity and by the ones who are most conscious.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart carrying the weight of the mistakes of all those who, in their spiritual illusion, believe that they are doing the right thing and forget the essential, forget Christ.
Contemplate with love My flagellated Maternal Heart and repair It at this time when much mercy will be necessary in order not to awaken the Wrath of God upon the consciousness. At this time, dear children, let us enter into prayer so that everything will be relieved.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart and share My pain, so that My cry will stop and My tears can be the most pure offer of reparation for all the bad actions committed.
Contemplate My flagellated Maternal Heart and do not forget to be in Me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Operative Groups of Prayer for Peace
In these times, My Divine Plans are to form praying souls, and at the same time operative ones, who take on the task of prayer as an essential commitment in their lives.
The operative groups of prayer are formed by consciousnesses that have already lived a life of prayer for a long time, or by souls that are just beginning the path of the life of prayer.
All souls that are placed in these groups wake up the gift of their devotion and are able to deepen on the path of contemplative life.
At this time, in which the planet has need of true pillars of prayer, the Divinity summons souls from different places so that they take on the fundamental task of responding to the greater call.
The operative groups of prayer are formed through their response to a planetary or universal purpose. The operative groups of prayer are based on a devotion to the Sacred Hearts, and they come together to build that bridge which will unite the Earth with the universe.
Thus, the groups work without receiving anything in return, because they understand that the need for prayer in these times is real.
The operative groups of prayer may also be spiritually integrated by different consciousnesses from different parts of the world that are connected to the Heart of each Divine Messenger, thus spontaneously creating a network of prayer that unites souls with God.
All the groups of prayer have a profile of union with the Divinity; what is important is that each consciousness enter this school so as to be able to receive the spiritual impulse that will sustain it in the end of times.
The groups of prayer exist as a loving service to the planet and to an indifferent humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who is united to the groups of prayer,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
A soul that prays with the heart is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it intercessor between God and the humans.
A soul that consecrates itself to a life of prayer is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it instrument of God in the world, door of His Mercy for the most needy ones.
A soul that seeks, thirsty and tireless, the Source of the Universal Life is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it precursor of the New Race, seed of the New Humanity which will live peace, forgiveness and redemption.
A soul that seeks redemption and walks towards the Infinite, without losing sight of the return to the Celestial Origin is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it light in the world, guide of the lost ones, safe path, an example to be followed.
A lost soul that extends its arms to Me is, for Me, favorite, because it represents My possibility of helping many more. I will call it reason of My coming to the world.
A sinful soul that repents of heart and seeks the forgiveness of God is, for Me, favorite, because it indicates to the Universe that this humanity is still rescuable. I will call it Divine Hope in the human heart.
A soul that does not believe in God, that does not seek Him, that does not repent of its sins and carries on causing evil in the world will also be, for Me, favorite, because this soul will impel Me to be tireless and My Heart will not leave this world until the last one of them has been rescued. I will call it Victory of Christ in the world and in the Universe because someday this Victory will happen.
My beloved, I wish with these words to say to you that all of the souls of this world are favorite before My Heart, each one of them will impel Me to pour over humanity a different Grace of God.
With the same love, perseverance and joy I will seek those who accompany Me and those who deny Me everyday because My maternal eyes know what they represent to God and just see, in each soul, its Divine Origin.
When My Eyes contemplate the world, they find in each being a possibility of the living manifestation of the Love of God, as well as it happened with My beloved Son Jesus because God Himself lives inside of each being, as well as He lives inside of Christ.
On this day I descend upon the world to bless humanity in a special way, I invite you to be My assistants in this blessing. It is in this way, My beloveds, that I ask you to put inside your eyes, My maternal eyes and inside your hearts, My Immaculate Heart and in this way, see each creature with My Eyes and feel them with My Heart.
Discover the magnitude that is kept in the essence of each being and help Me to awake the purest in each heart. Help Me to show this humanity that a Living God longs to live in its interior and this is for all, even for the most lost ones.
On this day, My dears, God calls you to contemplate Him in each being and, in this way, create a condition of Unity in order for Him to awake in the human heart and, thus, a New Race, full of God, may be a reality and not only hope.
I love you and I leave today My blessing and My gratitude to My dear Son, who with His effort, makes My coming to the world possible.
Pray, children of Mine, for all of the visionaries consecrated to My Heart so that they may be strengthened and firm in Christ in the times that will come.
