In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Father and the Son, the Sovereign and Eternal God, who comes with His Most Beloved Son, Christ the Redeemer, to partake with His Creatures, in perfect and perpetual communion, elevating souls to the Kingdom of the Heavens for a moment.

Behold, companions, the One Who gave you life and gave life to His First-Born, through the Most Pure Womb of Mary, the Womb that gestates today, in Her bosom, the New Humanity, the Creative Womb that offers itself to transform all things.

Now, behold the Mother of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Triune Consciousness who, from the Heavens, contemplates the world, which is wounded by hatred and revenge.

Behold the Eternal Heart of the Father, the Sacred Heart of the Son and the Immaculate Heart of the Mother. Sacred geometry is formed here, inner matrices are expressed so that all the chosen may receive them within themselves and prepare their inner worlds for the hour of the emergence of the New Humanity.

For this reason, Archangel Uriel and Archangel Gabriel are present here before the Adored Father, the Venerable Son and the Most Holy Mother. The holy archangels justify this moment before Creation, so that once more, the Ark of the Holy Covenant may be renewed by the experiences of redemption and forgiveness of the souls who live in Christ every day.

For this reason, these holy angels, present here, erase from the Books of Divine Justice, the errors that have been committed out of ignorance, dissatisfaction and also guilt. Thus, once again, your souls will be purified before the greatness of God, Who comes to deliver His Blessings and Graces through the Heart of His Son and the Heart of the Most Holy Mother, so that the innocent may be rescued and all those who today suffer impunity may have the Grace of salvation and, above all, the consolation of the Heavens.

Today the Eternal Father, before the Presence of His Son and the Most Holy Mother, Archangel Uriel and Gabriel, comes to gather in His Arms those who are fallen, those who have become trapped in suffering without being able to see the Light, without being able to find Love.

God grants this moment for those who listen to His Call, for those who say ‘yes’ to inner emptiness.

Let us listen to God:

"Children of the Earth and of the universe, elevate your spirits towards Me. I Am the Father, Who blesses and fills you, Who nourishes you with the life of the spirit and of the entire Source of Creation.

Come to Me, My little ones. May the children of the past return to Me, so that innocence may be repaired in the world and Love may take away, from the claws of the enemy, all those who are prisoners and in captivity.

Behold the God of Israel, the God of the patriarchs and prophets, the God of the holy women and missionaries of Christ.

I come here to grant you My Law again, which has been violated and outraged by humanity.

Behold, in My Heart, the cradle of the New Humanity, of which all those with determination can partake, by believing in the promise of the Kingdom of the Heavens, of the triumph of My Will in each Creature of the Earth.  

Praise God, just as nature praises Him, so that spiritual sensitivity may return to the human heart and many more in this world may abandon indifference and may open up to charity. This will establish the forgiveness that the world needs, in the face of the injustice of so much war and unimaginable human suffering.

I Am the Law of Living Love, and through My Love, all has been created for My Children, from the origin of the Earth up to the present and beyond the present.

I Am Adonai, the Resplendent and Living God, the Immaculate Mirror of Creation. I Am the cause of your joy, your beatitude, your justice.

Elevate your hearts to Me, O sacred people of Israel, in the same way as Christ, My Son, was elevated on the Cross and His Heart was pierced by the sins of the world, and His eminent sacrifice made Mercy, rather than Justice, spring forth, through Blood and Water!  

Behold, in My Heart, the perfect relic of Love, which elevates the spirit and liberates the consciousness, which places its feet upon the correct path so that, just like the people of the desert under the guidance of Moses, you also may find the Promised Land, which is within each one of My children. The Sacred Land sown by My Principles and Attributes, by the new patterns of behavior that will elevate humanity again.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

God’s Heart is wide open.

Who will enter the unknown Universe of God?

Who will be One with the Father, just as the Son is One with the Father and just as the Holy Spirit is One with the Son?

My Sacred Aspects can also be in all, in those who recognize and adore the Living God, present today in a Luminous and Eternal manner, under the support of the archangelic consciousness.

Children, may the world seek peace and the end of war, within and outside of you, so that the Promised Land may be a reality, and no longer just a promise.

Listen to the Voice of the Father, Who loves you, the Voice of the Father, Who created you in His Image and Likeness so that you might be happy in Me, because this is what I wish the most."

Words of Christ:

Companions, this is our Father-Mother Creator, adored by the angels, revered by all beings of goodwill, exalted by the blessed ones. Because in truth I tell you that no one goes to the Father but through Me; because I Am the direct Door to Him, just as I hope your hearts will open the door so that I may enter.

Today, the Ark of the Holy Covenant is magnetized by those who renew their consecration to the Divine Purpose.

Behold the eternal and inexhaustible Flame of God’s Abundance, a Flame that nothing can extinguish, because it is the Immaterial Flame of God that illuminates the path of the pilgrims, of those who remove their own sandals to walk barefoot to God.

Behold the sacrificed Consciousness of God, under the image of the Divine Purpose, which aspires to straighten humanity so that it may return to the path of the Law and Love, before it is too late.

My Heart is nourished by this imperious and powerful Flame. Likewise, from this Flame of Divine Purpose your hearts must also take spiritual nourishment, just as the holy angels do and live it in the eternal present.

This is the Sacred Flame, which impels the transformation of life and consciousness, transforming what is corrupt into what is incorrupt.

What is the reason for your existence? What is the motive for your being on Earth?

I come to make it known through the Living, Omnipresent and Eternal God, Who has visited you today in the innermost depths of the spirit, to help the whole world. Revere this unknown yet infinite Grace, which comes to grant reconciliation to all those who seek it.

As I have promised, and under this Impulse of God, I come to give an opportunity to all those who aspire to consecrate their souls to eternal life, to untiring service for the Plans of God.

Let us prepare ourselves for this moment, which I will guide and witness, just as it must be for each soul who seeks the consecration of their life and consciousness. And this is possible through the power of My Blood and the merits that it granted to those who adore My Blood in the Most Blessed Sacrament of Communion.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will prepare ourselves in Christ and for Christ, through a song, so that, at this moment of consecration with the Lord, the spiritual power of His Blood may encompass and radiate to as many souls on Earth as possible, especially to the souls that need His Mercy the most.

Rita from Portugal, the Lord is calling you, come here. He will ask you a secret question.

All has been said. The time has been consummated, just as Christ, your Master and Lord, lived His hour in the Last Supper.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will sing “The power of the Blood,” and all of us, together, will accompany this consecration of new helpers.

You may draw near, sisters.

Here, sisters, in this basket are the names of consecration of each one of you, they are Biblical names. Each one now will choose a name and I will read it so that all may hear what their name for this new task.

Sara de Adonai, welcome!



Jokmah de María.

Belén de María.

Altar de Dios.

Inmaculada de María.


Déborah de Israel.

Claudia de Jesús, welcome, Claudia!


Ruah de María.

Lea de Israel.

El Bethel.

Leonor de Dios.

María de Magdala.

Martha de Jesús.

María de Sión.




María Ruth.

María Cleofás.

Anna de Dios.

Aruna de Dios.

Isabel del Bautista.

Emilia de San José.

Magdalena de Jesús.

Phoebe de Jesús.

Amparo de Dios.

Now, we will say a Hail Mary, the Lord’s Prayer and a Glory Be.

We will stand up to accompany the sisters in this offering before the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I want you to contemplate the Five pierced Wounds of the Lord, for all the horrors of the world.

Who will remove, from the Hands of the Lord, the nails that, once again, are being put, which represent impunity in one Hand and injustice in the other?

Who will remove, from the Feet of your Lord, the nails that represent the lack of love and of compassion in the world?

Who will remove the spear from the Side of Jesus, the Wound that aches the most at this moment, and represents the death of the innocent?

Who will collect, with the chalice of their heart, the Precious Blood that is shed at this moment through the Hands, Side and Feet of Jesus?

This is the Face that I present to all of you today. This is the Message, but also the symbol that I want to leave to you; not only to you, but also to the whole world.

And today, I show you all this at the doors of My House, at the doors of My Church, from the most intimate Tabernacle of My Heart, which I have left today to present Myself to you, just as I have presented Myself in other culminating times of humanity.

This is what I want you to contemplate today, to tell the world that My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy is not being considered at this moment. Because the chalice of human consciousness, the chalice of the consciousness of the planet, was half full before, and now it is overflowing due to the accumulation of errors and sins of the world.

In the face of this culminating moment of humanity and of the planet, I want the devotion to My Unfathomable and Sacred Heart to be considered, so that the principles and merits achieved by your Master and Lord may be justified again, in the face of a scenario of horrors, wars and conflicts, division and schism within religions.

This is why I once again leave the Tabernacle of this Church to rebuild the spiritual essence of the Purpose of religions, so that the souls that once believed in Me no longer separate from Me, but rather find in My House the Spiritual Church, the spiritual dwelling that they seek and yearn for so much, to be protected from the harassments of these times, which, in an immeasurable way, is imposed by My adversary, the enemy of all, in a way never seen before. 

But companions, I want to tell you that, although at this moment My Hands, My Side and My Feet continue to bleed, I want you to remember the moment of your Master and Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. In that place all that would happen in this time was revealed to Him, but that which is grand and would happen at the end of these times was also revealed to Him, through the faith of the hearts that believe in the existence of the Living Christ and in the presence of His Merciful and Unfathomable Love. 

I want you to be before the bloody Face of Jesus, not for you to suffer, but rather for you to mature and grow up, so that the world, through this symbol and the Face I present to you today, may know how they are leaving the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is why I tell you again that I Am thirsty for souls, I Am thirsty for victims that are postulants to My Redeeming Love.

