In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In your Hearts, contemplate the planet and all life that dwells upon the Earth.

In a special way, contemplate the oceans and how they try day by day to re-create life within you.

In your Hearts, contemplate the deep sea, unknown species, plants, animals, the elements, and for an instant express gratitude, because there, in the depths of the seas, there are beings that are silently in sacrifice for the balance of the planet. Beings that, in front of human ignorance, offer their lives, seemingly small and insignificant lives that no one sees, so as to balance the planet, so that life may continue to exist within each one of you.

For an instant, just for an instant, express true gratitude.

On this day, I come to bring each one of you, in consciousness, to the depths of the oceans, so that in this way you may also learn to plunge into your own inner world, to come out of all superficiality, all appearances, all deception: when you are deceived, and when you deceive yourselves.

Plunge with Me, children, into the depths of the ocean. Feel its silence. Feel its peace.

Despite the agony of the Earth, the oceans generate peace for the world and, even during great storms, even when its waters become agitated, there is peace within them.

Learn to be like the oceans. Learn to serve like the oceans: in a silent way, deeply, in a transparent, true way, without seeking anything in return.

The ocean suffers from the greed and selfishness of humanity, it silences the bombs, the machines that drill its interior. The ocean silences its own pain, which is the pain of the Earth’s heart and, in exchange, it offers its life, air, purity and spiritual depths to the world.

If you want to go through the end of times, the transition between the old and the new human being, if you want to learn how to be before situations of chaos, if you want to learn how to come out of life’s superficiality and know who you truly are, contemplate the oceans.

In your prayers, be grateful for the life that dwells in the oceans, feel yourselves submerging into it's deep waters and, within them, where there is peace, cry out for your own peace.

Know how to endure the humiliations of the world. Know how to endure moments of solitude by contemplating the oceans.

The ocean speaks through its life. It speaks through its silence. It speaks through examples rather than through vain words. You should learn this from the oceans, for in these times the disbelief of humanity will not be healed through words, but rather through examples. The only way to teach, guide and lead beings will be through example. It will not be by speaking about peace, it will be by being peace. Therefore, learn from the oceans.

In the face of confusion, chaos, evil, silence your own interior, plunge into the depths of consciousness, remember the oceans and then, children, be peace.

In the depths of the oceans, the song of the whales and dolphins; the song of the oceans’ soul, which express themselves interiorly, are heard, where no one sees them. But those who plunge into their own depths can be healed by these vibrations.

In the same way, each one of you should express your own song, your own praise to God. Allow it to not emerge from the mouth, but from the depths of your being, and then, in these depths, allow those who listen to be healed.

May your prayer be just the same: may it emerge from the depths of your inner world, and may those who are touched by it be healed.

Does it seem impossible for you to be like the ocean?

If you are beings in likeness with God, all of Creation is mirrored within you. Do you believe that these are mere words, or are you willing to delve into this mystery and experience that which I am saying to you?

This is where humility manifests itself. Not in human efforts, but rather in the depths of consciousness.

Humility is not about thinking you are useless, that you are less than others. This is not humility, children. Humility is about plunging into the depths of your own consciousness and allowing the whole expression of your being to come from that which you truly are. And then, you can say to the world: “I am a Child, created in the likeness and image of God, as great and profound as He Is” and even so, your words may be full of humility, because God is the One who is great within you. He is the One who made you similar to His Heart, to His Consciousness, and to His Creative and Renewing Power.

Humility is to know who you truly are and to live from this truth. You are being called to this today.

Do not live on the lies of the world, on that which diminishes you and only manifests the human ego; its superficial aspects. Do not believe in the lies that resound in your own being, do not deceive yourselves. Live on the deep truth that dwells in your essences and, so that you may be capable of discovering and living this, meditate on the oceans.

Nature mirrors greatness, because it mirrors the Divine Presence and, even so, it is full of humility.

Have you ever been before a great valley, a sunset before the ocean, and felt how you are small compared to the greatness that they express?

They are Mirrors of God, just like you.

Have you ever been before a human and mortal being who expressed greatness, even in their silence and humility?

They are a Mirror of God.

Be Mirrors, be that which you were born to be.

Your professions, your skills, your chores, are mere expressions of human life, situations that are experienced on this path, on this trajectory to express God. But what you truly are does not end here.

Be servers, be excellent professionals. Do everything with the excellence of the heart and consciousness, but do not end here. Plunge more deeply, just like plunging into the oceans.

You may look at the sea and be charmed by its beauty, by the reflection of the Sun and the Moon on its waters, but within it, there is more. This is the way you are.