May the Grace of God and His Peace be today in your hearts and in the whole world.
I bless you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
The times for maturing the consciousness have come. Nothing will remain hidden from you any longer.
For this, time indicates the moment of reflection, because by being trained by My Divine Spirit you will face the challenges of growing up and of learning.
On this path of transformation in which you are placed, you will learn to recognize what is good within you, that is, your deepest virtues. You will also be able to recognize, whenever you permit, everything that no longer forms part of the Great Kingdom of God.
So that you, children, may divinize your lives, the purification cycle will notoriously set the moment of liberating yourselves from the unconscious obstacles. The prayer made with the heart will show you the starting point to begin to work internally with the aspects related to the capital principles in this world.
By loving your purification, your consciousnesses will no longer complain, and your souls, united to God, will help, with your intimate permission, so that the times may first change within you before changing in the whole world.
You are invited to the search for the detachment of oneself and for the renouncement of human pleasures that have led and lead millions of souls to the abyss of temptation and chaos.
But you, children of Mine, with the spiritual consciousness that you have received through the sacred instruction, will be able to purify yourselves and to banish the customs that form part of the degeneration of the unspiritualized humanity.
My rays of light are poured over you today and a great mirror of consciousness reflects for all whatever must change in time, before the moment of the transition.
You are being called to get to know yourselves and to identify the situations that awaken and generate the obstacles, which as a consequence, prevent you to be able to take more steps.
Children, the root of every difficulty lies in the lack of control and in the impossibility that the spirit of each being has of expanding as it has been predicted that it would do in this world.
The whole humanity has become the result of a failed spiritual and mental act that was born out of the lack of obedience and love that Adam and Eve expressed in the beginning of this Earth. For this, the Eternal Father has been fair and also very merciful with all.
For those who are more conscious and who are committed to the Return of Christ, the Universe of God and His Infinite Divine Will, will propose the time to take the great step. For this, Heaven pours out Its blessings and sends its Messengers.
Do not allow, My children, that the roots of evil regenerate in your inner soils. With will, love and determination, cut the alliances with everything that makes the planet be in a constant stagnancy.
My Heart will help each one who sincerely, before the Plan, decides to work on their own selves and to get out of the illusion where the lower consciousness has placed them. Be attentive to My instructions, because many may believe to be doing the path, but indeed will be prisoners of their own things.
With internal and universal love I reflect to you the mirror of the One and Only Truth so that you may know how to transform yourselves and may delay no longer by feeding what resists the transmutation in your beings.
In this way, more conscious, you will be able to be soldiers in all the spaces of consciousness and thus you will help those who are more unconscious of the Universal Truth.
Meditate on the inner place where you find yourselves today. By reflecting on what I say, you will be able to perceive, through the deep prayer, where is what should be transformed in time.
Afterwards there will be no longer, possibilities of helping one’s own consciousness, but only to help the emergency that the world will present.
Today I invite you to the contemplation and to the meditation on the sacred word of your Celestial Mother.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who helps you to grow in consciousness,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloveds,
I come in Heart, in Spirit and in Divine Essence to announce the last time of Redemption for Earth. I return occasionally to the world to give new opportunities to those who, over the centuries, have preferred to continue in deep sleep instead of awakening to the life of the spirit.
Today My Heart comes as bearer of the Spirit of God and of the Divine Will to place in each heart and in each consciousness the awakened purpose, the Will of God for each one of His creatures.
My beloveds, as Mother and Queen of Peace I come to sow in the world a project of Life and of Redemption so that a divine and supreme life may bloom in the heart of humans, a divine and supreme life, a life of Love idealized by the Creator of all things.
But so that this purpose is manifested even those who are considered awake must convert their lives, because in this path of eternal and infinite transformation there will always be something guarded in the interior to be converted and redeemed.
Today I announce to the world the possibility of a new life, a life that is gestated in each heart, and that matures in one’s own interior before it is manifested in matter.
Many, over the centuries, have tried to manifest in matter a spiritual and sacred life, but they have forgotten that before everything this life must be mature in the inner essence of the being.
For this, the Divine Messengers of God arrive in this planetary moment, that announce the happenings of the world, and announce the Will of God so that through His word, His silence and His simple presence, they may transform the inner world of creatures.
My beloveds, if today the new life seems to you something distant it is because you still need to make it mature in your own inner world. The signs of a life that matures is the vision of the impossible and of the unreachable, as something totally within reach of your hearts.