The desolation of the Lord is greatly unknown to all; desolation that is caused through the brothers and sisters who suffer, through those who escape war and conflict, those who no longer have a home, those who have lost their families and loved ones in an unexpected way.

Who will have the bravery and courage to repair these destroyed hearts?

Who will be able, without challenges or battles, without weapons or insults, through the intelligence of the heart and the silence of the spirit, to face the forces of evil that provoke the horrors of these times?

It is not by confronting one another with the sword that this will end. Because the moment before I was betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, when I was being imprisoned by My enemies, when the thick chain was being put around My Neck, and was tying My Hands and My Feet, although I had lost my breath a little, when I received the first blows in the Abdomen, Chest and Face, and the Living God was being tormented and hit without anyone to perceive it, I told Peter, “The one who raises their sword, will die through the sword.”

In this time, the sense of dialog and human cordiality has been lost, which lead to hospitality, to know, at each moment and at each instant, what one’s neighbor needs.

If you gave a minimum drop of love, all would be solved. This is why I had to shed My Blood in the Calvary, drop by drop, not only so that the surface might be permeated by Christic and Liberating Love, but also so that souls might learn from self-giving and unconditional surrender.

It is time to face the planetary reality, because many might be surprised overnight. And I ask you, “What will you do, will you abandon the Lord, as many of the apostles did?”

Who will be at the foot of the cross of this planetary calvary, without fearing the forces of evil and without challenging them?

Who will be capable of invoking the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to learn how to survive in these critical times?

At the doors of My Spiritual Church, My Eternal Church, My Sublime Church, which dwells, through the Kingdom of God, in the heart of all creatures, I come to deliver to you this revelation, the most intimate one of My Heart. Because the world has gone beyond the limits and borders of balance and has entered an unbalance that seems not to have an end.

This is why this is the time for you, not only on the surface, but also on other planes of consciousness, to learn how to overcome the spiritual battle, in which, unfortunately, all is permitted.

Today, through the aura of My Consciousness, I bring an essential model to you, an example to follow and imitate, Sainte Terese of Child Jesus, who was and is the great mirror of human innocence, represented through the feminine, through the delicacy of love for souls, through constantly embracing sacrifice and the suffering of others, so that, in an anonymous and unconditional way, this suffering in the world may be relieved.

Today, all saints and blessed ones are united to this moment, to reaffirm the devotion to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus, so that there may be souls that are depositories of the codes and merits of Jesus, because humanity needs it before it is too late.

For this reason, I Am here, so that humanity may listen to Me attentively, so that you may know that all the Tabernacles of the Earth are spiritually open at this moment to sustain the planet, through the spiritual order that I have given to the holy angels of God, the great stewards of the Reliquaries of the Body and Blood of Jesus.

At this moment, I invite the devoted and sensible souls to be before all the Tabernacles of the Earth, before an incorrect decision is made in the world and harms many more consciousnesses.

Thus, I invite you to be before the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus time and again, and to suffer in silence with Me so that the suffering may no longer be in the innocent, in the families that escape war and persecution, in the sick amidst war, in those who are paralyzed and immobile, and cannot come out of the chaos.

I want you to think with Me of those who suffer, because I died on a Cross for all and on behalf of all, so that they would have abundant life, so that, in the human consciousness, the Spirit of God’s Life, which had died in many of you in other times, would resurrect, .

This is the reason for the shed Blood of Jesus, for each whip and each martyrdom, for the Face of the Living God having been spat upon and for your Master having remained immutable before evil.

My defeat was not the silence, because My victory was the unconditional surrender of My Heart, without anything in return, even knowing that I would be denied, just as today many souls deny Me due to the martyrdom that many priests have generated in the world, by taking My celestial authority and using it through an action of impurity and injustice.

However, I tell all those who have been affected and offended to come to Me, because My Life may dwell in you, and you may dwell in Me.

Trust in Me! Trust in Me!

I promise to you, and I will always promise to you, the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one can go to the Father, except through Me, because the Father can descend to you through Me, for I Am part of the Father, just as the Father is part of Me, and if I may be in you, My Father will be in you.

How many at this moment lose that Grace and opportunity, and My enemy undermines the Plan of salvation of souls. But I will not tremble, because the Lord does not fear, the Lord advances with determination and bravery, although He carries in His Heart all the sins of the world, although this is anonymous and invisible to the eyes of all.  

My Church needs to be rebuilt, just as Saint Francis of Assisi rebuilt it spiritually through the foundations of humility, austerity, poverty and communion with the holy chastity, through his union with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Despite everything, the Heart of Jesus arrives at this house of spiritual retreat, to withdraw just as it was in Bethany, moments before His surrender in Jerusalem, moments before His Last Supper with His beloved apostles and companions, with His favorite daughters, the holy women.

Today, I come here to rest for a moment, so that the Spirit of Jesus may rest from all it sees in the world, so that this pause may be the moment to immerse into silence and, in this way, to meditate on the new strategies of the Divine Plans of the Lord.

My Hands, My Side and My Feet continue to shed the blood of the innocent, of the martyrs of the end of times, who do not have a religion, but do feel true love and are as united to God as you are, regardless of the suffering that they are going through at this moment, because this is the time of the inner Gethsemane within each one.

Let us celebrate, through the Holy Communion, the merits achieved by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for the good and peace of souls. Because, once again, We ask for weapons not to be raised, for voices of aggression not to be raised, so that impunity may no longer exist, as well as the nefarious strategies that some nations carry out through war.


Oh, Jerusalem,
on an unexpected day they will surround you with trenches,
they will ambush you like an inoffensive animal,
trying to kill you and make you disappear.

Oh, Jerusalem,
you have not recognized the Face of the Lord,
and now you will recognize this moment,
when your Lord cried at the doors of Jerusalem,
because His own Temple would be in danger.

But do not despair, Jerusalem,
because you are the Promised City,
the reflection of the Celestial City of God,
which Adonai took care of piously,
throughout the tribes and the prophets.

Jerusalem, no longer raise your weapons;
raise your heart to God
and offer yourself for your enemies,
so that the Love of Christ may redeem them,
so that the peace that has disappeared may be established.

Recognize, Jerusalem, that the Messiah has arrived already,
and that the Savior will return soon
and will take you from the trenches and the harassments,
from the dangers and threats.

You will be taken out, Jerusalem,
because the New Jerusalem will come,
the Celestial City of the Father
which will levitate in the Heavens,
which will radiate to the consciousnesses,
which will liberate hearts,
which will reestablish the peace
that so many seek and yearn for.

Oh, Jerusalem,
Sacred Jerusalem, Heart of Galileum,
reflect your principles of loyalty and truth.

Surrender before the Ark of the Holy Covenant, Jerusalem,
just as the patriarchs and the sacred people of Israel did.

Share your treasures of life and teaching,
share the Relics of God.

Jerusalem, be a bridge of peace,
for all those who suffer and must endure,
so that the Call of God
may not be interrupted by the sound of weapons
and by the cries of those who despair,
of the mutilated, the forgotten and the discarded.

Oh, Jerusalem,
do not become compromised with evil,
because evil will be defeated through the Love of Jesus,
just as it was in My last expiration on the Cross.


I thank you for accompanying Me in this hurtful moment and trusting in the regenerating Light of My Heart, so that, in time, all may be repaired within and outside of the human consciousness.

Do not forget unity among you, because where there is no unity, I Am not.

May the little unity that exists in the world prevail, the unity that leads to discernment, the unity that leads to a sensible response, the unity that will always lead you to peace, the unity that will always impel you to be good beings. Because in unity, which is the mirror of God’s Love, lies the master key to overcome the end of times.

Let us celebrate for My wounded Holy Land, from Jerusalem to Gaza, from the Mediterranean Sea up to the Arab Emirates.

Thus, may My Sacred Cross be established, the Cross of Israel, to stop the wars and death of the innocent, of those who cry for help.

The time has come to be a true apostle, because the world needs it, the planet needs it.

I thank you for responding to My call, and under the mysterious Light of My Wounds I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Seek My Peace.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the planetary task that Our Lord is carrying out at this moment, at His request we will intone "Adon Olam."

We invite those who are listening to stand up so as to accompany Our Lord in this planetary task.

Song: "Adon Olam."

You knew a fragile man as Jesus, who carried the heavy wood of the Cross and that, as a human being in spite of His divine and cosmic powers, gave Himself for each one of you so that you would not have to endure and suffer. If more than two thousand years later humanity continues to endure and suffer, it is a consequence of its actions and roles.

The Almighty incarnated on Earth through His Son so that humanity would not have to endure ever again.

The Almighty incarnated as a man and as a consciousness as you did, and reduced His grand vibrations of Light in order to be able to be among the human beings of this Earth.

The incarnation of the Son of God and the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant important times for humanity. Through the incarnation of the Son, humanity was able to recover the path toward its original purity, the original purity that was thought of at the genesis of the Human Genetic Project. But that incarnation of the Son of God also brought an end to an unending chain of errors.

The Eternal Father Himself knew that no matter if He incarnated on Earth and brought an awareness of Love-Wisdom, that victory would not be completed, because there would be human beings that would have doubt about His Presence and Power, and even after the Passion of Christ, this happened in many human beings.

The incarnation of the Son of God through the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity brought an end to many errors from the past that up until then, in the history of humanity, would have caused the Human Genetic Project to succumb forever, even with having had the presence of the Patriarchs and the Prophets. 

But not all civilizations and races made a mistake; the adversary took charge of being able to distort some of those races that were present in humanity.

From the Adams and Eves up until Atlantis, humanity had to learn, as they have done until today, to remedy the errors committed in order to be able to again achieve the power of Grace and Mercy.