Just as you look at the oceans and your eyes have a limit, your vision is not able to reach the whole sea; so it is for the human consciousness. Up to today, your eyes have had a limit, they can only understand that which they can see, that which their sight can reach, but this does not mean, children, that this ends here. There is more… there is a lot more…

There is more within you, there is more within your neighbor. Do not be deceived by what others are like, do not enclose them in their personalities, if they speak loud or low, if they tidy their bed upon rising or not, because there is more…

To help the human consciousness express this depth, you must also be able to look at your neighbor and know that they do not end here, that a consciousness as infinite as the Divine Consciousness itself, that a Universe dwells within them. And a great mystery, as deep, perfect and full of life as the oceans, also dwells within you.

Help one another overcome superficiality. Do not decree the defects, miseries or peculiarities of your brothers and sisters. May your eyes gaze upon that which is spiritual, that which is Divine and must multiply, and that which must be revealed, I should add, because in these times everything already exists within you, the mysteries are there to be revealed, to be discovered by those who dare to live this. And the expression of this mystery lies in the talents and gifts that the Lord will come and seek within each one of you.

This is why, day by day, at each one of My opportunities to come to the world, I ask you to come out of life’s superficialities and, even if only for an instant, contemplate the oceans. Contemplate the infinite ocean that dwells within you and, from it, children, discover who you truly are, find the likeness with God and allow Him to express Himself through your lives.

The more that this life grows within you, the more talents can be expressed, and this is how they multiply. Through a Word and a Grace that you receive, allow them to resound within you, and allow for the emergence of a little more of what you are. Then, the talents will multiply.

I know that you will leave here and meet your lives again, with your families, your difficulties, your inner miseries, your idiosyncrasies, but I only ask you to always remember My Words: even if just for a moment, think of the oceans, and remember what you truly are.

In this way, you will find keys to deal with life's situations in a different way, and thus, little by little, build a new life within life, and a new being within your being.

This is the greatest service that you can render to humanity in these times.

When you contemplate the agony of the world, wars, natural disasters, the lack of respect between hearts, the violation against the Kingdoms of Nature, children, remember that the greatest service you can render to the world is by plunging into your own inner worlds and by being who you truly are, allowing the Creator to express Himself, to see through your eyes, to think through your thoughts, to speak through your words, to act though your hands and to feel through your hearts. And in the deep ocean of your inner world, may God manifest Himself and make Himself felt on the surface of these seas, on what they can express on Earth. This is the greatest service you can render in these times.

In this way, your volunteer work will be more than just volunteer work. Your prayers will be deeper, they will reach farther places and generate more merits. Your presence on Earth will make more sense, and you will go through this world while living with plenitude, even if you have expressed this ocean for just one second.

This is what I wanted to tell you today. This is the state of consciousness toward which I would like to lead you.

Stay in it, plunge more deeply, and you will find the answers you are seeking, you will find the Graces that you are asking for, you will find healing, you will find peace, because peace is not in that which the world offers you, but rather in that which you can offer to the world.

You have My blessing for this.

In the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I bring you the Reliquary of My Heart, a spiritual and divine Reliquary that contains within itself the path that I have trodden since I emerged as an essence from the Heart of God.

May this Sacred Reliquary be like a door for you, an entryway to the Celestial Kingdom through humility, yielding, surrender and, above all, children, renunciation, a gift that elevates you and brings you close to God, as it drew My Heart close throughout the course of time.

Today, contemplate within yourselves, the Reliquary of My Heart, not just to look at it, but also to enter into it, to discover what is held beyond this Humble Heart that comes to the world, simply to be a bridge.

Close your eyes and see in front of you a Heart that beats within a Reliquary of wood, which signifies the humility of the one that was molded by the Creator throughout the course of time.

See how this Heart opens into a great light that embraces you, envelopes you and carries you into a new reality. Cross this light and, beyond it, find infinity.

Just for an instant, allow yourselves to live as essences, and not as human beings; let your essences feel and live this experience.

Let your body dissolve, for an instant, into the infinity of this celestial universe; here, contemplate the stars, the galaxies, the suns, the universes, and allow yourselves to go beyond.

There is a great Light, there is a perfect Source that, like a magnet, calls you to return. Feel yourselves drawn to it and enter into it; feel this white brilliant Light that pulsates in a deep silence, that envelopes all Creation, a silence more powerful than all words and all sounds. From this silence comes sound, from this Source emerges the Word. Allow yourselves to be in the Heart of God.

