In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The mothers of the Order may draw near the foot of the Altar.

 We will ignite our candles for this moment of encounter with Christ, seeking to maintain quietness before the Presence of Christ.

Despite all that which you already know that I lived, there is something that humanity does not know up to the moment, which was a deep experience that I lived for you and for the world. It was what sustained Me so that I might have the courage to drink from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, so that I might have the strength to kiss the Cross before carrying it and take My steady steps to the top of Mount Calvary, where the Tree of Life would stand for the first time, totally surrendered and self-sacrificing for His own.

This experience of Love that I lived in a tender, deep and spiritual way, was that of being able to feel the intimate Love of My Mother and of the holy women, the women walking on Earth who revered the Precious and Beloved Son. Even after all that I did for the world, even being rejected, humiliated and severely martyrized, after so many miracles and prodigies, so much liberation of souls from impure spirits, after each one of My Words pronounced in the Gospels and, above all, through My Parables, despite all that happened and was lived by Me and by each one of your brothers and sisters on Earth at that time.

The sacred Fidelity of the holy women and the Mother of all Her children, was what elevated the Will of the Lord so that, under the Omniscience and Omnipresence of the Father, I might do what you know I did for you.

Despite the suffering and the pain of the Lord, not only in that time, but also in these times in the face of the planetary situation, in the face of the grave lack of love in humanity, I return here today, in the name of God the Father, to deliver to Mine the codes achieved through the merits of My Passion.

Today, when My five main Wounds of Light radiate to the four corners of the Earth, I come to try to transfigure your paths and the paths of your brothers and sisters, transforming them through the power of My Precious and Divine Blood, carefully held and watched in the Ark of the Holy Covenant by the four angels that guard the Sacred Ark.

But today I want you to dwell on something very important, beyond the fact that you know for yourselves My pains in the Passion. I want you to dwell on the important teaching that I left to you about Love, because I know that each one of you carries your own cross, with greater or lesser weight upon your backs.

But what should encourage you to continue, despite the consequences and traumas, just as the Lord, in His Calvary, continued without doubts, fully trusting in the life of the spirit that the Eternal Father was granting to Me, at each step of the Calvary, through Archangel Michael?

My Friends, My children, in these times I want you to keep very much in mind this first teaching that I gave you about Love. Because the redemption of the human race, in that time of My Cross, would not have been possible if your Master and Lord had not given His ‘yes’.

Because the power, and even the authority that I could have made use of to overcome all evil, was collected and secretly kept so that, after the Death on My Cross, all the spirits and souls of the world could be rescued and saved.

But your feet, companions, as well as the feet of your brothers and sisters in the world, after the experience lived with Me in the Holy Land, walked on other paths that were not My paths.

Thus, through this Sacred Week, I once again make you return to My only true path, which is the path of Love, so that you may be anointed by My Spirit and My Divinity, and your deepest and hidden traumas may be dissolved, and the healing of the soul and spirit in each one may take place according to how the Law of Grace and Mercy grants it.

Just as today, the mothers of this Order, on behalf of all mothers of the Earth, carry a lighted candle, representing the vigil and adoration to the Lord during His most painful agony on this Good Friday, I want you to remember, through this powerful flame of the Spirit of the Lord, that you must keep vigil, pray and watch for My Love in the world; first in yourselves, so that then you may preserve and take care of the Love of Christ in others.

When in truth, companions, you have lived the deep experience of Christic Love, preciously permeated by the codes of the Blood and Water of Jesus, I assure you that I will not need to repeat this to you again, because through your own experience of love day by day and, above all, with your brothers and sisters you have by your side, one of My many promises made to the Eternal Father will be fulfilled: that you love one another, just as I love you. May God come first in your lives, before everything.

Why do I say this to you?

Because humanity is changing the course of its path, through the events and even modernities, in which there is an attempt to replace the Living God with artificial gods, in which all human sensitivity is blocked and paralyzed. For those who make contact with this, I need that you may keep this very much in mind, so that you may not be deceived.

God wishes and aspires to govern your lives through His Son, just as He silently tries to do it every day by means of your paths of transformation and redemption, love, service and charity.

This is what will maintain your spirits alive on Earth and, although there are currents contrary to God’s Love and divine life, I assure you that, if your consciousnesses keep these attributes alive, there will not be anything contrary that could make you falter, because God’s Love will guide you, just as God’s Purpose guided His Beloved Son, until He died on the Cross, pierced and disfigured by the sins of the men and women of Earth, so that, as from the Sacred Death of Jesus, humanity might have abundant Life.

Some wonder: why is it necessary to relive the Passion of Christ every year?

It is because humanity forgets, in just one instant, Who I was for you and the world, and what I represent as a living part of the Creator, as an intermediary and mediator between souls and the Eternal Father.

If no one follows My Path, My Truth and My Life, and does not even remember Me once a year, what result will come from the life of those who have chosen other paths?