That was the main reason for the incarnation of the Son of God, which generated and made space for His second and important task, the Passion of Christ, which took place on many levels and planes of consciousness, from the cosmic spiritual to the most material and concrete plane.

The whole consciousness of God participated in all these mysteries and events, as well as different groups of souls and consciousnesses that, even though they were not incarnated in that time, participated in these events because they needed them in order to be present in future times such as this.

For this reason, Christ not only endured on the physical plane, but also on the plane of the soul and on the spiritual plane. The powerful Passion of Christ, which for many was a defeat, changed into a victory on the inner planes since, through the power of the prayer of the Mother of God, as well as the prayer of the holy women and some of the apostles, this allowed the gathering of the greatest number of consciousnesses possible, that on different planes of consciousnesses needed the energy of redemption.

Each suffering experienced by your Master and Lord, from the evening of Holy Thursday in the Garden of Gethsemane up until the death on Friday, on the heights of Mount Calvary, were unique and unforgettable offerings for all of humanity and the planet.

Through that sorrowful and profound Passion of your Master and Lord, many future planetary situations were contained, many future generations were protected in order to not experience a deviation from the Original Project.

And even though today this has been completely distorted by indifference and omission, many more were present over the course of time and returned many times to this world as servers, servants, disciples and apostles to be present in collaboration and in service to humanity.

Certain groups of souls, which achieved the experience of Christic Love, offered themselves in a way like their Master to be immersed in this humanity and in different peoples and nations of the world, to bring a continuity to the Genetic Project of God which, at this time and at this hour, are experiencing its great opportunity for correction.

Considering the entire history of the errors that occurred, from the death of the Son of God up until the present, to be amended by the power of the devotion of all My companions, by the power of those who adore the Eucharistic Body of Christ and by those who support the life of service and charity, we are in the time and at the hour for fulfilling the promises and the aspirations of the One, which have been present through the archangels and angels since Genesis.

And so, the sorrowful Passion of Christ was not only an event and a story that humanity may know about. Many planes of consciousness participated in this event; for this reason, I had to withdraw for forty days into the desert, since My most material aspect needed to prepare for that moment, even during the three years of preaching, in which humanity needed to learn to recognize the truth and identify it in order not to be lost on the way toward the Light and the Good.

For this reason, the Passion of Christ is an occurrence that will never be erased from the consciousness of the planet; it is an occurrence that can always be re-experienced and remembered as many times as you need in order to move forward in your process of purification and redemption. This way, in these events are the codes of light that you need to achieve your spiritual, cosmic and inner liberation.

With all of this I want to tell you, companions, that you must focus your awareness on the extent of that which the sorrowful Passion of Christ meant, and how many consciousnesses on the inner plans participated in the redemption of more consciousnesses that were condemned to complete damnation.

Thus, the Passion was so sorrowful because it was to overcome all the planes of consciousness. And that Passion, lived by your Lord and Master, was to reach the physical plane and the cosmic spiritual plane with His experience, where everything that happened was to remain recorded so that humanity could learn to not commit the same errors because of it having given up the Son of Man on the Cross.

The time of the sorrowful Passion of Christ today unites with this material time and this present time, in which the whole human race is faced with the opportunity of availing itself of this occurrence, which remained recorded in the deepest core of the Earth through the Blood that was poured out by your Master and Lord.

It is now when the Armageddon is present in the world that consciousnesses must be awakened for their preparation in order to be updated on the events and to participate in the preparations for the Return of Christ.

The Cross of the Redeemer will always protect you, save you and bring you the inner strength to be able to renew all things.

This is why the Holy Cross has not been erased from the memory of the planet; because it was the tree of God that was surrendering its fruits to humanity through the sacrifice of the Son of Man.

This is the time to be affirmed in this legacy that I gave you, because more intense times will come and your consciousnesses must not hesitate. You must be firm and decided to be able to follow Me until completing that which I expect from each one of you. This is also the reason for which I am here today.

Today you are experiencing communion with My Spirit through the recognition of the sorrowful Passion of Jesus, from which your souls can gather the fruits and the merits that the precious poured Blood of Jesus achieved for humanity.

Now humanity must cease its self-destruction, and instead it must rebuild in a spiritual, mental and material way, to recover its filiation with Creation through these divine merits that I give the world, merits that will always give you the freedom to be in communion with the Father.

Today I will anoint you to be able to anoint humanity, in the same way that the holy women anointed all of My Body, preparing It for My burial, which after three days would show the world the power of the Resurrection.

Through this anointing that I will offer to you today, I will also anoint the whole world. I will give you the power of the spiritual Resurrection for the definitive times that will come, and through this anointing, which My holy women will do today in you, you will remember that you can always feel yourselves to be anointed by the glorious Presence of your Master and Lord.

This anointing comes to close the spiritual wounds of humanity, mental and material wounds, so that all may be regenerated and the awaited preparation may begin for the emergence of a new humanity, free of indifference and affirmed in Love, in the Love of God.

We will bring four jars of anointing oil here so that the Lord may consecrate them, in the same way that He will consecrate all the crosses that we have brought here to affirm our commitment to Him and His eternal union with each soul.

For this reason, from where we are, we will offer our cross, so that our cross may be alleviated and the cross of humanity may be alleviated of sickness, wars, persecution, political and humanitarian crises, indifference, the lack of love, the lawlessness and the evil that many souls practice because they are ignorant of the Love of God.

For this reason and motive, we will offer our crosses so that the world may achieve healing and peace. Amen.

Bless, o Lord, the cross that You have given each of Your children, so that it not be a weight or an agony but rather a constant perseverance of the triumph of Your Love through transformation and redemption.

"Through Your Grace and Mercy, place on these crosses the merits that Your Son achieved from the Garden of Gethsemane up to the heights of Mount Calvary, so that souls may feel fortitude in these times, so that any fear may be dissolved, and Your creatures be filled by the abundant trust of Your merciful Heart. And in this way, just as today you bless and anoint these crosses with Your Spirit, bless and anoint, beloved Father, each one of their families and loved ones, so that the great network of Your Mercy and Your Peace may be united and alive in the hearts of those who believe in My Return to humanity. Amen."

Let us lift up our crosses so that the Lord may bless them through the powerful Light of His Wounds. We can bring our crosses to our hearts.

Now we will move on to the blessing of the oil, of the four oils that Our Lord requested and that represent the four principal races of the planet: the race of the Americas, the race of Africa, the race of Europe, and the race of Asia and Oceania.

We open ourselves to this spiritual anointment and for this material anointment, which we will receive through the Mothers of Christ, in the name of humanity and of this Genetic Project, which must be accomplished through all the self-summoned.

Through the anointing which each of us will receive at this moment, it will also be permitted that all those who are behind us on the spiritual path and are waiting to enter this stream and Work of Love of the Christ, may have the opportunity of being participants in the Presence of the Divine Hierarchy.

So while we are anointed at this time, let us keep in mind all those who are behind each of us and are waiting for their awakening and redemption, in the same way that throughout time we are redeemed and anointed by the spiritual Love of Christ.

Mother María Shimani and Friar Joaquín.

Mother María del Salvador and Friar Luciano.

Mother María Getsemaní and Friar Ariel.

Mother Zorobabel and Friar Gabriel Pío.

And before beginning this anointing, which will attempt to bring a spiritual healing to humanity through the four races represented on our planet, each one of us, even though not present here in this place or in this Marian Center, will make our inner offering through a minute of silence, so that peace and healing may be reached in humanity.

We make our offering in silence; and we make this offering, at the request of Christ, for all those who have died because of the current pandemic. We ask for healing, Mercy and forgiveness. We make our offering for these souls.

I lift up your intentions to Heaven so that the Celestial Father may contemplate them within His Source. May this spiritual and inner anointing bring all the results that humanity needs at this time.

For those who have unjustly endured, may the Father have Mercy.

For those who are unjustly suffering, may the Father have Mercy.

For those who are enduring illness, desolation or death while alone, may the Father have Mercy.

For the small and most innocent, for those who are trafficked, exploited and sold, may the Father have Mercy.

For all the unborn children, which are millions in the world, may the Father have Mercy.

May peace, renewal and faith awaken in all hearts.

So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And so we say goodbye to Our Lord. And for His request for this Sacrament of Anointing, we will repeat the song that we heard at the beginning of this work: "The Power of the Blood of Jesus."

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

At the doorway of the Mysteries of Love that I brought to the world during the sorrowful Passion of your Master and Lord, today I bring to the world the Presence of God, the Presence of Emmanuel.

 In this way, at this moment, God is with you, just as you are with God.

And this Mystery which is being presented today to the world is one of the many revelations that the Apocalypse will bring to humanity, although humanity may experience its time of Armageddon.

So that God may be a long time with you through the Presence of Emmanuel, you must continue to go deeper in your inner union with the Father so that He, directly from His Source of Love, of Mercy and Pity, may send to the world that which hearts need at this moment to be able to overcome these difficult times.

Each one of you, as well as those who will awaken in the future, will learn to contact God in the way that each one can recognize and represent this within themselves, in their hearts.

It is through these words that today I can bring you the Presence of Emmanuel, which is represented through the Omega symbol, with it an end is coming for all of humanity and the Universe. An end that will bring many more revelations, will bring more awareness and more discernment for humanity, until the greater part of the beings of Earth may recognize, in this moment and at this time, that they distanced themselves from the Eternal Father to honor, adore and praise the gods of modernity and the innovation of these times.

But, as I know, companions, that hearts are awakening to that reality, they are beginning to perceive that the end time has now come when the Great Portal is presented to enter onto the path of return to the House of the Father.

