In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And through My Light, I come to touch the innermost depth of your being so that your most unknown miseries may be purified, and the center of your being, which is invisible in the eyes of the world, because it is anonymous and silent, may be part of My Project on Earth.
How many I have touched with My Divine Light throughout time, and when I made them feel their moment of liberation and purification, they doubted. But the light that I bring to you comes from Love, a Love that is still unknown and infinite. This is what is most Sacred that I have to offer you and your brothers and sisters.
In the face of a cruel and unjust planetary scenario that goes unpunished, I want the center of your beings, as a living flame, to be at the service of My Project. And I want all those who were once touched by My Divine Light not to forget it, because everything I give is not in vain but rather for an end, for an immaterial purpose. Therefore, make room within your consciousnesses for that which must still be liberated, transcended and transmuted.
However, today I do not invite you to look at imperfection but rather at the inner perfection, which God has placed within your essences and souls from the origin. Without this inner life present on the planet and in this time, great will be the difficulties for your Master and Lord to intervene in humanity and on the planet.
My pillars and my solid foundations on the surface of the Earth will only be established through the souls of those who respond to Me and live Me. I do not come to ask you for that which is impossible, I come to ask you for that which is true and which lies and eternally lives within you.
It is this Divine Life that in this time of planetary transition must descend through you by means of your spiritual life but also through your works of charity, good and peace.
In this time, I need to build the bridges between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God; and this will only take place through those who follow Me and live My Message, for innumerable Graces have been granted throughout the years and time, Graces that many of you and your brothers and sisters still cannot measure with your minds but only contemplate with the heart, a heart that is capable of feeling the Love of Christ and His omnipotent Mercy.
This desert will be arduous to cross, but I come as the Fountain that quenches all thirst and resolves any situation when souls trust in Me and My Word because My Word is fulfilled in the one who believes in Me and hears Me.
God has been so generous throughout time that, with His own Hand and His own Light, the Light of His Love and Grace, He manifested and granted this Work, the Work of the Hierarchy.
See how great is the charity of the Centers of Love on Earth, which receive and welcome souls, but also let them go without conditions or judgments. This is the silent work of Love of the Centers of Love of the Hierarchy, which does not condition but rather redeems, which opens the doors to the truth and so that all can be bearers of peace.
Behold the Centers of Love of Christ on Earth, which, in their solitude and anonymity through the Heart of the Hierarchy, contemplate the events in the end of these times and above all the events of those who were once touched by My Light.
Each gesture of Mine, as well as each Word, each Grace imparted as well as each Mercy delivered, is written in the Heavens, just as it is written within your souls. You must respond to this Grace, companions, because God observes you in His sidereal silence, in His cosmic withdrawal and in His omnipresent Power.
Brave are those who have come this far and those who will persist, because just as I transmuted and redeemed the world with twelve apostles, in the same way, with so few in this time I will make My Purpose persist in souls.
The door of Christification is still open and has not closed. Who will have the courage to cross it, to no longer be anything and so that the All may be in you, just as the All is in the Divine Son, the Firstborn?
Meanwhile, in this cycle of reconstruction of the spiritual foundations of this Work, the Laws are reestablished again, and this places souls before their own reality but also before their own commitment, which they cannot forget was signed in the Heavens.
Value all this before My Presence withdraws, because when this moment comes, which is not very far away, you and your brothers and sisters must bear testimony to that which, for many years, you believed and received through Me in trust, fidelity and will, because it was for a Higher Will that is unknown and incomprehensible to this race.
Thus, My work will be perpetuated in consolidated and firm hearts, in willing and decided souls that know how to be instruments on the surface of the Earth to reflect, in simplicity and humility, the Christic values, all that which I have shared with you throughout time, just as that which I shared in the past with My apostles.
For this reason, do not forget to love one another as I love you. In this way, you will be aware and have knowledge of everything, you will understand and accept the life of your fellow beings and your brothers and sisters, you will have your hearts open to welcome the one who suffers and even the one who is purifying, because all are equal before God, because you are His children on Earth, in the Eden that He has entrusted to you since the beginning.
And thus, He sends Me so that, through the Light of the Love that touches and contemplates you again today, Aurora may offer its brilliance and its immeasurable and anonymous Light, as it has always done. In this way, you will know that you are before a mystery that you will feel in your hearts due to its vibration and Grace, the Grace that gathers you time and again, and that reminds you of the Brotherhood.
On this second day, empty your hearts and consciousnesses so that I may reach the innermost depths, where you cannot reach. Because in this time of purification and challenges, it is My Spirit that gathers and helps you, just as I have always done from the beginning, from the first day you said yes to Me.
Do not fear that which you cannot endure, do not suffer with that which you cannot transform. Because if, in his imperfection, Peter walked upon the waters and almost drowned because he doubted his faith, I will come just as in that time, in the storm of the night, when everything will seem very difficult, to bring the Light to the world, that infinite and invincible Light that generated and created the Son of God and made Him be born in the manger of Bethlehem.
It is this Light that will come in the right hour and at the opportune moment to save you and save many more who, in the world, suffer the horror of wars, the wickedness of hunger, the suffering of disease, loneliness and abandonment.
Let the children come to Me, the smallest ones in the whole world, because the Kingdom of the Heavens will always be theirs, because through them you will remember your own original purity and essence.
May the stigma of hatred, vengeance and wickedness be transmuted by the inner power that dwells in Aurora so that many more may have the Grace and opportunity of redemption.
May the time of hope be fulfilled.
May the time of renewal be reflected in My apostles, in those who are decided to rebuild My Work on the surface, because the Lord sees even that which is the smallest and most silent, because I Am there, in that which is the smallest and most silent. You will always find Me there when I no longer speak to you publicly, because in My Word lies the Water of Life, which quenches all thirst, which dispels all darkness, which reignites the heart that is dead in life. Because just as I resurrected Lazarus from the condemnatory death, in the same way, I have the power to resurrect your spirits if you allow Me to.
May the sheep gather in My fold; the Lord calls them to graze in the New Time, to take new steps in their service to the Plan.
May hope help you to endure these times, may it sustain the wounded and outraged humanity.