It is not necessary to be a visionary to understand and comprehend it, for the signs of the times will be clear. And it is the legacy of Christ, in the hearts and intimate life of all the souls that have faith in Me, that will perpetuate the Love of God and of Christ in the world, regardless of what may happen in this difficult planetary transition.

Therefore, remember that, just like the flame that you carry in your hands today, so must the flame always be ignited in your hearts: the flame of the Purpose, the flame of Love, the flame of the Truth that will make you free.

Thus, at this sacred moment, when Heaven and Earth unite in communion and life, through prayerful hearts and through God, I come to deliver to you, through My Spirit and Divinity, the Spiritual and Sacramental Communion, the same that My Most Holy Mother received through the hands of Archangel Gabriel.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us place our hands in a sign of receptivity. Let us open our hearts even more, to receive from the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, the same code of Divine Energy that Christ received in the Garden of Gethsemane in a luminous and resplendent way.

Let us take our hands to our hearts, and commune spiritually, in gratitude and love. Let us commune for all those who, at this hour, forget Christ, so that God may have Mercy on these souls, and that they may awaken to the truth.

Let us pray:

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,

I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee

the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ

present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,

in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifferences
by which He is offended.

And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

I beg the conversion of poor sinners.


And just like this rain, which falls at this moment to purify, wash and nourish the earth, just as the elements, devas and angels, the Kingdom of Figueira, commune in the Presence of Christ, in the same way I bless all the crosses that you have brought to My Feet, and I mainly relieve your spiritual cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be brave and have faith. I Am here to help you.

On this day, when we celebrate the victory of Christ, your Master and Lord, over all evil and adversity, I come here to institute the blessing of the Sacrament of Marriage, because families in the whole world are being attacked and divided.

On behalf of all the families present here and those not present, I have chosen some couples to bless them today with My Spirit through the anointing, blessed water and incense, so that, in this unity between souls that love each other and live together, the Purpose of God may be re-established in the cell of the families.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves now for this moment, at the request of Christ, Our Lord.

He will withdraw, but He will come back to bless those He has chosen on behalf of all.

While we prepare ourselves, we will sing to Our Lord, remembering the power of His Most Precious and Divine Blood, so that it may bathe and purify us, like this rain that falls at this moment, and may liberate us from prisons and pain.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us sing and proceed to an interval.

Song: “The power of the Blood.”

Brothers and sisters, we will accompany this moment of blessing and consecration that Christ has asked for.

We will profoundly unite to all that which Christ said to us, keeping very much in mind what families and above all marriage mean to God.

I want to clarify that we will carry out a blessing and a consecration, which is not a marriage. I am clarifying this at the request of the Lord.

Brothers and sisters, you may come.

We will pray together one Lord’s Prayer, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be in Portuguese, so that the Lord may bless and unify these souls in one spirit, in one heart, in one love and life, so that His Attributes and Graces may become present in their families.

Now we pray in English.

Now, consecrated to Me, your families and, above all, your matrimonial and spiritual union must be a nucleus of Light, understanding and above all love, so that the values and principles of the Sacred Family may descend upon you and upon all those who have united their lives to live together.

Through this simple yet profound moment, your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, comes to bless you with His Spirit and His Peace, so that the nucleus of the human family may be rebuilt and sheltered, and protected from all influences of evil, for the triumph of Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in all families.

May your hearts rejoice.

May the union between your souls grant to you evolution, the experience of love and charity for your fellow beings.

I bless you, consecrate you, under the Triune Unity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As an ardent Sun, I will descend from the universe to illuminate the deepest abysses of the planet, and to remove from them all the souls that are submerged in these abysses.

This is My true mission of returning to the Earth, not only to once again raise the spiritual family of God, all tribes and ethnicities, but also to rescue those who have been condemned to spiritual perdition.

This is how far My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy will act, before the decree of Divine Justice descends, which will reorganize humanity and the planet so that it may reintegrate the Project of God.

For this reason, throughout times and in these recent years I have been building this moment through you and your brothers and sisters because, just as I told you yesterday, your lives must be a pillar for My Work, the Work of redemption of the end of times, and the principles and values that God taught His sacred people of Israel must be latent in your consciousnesses and spirits, for you will need them to go through this final moment, which many do not do how to do for not living the life of the spirit, for being far away from the Higher Love that comes from the universe and cosmic life.

Each time I descend to the world, time and again, I bring you this Higher Love, which is what will always fill your spirits and consciousnesses. It is this Higher Love that will impel you to take steps and not go backward; this is what will help you to define your next paths, because there must be Christs on the surface of the Earth and this must no longer be just a message or an aspiration.

It is time for the Christs of the New Time to be a reality, a concretion, an expression of the Hierarchy. For this reason all are being purified, each one in what is needed and necessary to them at this moment. Nothing is out of the Law.