The Heart of Emmanuel hears the supplications of His children. The Heart of Emmanuel accompanies the moment that humanity experiences today and, with Him, all His angels and hosts of Light that, at the foot of His powerful Throne eternally adore the Father through the Eucharistic Heart of His Son, bring to the world the help the world needs in this cycle.

The more souls that return to God, the sooner that which humanity is experiencing in this cycle will end.

But if that does not happen, if hearts do not repent and make sacrifices to repair the injured Heart of God, greater tests will come to humanity, and these tests will be unknown. The more the people of God plead, the more hearts truly repent and do not delay to do so, the less the time of suffering will be, even though they may be experiencing the first part of this planetary Armageddon right now.

If Emmanuel is among you, you will be within the Plan of God and of the great Consciousness of His Will. Thus, your souls and hearts will be inspired to rebuild your lives, according to the declaration of the Commandments of God, and in this way, you will reconsider and again enter the path you lost through different circumstances.

Today, in the name of Emmanuel, of the God among us, I come to give this message to the world, because there is still little time for the greater part of humanity to make the change it needs and thus receive all the codes from the Universe that it needs, all the inspiration it needs to be able to again elevate this humanity that moved away from Love, Forgiveness and Redemption.

On this day, My Eucharistic Heart offers itself to the world again, not only so that the angels and the hosts of Light may adore and contemplate it, but also so that the souls of the Earth may honor and glorify the sacrifice of the Son of God, made for each one of you during His sorrowful and agonizing Passion.

It is through this Eucharistic Heart that I bring you this opportunity and this Grace so that, through My Eucharistic Heart, through the Adoration of the Sacred Eucharist of the altar, souls may be forgiven, and through the Merits that your Redeemer achieved, souls may rectify their lives and consciousnesses, beyond the errors committed, to again be placed on the path of Redemption and Love.

What I say to you today, companions, is nothing new; you have heard it in different forms and through the teachings that I have left in the Gospels. But you need to expand your consciousnesses even more so that wisdom and discernment can come into your lives, knowing that at this moment it is important to make correct decisions in order to experience correct results.

It will depend on each one of you as to whether this can happen or not happen.

Through this Sacrifice that is being offered today by the Son of God at the beginning of this Sacred Week, I begin to prepare you, in a more conscious and true way, for all that the world is facing at this time and for all that the Universe is participating in with what humanity is going through.

Nothing that is happening is out of place. Humanity is having the opportunity of recognizing its errors and, through sacramental and prayerful life, to make amends for all the outrages committed upon the Heart of the Celestial Father, especially by those who, being called by name, did not accomplish their mission and turned their back on the Master and Lord.

In this way, you will understand, My beloved companions, the scope of this request and the concealed meaning of this situation that I present today to each of your hearts.

Because with that awareness and that preparation for these definitive times, you will experience true religiosity, beyond dogmas or beliefs.

I need you to live the religion of Love, spiritual, divine and essential that your Master brings you through His Presence for all the souls of the world.

Today I speak to you, as adults on the spiritual path, so that each one may definitely recognize what they should no longer do and what constantly removes them away from the path, from My path of Love and Light.

Reconfiguring your consciousnesses and lives, transforming your souls and hearts, your spirits will be redeemed and you will be those stars of Light upon the surface of the Earth, which will help to illuminate the times of darkness that the race is experiencing at this moment.

And I will give you the power of the Light, through the power of Love and Unity with the Father and, in this way, Emmanuel, the Almighty, will be among you and will be with you, laboring and working after two thousand years for a new redemption of humanity.

Avail yourselves, then, of the spiritual and divine Sacraments that I will impart for this Holy Week. That is the spiritual reason for My being here, it is the primary and fundamental reason for My being here; so that My companions, believers, devotees and the faithful may each day become more aware and discerning about what is necessary to do in this time, and about what is no longer necessary to do in this time.

In this way, you will rapidly mature and your hearts, as I have seen many times, will be accessible so that I may avail Myself of each one of you, and not only share My Graces and My Mercy but also share My pain, so that together we may transmute and sublimate it with the same strength and power of Love, just as I did on the Cross up to the last second of My life.

And so today, from My Heart emerges the Rays of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, the Blood and the Water, that justifies the errors of human beings and brings the Grace of conversion of the heart.

If your souls, consciousnesses and inner beings open wholeheartedly in this Holy Week that I am inwardly sharing with each of My Own, many will be the wonders, more quickly will suffering be dissolved, and souls will again find the meaning of having come here to Earth to serve God and fulfill His Plan of Love.

This is why My Heart opens during these eight days, to receive the offerings of each heart, the offerings of souls and consciousnesses that, accepting and recognizing the sorrowful Passion of the Lord, surrender as victims of My Love so that more and more souls on the surface of the Earth may rectify, as did the Redeemer, the great errors of the human race, in this biologic war that has been built and that absolutely alters the original Project of the Creator.

But do not forget,

and at this moment, Jesus points to Heaven and says to us:

If Heaven is above you, it is because God is above you. And if Heaven descends upon you, it is because God is among you and it is His Will. Nobody and nothing will stop it, even though nation may be against nation, though illness abounds on the surface of the Earth and suffering gets worse in the world, the heart that believes and lives in Christ will not perish, for it will have eternal life, and up to the last days on Earth it will glorify, among those who will lament for not having recognized the coming of the Messiah in His spiritual and divine return to the world. The hearts that had been living in Christ will celebrate in the Name of Jesus and will receive the coming of the Master, as it was written. So be it.

Now that your souls have allowed to be shaped by My Hands to build a new instrument in the Hands of the Lord, today I want you to offer yourselves as empty chalices so that I may take you in My Hands, I may pour out My Blood, to give you My Body and, in this Communion, we may offer the Father each one of your lives, for the redemption of the planet and the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

This is the moment of your offering and surrender at the doorways of the New Jerusalem that today descends to the world through the infinite Power of Emmanuel so that all may enter into the spiritual Sacred City which you will inhabit during the thousand years of peace; a City that will be elevated and erected, integrated and constituted by the redemption of souls, by the faith of hearts, by the blessing that each spirit has received from Me.

This is the moment of your surrender, of your sincere offering to the Creator so that the power of My precious Blood may wash you and purify you, and you thus may be perfect models at the Altars of God.

Offer yourselves. Offer yourselves. Offer yourselves as empty chalices in the Hands of the Redeemer, at this new Supper that I celebrate today with each of you, for the descent of Mercy in each space on Earth.

Offer yourselves and become empty. Offer yourselves and become empty so that My Will be done rather than your own, so that in My Will, you may live Truth.

Offer yourselves and become empty. Offer yourselves and become empty by the merits that Jesus achieved on the Cross and so that the priestly life on Earth may again uplift all those who have fallen into the abyss of illusion and damnation.

Offer yourselves and become empty, like chalices, in the same way that angels offer themselves in adoration and in glory by the Name of Jesus and the fulfilling of His Plan of Redemption.

Offer yourselves and become empty, because you have already entered My spiritual Church, which dwells in you through Communion with the Blessed Sacrament.

I once said to you: "When two or more are gathered in My Name, I will be among them." And today you are many more than two; you are hundreds that listen to My Word in the whole world. Thus, for this cycle, I have chosen to send My Message through the English language, so that it may reach all hearts that have need of My Word.

Although I may have chosen this humble place, someday, My Church, spread throughout the whole Earth, will have to recognize what has happened here, when I rise up to Heaven and no longer return here.

This will happen in time and they will come here seeking My Graces, as well as coming to seek the Graces of My Mother, the Virgin Mary, and of My Father, the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. Because what descended from Heaven in this place will never be lost, for it is not something palpable, but rather profoundly spiritual, inner and nonmaterial. It is something that comes from the Father through His Will.

And even though the Earth may tremble, the mountains split, even though the seas may rise and the forests burn, even though many animals may be lost and the screams may be heard, on the mountain of this place will be the Almighty, the God among you, so that in spite of everything, you may be filled by His Peace, recognized by His Love, and sanctified by His Spirit, so that each one of your lives as those of the faithful to My Project will also gain merits for those who will need them, at the most culminating moment of humanity, when Heaven and the Word of God have withdrawn from the world forever.

It will be there where I will test you, one by one, face to face, and I will be able to see with My own Eyes what you have done with My treasures, and I will come to seek the talents and the gifts that I left in your hearts so that I may repopulate the Earth with peaceful human beings, with souls that understood, beyond everything, the message that Heaven has brought in these last twelve years.

When the cycle is accomplished, everything will happen, as it is written. But the souls that truly offer themselves to God, although imperfect, will change the events, as have many saints and good servants of peace changed events throughout the history of humanity.

But never forget that this is the end time, the definitive time.

Let us offer God the empty chalices of your hearts so that, in this hour and at the doorways of the New Jerusalem and during this Holy Week, celebrated together with all those who listen and are present with their heart, the world may receive the intervention of the Universe so that it may be healed and again find the path it once lost.

"O Beloved Lord of the Universe, that through Your angels, saints and blessed ones, through all beings of goodwill present on this planet, may this altar be blessed, which during these eight days will represent a small part of Your Work, of Your Grand Work, in all the Universe. Amen."

"Bless this water, Lord, which is the first element that You have created in this world so that souls, at this moment, may return to the Womb of the Mother of God, so that they feel contained, loved and guarded by the maternal outpouring of the Purest Heart of the Most Holy Virgin. May this water bless and purify the whole planet, by Your spiritual power."

My Mother purified Me in the Temple a few days after having been born in Bethlehem. Today I purify you, but I also bless you in the Temple of God, in the House of Our Celestial Father, so that you may receive His Grace and the strength for the transformation for these times.

Today Israel stands up in spirit. The tribes that grew and expanded throughout the Earth glorify the Name of the Lord. And in spite of the times of darkness, souls recognize the Coming of the Lord, the Return of the Son of Man, for these critical times.