May families be the enclosure of love and peace in the oratories of the heart.
May the awaited time be fulfilled now and always. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles,
est béni.
Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.
(six times)
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Purify yourself in the Water of Life that I offer to you today. Contemplate before you the greatness of the gift, the manifestation of charity, of the providence and abundance of God through the Kingdoms of Nature.
Receive, then, this impulse of Light. Allow the waters to purify your being, hold nothing back for yourself at this moment, open up to the spiritual healing you seek so much. But do not do it through an intellectual thought.
Allow your spirit, which knows the essential, inner and spiritual life, to be the one who rules this moment so that you may attain the liberation from yourself.
My son and My daughter, this is the time of inner liberation. The Universe descends with Its Graces through the Heavenly Mother, because Her Graces are abundant, and also infinite. The Hands of the Mother of God and Her Immaculate Heart are filled with Graces for souls.
Who will be the depositary of these treasures?
This is why I bring you the power of the elements of nature, because I know that your souls need it to purify and liberate themselves forever. This Law of Purification, which rules the planet and humanity today, must no longer be interpreted or understood as condemnation or punishment, but rather as a powerful stream of life that helps consciousnesses for their transcendence and elevation.
Thus understand, My children, that everything is in its place at this moment. Although Our Divine Consciousnesses know that humanity is out of the Law, even so the universe of Our Graces, Prodigies and Mercies is infinite, they are greater than all error or grief.
I come here, on this day, in a simple and giving way so that My children in the world may imitate the Mother of God in Her total divestment, in Her selfless and unconditional spirit, in Her absolute trust in God and in the fulfillment of His Sacred Will.
I come to show you the path, lovingly. This is why today I point you to this fountain of Graces through these waters that descend from the deepest cores of the Earth and emerge to the surface in inexhaustible self-giving.
Avail yourselves of the spirit of the waters, their chastity and purity, their planetary and universal service, to cleanse the wounds of human consciousness. Thus, you will be able to understand, My children, the immensity of the self-giving of the Mineral Kingdom.
How many mysteries are still kept in nature, which are waiting to be revealed if the soul and the spirit of consciousnesses only place themselves before nature with reverence and love for what is sacred, for all that which Creation has manifested to them through the Kingdoms of Nature, which offer themselves for the evolution of human civilization and the awakening of all human consciousness.
Thus, you have the example and also the path to learn to give of yourselves and surrender in confidence, just as all of Creation does.
As the Mother of Life, as the Mother of Creation, I am here today to invite you, in the name of My Son, to enter the Water of Life so that your souls and spirits may be purified in peace, gratitude and in the hope that the promised day will come, of your own liberation from captivity, from all belief, from any personal idea, from every understanding that is not correctly united to God and is not a part of the Divine Purpose.
All these expressions of the human being of the surface are the causes that have generated the distancing of this civilization from the truth and reality that God proposes through His Spiritual Government, because it is important for all to remember that everything is already written in the Heart of God.
Through the purification of the waters, and also through the blessing of the waters, may each one live in this cycle the time of their own inner detachment and divestment so that, renewed by the Water of Life, which springs as Grace from the Heart of the Celestial Father, you may see the reality of these times with the same gaze of the Hierarchy, a gaze of compassion, wisdom and discernment.
I am here as your Mother, once again, to encourage you to live this cycle, for which the universe patiently awaits, for your and the whole world’s good and peace, so that the Divine Laws, which have been acting and working since the origin, since the beginning of everything, may continue to work and edify, just as God decrees.
May the waters bring healing and renewal to you, so that the world may be healed, renewed and re-integrated into the Principles of the Creator, through His Will.
Let us pray, My children, for many more to reach this cycle in trust, humility and resignation, loving the Absolute and Eternal God.
Behold the Slave of the Lord. Just as His Word was fulfilled in Me, may the Word be fulfilled in My children, may the Living Word of God be fulfilled in as many consciousnesses as possible, before the last time, the end time, is fulfilled.
I thank you for responding to My call!
May the waters of the planet heal the wounds of all those who cry out for healing and peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Children:
As the Immaculate Conception, I come on this day so that I may go with you on pilgrimage to Lourdes, so that, spiritually, we may gather the Water of Life that will purify the planet and all human consciousness.
With the Water of Life, the Mother of God will purify souls, so that they may recover the innocence that is so necessary and that is disappearing from the world.
Dear children, I will take you by the hand to Massabielle so that, like Bernadette, you may wash your faces with the healing water of Lourdes, because by washing your faces you will be washing away the sins of humanity and the offenses that the planet receives.
My children, your Heavenly Mother returns to Lourdes to pray for the sick planet and for the dissociated human mind, so that the creatures may recover peace and goodness, the inner communion with the Divine Laws.
I come once again to Lourdes to make known to the world the way of reconciliation and to remind My children that inner healing is possible. Thus there will be a more peaceful and less vengeful world, thus there will be a more fraternal and less indifferent humanity.
I will pray in Lourdes for the healing of those who have not yet experienced it, because it is My desire as a Mother that all may have the Grace to be healed and redeemed.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose o Peace
Dear children,
Throughout 2023, the trilogy of spiritual impulses will again take place, through My Son, Christ Jesus, the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and your Heavenly Mother.
Thus, in this year of 2023, devoted and prayerful souls will be able to avail themselves of three spiritual and divine currents that can place consciousnesses on the fastest path of redemption and conversion.
For this special reason, My children, I invite you to be receptive, vigilant and attentive to the precious instructions that the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will bring as the Water of Life to all His companions.
For this, dear children, the Three Sacred Hearts, through Their Words, will broaden the path for the transformation of the consciousness of human life. In this sense, each Divine Hierarchy, united as one Consciousness in God, will be able to help so that, in these critical times, open souls may receive more impulses from Our Eternal Legacy.
The Three Sacred Hearts of Christ Jesus, St. Joseph and your Blessed Mother, will contemplate the different internal needs in this cycle so that the praying, devoted and persevering souls of the Work of the Divine Messengers may feel cared for and accompanied.