Take advantage of each moment as an impulse of ascension and transcendence, as an attitude of absolute divestment and detachment, so that into your consciousnesses, as new wineskins, I may pour new wine, I may deposit the Wills of God and His most ardent aspirations.

Now, this is the time to make a synthesis, after having walked so much up until today, when you have the Grace of gathering with Me, face to face, and receiving My Divinity and My Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, the One Who surrendered for you on the Cross, just as He surrendered for all of humanity, even knowing, companions, that in the end of times, many would not reciprocate to Me and would not value My sacrifice.

However, Love is capable of much more, it is capable of going very far when a disinterested, selfless and unconditional love is lived. This does not make you deter yourselves in superficial things or in any expectation, you do not remain entrapped under any result or response.

Because a Christ of the New Time has it clear in their consciousness that they serve God, and no one else, and that all they do, all they live and all they practice, must be under this Law of Higher Love, which renews and transfigures them from time to time, as many times as necessary.

This impeads them to remain in the past, to be submerged in sadness or suffering; on the contrary, a Christ of the New Time has clarity about their mission and the purpose they must fulfill in their incarnation, in a way similar to how your Master and Lord fulfilled the Purpose of His incarnation on Earth, when I was among you and your brothers and sisters.

Thus, companions, life is not only material, it is not only concrete, it is not a life of constant problems and sufferings, because the Christs of the New Time not only walk through the impulse of ascension and union with Divine Plan but they also help their fellow beings and their brothers and sisters to achieve the same goal, without interfering in the decision of another.

The school of the Christs of the New Time will soon be presenting itself on the inner planes. Who will be the ones who will offer themselves to experience it, to practice and assume it?

It is not a school of emotions or intellects, it is a mature school of love for sacrifice and sacred renunciation, which many want to escape because they think they lose control and their autonomy.

However, God does not want to place you in affliction, it would not be the Eternal Father, nor would it be His Most Beloved Son. On the contrary, companions, the door of My Heart is open to show you the path, which in this last cycle, you are invited and called on to go through with one goal, the triumph of the Redeeming Love on the planet, in as many souls as possible, and in as many hearts that need rescue and redemption as possible.

Even if you do not believe it, My friends, you already have the basis for living this school. You already have the experiences from the past and other moments, when you formed the first Christian communities, which, despite adversity and danger, sustained faith in the Christic Presence and in Christic Love. This made the fruits of redemption and faith of souls flourish throughout the times and experiences, due to their love for Christ, the Messiah.

Thus, companions, the impulse is already in the consciousnesses of your inner worlds. Unite to this impulse, and ask God for the Grace of being consistent to respond to the experience of this school of the New Christs, because it is an inner state, rather than one of standing out, because it is a state of silence, which speaks for itself through examples and good attitudes, through fraternal and merciful attitudes.

It was time for this moment to come, for the New Christs of the End Time to present themselves and be a reality. If this takes place according to what the Divine Plan determines, many errors in the world will be justified and the grave outrages of humanity in these times will be mended, so that a longer time of Mercy may be granted to the whole world, and to all the souls that need it the most at this moment, so that the door of My Mercy may no longer close in the last hour, but rather, that all those who have stayed behind may cross this doorway of Mercy. In this way, may they have the Grace of receiving redemption, just as you have received it.

Today, I ask once more for Aurora, as a Kingdom of Love and Light, to make this Grace to emerge that My last apostles and companions may be consistent with the school of the New Christs.

The world needs much help, souls become desperate for not finding peace. Now, you, who can be a mirror of My Love, go and serve, tell the world that I Am returning and that My hour is drawing near, just as the hour of the Lord drew near in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Because, today more than ever, companions, I need you to drink from the Chalice that I Am offering you, even if you do not know its content, or even its purpose. May you drink, just as your Master drank from the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane. In this way, you will be closer to Me, and I will be closer to you and your brothers and sisters.

Today, I close the spiritual mission of the Hierarchy in Uruguay, asking the Father for His blessing for this country and all its people, so that it may not be stigmatized by any idea that is not of the Light, but rather so that it may be blessed by the love, charity and Mercy that must awaken within thirsty hearts.

Thus, I raise My offering to God, as your hearts rise to Me, so that we may be witnesses of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, so that the last ones may achieve their spiritual goal and redemption.

I thank all those who are present for these days shared and for being in this Sacred Place of the Ombu Trees, so that the roots of human dignity may be strengthened within you, so that the values of family and universal life may flourish and rise in an offering to God.

I thank you and give you My Peace again so that you may not forget that you must be peace in the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the face of what is happening in the world, God is silent and, once again, He sends His Son to help those who need the most and, especially, those who are going through war, slavery and the trafficking of people.

Today, your Master and Lord is in these places, on the inner planes, and He avails Himself of this potent channel of Light of the Marian Center of Figueira to bring, to the neediest souls, consolation and peace, love and hope, which, among brothers and sisters of the same humanity and planet, are dissolved through wars and conflicts.