For an essence that is awake the impossible stops existing, because the awakening makes it contemplate the greatness of God and of His Universes, and before the Magnificence of Creation nothing is impossible to them.
For this today I say to you that, in prayer, do not contemplate the world as your eyes can see it, but rather, contemplate it as your essences can idealize it. In this way, through the intention and through creative thought you will find the Divine Archetype and will help God in the manifestation of this Archetype in the material life.
My beloved and little children, great is the mystery guarded in the Celestial Universe, but if you trust My words and feed the pure intention of living them, you will be able to perceive in your hearts and, through this love, you will be prepared for the glorious Return of My Son and for the new life with Him on this Sacred Land.
I thank today each one of My children of Belo Horizonte because once more you have opened the doors of the heart so that My presence may come to redeem the world.
Through the devotion of your hearts, God finds breath and Peace; He finds the possibility of pouring His Mercy HHhover the world.
I bless you.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Contemplate, in My eyes, the imperishable Light that never goes out, so that it may illuminate your paths that lead you to the Heart of God.
Contemplate in My Mantle the eternal protection, so that you may risk to take the steps and, without fear, experience the transformation.
Contemplate in My Heart the flame that will sustain you in devotion and in faith, and that will not allow you to lose heart before the ordeals of the enemy.
Contemplate in My hands the perpetual, tireless and impassive help that will always await you to lead you to the Light.
Contemplate in My feet, sanctified by the glorious walk I have taken to the Kingdom of God, the secure path through which your little feet will also walk.
Contemplate, in My crown of stars, the Light of the Holy Spirit, which will appear even in the dark of night and that will appear from behind the thickest clouds that approach your lives.
In My Rosary, contemplate the unshakable faith and the eternal persistence of My Heart that prays day and night for the souls of the world.
Contemplate, in the roses under My feet, the permanent offering generated by My perpetual prayer, an offering that is adored by God and that represents all humanity.
Today, My children, I clothe your bodies with My Mantle, I cover your heads with My crown of stars, in your hands I place My Rosary and, under your feet, I lay seven roses so that you may follow My example eternally, an example that I bring to your hearts week after week, month after month.
I want you to accept this true offering of My Heart so that you can have a pure heart, a simple and humble life, a journey full of faith and absolute trust in God; and through the rosary in your hands, never forget that each step must be taken for your neighbor.
Experience the transformation as an eternal service of help to humanity and to the whole planet, which needs hearts Christified by the Love of the Holy Spirit of God; hearts ready to cross the threshold of a new race, a new humanity, based on Love.
My Presence at this time comes to show you the path which you must follow, until the moment you will meet My Son, and from then on, you will follow Him, in His glorified example of union with the Father.
My children, luminous is the end of this path of stones; I only ask you to be persistent and to follow the instructions left by the Messengers of God, for in this way, the stones will be opportunities for growth and not reasons for atavism.
My beloved, seek in My Heart and in the contemplation of My Sacred Image, the strength and faith that nourishes your spirits; thus, I will always be able to guide you and to accompany you, side by side with your hearts, on the trajectory you must experience.
Like water that flows in the river of life, allow yourselves to conform to the Will of God expressed in the instructions you have received; this way, you will free your beings from being in unnecessary suffering at this time.
Never forget to pray. Pray, pray a lot to achieve peace in the whole world.
I love you and I thank you.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
I bless My little ones in the loving power of Jesus so that your hearts may find the safe refuge inside the Celestial Temple of God.
Dear children, today I invite you to pray with the inner voice of your hearts, because in this exercise you will find the art of living the contemplation of the heart. Today I call you to exercise the contemplative prayer, which means, My dear children, to leave the heart, the mind and the spirit in the Hands of God.
This simple exercise, My children, will help you in the harmony and in the silence that you and the world need so much, a silence that will lead you to find peace.
Dear children, as Mother of Divine Prayer I prepare you for the moments in which prayer must be the sustenance for your lives. Dear children, this is why the prayer that is pronounced with the love of your hearts is so important, in this way your souls will be dialoging with the Most High, moment by moment.
I invite you to help the planet and humanity through the prayer of the heart. I invite you today to find meaning for your lives by means of prayer, your union with the Eternal Father.
In this way, dear children, your hearts will serve as instruments of peace, of love and of hope for the hearts that still remain closed to the call of God.
