Je vous salue, Marie,
pleine de Grâce,
le Seigneur est avec vous.
Vous êtes bénie entre toutes les femmes
et Jésus, le fruit de vos entrailles,
est béni.

Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu,
priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs,
maintenant, et à l’heure de notre mort.

(six times)

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Purify yourself in the Water of Life that I offer to you today. Contemplate before you the greatness of the gift, the manifestation of charity, of the providence and abundance of God through the Kingdoms of Nature.

Receive, then, this impulse of Light. Allow the waters to purify your being, hold nothing back for yourself at this moment, open up to the spiritual healing you seek so much. But do not do it through an intellectual thought.

Allow your spirit, which knows the essential, inner and spiritual life, to be the one who rules this moment so that you may attain the liberation from yourself.

My son and My daughter, this is the time of inner liberation. The Universe descends with Its Graces through the Heavenly Mother, because Her Graces are abundant, and also infinite. The Hands of the Mother of God and Her Immaculate Heart are filled with Graces for souls.

Who will be the depositary of these treasures?

This is why I bring you the power of the elements of nature, because I know that your souls need it to purify and liberate themselves forever. This Law of Purification, which rules the planet and humanity today, must no longer be interpreted or understood as condemnation or punishment, but rather as a powerful stream of life that helps consciousnesses for their transcendence and elevation.

Thus understand, My children, that everything is in its place at this moment. Although Our Divine Consciousnesses know that humanity is out of the Law, even so the universe of Our Graces, Prodigies and Mercies is infinite, they are greater than all error or grief.

I come here, on this day, in a simple and giving way so that My children in the world may imitate the Mother of God in Her total divestment, in Her selfless and unconditional spirit, in Her absolute trust in God and in the fulfillment of His Sacred Will.

I come to show you the path, lovingly. This is why today I point you to this fountain of Graces through these waters that descend from the deepest cores of the Earth and emerge to the surface in inexhaustible self-giving.

Avail yourselves of the spirit of the waters, their chastity and purity, their planetary and universal service, to cleanse the wounds of human consciousness. Thus, you will be able to understand, My children, the immensity of the self-giving of the Mineral Kingdom.

How many mysteries are still kept in nature, which are waiting to be revealed if the soul and the spirit of consciousnesses only place themselves before nature with reverence and love for what is sacred, for all that which Creation has manifested to them through the Kingdoms of Nature, which offer themselves for the evolution of human civilization and the awakening of all human consciousness.

Thus, you have the example and also the path to learn to give of yourselves and surrender in confidence, just as all of Creation does.

As the Mother of Life, as the Mother of Creation, I am here today to invite you, in the name of My Son, to enter the Water of Life so that your souls and spirits may be purified in peace, gratitude and in the hope that the promised day will come, of your own liberation from captivity, from all belief, from any personal idea, from every understanding that is not correctly united to God and is not a part of the Divine Purpose.

All these expressions of the human being of the surface are the causes that have generated the distancing of this civilization from the truth and reality that God proposes through His Spiritual Government, because it is important for all to remember that everything is already written in the Heart of God.

Through the purification of the waters, and also through the blessing of the waters, may each one live in this cycle the time of their own inner detachment and divestment so that, renewed by the Water of Life, which springs as Grace from the Heart of the Celestial Father, you may see the reality of these times with the same gaze of the Hierarchy, a gaze of compassion, wisdom and discernment.

I am here as your Mother, once again, to encourage you to live this cycle, for which the universe patiently awaits, for your and the whole world’s good and peace, so that the Divine Laws, which have been acting and working since the origin, since the beginning of everything, may continue to work and edify, just as God decrees.

May the waters bring healing and renewal to you, so that the world may be healed, renewed and re-integrated into the Principles of the Creator, through His Will.

Let us pray, My children, for many more to reach this cycle in trust, humility and resignation, loving the Absolute and Eternal God.

Behold the Slave of the Lord. Just as His Word was fulfilled in Me, may the Word be fulfilled in My children, may the Living Word of God be fulfilled in as many consciousnesses as possible, before the last time, the end time, is fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

May the waters of the planet heal the wounds of all those who cry out for healing and peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children,

Today I bring you the jar of the Water of Life so that you remember that, through it, you will always be able to wash and purify yourselves. That, through the jar of the Water of Life, you will be able to renew and also sanctify yourselves, because My Son has given His own being so that you may find redemption.

I am the Lady of the jars of Water of Life, and just as in Bethsaja, today I come to purify you with this sacred element so that you may know, as of now, that all will pass, and that a better time will come.

So that this may be possible, it is necessary to do what is correct, it is necessary to live the Law and fulfill the Commandments.

Through the spiritual Water of Life that I bring to you today, My children, I come to heal your spiritual and inner wounds.