Blessed be those who hear the Word of the Lord and live it fully every day, so as to always recognize the Return of Christ in each heart. Amen.

And having purified the apostles of the end times, I invite you to be at My table, at the table of the Blessed Sacrament, to again say to you that today I again take the bread and offer it to God for the redemption of the human race, so that it may be blessed and transubstantiated into the glorified Body of Christ. And so I give it to you, saying: "Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, which today is given for the world for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


And today I have in My Hands each one of the empty chalices of your hearts and filled by this wine of renewal, I offer it to the Father, so that it may be blessed and transubstantiated. And then I again give it to each one of you, saying: "Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant between souls and God, the Blood that today is poured out spiritually upon the world for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


The Body and the Blood of Christ! May those called to avail themselves of this Sacrament be happy, so that the Mercy of God may descend and souls are exalted in joy and gladness, until the return of your Master and Lord.

In union with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, united with all those who listen throughout the four corners of the Earth, united with My Merciful and Eucharistic Heart, through the strength and the power of prayer, let us decree the prayer that I taught you at the Mount of Beatitudes.

Our Father (in Spanish)

Let us say the prayer in English.

Our Father (in English)

May Peace descend on Earth.

Renewed by the power of this Sacrament, which renews you in your spiritual, inner and physical life, receive this spiritual impulse as preparation for walking together with Me during this Holy Week, so as to relive the merits of the sorrowful passion of your Lord.

I am grateful for the openness and the willingness of those who listen, for a very great Will is being experienced at this moment, and although it may be unknown, I promise you that you will know it shortly.

As an offering for all those who offered themselves this afternoon as empty chalices, as selfless hearts, and before I rise up to Heaven, the place from which I come to visit you, let us listen to an offering that also touches the Heart of your Redeemer, called "You are the King."

I thank you and may peace be in you, so that peace may be in the world, in the souls that suffer the most.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come as the evening sun to bring you the Light of God, because there is nothing that cannot be resolved through love. Love is saving, love is alive, love is resplendent.

When the children of God turn to love, nothing happens, all is transformed and is elevated; thus, do not fear. Feel the Love of God that vivifies you, that transforms you, and causes you to change, time after time.

My Heart is a Source of this Love, which you can participate in, day by day; this is why I need you to be like My Love, like the Love that saved you, like the Love that rescued you and redeemed you up to the cross.

It is this Love of God that surrendered and gave everything it had for each one of you. It is this Love that let itself be flagellated, that let itself be humiliated, that let itself be sacrificed for humankind so that humankind might learn from the truth that Love is.

I want to see you in this Love all the time, in a Love that regenerates, that brings life, that calms, that neutralizes forms and all struggles.

I hope to see the world in this Love, again and again, because I know that it is not and many are not because they do not know the miracles that this Love can do when one truly surrenders to It without fear. Because the Love of God is something that penetrates the Consciousness, it is a Love that brings confidence and brings strength in the face of situations in life and in events.

Today I wanted to give this Love to all those who are here. That is what I was hoping for, because I know that you have need of this Love that I bring you, for this end time in which the human consciousness must face itself to learn to transcend and be free of itself.

But everything is possible in Love, in the Love that I taught you, the Love that I professed to My apostles and all My followers.

It is this same Love that I bring you today and in which I make you participants of, again and again, so that you may know that the world needs to have beings of love who, as instruments, can mirror the Source of the Love of God, transforming their own love into a greater Love, a Love that comes to assist the world and the critical events of the Earth.

It is this Love that I offer to you that will allow you to experience the transition. Without love, nothing will be possible, everything will be a void, a desert and loneliness.

My Heart is a doorway to this Love that can transform and transcend you when you cannot manage to on your own, when you do not know where to go and to whom to appeal.

I not only speak to you about nonmaterial love, but also the love that I experienced as a human being, as a man and as consciousness.

This Love, which is also of God, acted in everything, participated in everything, and surrendered for you as you surrender for Me today.

Love will allow you to experience the fraternity that the world urgently needs to practice, a fraternity that sees the need of a fellow being, a fraternity that sees the need present in a peer.

I invite you to find this Love within yourselves, it is this Love that lets you see God in each moment, in each circumstance. It will be necessary to go through these times under this Law, to learn how to overcome oneself and help your brothers and sisters, your companions, overcome themselves.

But without Love, nothing can be done, it is like having no direction, it is like having no path. This is why I bring you this Source of Love for this end time, because humanity urgently needs it in order to stop committing errors and faults, to stop separating itself from God and losing the direction of its path.

Today I offer Myself as this Love that renews you, heals you, cures you, as this Love that brings many things to an end, and that opens doors to new experiences, new learnings, new schools.

I do not stop thinking about how much you still need to live in this Love, a love that is not palpable. It is a Love that moves Divine energy and causes it to flow throughout the Universe, and in all spaces of Creation.

In the same way that the angels live from the Source of this Love and are nurtured by it, you must also nurture yourselves from this Love of God that offers itself, time after time, unconditionally, so that souls may accomplish their purpose and, above all, the Will of God. While this does not happen and love is not present, everything becomes dark, fragile and weak.

Love allows you to be elevated all the time, it has you see reality and find a path of peace that will lead you to a mature and wise understanding. I only wish for you to find this love someday, because it is a living and Divine Love that will consecrate you, that will make you good servers and collaborators of My Work.

And those who live this love today, and truly practice it, let them continue to do so, because the planet needs it as a consciousness, humanity needs it as a race, just as all of the Kingdoms of Nature have need of the love of these people, so as to be able to evolve and awaken in order to grow, like you grow and live, in spite of the condition the world and humanity are in.

The Source of the Love of God is open to spiritually descend toward Earth; it must find instruments to be able to descend and express in, it must find open hearts to be able to be placed in, and thus multiply the Graces of God in all senses and in all of life.

This is the time for you to experience the miracle of love, but first believe in it so that you may feel it and live it. This will unify you, will make you more fraternal, more like companions with one another.

Feel My Heart that emanates this Love of God, and become calm. Everything is a transition and is an experience.

Love is eternal, the Love of God will never end; hardship will end and the Light will win when you enter into the current of the Love of God, and make it part of yourselves, because the Love of God will grant you forgiveness and reconciliation.

This is all that I expect for this time, to see My Work reflected like a living current of Love in the hearts and in the souls that say "yes" to the Creator and fully trust in Him, in His Will.

I make you participants in the Truth that comes from the Love of God so that you may find it someday, knowing that everything passes, but that the experience of Love is indestructible and unexchangeable for your consciousnesses.

God needs love to reign in the world and in hearts so that peace may be established and unity among brothers and sisters can be experienced, beyond everything.

I leave you My Love as a way out, as a Light on the horizon, as the sun that shines on you in this afternoon of Grace.

Today I do not come to judge your actions nor your undertakings. I come to invite you to enter the Universe of My Love, where you will find the Truth and experience it in a simple way.

In this way, I will make you representatives of My Work on Earth, and there will be beings on the surface of this planet that will be bridges of communication between the Earth and Heaven, which is what God needs, not only in priestly life, but also in all of those who pray and proclaim their faith toward the Creator. In this way, the world will stay stabilized and in balance, and everything will happen in a more harmonious way.

When souls do not live love, hearts suffer and do not understand why. Human love must be transformed into Divine Love, and only a Grace can grant this, in this time, so that humanity may understand that it made a mistake, and that it must reconsider so that Mercy may fill you and be able to save you.

It is the Love of My Heart that today brings you peace, and the peace of God blesses you and fills you so that you may continue onward for Me, so that the Project may be accomplished and Love may prevail, as He prevailed on the Cross.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On this day, I want you to contemplate My Universe, beyond everything, and that through My Universe you may find the Truth, this Truth that comes from God and that will elevate you: the Truth of Transparency and of Wisdom; a Divine Truth that will unite you, that will strengthen you as consciousnesses and as a group.

I come from a very far away place of the Universe to bring and deposit My Peace in you, not only as Soul, but also as Planetary Consciousness, as a Race and as a Civilization.

Because it is a culminating moment that you face, in this time and in this cycle, in which you must place, above everything, My Consoling and Merciful Love. Just as I taught the apostles in the past, today I teach you, My companions.

You must keep being My peacemakers, My bearers of peace, My servers of good and of light who listen to the Word from the Heights, and who make it resound within you so that My Divine Impulses may transform you, elevate and conduct you toward the Purpose of God.

I know it is for everyone a moment of overcoming and of tests, of extreme trust and of an infinite fortitude that is attained through the prayer of the heart, a prayer that will always lead you toward My Doorway, so that through My Universe you may find My Wisdom, My Understanding and My Peace; attributes that I come to deposit in a world that is ill and wounded, that has completely lost the sense of spiritual life.

Therefore, in this age, in this cycle, at this time, I come to meet you and to meet your brothers and sisters, to remind you all of the commitment with Me, to make you see reality, a reality that arises from the Heart of God as an infinite fount that pervades all spaces, all universes, all galaxies and all stars.

You are part of a macrocosm, you must not stay only in what is superficial and material, or in what is mental or intellectual. You must go beyond the thresholds of consciousness to be able to attain Christic Light, that which gives the impulse to all spirits in the moment of the great awakening, not only under the gift of love and of wisdom, but also through the gift of humility and of resignation.

This will allow for balancing the world, and all errors committed by all peoples and all nations, which time and again distance themselves from the Purpose of God, establishing principles and ways of life that are not evolutionary nor transparent, that do not bring spiritual nor mental health.

Therefore, God will find, in spaces like this, where His own life manifests through the Kingdoms and the creatures, by means of the elements, all that He thought and created with attention out of love for you so that you could experience and recognize the happiness of God, to have creatures on this planet and in others that love Him, recognize Him, venerate Him and accept Him as their Celestial Father.