See now My Thorned Heart, horribly outraged by those who go unpunished and do not accept to live the Law of God, by those who subject their brothers and sisters of nations and peoples. I come for all of them. I come for the last and for the most lost, because,  for My Heart, all are rescuable, although in appearance it may seem impossible.

In this third impulse that today I bring to you, I not only prepare you for the next Sacred Week, but I also prepare you to assume the Plan of God with responsibility, so that you may know that the most important thing now is that each one of your lives may be confirmed to Me, because I no longer have resources to justify the errors of the world.

Therefore, I need decided and defined souls. I need souls that offer themselves to be victims of My Love and that not only let themselves be pierced by My Love, but also by My Will, because it will be through small groups of souls that your Master and Lord will carry out His Return to the world.

For this reason, at this moment, I need you to be brave, to assume with Me what needs to be assumed and endured. I do not speak of something external, but rather of something profound, in which your Master and Lord works for souls and essences, for all those who need an opportunity.

This should be your rule: that you work for Me, that you serve Me and that you surrender to My Heart, so that at this acute moment of the planet, when everything is allowed, souls may have an opportunity, just as you have had with Me since the beginning, when I summoned you to be by My side.

For this, I invite you to offer each one of your tests, each one of your deserts, even each one of your discomforts, for one reason: so that, before the Eternal Father, your Master and Lord may have a way to justify the grave sins of humanity, so that this situation of the end of times does not become uncontrollable and unsustainable, but rather that, through small groups of souls, of the souls that offer themselves to be victims of My Love, I can, once again, intercede for the world in the same way that I interceded two thousand years ago.

Take the example of what happened two thousand years ago with humanity and the point humanity was to be found, not only from the material, but also from the spiritual standpoint.

Now, humanity is in a more serious and complex situation, and the Thorned Heart of your Master and Lord needs brave souls willing to endure the cross of this world, an invisible, imperceptible and silent cross, which can only be sustained out of love; so that those who are condemned and lost may have a last opportunity.

This is why I asked you a little while ago to have a ready heart. This is not a poem, it is a statement of a consciousness that is responsible in Christ and for Christ; of a consciousness that has the wisdom and the discernment to realize that humanity is precipitating quickly and that many of the situations that happen in the world and in nations today are created by humanity itself, by those who go unpunished and who believe they have power above God.

In the face of a war like that of Ukraine, in the face of a war like that of Yemen, the war of Ethiopia or the outraged Syria, I know that many have wondered  in these times, “where is the Power of God to defeat these impious human beings?”

Here, God does not challenge anyone, God does not flaunt anything before anyone, otherwise He would not be God. He is a Father of Love and Mercy, Who, through these attributes, traces Justice for the world at the right time and the opportune moment.

Therefore, all that is happening today in the world will end someday. You, as My confirmed apostles and companions, must keep praying with fervor and not allow your prayer to become cold or even fade away; because, at this moment, the union of souls through prayerful word is fundamental for all that will happen.

Have trust and faith in all that I am telling you, understand that I cannot tell you more than this, because the Will of God is only known by God Himself, by His own Son and the Holy Spirit. But if you keep loving the unknown, that which is immaterial, the assistance that you and your brothers and sisters need will come from these levels of consciousness and I assure you that you will know where to be and what to do at the right moment.

This is a time of an increased and sharpened pain, of a suffering caused to humanity and to peoples through impunity and corruption, which the Father had never seen. Because the Eternal Father Himself has realized how far His children can go when they are vitiated by power and impunity.

But have in mind that all these situations or actions cannot go beyond that which is material; that above all these things is the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, of all their Angelic and Archangelic Hierarchies, which, at this moment of humanity, untiringly work on the inner planes to protect the essences of the whole world, as many essences as possible.

Do you now understand the importance of your prayer in these times?

The true victory that Christ achieved on the Cross did not happen in an external but rather in an internal way, and this victory was built through silence, by radiating Peace and Love to those who crucified and condemned Him.

I invite you to love this mystery, but do not expect this mystery to be revealed; live this mystery in your lives and you will unveil it by yourselves, because you will learn to love as I have loved, you will learn to forgive as I have forgiven you, and in this way you will know how to heal the deepest wounds in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters.

Today, I come to say all of this to you because My Father has seen that there are souls who, having received everything from their Master and Lord, have not valued it; they have turned their backs to their Redeemer due to their own resistances and fears and, despite being by My side for so long, My Love did not touch their hearts.

Who will pay this debt?

All that comes from the Universe must not be wasted. Learn to live in the spiritual economy, which leads you to manage, with wisdom and understanding, the impulses that come from the Hierarchy, precious and determining impulses that only try to elevate your consciousnesses more and more each day, so that someday you may understand and know about the Will of God.