Within this great Light, contemplate an altar. Perceive the angels, the archangels and the choirs of the blessed, that with their spirits sing a sound, which can be heard with the spirit.

The angels, prostrate before the altar, adore Creation, finding in it all types of life that manifest on this planet and manifests in other worlds, beyond the Earth, in other universes, in other evolutions.

Feel yourselves as small as nothing and, at the same time, children, experience being alive in everything. Feel the Kingdom of God. Let each cell, each atom, experience this Kingdom, and discover it within itself.

Now begin to feel how this Kingdom expands from the inside out. As if within your hearts there were a great explosion of light taking place. And that Light, which you contemplate in infinity, manifests within you. In it exists all attributes, all gifts, all virtues. In it is all of Creation.

Feel, children, how God manifests Himself within and outside of you. Feel all of life in your essence, each creature, each being, each essence.

That which you manifest as a group is like a great infinity, in which each consciousness is represented through the particles of light that live within your atoms. Understand unity in this way.

The Celestial Church, children, is not a construction that floats in infinity, in the Celestial Universe. The Celestial Church is this inner temple, where Creation is recreated, time after time.

The Celestial Church is what I reveal to you today: this Kingdom that dwells within you and which is called "Temple", so that you may understand that which is Sacred.

What I bring you today must not be understood with the mind, it must not be felt with your emotions, but rather experienced by your essences.

In this Kingdom is held all of life. Within you is held all of life. For this reason, understand that in this same way, My Heart beats in your hearts, and your hearts beat in Mine.

The time has come for humanity to understand the unity that justifies their existence, that reveals their purpose, and that is not only life on Earth, but a unity with all life.

I have already told you all these things many times; in many ways, I have brought you this Kingdom. But today, children, I place you within It. I reveal to you that this Kingdom lives within you so that you may remain in it, in Its revelation, all the time.

Many seek universal realities and many cling to the reality of Earth. Many aspire to a higher knowledge and want to know more, want to meet the life that manifests in the universe, like in the interior of the Earth and upon all the planets. And others cling to what they know about the Earth, they believe that the Kingdom of God is just this life.

And ignorance manifests in those two ways, because universal life goes beyond everything that you understand, in the same way as life on Earth.

The time has come to transcend matter, the matter that dwells in the universe, like this that dwells on Earth, because otherwise, you will not be able to manifest the Kingdom of God, live It or be It, because that is your spiritual mission, for this you were created, for more than a dialogue with God. Your mission is not just to listen to the Voice of the Creator, but to live It, recreate His Creation, experiencing His Presence within you.

The time is approaching, when all the illusion experienced by humanity will fall apart. And it will be in that moment, children, that the memory of My words must emerge within you, must transcend the human condition, the mind, the understanding, the feelings; it must dissolve them in the revelation of the Divine Presence.

What dwells within you, not even the angels and archangels can live, this is why you must not cling to the things of the world, not cling to everything you lived in the universe before coming to the world, because everything was a lesson so that you could get here.

I do not want to diminish existence with what I tell you today, but I want to lead you into a profound spiritual experience, so that you can experience something that goes beyond, something that you have not lived at any moment in your evolution, but that time will arrive to be experienced, and that time is not far away.

In this time of the planet, these two realities confront one another. The human condition seems to be more real than ever and beings experience that battle, many times without understanding it.

The Universe of God, His Celestial Kingdom, pushes from the inside out and aspires to manifest, and your human condition resists and tries not to break, and affirms itself in all the spaces of the consciousness that it can reach: in matter, in mind, in feelings, the body, the consciousness and the subconscious.

As much as that has strength, it has no power. Power comes from spirit, a spirit that shouts and expands within you. Listen, children, this crying comes from the essence. Let this force that recreates Creation reveal itself, manifest itself.

Everything that I am telling you is achieved through three keys, which in truth are one: humility, renunciation and surrender.

Through humility, all doors will be opened for you, so that you not only understand all the sciences and be knowledgeable about all life, but you will also be able to go beyond that and live the revelation of the Divine Presence, of the human purpose.

Through renunciation, you will be free of yourselves, of all human concepts, of all your wills and aspirations, and your most spiritual goals; empty of all that which you believe you know, of all that which you believe you have gained as experience.

Through surrender, everything will be accomplished, because you will be like that essence suspended in infinity, like in the infinity within yourself. You will love the nothing and you will discover everything in the Heart of your Creator. Everything I tell you today, I can say, because I experienced this, little by little, step by step, throughout My evolution.

Your challenge today is to live it intensely, in this end of times, in an accelerated way, intense, and you are ready for that.

