Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady, at this moment we will sing "Ave Maria" of Gounot.

Let us prepare ourselves to receive Her Graces.

Let those who can kneel down.

Let us open our hearts to receive Our Mother, the Most Holy Virgin Mary.


I will never fail to give you what is deepest of that which My Heart holds.

For this reason, today I am here and I will always be, not only as the Mother of Brazil, but also as the Mother of the world, the One who extends Her Cosmic Mantle upon the universe so that all fallen stars, in this universe and in others, may be re-ignited through My Redeeming Love, through the authority that My Son has entrusted to Me from the beginning, when He said to Me, “Mother, behold Your son” and He said to John, “Son, behold your Mother.”

I come as the Mother of all, the untiring and persevering Mother who goes on pilgrimage with you in these times of great challenges and tests for Brazil and the whole world. But today, I want to give you the special Message: if you keep praying for Brazil and the whole world, you must not fear anything, My children.

My Son has announced His Return to you and His Return will be fulfilled as it is written. This Return will be fulfilled mainly in the hearts of those who believe in His Word and His Presence.

Therefore, He sends Me as the Mother of all, as your Advocate and Celestial Intercessor. He sends Me to placate the errors of the world and the sins, the incoherence of many nations, the ambition of a few hearts that believe they have power and impunity in their hands.

But I invite you once again, My children, to place your consciousnesses in that which is celestial and divine, just like in the last days, through the Marathon of Prayer, My Son placed your essences in that which is highest in this sidereal universe.

Today, My armies of Light also expand on the surface of the Earth, through newly consecrated Children of Mary. This army can be strengthened and renewed through your inner vows to Me, because no matter where you are or whatever the conditions under which you may live in the end of these times, if your hearts are united to Me in prayer, I will always promise you sacred protection. Trust in that which I am telling you. Follow My Message, the last Message that I gave you yesterday.

Works of Mercy are still quite necessary in the world so that the chastisement foreseen for the world may be placated and a great part of humanity may no longer show or provoke the Justice of God, as this is not necessary, My children. My Son shed His Blood at an incalculable price for all. He suffered the great wood of the Cross. He agonized for each one of you at each step, at each moment.

Tonight, spiritually allow the Blood of Jesus to wash and purify you so that the world may also be completely purified and washed from the ambition of war, abortion, the conflicts and even disease. Because for God nothing is inexplicable, but for humanity it is so in these times. Therefore, place your gaze on God, on His Supreme Universe. Never forget that you are worthy Children of God and He always expects you to be, despite the consequences and the tests.

With your thought, but above all with your constant prayer of the heart, elevate this country, this people and all of South America.

We have come here, in these last three months, to respond to an emergency, and we will be here whenever it may be necessary. But My Message and, above all, My Love, must reach the whole world. The Love of My Heart is already living in you, but there are brothers and sisters in this world who do not have My Love, who do not know hope, who do not know the faith that you consciously live at the foot of this sacred Light-Community.

Therefore, I invite you to raise the Communities upon the surface of the Earth and all points of Light that must awaken throughout the world. Remember, My children, that there will be a minimum part of you that will carry out the great task, but all may be united in spirit and omnipresence.

My Son entrusted to you the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Spirit that always comes to anoint, renew and heal you. Therefore, today liberate your hearts from sorrows and sadness. Renew yourselves through My humble but celestial Presence, and be One with My Son, Christ, through acts of Mercy, service, prayer, adoration and, above all, Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ.

He comes to renew Himself in these times, through you, through the infinite life of the Sacraments. Because a Sacrament is not a simple act, it is more than a Grace and an opportunity, it is the great chance that all have to be consciously united to God, to receive His Grace, His Love and His Mercy.

This is why today I come to place in another dimension all those present and those not present. In the dimension of the Great Divine and Only Consciousness, from where your souls emerged from the Origin, where the Purpose was known by your essences since the beginning. A Purpose that, in these times, I invite you to embrace and come to know internally. A Purpose that will reveal itself before you, to each one of your hearts, when you surrender in trust before that which is unknown. Then, the great door of the Grace of God will open and His Mercy will descend as it has always done. It will make of your hearts peaceful hearts. Thus, you will have a heart ready for the end of times, although you may keep feeling what you call fear.