Today, I rejoice for being here with Mine and with the consistent, with those who, in spite of their own imperfections, try every day to follow My footprints, the footprints of Light of the Redeemer, daring to deepen into the degrees of love and surrender, daring to be the Christs of the New Time.

For this reason, beyond everything that happens in the world and is very painful, both for Me and for you, always see the Light, the Light of Christ beyond the darkness; follow this Light, have the Light of My Heart as your purpose. And, through this concentration on the Light of Christ, close with Me the doors to evil, and lead the darkest souls of this world to find again the ocean of My Mercy, because only through Mercy will the world be redeemed.

This Thorned Heart of Christ, which I expose to you today, is now a Luminous Heart, a Heart filled with the Love of God for souls, a Heart that heals and cures, a Heart that redeems, that brings you the peace and consolation that each of you needs.

Thus, dare to keep carrying the cross for the world, dare to be brave and to follow the steps that I am indicating to you, because, as I told you a while ago, you will do more things than those that I did, greater things than those that your Master and Lord did. For this reason, I also tell you that you must have your hearts ready to do greater things than those that I did; and when you are living them one by one, you will remember what I told you today.

Thus, I invite you to love simplicity so that this world can recover its innocence. I invite you to love purity so that this world can recover love. I invite you to adore Me, to recognize Me in the Sacraments and in the heart of each brother and sister, so that this world may recover the hope that has been conditioned and buried by those who go unpunished.

But when I return, as I will return during the next Sacred Week, each one of your souls, each one of your spirits will have the opportunity and the Grace of living their synthesis with Me. A spiritual synthesis that will remind you of all the impulses received from My Heart throughout times.

This will prepare you for what will come, and thus I will be able to have you where I need you, in different places of the world to transmute with Me, so that souls may be liberated from their material and spiritual slavery, and thus, when I return in Glory, showing My true Face, the Face of the Solar and Cosmic Christ, all souls will be able to recognize Me.

Because at this hour, I promise you that there will no longer be anguish, suffering or despair, but rather there will be a joy that will spring from simple and humble hearts, from the hearts that have persevered in Me and through Me; and I will gather them to give them to eat of My Glorified Body and to give them to drink of My Precious Blood, from the Chalice that will mark the great hour of planetary redemption, when evil will be removed and the Kingdom of God will descend again through My Heavenly Mother and through all the Hosts of Light that will celebrate with the New Race the emergence of a New Humanity.

So that you can physically understand this third impulse that I bring you today, I invite you to celebrate the Eucharist with Me. And today, in a special way, I will invite to this altar all the Mothers of the Order that are present here, for them to offer themselves for all mothers of the war, so that these mothers who suffer conflicts and persecution may have the strength and hope to move forward.

Let us celebrate in peace.

At the foot of the destruction of this world, we offer ourselves as victims of God’s Love so that My Sacred Heart may triumph on this planet and in all the souls that, at this moment, most need consolation and forgiveness. So be it.

Just as it was at the night when I gathered My apostles to reveal to them the Mystery of My Love, today I gather all the apostles of the end of times before the preamble of this next Sacred Week so that, through the institution of the Eucharist and through the celebration of the Mystery of God’s Love, as many souls as possible may prepare themselves for this important meeting with Me.

Lord, bless this wine, which will be converted into My Blood.

Lord, bless this water, which, in perfect union, will bless souls.


Adonai, You who are Holy,
Loving, Powerful and Invincible,
do not look at the horrors of this world
but rather the fidelity of souls,
of those who, despite their tests
and uncertainties, steadily follow My Path,
the Path that leads them to My Peace,
and may this Eucharistic celebration
serve as communion with all souls
that always say yes to Me.

May this console Your Heart, Father.


Before the Celestial Universes, just as it was in the Last Supper, Beloved Father, I again take the bread to offer it to You, so that it may be transubstantiated into My Body by the angels of Heaven; and thus, I break it again, to offer it to My companions, saying to them, “Take and eat it, because this is My Body, which will be delivered for humankind, for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


In the same way, I again take the Chalice in My Hands to offer it to the Eternal Father so that the wine may be transubstantiated into My Blood; and thus, I offer it again to My companions, saying to them, “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Behold My Body and My Blood; happy are those who avail themselves of this Sacrament and offer it for those who do not live it, who do not adore it and do not recognize it, so that My Divine Mercy, unfathomable and inexhaustible, may reach as many souls as possible.

Let us offer this Sacrament for the mothers of the war, so that the sacred spirit of motherhood, conceived by the Sacred Feminine Energy, may be rebuilt and re-established, so that all children of God may feel loved and protected by their mothers of the Earth.

Let us pray:

Our Father, in Aramaic.


Just as My Peace is in this place, may this Peace expand and multiply on the whole Earth, so that the inner worlds may recognize the Living Christ. May Peace descend to Earth.