Therefore, this year, St. Joseph will work every week through His weekly Messages, as well as through His monthly Apparitions. Thus, St. Joseph will be addressing different spiritual reflections that will allow souls to see and observe themselves on the path of transcendence and ascension.
Once again, the Three Sacred Hearts will be reaching out Their Hands in offering so that all who feel so, may be accompanied, just as they were accompanied since the beginning of the Apparitions in 2007.
Dear children, be truly open in this cycle in which the Divine Messengers will be closer, so that you may feel Our support, Mercy and Love.
Let us celebrate the Grace of having St. Joseph again this year.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
Today I bring you the jar of the Water of Life so that you remember that, through it, you will always be able to wash and purify yourselves. That, through the jar of the Water of Life, you will be able to renew and also sanctify yourselves, because My Son has given His own being so that you may find redemption.
I am the Lady of the jars of Water of Life, and just as in Bethsaja, today I come to purify you with this sacred element so that you may know, as of now, that all will pass, and that a better time will come.
So that this may be possible, it is necessary to do what is correct, it is necessary to live the Law and fulfill the Commandments.
Through the spiritual Water of Life that I bring to you today, My children, I come to heal your spiritual and inner wounds.
I come to bring you peace and to deposit it within your hearts so that this peace can fill you and renew you.
But I also bring you this spiritual jar of the Water of Life so that you prepare to cross your deserts.
This will be the great moment when, through the tests, each one of you will be strengthened and become aware of to what extent you have surrendered to Christ.
In this desert, you will find unimaginable things. You will see situations that you have never seen, and you will participate in realities in which you have never participated. But it is necessary to go through this spiritual desert, and also through this physical desert.
My Son needs that your definition may become present in the Sacred Books of the Father so that all errors that humanity makes at this moment may be justified and thus the Divine Mercy may keep acting in humanity.
Do you now understand, My children, the importance of your strength in Christ?
I am the Mother of the jars of the Water of Life, and as a Samaritan from that time, I come to quench your thirst, the spiritual thirst, so that you can feel quenched by what comes from the Divine Spirit, by what I bring today from the Fountain.
In your deserts, tests or moments of definition, invoke the Presence of the Lady of the jars of the Water of Life, so that My Son can renew you through Me, through the offering of My Immaculate Heart.
In the face of all that the world lives, your consciousnesses receive many graces, they are very much blessed, they are very much contemplated by God.
Your consciousnesses must be before the reality of the purpose for this moment, before the need and the planetary crisis, knowing that it is important that the apostles learn to go through the deserts and trust that they will lack nothing.
But in these deserts, it is very important to find solitude, the solitude that will speak to you in silence and will show you the truth. A solitude that only you can see and recognize. It is not emotional solitude, but rather spiritual.
It is the same solitude that Christ, My Son, attained, during His forty days in the desert, a moment in which He, for you, prepared to accept the chalice that the Father was offering to Him.
At this moment, each one of My children is within their degree of school and of evolution, each one at the doors of their own desert.
But you must affirm yourselves in the promise of My Son. He will return and will become present, once more, among you and in the world.
The moment the situation becomes more acute, you must not back down. An apostle struggles to survive in faith and to be a living testimony of the Presence of Christ, in order to be a sign that is not only sacramental, but also of service, of prayer, of selflessness.
These are the times when everyone will be tested. But they will also be the times when your talents must awaken and be available for My Son. He expects this from all His companions, from all His servers.
Thus you must enter the purpose of the plan of rescue, of consciously participating in the operations of the Hierarchy and of knowing that this is a time of great inner and physical, spiritual movements, not only in the purification of the planet and of humanity, but also of the entire universe, of the whole Solar System.
While the Real Time pushes the alternative clock so that the truth of the true time may enter, I invite you, My children, to cross the inner desert with bravery and to make of this moment a victory for Christ.
Therefore, today I come here, beloved children, to once again be with you, to deliver into your hands this jar of the spiritual Water of Life that I bring you, so that you can drink and quench your thirst, because there is still much to walk through in these tests of the end of these times.
The Father did not expect humanity to reach this point and this situation. Therefore, you must be aware of all that you receive and have, you must be thankful daily. There still lie, within the world, situations that are more difficult, severe, painful and unjust than yours.
Carry the cross in this unknown desert, which only you will be able to know. Depending on your steps, your actions, your offering, this desert will then be longer, shorter or it will be quicker for you to cross and to know.
Our words, instructions and teachings have prepared you throughout these twelve years for this moment.
The apostle of Christ is one who assumes to carry the Cross together with the Master, just as the Cyrenean did along the path to the Calvary. My Son is calling you to share the Cross that He still carries for the world, which is a harder cross than the one He physically carried on this planet. It is the spiritual cross, the cross of adversity, of uncertainty, of what is uncertain.
But the strength of Emmanuel will be upon you, as long as you recognize His Face, recognize the presence of His Heart and of His Life, which can beat like a flame of faith within each being, within each heart.
My children, be the testimony that My Son expects, be a part of the new scriptures of His Sacred Book.
Enter the state of the blessed ones and learn from all those who have purified, transformed and redeemed themselves, so as to someday reach the Eternal Father.
I am praying for all needs, for all hearts, and for all causes. But now is the moment for each one of My children to do their part, the hardest and most demanding part; which will mean the possibility of Grace descending upon humanity or not.
You know that humanity is mistaken, that humanity makes compromises with the forces of evil. But you must think, every day, of this Love that comes from the Source and that can do all; this Love that was capable of shedding Blood and dying on the Cross for all of humanity so that today humanity might be here, present on this planet, and might be forgiven.
I invite you, My children, to be this Light in the darkness, this Light that My Son invites you to be a part of, the Light of His Divinity, the Light of His Spirit.
Seek, at this moment, to see reality, so that you may understand what we are saying.
Live My words.
I thank you, bless you and love you.
Under the Light of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My Grace never ends for the hearts that are dedicated. For this reason, today I bring you My Grace through this rain that bathes this Community, so that you may physically testify that, in these times, I am present with you and with the world.
Today I gather you all around the Cenacle of My Sacred Heart and I bring you a sincere and profound offer for your lives.