But believe in the Light that comes through My Heart to all. The Light that represents the Cosmic Christ, the One who let Himself be nailed upon the Cross for each one of you, and Whose Side shed Water and Blood for the liberation of all of humanity until the end of times, until His Return.

Therefore, position yourselves now under the Rays of Mercy of My Son, through the intercession of your Celestial Advocate. Entrust your aspirations to the Eternal Father, to Christ. Drink of the Fountain of Grace that is offered to you at this moment, so that your souls may be healed and your hearts may rejoice at My Maternal Presence.

Today, I bring a special renewal for all Children of Mary. Especially for My Children of Brazil, who have the Sacred Purpose of sustaining the Flame of Peace, this Sacred Flame which springs from My Immaculate Heart, and also of sustaining the banner of Peace of Christ in these definitive times.

As the song says in the call of Mary, if you place yourselves always at the disposal of God, strength will not tremble.

What do you fear in these times, if I am here and if I am your Celestial Mother, who brings you the Message of Heaven, of the Universe? Who, through the Word of Life of the Sacred Word, comes to heal your wounds, traumas and all your past, comes to renew you in Christ and for Christ, so that the triumph of His Divine Mercy may take place in many more hearts of this world and, thus, all those who are awakened say “nevermore” to evil and darkness, so that the Light and Love of My Son may triumph.

Many are the Graces that the world needs in these times, but many are the prayers that will keep rising through the response of each of My children. Therefore, we will keep praying faithfully, allowing Heaven to touch the Earth, and the Life of God and His Infinite Universe to make more miracles in souls, especially in those that need love and a lot of redemption.

This is why in these times I invite you to accept your path of conversion with perseverance and with great faith. Do not allow yourselves to fear or be disturbed, believe, once and for all, that you already have a place in My Heart of a Mother, a Sacred Place in which you will always find peace, relief and healing of all this humanity.

Be persevering on the path of great transformation and allow your essences, in these times, to be guiding stars for many souls and hearts, in prayer, in anonymity and in sacred service for Our Lord, the Redeemer.

In these times, allow His Mercy to descend upon the world. The descent of Divine Mercy is still very urgent for all this humanity.

It is time to act from the heart and with discernment, without letting your faith oscillate, renewed in Christ at each moment and at each step.

I come here tonight to thank you for the triumph of the Sacred Hearts in South America. Although difficult and even inexplicable situations continue to take place, do not fail to continue on. See how the Heart of Christ triumphs once again in silent and anonymous dwellings, in those who say ‘yes’ in simplicity.

While I am present here, I collect your intentions and the intentions of all those who are listening to this transmission, to bring them within My Heart to God and convert them into Graces, opportunities, hope and Mercy for all souls, especially those who most need God at this moment.

Now, listening to the instrumental of the hymn of consecration, I invite, to the foot of this scenery, those who will take today the step of being consecrated as Children of Mary.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may approach.


And through this consecration, I will open for you the door to the great opportunity of renewal of vows for all those who already consider themselves as My Children. Also so that, through this group of Children of Mary that I will consecrate today, a new Rosary of Light for Brazil may emerge, the souls that, through prayer, will sustain the end of these times, the challenges and experiences that this country will live.

Your voice, the voice of each Child that will be consecrated today, will be heard through each new Rosary of Light. I invite you to disseminate this blessed exercise of the Rosary of Light in families, in nations, wherever you go, in the whole world.

All must know the Grace of being part of a Rosary of Light, because at each consecration of Children of Mary, each heart, each soul and each spirit becomes a bead of Light of My great Universal Rosary through which I can pray in plenitude, bliss and joy, to present to God the great redemption of all His Children.

This is why today I bless those who are a part of My army of Light on the surface of the Earth. I bless those beloved children of Mine who will sustain in these definitive times the banner of Peace for Brazil, crying out, through prayer, for Peace and Mercy for this blessed Land of God, chosen as the cradle of the New Humanity.