I invite you to strengthen your faith just as the Roman centurion strengthened it, because his own faith healed his servant. I invite you to think about this.

Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word, and I shall be healed.


With the joy of this meeting and of this reencounter of the souls that are postulants to be victims of My Love, we announce the Spiritual Communion to all brothers and sisters on the planet, to all the devotees of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Let us pray, as the Angel of Peace prayed:

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.


I have fulfilled My promise. Through the three impulses received, your hearts are ready to live a spiritual synthesis with Me in the next Sacred Week. I only ask you one thing, never stop being brave for Me, in this way you will learn to overcome and transcend yourselves every day.

I thank you for this welcoming and inner love. Today the Sacred Figueira illuminates the world again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

 Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We close this work with Christ in silence and withdrawal. And we prepare, with great joy, to receive our beloved Instructor Saint Joseph tomorrow.

We may go in peace.


 The world needs to find Love to definitely step out of suffering.

This is all I hope to see: hearts that love, hearts that live, out of love, that which I live for you, although I am in the Heavens.

Today I come to meet you to remind you of this first rule because the hearts that are desperate, yielding and giving in to the suffering and pain of the world lose hope, day by day.

But do not forget that, above all, there is My Love, a Love that strengthens you for the trials, a Love that leads you to emptiness, a favorite meeting with the Creator.

You, beings of the surface of the Earth, come from a Fountain of Love, but also from a Fountain of Wisdom. Do not allow Love to be erased in your hearts, do not allow the flame of Love to cease to burn within you because that is where My Heart is, which was pierced so that you, at this time, might find the true Fountain of Love.

It is this Love of My Heart that summons you to love and to serve, the Love that will rebuild the families of the world.

It is the Love that I call you to experience that in this cycle will allow relief, given to those who suffer and to those who emigrate from their nations.

Today, upon the palms of My Hands, I bring you the Sacred Heart of Love as a burning and divine flame that comes to offer itself for the world in order to be able to heal it and convert it.

You know that I will never ask you for anything that you cannot give Me. I will ask you for what is most simple, but most true, I will ask that which someday will make you absolutely understand the Plan of God.

Today, at My Feet, I contemplate and observe the great needs of the world, the supplications of hearts for themselves and their families, for their nations and for their peoples, for needs that I try to meet, one by one.

But, My companions, will you decide to be the bridge to My Sacred Heart? These bridges can extend throughout the world by means of the love and the tireless service that you can render to My Sacred Heart.

In this blessed month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I come to remind you of this, because the majority is easily forgetting it.

We know that the world is not prepared to face what it is facing today. But since the most ancient times, while I was on Earth, I taught you the first rule of Love, because it is the essence, but also the basis of your entire spiritual and human life.

How will you understand those who suffer, if you do not love?

How will you endure evil, if you do not love?

How will you expand your consciousness, if you do not love?

I come to teach you to first Love, in what is most simple, in what is most deep, but in what is most true, in what no one can see nor perceive.

It is in this Love that I need you to work today. In the Love that surrenders without conditions, in the Love that surrenders without aspirations, in the silent Love that is not perceived, in the Love that always says ‘yes’.

By means of My Message, I pour out upon you the Rays of My Mercy and I illuminate the entire Earth so that the forces that bind it, condemn it and disturb it may be dissolved by My Light.

Receive that Grace of My Heart, the Light of the Rays of My Mercy so that humanity may be healed and redeemed, so that peace and the end of wars may be attained, as well as the end of all humanitarian conflicts.

Take this Light to your heart and commune with My Sacred Heart so that My great Promise before the Father may be fulfilled, the Promise that this Earth may be repopulated by New Christs, those who will go until the end saying ‘yes’.

May your hearts and minds be emptied at this moment so that the great mystery of the Love of God may be revealed to the simple and humble hearts, to those who have divested their lives of the temptations of this world and of all distraction.

Today, My wish is that you contemplate My resurrected Heart, the Eucharistic Heart of the Son of God, which, as a Tabernacle, opens its doors to the world so that everyone can contemplate the Truth, the Truth that is beyond all evil and all adversity, the Truth that will lead you to peace and to the perpetual union with My Eucharistic Heart.


FrIar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At this moment, Our Lord is showing, in a clear and crystalline way, His Sacred Heart with three flames of fire that represent Love, Compassion and Light; He is showing that, through a gesture of paternal Love, He offers His Heart to the world so that the souls that are the thirstiest for the consoling Love of Jesus may be reconsecrated before His merciful Presence. In the silence of His Words, He offers this Heart of His.

And now, He placed His Heart back into His Chest, but His Heart is still exposed.


For those who have doubts, I will return.

For those who have lost faith, I will return.

For those who no longer believe in Me, for them, I will return.

For those who live in suffering, I will return.