Your lives must commune at each moment with My Son. Your lives consecrated in Jesus will be Divine lives in the arms of the Creator, because the unfathomable Mercy must be the hope of a new way out for those who seek with the feeling of the heart.
Above all let us pray for peace, and remain in My Maternal Peace.
I thank you, dear children!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
While from Heaven, God the Father keeps His sacred gaze on all humanity, dear children, today I call you, as I do every day, to the reparation of the heart through prayer. An immense number of souls await the prayers of all the Marian missionaries consecrated to My Immaculate Heart; souls that, being distant from the path of sanctity, lead themselves through pathways that are contrary to the ones destined for their lives.
Therefore, My children, as a Mediator in this world of today, I call you to contemplate the Merciful Face of Jesus as the only path to the redemption of the heart. These times distract the souls more each day and conduct them towards intentions that distance their hearts from the path that leads them to God.
Today I call you to pray with all the heart so that God the Father may hear the pleas for the salvation of all His children in the world.
With a thorn thrust in My Maternal Heart, today I ask that through prayer you repair My Immaculate Heart so that as the Mother of Mercy I may be able to sustain for longer all the hearts that are losing themselves.
May all My children be conducted by My Maternal Heart so that all creatures may raise their arms and cry out for pity.
Dear children, it is time to become conscious of the life of prayer; a prayer that, by the divine power that it acquires, will be able to protect you in the moments close to the end of this cycle in the world.
You must be reborn through prayer as precious instruments in the Hands of God. All My children are called to collaborate with the planet. It is necessary that all of you know that someone in this humanity must intercede before the Creator.
For this, My Son has given you the shepherds. Pray for them so that the Holy Spirit may guide them in these moments.
I thank you for your prayers!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
Keep praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit and for Sacred Peace because many of My children are already approaching to live the conversion of the heart. And this conversion starts by recognizing oneself as a child of God that is redeemed by Christ and forgiven by His merciful love before God.
Know today dear children that I call you to hope and to persistence in each one of your hearts, in this way you may be before the Heart of the Father in constant contemplation.
Dear children, in the face of any external or internal situation in your lives I tell you to trust God and unite yourselves to the redeeming principle of My Son because in this way My mantle of protection will support you above all things.
Today I also remind you how important it is to be in adoration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus through the eternal communion with His Blessed Spirit of Love. Because those who are in Jesus find the strength and courage to transcend the limits of the transformation of their own heart.
Collect your hearts in the Heart of My Son because in this simple exercise of adoration you will allow the flame of compassion and of fraternal love to manifest for each one of you.
Open your consciousness so that the fountain of Graces that are helping a big part of humanity may come closer as a gift of peace and light over God on each of your hearts.
Know little children that I accompany you, but now the moment has come for your lives to mature as the fruit and for your hearts to grow as the trees. With the heart converted into a beautiful flower for the Creator, you will be in correspondence with the Plan of Peace for the world.
Let us pray for love of all My children. The task begins now, it is the time!
Thank you for answering and responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
As the Lady of the Pains I ask God for all My children so that My Immaculate Heart may intercede before each one of them. Today I ask you for more prayer with the heart so that God the Father will hear My supplications for the world.
Those who do not live the conversion of life, how can they overcome the changes that will happen for purification of the souls?
Remember My children, in contemplation and in renunciation from the heart you will encounter the true mysteries of the Will of God that humanity still cannot live.
My Heart wants to bring to you each day the presence of My Son so that you, imitating the Shepherd’s blissfulness, may dissolve through fraternal love the great evil that this world lives.
From epoch to epoch My Immaculate Heart brings a message for the conversion of all. Because of this, for this time, the conversion and the detachment from all faults through true prayer of the heart will allow you to live the reconciliation in the Lord.
Dear children, I carry on My face a tear that speaks about the pain of this humanity. I await in the hope that My children who are distant from God may approach themselves to Him. I pray for all of them and place them near My Maternal Spirit so that they reach redemption and conversion.
Humanity still must live acts of deep humility to be able to relieve the offenses that God’s Heart receives. For this, My praying children may relieve the heart of the Father through unity among souls, love among the hearts and peace in all places of the Earth. This will help the conversion of many children that need it.
The time of the calling is now, so little children, redeem, redeem, redeem what is still not redeemed, so you may please the Father for so many offenses that He receives from this world.
Be joyful so your hearts approach themselves to purity.
I thank you for answering My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more