Today I bring in My Hands the sorrowful Crown of Thorns of your Master and Lord, which your Redeemer offers to each one of you, so that you may live this crown together with Me, in sacrifice and in rendition for all that is happening in the world, for all the souls that have denied Me, for those that wound My Heart.
But I will never deliver to you a greater sacrifice than the one that I lived, at that time, for each one of you.
This is the Crown that I offer you, the Crown that will transform you, that will redeem you and allow you to spiritually comprehend the significance of being with Me in this time, under the Light of My Grace and My Mercy.
It is for this reason, companions, that while I offer this Crown to each one of your souls, the precious Blood of your Master and Lord pours out upon the world through the Sacred Chalices, which the angels gathered during the time of the Cross.
It is in this way that I unite one time with another, and that, in the omnipresence of God, in the omnipotence of His Spirit, under the Glory of His Presence, I pour out the codes that you need today, to finish purifying your lives and consciousnesses; so that, finally, you may be the spiritual and serving model that God expects.
But this will not be soon. The world must still experience many tests, such as what it experiences in this current time, in which frustration and fear encompass the human consciousness, in which the human consciousness cannot find the way out, because the time has come in which, through the merits of the powerful Blood of your Master and Lord, souls will surrender so that they may be redeemed and become definitely consecrated to the Plan of God.
The hour has come for the world to learn to look at God, to seek Him within their hearts and lives, to perceive and realize that many have not heard the message of Heaven.
Through the sacrifice of this Crown, which I offer today to My companions, to all those who listen, to all those who have been faithful to My Sacred Heart, to them I will be able to deliver a reprieve to all humanity, at this moment that the human race experiences, in the face of the tests it will face and go through.
Companions, I need the merits of My sorrowful Passion to be of value in this current time. Thus, in the next weeks, you will be able to re-experience the Passion of your Lord with another degree of awareness and discernment, so that this sorrowful Passion may continue being the key and the doorway that is opened for the redemption of the whole Universe, until your Master returns to humanity, at the most culminating and difficult moment for the human race.
It will be through sacrifice and rendition that you will be able to live through the Spiritual Crown that your Master and Lord offers you today, that your souls and your Guardian Angels may justify before God all the mistakes committed by those that have been close to you and all those who are in the world, persisting in unfaithfulness, in the lack of transparency and consecration to God.
I offer this Spiritual Crown so that your lives may be the perfect justification in the face of the Justice of the Eternal Father, so that He may grant the world a greater time of Mercy, Peace and Redemption for all the beings that need it, in an urgent and immediate way.
Through My sorrowful Passion, you will be able to carry the sorrowful Spiritual Crown of your Master upon your heads, and you will offer your lives at the Altars of God, as a means and a perfect path to grant the world the great Grace it needs in this end time.
Today the rain of My Grace bathes your consciousnesses, purifies your hearts, neutralizes your minds and harmonizes your inner worlds, while I work with the whole world, in this hour and at this moment, where the forces of chaos, fear, panic and frustration are unleashed upon the Earth and the great and final war between Heaven and the hells is established.
Be aware of this. Live the fiery tension, in the vibration of neutrality and in the deep love that can be born and emerge from each one of your hearts; because while this battle has only just begun, everything is allowed, and nobody can stay behind without knowing the truth and without having the opportunity of being aware and taught to also face their own inner battle.
But if today I offer you the sorrowful Crown of your Lord, it is because you have already gone through other more difficult tests that, with striving and determination, you have learned to overcome in My Name.
But do not be afraid. It will be at the most acute moment in this inner and planetary battle when the Light of the Holy Spirit and of the Holy Archangels will emerge from the depths of the abyss to save the consciousnesses that were dragged by the illusion, the lie and the deceit of My enemy.
For this reason, through this Crown that I offer to you today, you will be with Me in rendition, and you will live your rendition consciously up to the limits of your being, without ceasing to receive the Mercy of My Heart.
I offered to the apostles this same Crown, and today I offer it to the apostles of the New Time, who are each one of you; just as My Mother spiritually offered this same Crown to the holy women, so that they could be faithful spouse to their Redeemer in the consecration and spiritual matrimony that each soul can live with Me.
Build this spiritual matrimony with Me, My companions and souls, for there My Love will be in you and you will be in My Love; and the Unity of God will be there; you will be within the safety and the necessary protection, and you will live this alliance that you so hope for and aspire toward, which My enemy, by all means, wants to stop and interfere in.
But it is in this inner battle that everyone is living, just as the world experiences the planetary battle, where you souls, hearts and lives will be confirmed and win, in the name of Love, the Love of your Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Do not desist, do not let yourselves fall, strengthen yourselves through My Presence and through the Eucharistic Adoration that I offer you, because you may fall, just like I fell for you, to save you and redeem you. But My Hand is there, reaching out toward you, for each heart of this planet, so that you may be able to stand up and hear that I am here, and I to hear from you: "Jesus, I trust in You."
I will not allow anything bad to happen to you, but it will depend on you, on each one of you, that this may be fulfilled, because I can intercede up to a certain level of the Law. And I must fulfill the Law for all eternity.
In this rain of Grace that I bring to you today, and through this message that I give to you today, I invite you to persist, to have faith and to be renewed because, through this meeting, I come to renew your souls, to strengthen your commitments, so that you may simply live the Will of the Creator.
In a very intimate and spiritual way, we offer this Communion, and you will re-experience with Me, during this Lent, the sorrowful Passion of your Lord, in the same way that today your souls are offered to the powerful Altars of God for those who do not offer themselves, for those who do not surrender, and do not allow themselves to be loved.
The purpose of all this is so that you heal inwardly and you may feel the joy of always meeting with Me, after so many tests and falls, but fortified by faith, by the Communion with My Body and My Blood, through Adoration, inner confession and through the Grace that today is being poured out upon the whole world.
Thus, we are prepared to make this offering at the Altars of God, because I have listened attentively to each of your souls and consciousnesses, in spiritual and inner confession.
May the sorrowful Passion of your Lord, at this moment of the offer, justify the errors of the world and of the souls that have ashamed My Spirit.
