A new alliance is instituted between Heaven and Earth, between the peacemakers and the Lord.

Seated at the table of redemption, The Master purifies the spirits of each disciple, washing them with His Water of Life.

The Lord washes their heads so that the Holy Spirit may baptize them with its Gifts.

The Lord washes the hands of His disciples so that they may live, from now on, a life of integral unconditional donation.

The Master washes the feet of His disciples, just as He washed the feet of His apostles in the past, so that they may tread the path of purity, of resignation and of obedience.

And thus, everyone is prepared to celebrate the internal and spiritual communion with the Holy Chalice of the Lord.

The most impure sins have been dissolved. The deepest doubts have been clarified.

The sense of purpose of each soul is revealed today. No one will be a prisoner of ignorance.

All the disciples of Christ are now aware of the responsibility of their commitment. Thus, the Plan of Love is drawn in the consciousness of those who welcome it, because by being touched by the Light of the Spirit of God, they receive a Grace that they do not deserve.

The moment has come. The Holy hour has come.

The Holy Chalice is taken from the altar by the hands of the Supreme Priest.

All revere this new event. The legacy that was once entrusted to this race awakens again like a tender remembrance in the heart of those who truly said "yes".

The Saintly Chalice is raised.

The sacred formula of consecration is pronounced by the Highest Lord, and His disciples, prostrated on the ground, receive the inspiration of the Sacred Flame of the Holy Spirit.

The covenant is consummated again, but this time the Lamb will not go to the slaughterhouse; Its Blood was, is and will be the testimony of the celestial victory throughout the ages and generations.

The New Christs will repopulate the Earth and finally, peace will be the breath.

Thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus 


If the Eternal Father did not send Me to the world every day, humanity would have no way of freeing itself from errors and oppressions.

For this reason, during the Hour of My Mercy, the powerful Spring of My Heart opens so that souls may be bathed by the most powerful Light that is born of My Merciful Heart. 

When souls call for Divine and unfathomable Mercy, no matter where they may be, I approach them to give them to drink of the Water of Life.

If those souls place the planet and humanity in their prayers, the world also benefits and many sinners are forgiven through the expiation that I grant them.

Each time souls unite with My Mercy, a part of My Consciousness approaches to help them. If that help is truly asked for, the spiritual intervention becomes even broader.

Thus, it is important, in this time, to have in mind what the Mercy of My Heart  represents, because the more the power of My Expiation is invoked, the greater the spiritual benefits are for souls and, in this way, your lives will change.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


When souls, on the days of the Marathon of Prayer, invoke My Divine Mercy, they resemble the golden spikes in the fields and My Kingdom, shining in the splendor of prayer.

This allows the Faithful Gardener to water the gardens, valleys and fields of the soul with the renewing Water of the Divine Mercy.

In this way, the most serious faults committed by humanity are forgiven, because the prayer of that soul who calls out for Divine Mercy grants a spiritual and immaterial atonement, completely changing the course of the planetary events.

In the same way, the souls that pray the Rosary to the Mother of God, not only become roses in the Gardens of Heaven but also the prayers for peace in the nations of the world cyclically revert very serious errors from the past and present, and change, by the same power of the Rosary, future events, conceding, thus, a spiritual reparation for the praying souls, as well as for the praying nations.

Stop for a moment, with detachment and humility, apart from concrete and visible results, and imagine how much the sincere prayer of someone who prays can help and, furthermore, how much the prayer of hundreds of souls in the world can spiritually intercede.

If souls truthfully fully trusted in the superior power of the prayer of the heart, soon they would know the inviolable mysteries that are kept as a divine and spiritual treasure.

I encourage you, companions, to value each moment of prayer and, first of all, to give thanks to the Eternal Father for being able to pray each new day, in order that the greater help may come from the Celestial Universe and intervene within all impossible causes.

Whoever wishes to know the power of prayer submerges in it daily.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you now and always,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


What are you waiting for, My soul, to divest yourself of the world and live eternally in the comfort of My Heart?

Follow the invisible light that is before you, they are the Rays of My Heart that illuminate during the dark night of the world.

O celestial soul of God! who waits impatiently to resolve all things, in your hands lies the humble power of prayer, an infinite path to reach the Creator.  Remain in the Ocean of My Sublime Emptiness so that in all you may see that there exists a reason and an answer.