Therefore, I come today from an infinite horizon called “Universe of the Consciousness of God”, in which all of His Founts of Light and His Cosmic Founts are present to interrelate with this material universe and also with the mental universe, in which the angels are present and also have participated in this Divine Purpose for eons of time, since a time that is not known, nor identified by the human being of the surface.

What I bring to you from the Universe is something more than abstract, it is something more than nonmaterial, it is something more than spiritual. Through My Heart, I bring to you this principle that life originated from, and an existence which brought to everyone the meaning and reason for living here, and learning here together with their brothers and sisters of the path, and with humanity.

To find this meaning and this path, God mirrors Himself and reflects. time and again, in the Creation by means of Nature: by means of the oceans, the mountains, each Younger Kingdom, which brings to the Earth a spiritual principle and a principle of elevation which, up until now, humanity has not known, and only in this time is it awakening to know this wisdom which expresses itself and is kept in the Kingdoms of Nature.

For this reason, God sends His Messengers, the Sacred Hearts, on pilgrimage throughout the world, so that all races and all peoples can awaken and recognize God in all that was created, and can be in communion with Him without hurting Him nor damaging Him, nor offending Him, nor mistreating Him through the Kingdoms of Nature.

God manifests His Attributes in the Younger Kingdoms. God also mirrors His Will also through the Younger Kingdoms, which brings into their group essence the Universe of God, which is this Universe of Love and of Wisdom, which allows us to maintain an inner contact with the Source and with all of Its Gifts.

With this, I want to tell you, companions, that your intellectual and spiritual mission must go beyond appearances, human aspects or resistance. You must apply in your lives the Law of Love that I taught you by means of My Sacrifice, not only in public life, but also on the Cross and by means of each drop of Blood shed for the liberation and redemption of the world and its creatures.

Now is the time for all evil to be reversed and transmuted into Light, into the powerful Light that comes from the spiritual and cosmic Universe so that the consciousnesses of the Earth, human beings, may have a pitying opportunity of awakening and of again finding the meaning of being here, beyond the material or the intellectual.

Today I place you before one of the Wills of God, not yet revealed to the world, but which today becomes present through the Son, the Son Beloved by the Father, the Father that loves all of His children.

Place this message in your heart and try to discover its meaning and its essence so that, beyond everything, you can perceive the reality of all that I want to tell you at this moment.

After all the prayers that are lovingly offered today by you, making the Christic Love of My Heart expand for all souls and the planet, I come closer to make you bearers of My Peace and of My Love, so that you may feel Me close by, and so that you may listen to My Heart.

Today, I leave you My blessing and My Peace, My renewal and My trust, so that all this can touch the souls in the world and its essences.

I give you My Peace and under My Light, I bless you universally.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


And now that I have come to meet you, rest your head on My Chest and feel all the peace that I can offer you at this time, a peace that no one else can give you, or bring you.

Now feel My living Heart, which beats internally near your ears. This is the Heart that has suffered for the world and for humanity.

It is the Heart that has shed Its Blood for souls, for the forgiveness of errors and which still does so, for all of your companions and for your enemies.

But today, My beloved, do not think about what you are suffering or what you could suffer. Think of Me, unite with My Consciousness and feel My paternal embrace because I take care of all of My sheep, one by one, and I never forget anyone.

Surrender to Me, and yield as I have asked of you so many times.

Do not fear what will come but rather, what is not happening in your life.

Now, have your soul take refuge under the Rays of My Heart and feel the breath of the Spirit acting in each moment, within each breath, as well as in each word.

I can restore all things. I can supply all things because it is not I who does it; it is My Father who is in Heaven, it is He Who works, Who carries out and manifests the Higher Will.

Leave behind what you do not comprehend, what you do not accept or what you do not understand.

Trust in this Love that I am gifting to you because it is a Love that must be fulfilled in you so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled on Earth.

Rest like John the apostle, upon My Chest, and feel the pain and the agony of your Lord, in the silence and in the calm.

God does not offer souls to suffer; it is the souls that seek suffering because in the Kingdom of the Heavens, from whence I came today, pain or guilt do not exist. Be glad for resting your head on the Chest of your Master.

I know that you will not understand everything at once, but this does not matter to your Lord. What matters is that you experience it fully, united with Me, in spirit and in essence.

Do not confirm your sins, do not affirm your errors, uplift your heart and place it in Mine so that I may transform and polish it like the hands of a potter. And thus, you will be in perfect freedom and in a deep calm, and overnight you will not know what has happened to you, because everything will have transformed, just as I have thought it, according to the designs of God.

Receive the Love of My Heart as a balm and surrender. My Heart will not be bad for you, My Heart will not harm you. My Love is of the good and is a peace-bearer for souls.

Avail yourself of all that I can gift to you and trust because everything is appointed; everything has its hour and its time.

Just as today you are on My Chest, feeling the fire of My Heart and the gentleness of My Soul, the activity of My Divinity and of My Spirit, I would like to have many more emulate this example of union with the Lord.

Calm your heart of all anguish and accept what I give you because everything has a greater end and a purpose that you are still to discover someday.

Leave behind what you have suffered, what you have not understood; submerge in the ocean of My Light and everything will dissipate, because who trusts their Master, trusts in God, the Almighty. And their life, day by day, step by step, with effort and sacrifice, will become free.

From your soul, I want a new being that may be part of a new humanity, conscious and awakened, responsible and worthy with Creation.

There are so many treasures in Heaven, dear soul, that I have for revealing; My Hands are full of designs and I still cannot pour them out over the world because I cannot find a place nor refuge within the entire humanity.

But if you, My brave one, today, takes the step for many others, someday many others will recognize My Name and My Glory and will make it worthy in their lives so that the Love of God may thus triumph.

Now, embrace Me and feel the warmth of My Spirit; feel the protection of My Arms and the breathing of My Body as a renewing breath that sanctifies all things and renews all things.

There is nothing that can be lost. Everything is transformed according to My Will.

Become one of the holy women of Jerusalem, or like the apostle John, in complete surrender and selflessness.

Everything that you experience, My soul, has a reason and a meaning for God; there is nothing out of place, everything has a meaning and a time to be fulfilled. Be it in the good or far from it.

But today, I want you to feel the beating of My meek Heart, an inexplicable and Redeeming Love which yearns for good and worthy souls that may fulfill the Will of God in this time of difficult tests.

Embrace Me tightly and feel My consolation, which is basic and immediate. Let Me nurture you with My Peace and with the flame of My Faith, which is what brings Me to the world to seek those whom I have called by their name so that they may accompany Me in this era and in this cycle, in which the world will experience its greatest challenge of all time and of all eras. I cannot tell you the contrary.

My souls, it is time to live My Plan and to not wait any longer.

Sometimes your Lord and Master needs to feel the warmth of the love of His children in order to be able to keep moving forward. However much I am in Heaven, it does not mean that I do not feel like a human being does because I was among you as a human being so that you might experience and understand Me.

You will thus be embracing your Celestial Father, Who also needs consolation, upon seeing the offenses and the wrongs of the world.

How much Love can do in the hearts that decide to live it fully, the Love that comes from the High and that can spring from hearts, causing New Christs to be born!

I want you to offer your embrace to me today because I need it, just as you need Me to continue walking on this path, the most difficult of all times, one which no other humanity has experienced, in any other age.

You came here, My souls, for a greater purpose and design that you will come to know someday.

But today I do not need you to understand My mysteries, but rather that you feel the agony of your Lord and the request for consolation that is made to valiant hearts.

Now, feel how I cover you with My Mantle, that mantle that was torn by the hands of My enemies during the Passion and that covered My Body, stricken with wounds and injuries.

These are wounds that I live for the world and I want to share them with My servers, with those who are willing to follow Me unconditionally.

I want to offer you My sacrifices and My sorrows, because who suffers with their Lord, suffers with God, and the Love that never ends transforms all things, even what is most impenetrable. May My Wounds be a reason for your sanctification, for your persistence, and for your renunciation.

Because I have a precious plan for each one of My servers, which must be fulfilled in this critical hour of the planet, in which everything is being precipitated, hour by hour.

For this reason, I consecrate sons and daughters, to have armies on Earth that may be firm in Me, in spite of what may happen.

I have no more to give, only the Love of My Heart, which is what has brought Me here, throughout times and generations.

A Love that testifies to the presence of the Body and of the Blood of Christ for the reparation of errors and all deeds not under the Law of God. I once again tell you, My souls, that I need your hearts open even more so that I can enter with My Consciousness into the deepest corners of your souls, where the Kingdom of God must be fulfilled, so that the world and humanity may still exist.

For this reason, on this Holy Wednesday of retreat and prayer, I not only ask for your prayers, but also for your embrace so that a consoling spirit may be present and souls dare to say “yes” more each day.

Today I bring to you the most sacred moment of My life which was the entrance of the Last Supper. I come to speak with you with the same love with which I addressed My holy Mother and the women of Jerusalem, as well as My apostles. It is this unrestricted and infinite Love that never ends because it comes from and is born of the Fount of God for His creatures.

You need to finally be like Me and surpass Me because I come here so that you may one day do greater things than those I did. This will demonstrate to the Universe that a New Humanity is possible, which will have repented and will ask for forgiveness for everything it did, that will not be ashamed of confessing its errors and will be open to receive the Mercy of God, which is unquenchable and eternal.

I want you to live in the joy of My Celestial Love and you, little soul, that is learning to love Me, do not cease to do so. Dare to cross the thresholds of human resistance because I will help you be truly free you of yourself forever.