I entrust My Life to you, just as you entrust your lives to Me, so that we may be in a spiritual matrimony, perpetual and eternal, until the Divine Will is fulfilled. And today, I place your souls, hearts and lives before the scene of the Last Supper.
And surrounded by the angels, in eternal supplication, we remember that sacred moment when, after having anointed the apostles, after having purified them with the Water of Life, I gathered them together as I gather you and all those who listen from any part of the planet, to tell you to continue trusting in Me and to remind you, at this moment, of the greatest mystery of Love of all Creation, for humanity.
As more than two thousand years ago, today I again take the bread in My Hands, and offer it to the Father in reparation and justification for all errors committed, so that it may be transubstantiated into the Divine Body of Christ. And thus, I offer it to you, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body, which was given and is given for the unfaithful, for the remission of sins."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
In the same way, I elevate the Chalice of redemption and I offer it to the Father for each one of you and for the whole world. And this wine is transubstantiated for the forgiveness of sins. Thus I offer it to you, saying: "Take and drink, this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed even until today, by your Lord, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me."
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).
United at this moment with the mystery of Love of Jesus and for all the merits that He achieved until after His Ascension, united with His eternal and sublime Presence, with all the power of our hearts and souls, for humanity, the planet and all Kingdoms of Nature that endure and suffer in this time, let us pray together, the Lord's Prayer as an offer to consummate this consecration of the Body and the Blood of Christ.
The Lord's prayer (in Portuguese).
And now Our Father asked for the Lord's Prayer in English.
Lord's Prayer (in English).
We announce the Peace of Christ on Earth.
The offering that was made by each one of you was accepted by the Creator. I want you to know and remember this, so that when you need it, you may carry out the same practice, as you did today in My Presence, in simplicity and love.
It is in this way that the Earth will be redeemed and it will transform.
And before leaving this world, I want to end this meeting with you by telling you that I have felt in My Heart the ardent desire of the good, charitable devoted and adoring souls that will be present during the Sacred Week.
It is for this reason that, with the authority that My Father granted Me, I will be with you twice, in April and in August, since now in April we will be together, in this way, as in this moment. And in August, under the Grace of God and all your prayers, we will all be gathered here to celebrate the final Sacred Week.
And so, companions, from April 5 to 12, we will meet here in prayer, and you, from your homes, also praying for the world and for this planetary situation. And I promise to give you My Words so that you may learn, in this moment and in spite of the distance, to spiritually commune with Me, because that time will come, and the spiritual Communion is as valid as the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
But if you, from your homes, during these days of April, are united with Me like at this moment, I will also be there with each one of you, with your families, with your groups of prayer, in each one of your nations, sharing the Passion of your Lord and again renewing each one of your vows so that, in this way, during the month of August, we may meet again and celebrate the consecration of your lives to My Sacred Heart.
Do you accept this call?
I have heard it from the other side of the world.
But this time I do not need great sceneries. I need something like today, simple, so that your souls may submerge into the ocean of My Mercy during the days of April.
We will meet from April 5 to 12, and I will meet with each soul and with each one who prays, through this means of communication and, in this same way, so that we may pray together for the most important Mercy that humanity needs to learn about, to overcome its tests and difficulties, the tests that are coming.
Before I leave I want to thank you, at this moment, for the work of Adoration that is being offered by all the adorers and by the adorers not yet consecrated, who I will have the joy of consecrating in the month of August, when they will be strengthened to live this silent task with Me, in the unceasing search to bring peace and harmony to humanity.
I give thanks for all the adorations that are offered and I invite those who have not gone deeper in the Eucharistic Adoration to do so. Drink from My silent Presence and the enemy will not find you.
I bless you all, all those present, all those who listen, because on this night I have felt the true inner presence of the souls that still struggle for their transformation and surrender.
May the Light of Grace fill you and bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To end, I have requested a song that delights My Heart, that brings tranquility to My Soul and motivates Me, in spite of all that I see, to return here, from where I can give the world My message.
The song is called "That which I am, that I give You."
I thank you.
A new alliance is instituted between Heaven and Earth, between the peacemakers and the Lord.
Seated at the table of redemption, The Master purifies the spirits of each disciple, washing them with His Water of Life.
The Lord washes their heads so that the Holy Spirit may baptize them with its Gifts.
The Lord washes the hands of His disciples so that they may live, from now on, a life of integral unconditional donation.
The Master washes the feet of His disciples, just as He washed the feet of His apostles in the past, so that they may tread the path of purity, of resignation and of obedience.
And thus, everyone is prepared to celebrate the internal and spiritual communion with the Holy Chalice of the Lord.
The most impure sins have been dissolved. The deepest doubts have been clarified.
The sense of purpose of each soul is revealed today. No one will be a prisoner of ignorance.
All the disciples of Christ are now aware of the responsibility of their commitment. Thus, the Plan of Love is drawn in the consciousness of those who welcome it, because by being touched by the Light of the Spirit of God, they receive a Grace that they do not deserve.
The moment has come. The Holy hour has come.
The Holy Chalice is taken from the altar by the hands of the Supreme Priest.
All revere this new event. The legacy that was once entrusted to this race awakens again like a tender remembrance in the heart of those who truly said "yes".
The Saintly Chalice is raised.
The sacred formula of consecration is pronounced by the Highest Lord, and His disciples, prostrated on the ground, receive the inspiration of the Sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit.
The covenant is consummated again, but this time the Lamb will not go to the slaughterhouse; Its Blood was, is and will be the testimony of the celestial victory throughout the ages and generations.
The New Christs will repopulate the Earth and finally, peace will be the breath.
Thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
When Heaven opens before your eyes, just give thanks and revere the Father, Who came to call you by name to respond to His call.
The Will of God is unique and unchangeable, but throughout the evolution of humanity, it finds different ways to be expressed and manifested.
The Will of God is like water flowing from a pure fountain, on the top of a mountain, and evolution is that great mountain through which the water of the Divine Will flows to reach beings. Although it finds different paths and flows with different intensities, the water is the same, and the fountain is eternally pure.
You, child, must receive this water that comes into your life with joy, so that drinking from it, you can be strong to follow the path that leads to the Source and walk back to the bosom from where this higher Will springs.