For those who have died unjustly, I will return, I will resurrect all of them in spirit, mind and body so that they may be with Me in My Kingdom, fulfilling the promise of a New Humanity, free from the chains of oppression, from sadness and anguish: a humanity that will be renewed by the Sacred Spirit of the Supreme Will of God.

Upon the Altar of My Celestial Church, I have hundreds of Chalices to be given to the souls that offer themselves to drink of the Divine Blood of sacrifice so that, by means of surrender and renunciation, they may repair the Heart of the Son of God of the serious outrages that He receives daily, for all situations that the world today lives.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lord is showing us His Altar in the Celestial Church, with one hundred and thirty-three Chalices that hold His precious Blood, the Blood of Transubstantiation. He offers these Chalices to us so that, spiritually, they may be drunk by our souls, for those who offer in consciousness and with discernment to assume what He offers to us today, as spiritual and human service.

For this, the angels that surround the Sacred Heart of Jesus, at this moment, hold the Chalices of the Altar to take them to the souls that have accepted them, throughout the four corners of the Earth. 

Those who have offered to assume a special sacrifice, let them drink of this Chalice that the angels offer to us today.


My noble Heart wants to transform you into something new, into something that you do not know, into something in which you cannot have control of nor the minimum power to change.

Therefore, after this Sacrament of the Sacred Chalice, which some of you have offered to drink without knowing what this means or what this represents for their lives, I ask you, companions, “Have you decided to come to live in My Heart and accompany Me in this planetary task, in this silent and imperceptible rescue of all of humanity, whether in the plains or in the valleys, in the deserts or in the oceans, in any place of the world?

Are your hearts ready?

Have you meditated upon what I told you in the last Sacred Week?

My Words must not only remain recorded. My Words must be lived by each one of you because when you live My Message, you will understand the reason for being here and the reason for living for Me.

This is all I want to tell you, because I need that you someday understand the mystery of My Love and the reason for My coming to meet you, to instruct you but also to give you an impulse, because the one who is in Me will not perish, although they go through their hardest and most difficult trial.

To the souls who have not yet decided, I invite them to live in My Heart, to enter the school of My eternal Love.

Before I leave you with the solemnity of the Sacred Eucharist, which will once again beat through the heart of Aurora, where this celebration will be offered to all, I want to bid farewell, listening to a song that helps in your re-consecration to My Sacred Heart.

You will offer the prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus today with a solemn song so that the alliance of souls with Me may be deeper and everything may be renewed.

At the end of the sacred eucharistic celebration, you will make a synthesis of this work of the impulses of My merciful Heart, by means of a second song that will close the exercise of this whole Message that, out of love, I have brought to you today.

Therefore, you will sing, at the end of this transmission, “Pierced Heart”.

I will listen to the song to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and I bless you so that you may rise from where you have fallen, so that you may ever find peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prostrate yourselves before My Heart and drink of My Mercy.

The time of darkness will come to the world, but few will accept it. Happy and true will be the ones who live in My Heart because they will not perish.

Today I bring you the Light of My Most Holy Eucharistic Heart. Therefore, before the Thrones of God, you sinners must also honor the Son of God, because He washed away your impurities, filled your hearts, and alleviated all desperation.

Drink from the Source of My spiritual Heart, which is now poured out upon the world, Light that walks over your beings and extends like a Mantle of Light upon the planet.

See the infinite to My right and the end to My left. Look above Me for the Trinity and below My feet the world. See My hand that points to the Heart.

Do not miss this moment that absolves you. Feel and do not try to understand. The doors of evil are closing for many and My victory is established once more upon the Earth.

Prostrate yourselves on the ground like the apostles of the past. Reverence the Son of God, Who has come to help you in Mercy and splendor.

Contemplate My Eucharistic Heart. It is still present before your little spirits.

Reverence the angels who worship My Heart and participate in this celestial Communion that I am offering to everyone today. Heaven is before your eyes. Even if you do not see it, it resides in your spirits.

Do not try to understand with the mind. This communion I offer you today goes beyond this material Universe. Here you are facing another Kingdom that you have never seen or known. The Kingdom of the humility and poverty of God.

If you are tired, rest in my arms, because I wait for you in the invisible Presence of My Heart.

Jesus is showing us a chalice that He takes between His hands and He is surrounded by different Angelic Hierarchies, in different shapes and aspects. He is transfigured into light, and behind Him are other universes that lead to infinity, to a beginning. This light not only expands here. The Master is taking it to five continents. He is raising the dead of spirit on five continents.

While here, Jesus says:

I allow you to say all these things so that you realize that I am not here by chance or just to visit you. My Spirit prepares the New Christs; Christs who will be born from the most imperfect, the most impure, the denied and lost in the spiritual life.

That is why I congregate you as one flock and today you will only be able to stand before Me prostrate on the ground, because God is the one who allows Me to be here, celebrating with you and with many redeemed souls, the spiritual Communion with My Divinity, which is what is revealed today to everyone in the world who believes in Me.