I come to bring you peace and to deposit it within your hearts so that this peace can fill you and renew you.

But I also bring you this spiritual jar of the Water of Life so that you prepare to cross your deserts.

This will be the great moment when, through the tests, each one of you will be strengthened and become aware of to what extent you have surrendered to Christ.

In this desert, you will find unimaginable things. You will see situations that you have never seen, and you will participate in realities in which you have never participated. But it is necessary to go through this spiritual desert, and also through this physical desert.

My Son needs that your definition may become present in the Sacred Books of the Father so that all errors that humanity makes at this moment may be justified and thus the Divine Mercy may keep acting in humanity.

Do you now understand, My children, the importance of your strength in Christ?

I am the Mother of the jars of the Water of Life, and as a Samaritan from that time, I come to quench your thirst, the spiritual thirst, so that you can feel quenched by what comes from the Divine Spirit, by what I bring today from the Fountain.

In your deserts, tests or moments of definition, invoke the Presence of the Lady of the jars of the Water of Life, so that My Son can renew you through Me, through the offering of My Immaculate Heart.

In the face of all that the world lives, your consciousnesses receive many graces, they are very much blessed, they are very much contemplated by God.

Your consciousnesses must be before the reality of the purpose for this moment, before the need and the planetary crisis, knowing that it is important that the apostles learn to go through the deserts and trust that they will lack nothing.

But in these deserts, it is very important to find solitude, the solitude that will speak to you in silence and will show you the truth. A solitude that only you can see and recognize. It is not emotional solitude, but rather spiritual.

It is the same solitude that Christ, My Son, attained, during His forty days in the desert, a moment in which He, for you, prepared to accept the chalice that the Father was offering to Him.

At this moment, each one of My children is within their degree of school and of evolution, each one at the doors of their own desert.

But you must affirm yourselves in the promise of My Son. He will return and will become present, once more, among you and in the world.

The moment the situation becomes more acute, you must not back down. An apostle struggles to survive in faith and to be a living testimony of the Presence of Christ, in order to be a sign that is not only sacramental, but also of service, of prayer, of selflessness.

These are the times when everyone will be tested. But they will also be the times when your talents must awaken and be available for My Son. He expects this from all His companions, from all His servers.

Thus you must enter the purpose of the plan of rescue, of consciously participating in the operations of the Hierarchy and of knowing that this is a time of great inner and physical, spiritual movements, not only in the purification of the planet and of humanity, but also of the entire universe, of the whole Solar System.

While the Real Time pushes the alternative clock so that the truth of the true time may enter, I invite you, My children, to cross the inner desert with bravery and to make of this moment a victory for Christ.

Therefore, today I come here, beloved children, to once again be with you, to deliver into your hands this jar of the spiritual Water of Life that I bring you, so that you can drink and quench your thirst, because there is still much to walk through in these tests of the end of these times.

The Father did not expect humanity to reach this point and this situation. Therefore, you must be aware of all that you receive and have, you must be thankful daily. There still lie, within the world, situations that are more difficult, severe, painful and unjust than yours.

Carry the cross in this unknown desert, which only you will be able to know. Depending on your steps, your actions, your offering, this desert will then be longer, shorter or it will be quicker for you to cross and to know.

Our words, instructions and teachings have prepared you throughout these twelve years for this moment.

The apostle of Christ is one who assumes to carry the Cross together with the Master, just as the Cyrenean did along the path to the Calvary. My Son is calling you to share the Cross that He still carries for the world, which is a harder cross than the one He physically carried on this planet. It is the spiritual cross, the cross of adversity, of uncertainty, of what is uncertain.

But the strength of Emmanuel will be upon you, as long as you recognize His Face, recognize the presence of His Heart and of His Life, which can beat like a flame of faith within each being, within each heart.

My children, be the testimony that My Son expects, be a part of the new scriptures of His Sacred Book.

Enter the state of the blessed ones and learn from all those who have purified, transformed and redeemed themselves, so as to someday reach the Eternal Father.

I am praying for all needs, for all hearts, and for all causes. But now is the moment for each one of My children to do their part, the hardest and most demanding part; which will mean the possibility of Grace descending upon humanity or not.

You know that humanity is mistaken, that humanity makes compromises with the forces of evil. But you must think, every day, of this Love that comes from the Source and that can do all; this Love that was capable of shedding Blood and dying on the Cross for all of humanity so that today humanity might be here, present on this planet, and might be forgiven.

I invite you, My children, to be this light in the darkness, this Light that My Son invites you to be a part of, the Light of His Divinity, the Light of His Spirit.

Seek, at this moment, to see reality, so that you may understand what we are saying.

Live My words.

I thank you, bless you and love you.

Under the Light of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