The Will of God is shaped by the obstacles of life and the possibilities of human beings. The fewer stones along the way, the more it flows, it reaches those who are thirsty in a greater intensity. You must only follow this Divine Will, without placing more stones within the river of life. But when the stones belong to the human consciousness as a whole, it is enough for your heart to keep drinking this water and to carry it to those who are thirsty, drop by drop. The river will always flow and you will find a wider way to expand its waters at the next bend.
This is a time of many obstacles for the river of Divine Will, but it will be enough to persist and always be willing to experience it, to generate merits so that a moment of greater fluidity of this Will emerges for all humanity.
Meditate on what I tell you and, with this image within your heart, climb this mountain of return to the Source and do not become tired of walking.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Observe within the signs of nature, the expression of the spirit of the Earth. Through the elements, sense the deepest feelings of the planet that shelters you.
The Earth lives and expresses through the Kingdoms, giving humankind knowledge of the intensity of its heart.
When the winds stir, rains fall and lightning ignites the skies, lighting up that which the clouds had darkened, feel the Earth liberating hearts and let your spirit also be cleansed by its water of life.
When the sun shines on the horizon and the blue sparkles in the sky, painting the air of the Earth with a new day, you also experience the renewal that the elements bring, and thank the Father for the opportunity to begin again.
Like the Kingdoms of Nature within their seasons, child, let yourself be transformed by life. Revere the cycles that the Earth brings you and live each moment with gratitude, for in all things there is a message from God, for you.
Enter into yourself by facing Nature, so as to enter into the depths of the Earth and become a knower of its science and its spirit.
Life has a lot to teach you, it is enough that do not go through it with indifference and superficiality.
Contemplate the depths of the All and one day you will truly understand why you are here.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If the Eternal Father did not send Me to the world every day, humanity would have no way of freeing itself from errors and oppressions.
For this reason, during the Hour of My Mercy, the powerful Spring of My Heart opens so that souls may be bathed by the most powerful Light that is born of My Merciful Heart.
When souls call for Divine and unfathomable Mercy, no matter where they may be, I approach them to give them to drink of the Water of Life.
If those souls place the planet and humanity in their prayers, the world also benefits and many sinners are forgiven through the expiation that I grant them.
Each time souls unite with My Mercy, a part of My Consciousness approaches to help them. If that help is truly asked for, the spiritual intervention becomes even broader.
Thus, it is important, in this time, to have in mind what the Mercy of My Heart represents, because the more the power of My Expiation is invoked, the greater the spiritual benefits are for souls and, in this way, your lives will change.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Place your heart in the Heart of God to start a new cycle. Open yourself so that life may manifest for you in a different way.
In these times, child, in which Earth starts to enter into the Real Time of the Universe, you will experience and feel things that are sometimes incomprehensible or inexplicable. Feelings from the past will emerge in your consciousness, at the same time that sensations from the present manifest. In the same way, with intensity, within you will be an aspiration for what you will experience in the future, and suspended in this transition between what you were and what you will be, the only thing you can do is to calm your heart in prayer and place it in the Heart of God.
There is no way of not participating in the tests of the planet. There is no way of not experiencing the consequences of this transition. But, yes, there is a way of experiencing all of this and not losing peace: by placing your heart in the Heart of God and remaining there in prayer.
Let your being become purified and experience what you need to experience within so as to cross this threshold. It will not be so simple to transcend an ancient retrograde human condition, but always remember to place your heart in the Heart of the Father, because in Him there will be relief, there will be a breathing space, there will be peace.
I bless you, today and always, so that immersed in these so accelerated cycles of continuous transformation, your being dives deeply into these waters and opens to the new, but always finds, in the Heart of God, the space where it can breathe, so as to be in peace in the tests of these times.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as in a previous cycle, I conducted you through the path of humility, of service, which goes beyond the works of charity, and I also taught you about the love for the Kingdoms of Nature, and now, children, I come to teach you to elevate yourselves beyond the human condition.
As a divine contradiction, in reality, children, I come for you to know the Truth and diminish the power of illusion. Your hearts are anchored on the Earth because you do not know the Truth about yourselves, nor about God, His Kingdom, His Plan; you do not know the Truth about Life and you spend the days of a unique cycle of definition identified with something that is not real.
The Time of God is approaching and nothing nor nobody will be able to stop this event. The definition that marks this cycle talks about how each being, and the consciousness of the planet itself, will cross the threshold to a New Life. Will you become dust like everything that comes from it? Or will you leave the dust to the wind and allow the nothingness, which you seemed to be, reveal the unity with God and make you part of an infinite Whole?
I come, in this cycle, to help you to define your paths. It is not that the voice of just one Messenger is not enough, because God in Himself, in His silence, is sufficient, but the presence of three Divine Messengers, instructing humanity in a unique and extraordinary form, never seen before, is the symbol of the perpetual Mercy of God; during a time in which the traits of His Justice have already began to appear, as in the writings of the Sacred Books, which dictate the destiny of humanity.
Therefore, children, in this cycle, let gratitude permeate your hearts and drink from the Words of God as a thirsty being who knows how to value each drop of water that is offered to them. This is the Water of Life in a time of spiritual thirst. Drink and multiply this gift for the world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Enter and dive into the deepest abysm of the Mercy of Your Lord.
Let yourself be flooded by an unfathomable mystery that is beyond Grace, and often beyond Divine Justice.
Allow your being to discover the Infinite Love of God that is hidden in the depths of His Mercy, and bathed in this healing balm, restore in you and in the world the most painful wounds, and the apparently indelible marks of human consciousness.
Where it is most needed, there is the abyss of the Mercy of Christ, as an inexhaustible Source and a divine answer to all the clamor emitted with the heart.
Come and give your "yes" in the name of humanity, so that this Source may surge and overflow upon the world to heal it and restore it in its most intimate spirit.
Pray and cry out in the name of humanity, asking the Father for His luminous abyss of Mercy to be revealed to the world so that humankind may know not only the God of Justice, but also the God of Mercy.