Cry and release your anguish. Your time is coming. The hour of peace.

The angels are depositing a liquid into the Cup of the Lord. The chalice lights up like a heart and beats in light, in golden light.

Be quiet. You are not only before Me, but Emmanuel.

Those who cannot resist prostrate on the ground, sit carefully, in order to not disable what God is building and, as if you do not step on the ground, feel the levitation of My Light that leaves you sublime and purer, free from stains and debts.

Encourage yourselves to touch My invisible Spirit with your hands, because I am reaching to the center of the heart of those who open themselves today, humbled, to receive me. Do not waste any time with Me, because these are the last ones before the great Armageddon.

Feel My Light in your hearts, the Light that alleviates and heals, that releases and forgives your past actions. And so this reverberates in the consciousness of your world.

The angels lay crystals at the feet of the Lord of different colors and shapes, and the Lord says:

I bring you through this example the presence of your origin, the origin of the Original Project, which is written for this humanity.

Archangel Metatron has just appeared to the right of our Lord and has a strong light on his forehead and a fire is emanated from his chest, which he collects with his hands.

Other angelic Hierarchies collect this fire and carry it to the four points of the Earth at an incalculable speed. It is as if they are here and in other parts of the world at the same time. They are entering cities, villages and continents. The Lord shows that there are conflicts there and this fire dissolves everything in light and harmony.

Get up. Your bodies are already tired, but the task goes on. Allow My Light to reside in you and leave here transformed, wasting no time along these days.

While I am here with you, I'm with everyone. This Communion is not finished, and I teach you, My companions, that when you cannot commune with Me, do it through the spirit, because with this it will be true and you will have a memory of this day and the days to come, of what I lived with you today, all that I have brought to you in the name of Grace and redemption. Remember this exercise of Eucharistic Communion with My Heart.

And now you will sing to the Christ of Love that resides in you. But you sing softly, as a mother puts her child to sleep.

Place your hands in a sign of donation, because the Communion with My Spirit still continues. While you sing, gather in your hearts the Communion with My Spirit, the perfect code for redemption. Once again.

You can place your hands on your heart and reconfirm the vow you have made with Me for this life, each one in their degree of surrender and trust, to My merciful Heart. In the same way, may all those who hear Me, on the four points of the planet, do so, because the Communion is spreading towards the planetary sphere, to the spirit of the planet that was flagellated by all of you before My coming to the world and after My Resurrection until today.

See how great is the sin of humanity and how unfathomable is the Justice of God, because My Mercy is sustaining many things. But the Judgment day will come, and by that time the prepared and the most unconscious must be ready. There I alone will separate  the chaff from the wheat, the true from the false.

And now, in union with the universe of this planet, which is filled with the spheres of Adonai, receive in glory and honor this day of resurrection, in this material Universe, the Presence of My Eucharistic Body, which after I have gone from here, you will contemplate, adore, and focus on My Heart and My Spirit, for five minutes. Today I institute the planetary Adoration.

Cover your heads with hoods and headscarves, all those who have them, in an act of love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Let us repeat in honor to God of the Heights so that through this prayer, conceived by My universal and omnipresent Spirit, souls may receive the essence of My Mercy. And today, in this place, as in the Marian Centers, the Holy Monstrance of My Heart will be open for those who wish to drink of My spring of Graces, through sacred Adoration.

With faith and hope before the Thrones of the angels and archangels and the Kingdom of the humility and poverty of God, repeat from your heart:

Sacred Monstrance of Light, 
symbol of the Universal God, 
radiate Your principles over the world, 
dispel all cruelties of evil, 
build with Your Solar Rays
the new essence of humanity.
O Sacred Monstrance of Light, 
unfathomable Presence of the Son of God,
redeem all that was created,
restore all that has been damaged, 
reestablish, now and always,
the Christic Code of the Universal King.

Fourteen chimes.

Blessed are those who commune with My Heart, because they thus prepare themselves on this day of resurrection for the feast of Mercy. Remember this sacred request.

In communion with the High, I say goodbye to you companions, on this Sacred Week of redemption and peace for the consequent souls and all the spirits of the world who perpetually seek the essence of My Love.

I bless you under the power God has given me, as His glorified and beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Ring the bells to announce the day of My Resurrection. And now sing to God, the Hallelujah.

Song: Hallelujah

Holy Trinity,
Father Son and Holy Spirit
I adore you deeply
and I offer you the most beautiful body
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the earth.
And in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifference
with which he is offended
and for the infinite merits of His Most Holy Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
I ask for the conversion of poor sinners.

The Lord wants to hear you proclaim from your lips: Thank you Redeemer for all that you give us!, for seven times.

Your day of glory has come, and despite the consequences the world is living, do not forsake My way, because I will come for you at the definitive time.

I thank you. Peace to the world.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