Sacred soul, what are you waiting for to give Me your eternal yes?  On My Path I offer you sacrifice as liberation, and surrender as redemption.  In My Kingdom there is only Peace, which many times you look for in external things.  My soul, surrender yourself in My Arms, let the Water that springs from My Body wet your body so that it may be transfigured into a body of light, a perfect instrument in the hands of the Creator.

You still believe that you have not been defeated but My Love is the unending spring that will conquer your being to give you to drink of a new water, a water that will satiate you entirely. 

My little soul, the Lord calls you to find in this time the path of humility and renunciation.  Let My Supreme Light flood your bodies so that they may be the living symbol of the new transfiguration.

Dear soul, the time of dispossession has come.  Accept the Supreme Love of Your Spouse because in this way you will find the inner answer that you so much look for.  Trust in My Presence, I want to make you know the greatness of My Celestial Kingdom.

My soul, clothe yourself with the vestment of purity so that the angels of Heaven may receive you free and surrendered to My Heart.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for surrendering yourself to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


At the end of the message we asked the Master why He was addressing His words to us in these days in such a special way and He answered:

Today I speak to you in this way because many of My own in a short time will marry the Faithful Husband forever.  This is a cycle dedicated to the precious souls, those who always seek the Faithful Comforter.  Therefore, I Am calling all who may want to listen to Me.

Your Master of Love


The Parable of the Roses 

You are the roses and I Am the gardener.  I wait for your flowers of life to be between My Hands so that as unique and precious bouquets you may be able to be placed at the feet of the Altar of God.

All of the roses are watered with the same Water, Water that flows from the source that comes from My Heart.  For this, if the most closed roses open themselves to Me as they do to the rays of Sun, from them will be born good and harmonious aromas of the Creation.

There are gardens all over the Earth, gardens of souls and of hearts that form part of the project of God, but all of the gardens must be trimmed by the hands of the wise Gardener.  If the necessary care in the gardens of the Lord does not occur, the roses and the flowers may get dry and disappear.

For this, all of the flowers of the gardens of the Earth must nourish themselves with the Water of Life and must not seek inner nourishment in other sources that are dry.   Since the beginning, there exists one only Source that will always provide you with wisdom and peace.

Be precious roses between My Hands.  If you love with the heart your beings will be more beautiful than the rainbows that cross all the Earth.  Allow yourselves to be cultivated in the celestial gardens.  There, no other hidden gardener will cut off the root that originally unites you with My Heart.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in the garden of My Heart!

Christ Jesus


I have given you My Life so that you could live through Me.

I have given you My Body so that you could be purified through Me.

I have given you My Blood so that you could be renewed through Me. And today I give you the great universal merit of My Infinite Mercy so that through Me you may trust in that which God sends you for you to mature and grow spiritually.

Nothing else I ask you, only that you follow Me until the end. The soldiers of the new era are still too few to be able to materialize the expected mission of My Return. Entrust to God your beings and tasks so that other Suns on the Earth may be able to wake up as stars of the great brotherhood.

Be simple, loving and humble, it is time to obey the commands that are dictated for your hearts. It is time to give yourself entirely so that redemption may be achieved in all of humanity.

I only ask you to be as crystalline as the Water of Life that tirelessly springs from My Side as energy and repairing light for the entire world. Be seeds that now sprout in Grace and Love inside of My Heart.

I wait for you in prayer, I thank you on this day of Tuesday for having helped Me in the planetary salvation of the essences that are asleep.

Under the Universal Peace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you now and always for being united to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


I Am the Great Vine and you are the clusters. No cluster bears fruit if the vine is not well sown. My Father is the Great Worker who weaves and elaborates the new web of humanity between His hands. Those clusters that are dry, I will burn them in fire so that they may be purified and, as new seeds they may grow again a new vine.

In order for the vine may not become dry the fruit must be nourished with the Water of Life that is guarded as sap of life for all humanity. The poorly harvested fruit will be spoiled. For this only allow that the divine harvest be realized by the Great Farmer so that all of the fruits may be guarded and may rest as offer in the granary of the Great Farmer.