Discover that every sin can be healed and every debt is justified by the Blood and by the Water that, poured out from the Body of Christ, made the Source of infinite Mercy for the world be born.
Before true repentance and surrender proclaimed with the heart, all souls can become worthy to drink from the Source of Divine Mercy.
Therefore, child, go, and, at the Feet of God, pray for an opportunity and repent from the heart.
If your sins seem small to you or if you are not aware of your debts to God, cry out anyway; ask the Father to replace the dark abyss of your miseries with the deep and luminous abysm of Divine Mercy and never tire of crying out, not only for your salvation, but for the salvation of the whole world.
Mercy is the answer to souls who have lost hope and, if they are ignorant before this Grace, cry out yourself for them so that they receive an opportunity to raise their eyes to God and realize that He has always been there with His Arms open, flowing from His Chest an eternal stream of Mercy, which many cannot see.
Allow your heart to know the Divine Source of Mercy and let your soul awaken the devotion, the love and the faith that make it a bearer of this Mercy for the world.
Love to know Divine Mercy; love to be an intercessor between God and the lost souls that do not know and do not seek His Mercy.
Just think that while you try, while so many souls are lost, the Source of Mercy overflows in the world like a river that passes before someone who is thirsty and cannot see. And you, child, can be the finger that points to the waters and, through your sincere prayers, in the levels of the spirit, obtain merits so that those who are most in need may reach Mercy.
Understand this mystery and, before a world full of sins and perdition, love to be a bearer of Divine Mercy and, even if it is in solitude with God or in your most silent actions, cry out for Mercy and be Mercy for the world.
The Divine Messengers arrive to Poland not only to heal the deep wounds of a suffering nation, but above all, to renew the commitment of humanity with Divine Mercy and to teach souls to be instruments of Divine Mercy for the world.
Embrace with the heart this Mission that God gives you and wherever you are, be a bearer of the Mercy of Christ.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When souls, on the days of the Marathon of Prayer, invoke My Divine Mercy, they resemble the golden spikes in the fields and My Kingdom, shining in the splendor of prayer.
This allows the Faithful Gardener to water the gardens, valleys and fields of the soul with the renewing Water of the Divine Mercy.
In this way, the most serious faults committed by humanity are forgiven, because the prayer of that soul who calls out for Divine Mercy grants a spiritual and immaterial atonement, completely changing the course of the planetary events.
In the same way, the souls that pray the Rosary to the Mother of God, not only become roses in the Gardens of Heaven but also the prayers for peace in the nations of the world cyclically revert very serious errors from the past and present, and change, by the same power of the Rosary, future events, conceding, thus, a spiritual reparation for the praying souls, as well as for the praying nations.
Stop for a moment, with detachment and humility, apart from concrete and visible results, and imagine how much the sincere prayer of someone who prays can help and, furthermore, how much the prayer of hundreds of souls in the world can spiritually intercede.
If souls truthfully fully trusted in the superior power of the prayer of the heart, soon they would know the inviolable mysteries that are kept as a divine and spiritual treasure.
I encourage you, companions, to value each moment of prayer and, first of all, to give thanks to the Eternal Father for being able to pray each new day, in order that the greater help may come from the Celestial Universe and intervene within all impossible causes.
Whoever wishes to know the power of prayer submerges in it daily.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you now and always,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My beloved Son was also denied, but His countenance of peace and surrender never changed.
He endured it all without complaining because He knew that the Victory of God was close.
His greatest sufferings were experienced with great humility. His most terrible pains were experienced with great surrender.
Up to that moment, no one had understood the Nazarene, until Blood and Water sprung from His Side and the redeeming Mercy of God became present in that time.
The Blood of Christ spilled on the earth meant reparation. The Water of Christ spilled on the earth meant the purification of the whole human race.
Only after all that He silently experienced for the world, He was recognized; after the most terrible evil was transformed by Him, and the heart of mankind was liberated from the greatest wrath of all times.
If at this moment you are being denied, cast off or rejected, remember every day That Heart of flesh and blood that died for you in order to liberate you from sin, and that His Mercy was greater than all sins committed in the world.
Remember that, without love, compassion and Mercy, this humanity will not be able to live. Redouble your efforts, redouble your sacrifices and live each stage as the Victory of God and of His Project, beacuse in the end the humble ones shall be crowned, the powerful will lose their throne and this planet will survive to all its agony, for the Return of Christ is close; one only needs to believe it and confirm it within oneself.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The world will be wondering why would I have to come to a place where I had already been, where faith is alive and souls seek My Immaculate Heart?
Here I am, My children, to renew the hearts of humankind and redirect their goals, reignite their faith and bring them a healing that goes beyond the body.
My Immaculate Heart comes to institute a universal, celestial and divine healing, which reaches the depths of beings and is reflected in their souls and hearts as an awakening to higher life.
Humanity still is very imprisoned in itself, children, and the things of God only interest humankind if they bring them some benefit.
I come because France needs to wake up. The water that I brought forth here comes from God, to wash your spirits and hearts, and not only your bodies.
The greatest healing that I allowed to be born here is the healing of consciousness, of humanity that was blind to the Divine Presence. And here I return, because once again humankind have put blindfolds on their eyes and closed the doors to God.
Contemplate the God that is beyond human actions and is found within your own heart; a God that shows Himself to the eyes of His children in the strength of the mountains, in the purity of the waters, in the mirror of the heart.
Contemplate the God that speaks to your spirit and that awakens within you the potential for true love; a God that is beyond institutions and beliefs, and unites all of them when they open to the Truth and to Divine Unity.
Contemplate the God that is beyond this world and even beyond the stars; a God that is at the same time on High and within His creatures. In this way, He demonstrates that the infinity He is, is held within His children.
Contemplate the God of Truth, which is not limited to the human mind and its understanding; a God that is in the sacred books, but is not confined to them, for He encompasses all of life and what is unknown to you of it.
Contemplate an infinite God, single and powerful, that because of His goodness has made Himself small, in order to dwell within creatures; a God that rejoices with little and that is silent at the great errors of His children, without losing the hope that they will be able to return one day to His Heart.
My children, with the soul, contemplate the real God, your Heavenly Father, from Whom all things come, and not only this world.