Just like all of life, My Heart will beat within you, all My instructions will resonate in this great silence that holds, not only all sound, but also all wisdom. For this reason, children, look for that within yourselves, in prayer, whenever you need it.

When you feel that matter is struggling against the spirit, and your human condition seems to have more strength than your essences, simply become silent and look within yourselves for that source of life. Place your forehead upon the ground and cry out to God so that He may manifest from the inside out, and from the outside inward, encompassing all the spaces, defeating all battles, revealing His triumph within your lives.

Do not seek to understand what I tell you, but experience it. Contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart, you will always find this doorway that will allow you to remember everything I told you so that you may experience it.

The Reliquary of My Heart is not an object that you will contemplate without understanding. The Reliquary of My Heart is simply a symbol that allows your matter to remember spiritual life through the senses.

Through your eyes, you will open a window so that your essences may again find God, contemplating the Reliquary of My Heart. It is a profound science, which is not explained with the mind, but you will be able to experience it each time that you open your heart. For this reason, when you are before the Reliquary, simply remain in silence. Feel that, through your eyes, your essences can contemplate a path and journey with it.

I could be by your side, all day, telling you about all the things I have learned, but I want you to learn to find Me within you, in the same way with Christ, with the Virgin Mary, with God Himself and all His creatures.

The time has come for a more profound cycle and I warn you that, in the same way that this cycle is profound, your battles will also be profound and inexplicable.

Many times it will seem as if you have heard no instruction from the Hierarchy, and mundane life will express within you with all its strength. Observe this, perceive it, and return to the point of meeting with God within yourselves until, little by little, and with a great deal of effort, that battle may be won by the Creator within you.

Understand each other's tests, understand your weaknesses, but do not justify them through the human condition.

Help each other, remind each other that spiritual life dwells within. Elevate to the Heart of God. Remember that you are preparing the return of His Son to the world. Place your consciousness in that.

With My presence and My words, I bless all these elements on the Altar and I tell you that, in the same way that the Divine Messengers bless each sacred object, the priests also have the authority to do this.

All the gifts and promises that manifest in these objects, as a divine gift for souls, will manifest in the same way when the priests unite Heaven and Earth to bless you from the heart. For this reason, trust that all the medallions and all the sacred objects that will manifest over time will be carriers of Grace and of the divine promise, for all souls.

Bring the altar here with the elements for the Consecration of the Eucharist.

Friar Zeferias. 

Consecrating this Eucharist in My Presence, pray for all the priests of the world, so that the Kingdom of God in them may manifest always.

Friar Zeferias: On that night, when Our Lord celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples and apostles, He took the bread and elevated it to the Heavens, giving thanks to God for the sacrifice He would live for all of us, and the Eternal Father blessed the bread, transforming it into the Body of Christ. Jesus then broke the bread and gave it to His disciples, saying to them: "Take and all eat of it, for this is My Body, which will be given up for you."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen.

In the same way, Jesus took the Chalice in His Hands and raised it to the Heavens, and then passed it on to His disciples, saying to them: "Take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be poured out for you, for your salvation, redemption and remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until the end of times, when I am to return to this world."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. Amen.

Let us all together speak the prayer that the Lord taught us, uniting with this holy Communion with His Body and His Blood.

Our Father (in Portuguese)

Behold, here is the Body and the Blood of Christ, the Lamb of God, that removes the sins from the world.

Blessed are they who are part of this Supper of the Lord, because death will no longer touch them and they will know eternal life. Amen.

May the Peace and the Mercy of Christ descend to Earth!

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the word and I shall be healed.

We sound the bell three times, announcing the spiritual Communion of all souls with Christ.

Let the Eucharist be your sustenance and remind you, every day, of the true reason for your existence. In this way, children, the triumph of God will manifest in your lives.

Remember My words and all I have told you throughout the course of these years, and remember to find Me within you. I will be with you all the time. Receive My blessing and My peace, which will resonate within you throughout the centuries and into eternity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And to bid farewell, you will sing a song that will remind you that you must continue to sow love and the good within humanity.

Do not forget that I once requested that you never remain with resentment in your hearts, but that you forgive each other, be reconciled with each other, serve one another and let the world know the freedom that lies within asking for forgiveness, and loving one another as God loves you, so that peace may reign in all nations, so that good may reign in all families, and so that the Heart of God may triumph in all His children.

You will end this day by celebrating and sowing love in all of humanity, in all the Kingdoms and in the whole planet. I thank you.


Sister Lucía de Jesús: Let us sing in Spanish, "Sowing Love in Humanity."

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