In this universe nothing is lost, all is transformed by the science of Creation. Try to mature as good fruit. In this way you will manifest the best harvest for My Father, you will be the fruits of the good vine, that which will be drunk as new wine in the supper of the last redemption.

Help in this flourishing of the fruits that are still immature. Give them the sap of life that you as clusters of light and of peace have received. Imitate the strength of the orchards of Heaven and be fruits renewed by the hands of the Great Keeper of the harvest.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for reverencing My Words through your love!

Christ Jesus


In the ocean of My Mercy, the deepest wounds are healed through the Spirit in all the consciousnesses that awaken to the devotion for My Sacred Heart.

In the fountain of My Graces, the souls find always the joy to be able to renew themselves and in this way liberate themselves from the past.

All of those who venerate My Merciful Heart and invoke the power of My Blood and of My Water, are renewed from the most sublime part of their beings and these wonders poured by My Sacerdotal Consciousness touch even your material life. 

In the precious hour of three o'clock in the afternoon the hearts of all the beings of the world, spiritually are contemplated in Mercy by My paternal Vision and by the effect of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy; in this way My Heart of Love pours Its Pity over those who are condemning themselves day by day to the underworlds of hell.

In this time of great changes for the interior of many souls, My inexhaustible Ocean crosses the deepest thresholds of hell; so that in this way someday, under the powerful protection of the Celestial Armies, My Heart may liberate and obtain the victory of the Kingdom of God over obscurity, and all evil may be dissolved from the heart of the proud and of the vain.

The Infinite Love, one time reached by My Heart on the Cross, has awakened the Glory over the death towards which humanity was heading, the death of the spirit of all of humanity.  It was in this way that God sent from Heaven one part of His Great Consciousness, the First Son was born, out of love He liberated the world from sin, and now in humility serves God eternally, out of love for His Brothers and Sisters of the Earth.

And one day, in the same way that He elevated Himself, He will appear among the clouds and a great Merciful Sun will shine in the essence of all the hearts, those that will be able to recognize the path of return to the House of the Celestial Father, and the Divine Mercy will finish pouring itself over the world, so that it may reach redemption.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Have you noticed how many times My Redeeming Consciousness enters at three in the afternoon, in each place of Earth?

While, in each place of the world, it is three o’clock in the afternoon, My celestial permission expands as love and light and touches the essences most deprived of Mercy.

Between three and four p.m. each day, My Eucharistic Heart radiates towards the most distant spheres of the Earth, where a soul that is calling for My Mercy may be. I give everything so that it may be in My Arms, to console it and again give it life.

When a devout soul contemplates Me and adores Me by means of the Chaplet of Mercy, it not only opens the door of its heart so that I may enter but also, if it prays with love, My Shepherd Consciousness, with Its omnipresence, within seconds commands souls out from purgatory; in this way, it elevates them as close to My Kingdom as possible so that they may finish learning and, in the end, they may be a  part of My Glorious Eternity in Paradise.

The doors of Paradise are open at three p.m. This is a mission that the angels of Heaven accomplish to elevate all consciousnesses that may be disoriented upon the face of the Earth.

At three p.m. My Merciful Heart collects the appeals of all simple hearts and My Love radiates toward them, transforming them into roses of peace and glory for the Thrones of God.

Each time that you say: “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion…” from the crown of thorns, that I still carry to relieve the world and that is represented by the Chaplet, a thorn is liberated from My Head.

The crown of thorns that was once placed during My Passion was transmuted by the power of the Chaplet of My Mercy, which was given to the venerable apostle Faustina Kowalska.

All those who persist in faith and pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will not cause Me pain as the world does, day by day, but at three p.m. your hands in prayer will be spiritually removing the thorns from My Heart and will heal My Spirit with your love for prayer.

My dear, do you see how big the mystery of the Love is, that I have for all of you, as while you nailed Me on the Cross, I poured Mercy instead of pouring pain; I poured Love and Water of Life from My Side instead of pouring justice upon the world.

Because I belong to you as a Heart and as a Master, I was born amongst you and, as I ascended to the Heavens, I will return to give testimony of My Glory and My Truth.

Under the Absolute Truth of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating upon My words with your hearts!

Christ Jesus, your Instructor. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