See on the horizon the firmament in which He hopes that, one day, you may walk with your spirits redeemed and awake to universal life.
Contemplate God as full of mysteries as the human consciousness. What you know about Him is as little as what you know about yourselves. Uncover the Divine Presence and in It, find the truth about your own being. Allow the heart to rise up beyond the spiritual boundaries, and that in a true prayer, it may feel and know what it is unable to explain, but can experience. This truth is the healing for the world. This awakening to a union with God is what will bring you to know peace.
My children are sick in spirit, in mind and in body because they do not know God and thus, they do not know themselves, their own destiny and the true potential that is hidden within them.
Here I am, beloved children, to reveal to you that the truth is found in the simple and sincere things of the heart. I came to ask you to learn to forgive and understand others, so that they do not alienate the Creator from their lives because of being empty of love and of meaning.
I come for the youngest, who cannot find God because they came to the world to bring the new, and cannot express themselves when faith is not renewed and does not show them the door to a true path. I come to show you this path, which is not a new religion, but rather a renewal of faith in the human heart, so you may find the Truth and universal life.
My children, above all, I am here for your essences, because a nation without God is a nation without life and without spiritual meaning. Open your eyes, because the Creator has not withdrawn from your lives; it is humankind who closes their eyes in order not to see Him.
Open your hearts and discover the Divine Presence in the depths of these mountains, and in the purity of its waters, hear God Who calls you to return to His Heart.
If you listen to My Call, there will be a time of peace so that hearts may be strengthened in light of Justice.
I love you and bless you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and the Immaculate Conception
If everyone knew what these sacred mountains of the Pyrenees hold, humanity could already be different in knowledge, divine science, and inner healing.
It is for this reason that your Heavenly Mother has called on you to go on pilgrimage and to end this journey of long work at the foot of the Pyrenees, so that a prompt regeneration may be established and that it encourages the union of your essences with the sacred Mission of Our Lord.
I have also asked you to come here to help me generate an important current of spiritual regeneration in the souls that need it the most because if they do not receive this divine help, these consciousnesses will not be in the inner condition to face the final time.
Thus, your Heavenly Mother has you reach the Pyrenees so that this source of regeneration and healing for humanity may be able to emerge once more, as it happened a long time ago, in the grotto of Lourdes.
Thus, your Universal Mother will try to reactivate in this region a monastic task of prayer and spirituality that will help the French consciousness to inwardly recover certain codes it has lost. Know that all this work will be preventive and will help many consciousnesses on the inner planes.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
God has Mercy on those who persist on His Divine Path and those who aspire every day to be better in love, unconditionality and kindness.
God has Mercy and Compassion for those who follow Him in spite of tripping, of being wounded by themselves and of falling from the path.
God has immense Mercy on those who repent from their heart and those who give Him their life so He may accomplish His Will.
God has Mercy on those who try every day to practice, one by one, the Words with which He instructs, by inspiring the Sacred Hearts to pronounce them.
God has Mercy on those who recognize themselves as unworthy, imperfect and full of error.
God has Mercy on those who work every day to be humble and honest with themselves and with their brothers and sisters on the path.
God has great Mercy on those who consecrate themselves and those who have left a life of consecration, for His deep and ardent desire is that humanity respond to His Son, the Christ.
God has Mercy on those who fear feeling separated from Him, on some plane of consciousness or far from His Love.
God has Mercy on those who surrender to the end and those who want nothing more for themselves, but rather only live in His eternal Grace, in His divine Faith and in His powerful Love.
God has so much Mercy to give that the majority of His children forget to go and find the Water of Life from the non-material Fount of His Creation.
God waits every day for you to simply look up to Heaven and say: "Father, here am I, may Your eternal Will be done rather than mine. Make me in likeness to Your Son, free me from ties, from the faults that imprison me, so that only Your Peace and Your Truth abound."
Simply with just these words, the Kingdom of God will be descending to the Earth.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and always consecrates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I purify your hands, so they may be free of self and gifted to the All.
I purify your feet with the Water of Life, so they may be clean and free at the moment of walking toward peace.
I purify your hearts, so they may be free of all stain and thus have great and expansive feelings of love.
I purify your eyes, so they may see God in every place.
I purify your ears, so they may inwardly hear the Sacred Word of God as unique and true.
I purify your mouths, so they may pronounce elevated vibrations, and that silence may penetrate into the depths of each being.
I purify each aspect of your beings, so that in the morning you may be free of everything, of any tie or any prison.
I purify, purify and purify in order that your souls govern, and your divine essences emerge into the awareness of each being.
After purifying you, I will definitely consecrate you so that you may be instruments and examples of the total human redemption. That will be the testimonial of the inexplicable victory of your Heavenly Mother in this humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
I am this fountain of Graces of the Universe, more potent and powerful than all the fountains in the world.
I am more sublte than all the waterfalls in the world because, through My Maternal Heart, I make flourish and give life to the soul that had been dead.
I am this water that washes and redeems all, because I am this divine code of light that can penetrate beyond the consciousness and, in this way, establish the spiritual purpose for each being.
I am this merciful fountain that restores all things and intercedes for Her children so that they never lose the path that will lead them to love.
I am this living and resplendent spring that brings to the spirit the essence of unity and peace.
I am this Sacred Spirit of God that was gestated in the most pure womb of Creation, which brought to the world the truth of God, incarnated through the Beloved Son.
I am this path that will always lead you to find the great and only fountain of love that will quench your thirst: Jesus Christ.
Because of this, dear children, each time you unite to My fountain of love, you will be uniting to the luminous fountain of My Son and the fountain of the Celestial Father.
I wish that from your hearts would spring this feeling of always seeking unity among the beings above all, because in this way your hearts will be healed and will be born to the renewed life in Christ through My fountain of peace.
My children, I leave this aspiration of Mine: that you may live in the only Source of God and that you may follow one path. My Pure and Immaculate Heart offers Itself to lead you to the revelation of the great mystery of love.
I am happy seeing My children of Europe today gathered around My fountain full of Graces.
I love you and always contemplate you.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you under the Holy Spirit of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more