Do not cease to feel the Love that emanates from My Heart today and vivify it as if it were for the last time, because what I come to give today I will not be able to give again; the time is now ending and the definitive hour is approaching.

I do not want to crown you with flowers but rather with thorns so that you may surpass Me in Love, knowing that the human being is an unpredictable being throughout this Universe, just as I was, testifying to My Passion, Death and Resurrection.

I offer glory and honor to those who have decided to be by My side, but I also offer My pain and My agony to those who have confirmed themselves before Me during this afternoon of eternal Grace.

And now, I return your soul to the center of your being, in which exists the sacred Temple of Love, that must always be lit by the light of the Holy Spirit.

And My Heart retreats to offer itself again to other souls in the world that also need Me.

Blessed be the ones who received My Words with gratitude because they will understand everything within the coming times. And when I am no longer here among you, in a short while, you will deeply know everything that I have wanted to do in this place and in this house, and mainly, in you.

Because I must appear in other places in the world that also need Me, that also thirst for My Word and for My Verb and, above all, for the Love of God.

With that solemnity that I am trying to build in your hearts through this meeting, I want you to dignify yourselves today before Our Celestial Father, undertaking this commitment to Me until the end of days, knowing that everything that you will experience will be a great school for the soul and the spirit.

I only need you to give your love to the world, regardless of who it is, regardless of their belief or religion, their poverty or their wealth, their illness or their health.

I want you to love as I love you, because the test that is coming to the world will be very hard. And not all will bear this moment. For this reason, I strengthen you in this time and through My unconditional service to souls, I give you My Body and My Blood so that you may survive, just as your Master survived at each step of the Cross, and of His Agony.

This is no time to be divided, distanced, nor indifferent. Place your hearts within Mine and all will pass. Because what I wish from the world is very great and this may happen when I return for the second time. So, My souls, let us offer this moment to our God Almighty, Who has, on this day, again allowed this spiritual Grace for an unfaithful world. But Love will always overcome all these things. Everything will be fulfilled as God has thought it.


We can stand for the blessing of these elements.

 I have called you here because I never forgot you and because everything has its time for God and for the Universe (*).

As well as these sacred elements that are at the feet of your Master and Lord, today I will also offer your consciousnesses to God so that He may fulfill His designs within you.

The Lord Almighty, our Eternal Father Who is in the Heavens, may He bless with His most infinite Light and Wisdom.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for truly embracing Me.

Today I have chosen a song that testifies to the Work of the Celestial Mother, of how each soul of this Earth, as well as the Most Holy Mary, can respond to the call of God when He sounds it.

Today I have chosen such complementary voices, one with another, so that you may offer this response of souls to My Heart, this offering that hearts have made to My Spirit.

(*) Christ calls two people to the stage.


I bring Peace to a place where Peace does not exist, this is why I have come here, seeking from you a true response that is able to encompass My Heart, through all of your pleas.

From this place, I come to withdraw what causes pain and all mistakes.

With My Hand, I come to separate what causes the children of God to lose the path of Light and Love.

This is why I have come here in spirit, under the Spirit of My father, to awaken your consciousnesses to something that is necessary in these times, which is to be consistent, as a Nation and as a people, with the Plans of God, which, in spite of being unknown by all, must be carried out with the surrender of your hearts to My Redeeming Purpose, which must reach many more consciousnesses throughout the world.

In this way, you will be able to understand, companions, how important your step is in the face of all that is happening in the world, and that which will still take place in this Nation.

I cannot promise you great things in this place, I can only promise you My Kingdom, which is safe and eternal for all hearts.

Thus, companions, beginning with your true step, My Work will expand and reach those hearts that are still closed, that do not know the greatness of My Love nor the power of My Mercy.

Today, companions, I came to bring you a unique opportunity of confirming your souls to consecration, the consecration that is important so that many more Graces may descend upon those who do not deserve them.

And why do I tell you this? Because the power of My Mercy transcends all limits and barriers, all errors and obstacles throughout time and within all of humanity.

If you accept this Fount of Mercy, which is immaterial and luminous, your spirits, which expect this, will be deeply grateful to you from the moment in which you opened your consciousnesses to the call of My Word, to the proclamation of My Divine Spirit, for each one of you, and for each one of your brothers and sisters.

It is thus that the Eternal Father, in His infinite Mercy and through the intercession of His Divine Son, has decided, companions, to continue with this pilgrimage, that is not only material, but profoundly spiritual, guided by the One Source so that the majority of hearts may be touched by this Great Redeeming Spirit.

Because in truth, I tell you, companions, that this is the last chance for awakening the consciousnesses to the truth that many have not seen.

It is for this reason that today I come from a far away desert, which is part of your North American nation, a very well-known desert that must also be consecrated in its austerity and solitude to My Sacred Heart.

However, as I know, companions, many of you do not have knowledge of the true reality that takes place in the deserts of the world. Your Master of Love, before coming here on this day, thus placed His Feet upon that place to deactivate many things that must not happen in humanity.

Thus, by means of the renewal that I bring for each one of your lives and with the impulse of your hearts, to embrace this great proposal of My Eternal Heart of Love, I invite you to contemplate with your hearts the whole Creation of God that, on this Planet and in this humanity, is being destroyed and forgotten by most.

You may ask yourselves, companions, why I am taking you to the desert of New Mexico? Because just like the rest of the deserts of the world, which are a part of a spiritual task, of the transcendence of humanity, of its human condition through the inner desert, I request that, through this example, you may contemplate the deserts of the world, that each one of you may be able to find Me in that desert of New Mexico, just as you have found Me in Shambhala, in Chilca, as well as in the desert of Atacama.

Just like the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth, who reveals the power of Her Mirrors to you, the immaterial communication between souls and God throughout the deserts of the world, I demonstrate the possibility of finding the God of Love, the God of Forgiveness, the God of Divine Mercy within each one of you.

Through this desert that I have crossed today, I tried to renew many principles that in essence are a part of the spiritual consciousness of this humanity, especially of your Nation and your people which, like the ancient peoples of the desert, must recover not only your original purity, but mainly your wisdom so that you can make decisions under the protection and guidance of the divine Laws of God, which are altered in these times by human deeds, by human actions, by the response humanity gives to the true need for reconciliation, for forgiveness and for the redemption of all human consciousnesses before God.

I thus came to withdraw something that darkens souls, so that they might be illuminated by My Spirit.

In this definitive hour, in which everything is at stake within and outside of beings, in which all your paths are facing a great definition and the possibility of a profound awakening of the higher consciousness, for each one of the human beings.

And this will be possible, companions, through a Law that you have forgotten, which the whole North American consciousness has forgotten, which is the Law that is manifesting today before your eyes and hearts: the Law of Love, of Love-Wisdom, which will lead you to find the path that many have lost.

And so it is that at My right I open a door for you, a new door, so that at My side and within Me, you may begin a new stage, a new path, a new pathway, toward the eternal redemption of all aspects that have led the North American people into errors and wars, into conflicts, into the disharmony of the nations of the world.

I invite you to enter the doorway of humility for, in this way, the Eternal Father will see within your hearts a true rather than superficial surrender.

As My Mother has requested in Fatima in 1917, so that war might end and evil may be uprooted from the world, She revealed the Purity of Her Immaculate Heart, which can be venerated by all souls of the world, regardless of religion or beliefs.

This doorway to humility that I open for you today is a definitive door that will lead you to be closer to God and within His Project of Love, which He wishes to carry out in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters.

It will depend on this step, of crossing this threshold towards a true surrender that you lovingly and through your prayerful word will open the doors for all those who have had them spiritually closed for centuries.

See then, companions, how far the power of the Love of My Mercy can go.

Thus, I am returning, although many do not believe so.

Happy are those who experience each one of My Words and make them flesh of their own flesh.

For, in this way, they will be with Me, step by step, moment by moment, and they will be able to help those who have denied these revelations of the end of times, and they will be able to help those who have mocked Our Sacred Presences.

Happy are the humble, blessed are the joyful, because they will be worthy of seeing the Redeemer in His greatest Glory and in His true aspect, the aspect of His Existence, of His intimate and eternal Union with the Creator.

And now that some of you have humbled yourselves for many more who do not humble themselves before the Celestial Father, we will perform this inner communion with My Sacred Heart.

Through the communion and the offering that each one of your souls make to the Eternal, at this moment, so that the Purpose of God in this Nation and in this humanity may be fulfilled, with the angels of the Universe who adore My Sacred Heart as a Source of Wonder and of Grace, I invite you, companions, to free yourselves of your sins, of your wounds, of all your misunderstandings, of your obstacles, of all the bindings and chains that throughout time have not let you be worthy children of God.

Remember that the Holy Communion on this Friday is for this whole Nation, and as an act of thanks for the presence of your Humble Master of Love in this beloved land.

Prayer of the Angel of Peace done three times, in English.

The incense is the offering of all the angels of the Universe to all the holy archangels, Creator Fathers of the Celestial Universe, who through this sacred element exorcise the forces of the Universe, free the spaces and consecrate the dimensions to the Light of the Creator.

With the authority of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, may all evil be released and souls be reborn to the power of My Redeeming Love.

This is the water that purifies, that sanctifies, that blesses souls with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and with Its immaterial presence throughout  the whole Universe.

This is the Living Symbol of My Blood and My Body, preciously poured out for the salvation of the souls of the world and for all planes of consciousness.

This is the Grail that is coming to radiate Its codes of awakening and redemption within all of humanity.

I invite you to re-experience My Last Supper, especially those who have never done so, so that you open your hearts and your souls to receive the definite union with the Almighty through this communion.

Let us sing.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am present in all hearts and tabernacles of the Earth.

Before My Glorious Presence, I again bring you the spirit of My Peace, so that your hearts can heal from all the wounds caused by the evil of My adversary. But My triumph is close within you.

Happy are those who proclaim My Name and glorify My Father who is in the Heavens. Thus the laws will be fulfilled within your lives, and your hearts will become peaceful through finding the Son of God honored and glorified in these times, walking through this orange grove, pouring out His Grace and Mercy, for a world that is very empty.

But your hearts, companions, can be worthy before Me. And in spite of the errors, the imperfections and the judgements, I can pour out My Divine Mercy upon you. But that Fount will cease; the time is approaching, the great time of Universal Judgement. The angels are preparing the Thrones of God to be able to sound the last trumpets. Who will hear the seventh trumpet of the Great Angel of the Lord?

But if you dwell in My Heart and allow Me to transform you as new clay, so that I may deposit My new wine, you will be protected by My Spirit, filled by My Goodness, and you will be in the Lord, because you will be in My Heart during the most difficult times of the Earth.

Today I revealed this glorious Face to you, companions, so that you may remember that Your King, the humble King before the Almighty God, presents His very simple but real Faces to the world, achieved through His Passion and His Death; and through His Victory on the Cross, and His Resurrection, and His Apparition before humanity, for these very critical times.

I will not be able to carry My Message to the whole world. Not everyone will be able to hear My Words at this very moment. But the Omnipresent Spirit of the Son of God, who is in the Heavens, speaks to all the inner worlds of the creatures, because the hour of consciousness is arriving; so that they may awaken to their realities, so that they may see their mistakes and debts, without feeling guilt, nor disturbance.

I come to show you a new path, that path that I showed the Twelve. But today I show this real and pure path to all of humanity.

Just as the heart of My Church listens to Me, extended throughout the four corners of the Earth, I wish for all hearts outside of My church to listen to Me; mainly those that have followed other paths, forgetting the Will of God and the importance of seeking the Kingdom of God.

I reach My Hands out towards you today. I pour out My Grace, My Universal Grace, which emerged after My Mercy, at the moment in which I resurrected physically and demonstrated to humanity, at that time, that the Son of God made man and consciousness, made the Living Christ in the spirit of all beings, is alive and has never died.

I showed you how to defeat death, this death that corrodes and causes your bodies to become corrupt.

But I teach you, companions, that, through the giving of My Spirit for each one of you, you will find this inner resurrection that in these so difficult times everyone is invited to live. To attain the spiritual resurrection, companions, you must first die to your debts, do not feel any fault for knowing yourselves, just as you are.

I come to reveal that which is true that exists within you, which is the gift that God placed, through My Heart, into your lives. In this way, My Stars of Light ignite in your hearts and the appeals of all the children of God throughout the planet, redeemed by Christ, Your Lord, are heard at the Thrones of Heaven.

The angels can stop the Justice of God, the Justice of the Seven Angels of the Great Lord that are about to sound their trumpets. But now sounds the last one, that will reverberate upon the planet and echo throughout the Universe, in this Milky Way, in which you experience this Project of the Creator.

But I come before the great time and while the signs are shown. I come at this time to demonstrate to you the last path, so that you may know how to return to God through My Heart and not suffer the consequences of an action of a mistaken humanity, which continues to outrage the Heart of the Eternal God, of the Elohim, of the living God, resplendent and one, in the maximum expression of His celestial sphere.

Therefore, today I tell you, companions, that through My living glorification before your eyes, this part of the One Consciousness of God, manifested through Christ the Redeemer, is present here, in Aurora, receiving your spirits and your families, so that you may hear My urgent Call to the great change, the great moment of your intense purification. But if your meek, receptive and awakened hearts trust in Me, I promise that you will not suffer.

But your lives and your generations must be purified before the end time, before you will experience with Me the second Supper, after the return of Christ, Your Lord.

How will I be able to visit your homes, companions, if your hearts are not purified in the Lord?

The Messiah, the Redeemer, purified Himself in the Sacred Temple of the Lord. For this reason, companions, you must live the same Law that I lived. I bring you a renewing Law that has no suffering, but rather a deep peace of experiencing a true transformation in God and a perfect communion with His Divine Laws.

The doorways of this Kingdom present in this holy place are open as of today. Happy are those who contemplate the Spiritual Light of the Creator in these spaces blessed by the Divine Messengers, for this belongs to God and to no human of the Earth, and no one can give judgment before the Project of God.

Woe to those priests who did not listen to the Word of the Virgin Mary and who excommunicated all of My companions in the face of the injustice that this cruel world commits.

I do not come to teach you the paths of injustice. I come to teach you the path of peace, the true ecumenism of the heart, which has no boundaries, nor languages.

The real language of the one hundred and forty-four thousand will be the language of the heart, the vibration of love, unity and fraternity. In this way, you will be in communion with the Laws of the Creator and you will not become lost in superficial things.

It will be too late for those who have not believed what spiritually happened here; because there will be witnesses that will sign the Sacred Book of God, this story of the end time. Deeply embrace My Heart, and feel My Will, which wants to transform you into new flocks consecrated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

To Saint Margaret Alacoque, I revealed this mystery of My Heart, surrounded by thorns for the events that would take place in the end of times. But now I bring you My Glory, the Glory of My living Heart, which is the last offer that gives itself to your spirits so that you may live salvation and not constantly justify yourselves, but rather justify yourselves through My heart, full of Water and of Blood for this humanity that must live the Project of God.

I come to show the paths outside of My church, the paths towards the Lord for all those who lost them due to human cruelty, the lies and the deceit of the claws of My adversary. But I Am your true Sun, which descends from the Celestial Universe to bring light to the shadows and the darkness.

I come, dear companions, to open the fourteenth and final door, the one which is indicated in this world for the return of Christ, your Lord.

Fourteen will be the angelic legions that will sing to the Elohim the Sacred Names of God to announce to the world that the Son of God will come among the clouds, surrounded by the Universe, bringing the message of the new humanity. And from that point, everything will be consummated, and everything will begin again, with a new humanity.

Do you yearn for that? Do you know what it means, companions, to be a part of the humanity of Christ? This mystery is unknown to the theologians. It will be truly known by those who dwell within My Heart and wants nothing for themself, for I come to guide you, I come to fulfill the promise, that one which I dictated before My Ascension.

Do you believe that this is happening now? First I must bring you My Divinity. My Glorified Body cannot show Itself to you, because of the impurities that this world lives today. But My Mercy and My Grace are part of the Breath of Spirit; It will bring everyone the opportunity of redemption.

Open the windows of this entire house, with harmony and with peace, without losing the silence that I build within you.

Those who are in the other places, outside of this house, stand up. And now come here, walking gently, like the angels do. Do not lose your concentration. It is part of the divine practice of peace. You will surround this house, and thus I will bless you in the name of the Lord.

Prepare yourselves. Come walking in peace; I guide your steps, I open the doors for those who have them closed. Keep peace.

I am present here and within those who open their hearts.

I come for all, mainly for those who are not here and who have forgotten My Redeeming Path.

I come to show you the new law, the Law of the Heart, known by very few. It is a precious mystery that comes to be revealed to the current world, so that the hearts may convert, unbind their ties, and achieve liberation through My living heart.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Our Lord is calling two sisters to come in His Name, to hold the sacred elements.

This will be the moment of the Universal Consecration of My living, glorified and merciful Heart, for all of humanity.

Let us stand up for the consecration.

Do you remember the prayer that I gave you in Ecuador, when you were visiting that sacred place where My Mother appeared, in Cuenca?

Do you remember what I said to you there, on top of those hills, where clear water flowed and the sky looked like it was present there, surrounding you all the time, in that experience of love with the Divinity? 


In the name of the Christ of Light, 
I reveal my aspirations to God, 
so that He may ennoble them 
and receive them into His hands.

In the name of the Christ of Light, 
I offer myself to Eternal Life, to surrender, 
to the dissolution of guilt, of fear and sorrows,
so that they may be converted into the Love of Christ. 

In the name of the Christ of Light, 
I open my heart to receive the Flame of the Holy Spirit, 
so that it may be radiated to other hearts.

In the name of the Christ of Light, 
I confess myself before Him
so that He may forgive my actions, my thoughts
and my debts to God.



Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:

At this moment, the Lord presents us with a golden basket of light so that each one of us may place an intention in that basket, as if it were a molecule of light, an aspiration of asking God for something, through His Son.

He asks that our intentions be true, something that until today we have not been unable to resolve.

The Lord tells us:

This is why I Am the Shepherd who loves all His sheep, despite how they are, for My Eyes of Light look into your hearts and I see the talent of peace that I placed within your essences two thousand years ago. Happy are those who walk by My side and find this communion with Me once again.

In the name of Adonai, before the angels of Heaven, the celestial choirs, before the Universal Mother, Mother of the new humanity, before the Holy Spirit, which fills you and renews you, before the blessed who achieved Christification through the absolute giving of their lives, of their missions, before the entire Universe that gathers together all the Galaxies, assembles all the stars and suns, before the Elohim, the Resplendent, the Creator Fathers called Archangels, before the Thrones of God in His seventh sacred level, before His Most Pure and Divine Spirit, in Divine Consciousness of Peace, opening My Arms and pouring out My Rays, I bless you in the holy name of the Father, in the sacred name of the Son, the blessed named of the Holy Spirit, so that the seed of the new humanity may awaken.

Before the Thrones, let us now consecrate these sacraments that will be a source of forgiveness, of hope, of peace and of relief for all those who believe in My Path, in My Truth and in My Life.

Let us sing.

Let your voice be heard before God.

Sing louder.

In this Cenacle of Redemption, I leave you peace, I give you peace, so that you may live in peace.

I thank you for having responded to this sacred request.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