As the Lady Aparecida, as the Queen of Peace, as the Lady of the Sacred Figueira, I bless and consecrate you as My Children, under the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, I want to hear you sing.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A story is written in the Mirrors of Heaven, a story that you should come to know today. It is the Will, but it is also the impulse of your great awakening, of the awakening of consciousness that all the creatures on Earth should experience, although we are in a time of transition.

Within the Mirrors that I rule throughout the universe, the Will of God is deposited, and, through this Will, His most ardent aspirations are written. One of these aspirations, My children, is that humanity be withdrawn from illusion, from world illusion, so that it may enter the Celestial Truth, that which we call the “awakening of consciousness”.

If today you have come here, and if others arrive later, it is because you have already begun the path toward the great awakening, toward the discovery of your true inner being, which can allow you day by day to step out of appearances and illusions. May all of you have the Grace of coming to know your essences and of being aware that you are a part of a great system of universal communication, a system that the planet integrates.

Today I want to lead you through My Divine Consciousness toward these spaces. I want you, just like your Celestial Mother, to only contemplate, in reverence and in solemnity, the great network of the subtle Mirrors of the universe, of which a part of your being is a part.

It is toward this origin that you must return today, because, by returning to your origins, My children, you will allow the consciousness of humanity to be elevated and transmuted. You will allow the suffering, the anguish and all the conflict of the world to be dissolved by the spiritual Light of My Mirrors, which can descend to your lives through sincere and true prayer.

Today, this great system of great universal communication is latent and present at this moment upon the world, upon what you call the orbit of the Earth, so that this humanity may be helped and alleviated, so that the soul of your planet may be withdrawn from the hell in which it lives in this time.

Do not forget, My children, that My Son and His Heavenly Mother have incarnated here, and that we are a part of this humanity, we are great universal Consciousnesses that understand the human condition and work every day towards sublimating this inferior condition by means of the great keys of Love, Mercy and Peace.

I want you to enter with Me into three specific mirrors that today I reveal to you, to your souls and to your inner beings, which are the Mirrors of Love, Peace and Wisdom.

For a moment, open your inner eyes, feel your inner senses, and contemplate the Purpose of God, which, through you, must still be revealed and built.

In these Mirrors lies a part of your existence, of your origins, of your universal trajectory. You can perceive that you are not only matter, but that what is true is your spirit united to the Divine Spirit of God. You can perceive, at this moment, how through a simple but loving attunement with Me, you can reach God and come to know, from within yourselves, the purpose that He has for each one of you.

Today I make your essences return toward the great Mirrors of Creation, which have their foundations upon the Mirror of Unity. Let it be Love, Peace and Wisdom that lead you to build, within and outside of yourselves, Sacred Unity.

All of you have walked much throughout this universe. So many experiences are registered in the Mirrors of Creation! What a long trajectory you have lived throughout the times, the eras and the generations! And you still aspire for your awakening? So that once and for all you may recognize that you are not only what is imperfect, but rather that within yourselves, within the innermost essence of each being, there lies the Perfection of God, which was thought of by the Eternal Father Himself, before the emergence of Creation.

Do you dare to love the mystery ever more? So that the mystery may some day be converted into a revelation, and the sacred secrets may be unveiled so that souls may awaken and know, beyond everything, that each one of you has a purpose and a mission to accomplish in this life and in the next one.

Work for this, every day, strive for this, every day, because the Kingdom of God is drawing near and the Sacred King of the Universe will meet you again, face to face, and will ask you for the talents that He left within your heart. In this crucial time of humanity, may these talents be converted into virtues, into concrete actions, into the expression of the higher Love of God in all situations and circumstances so that, My children, you may learn, each day more, to love among yourselves.

For this reason, God still awaits, through your service, that through your surrender and obedience to the Plan of the Creator, you may come to know His Will, which must be the will in you in the three planes of manifestation: material, mental and spiritual.

With the effort that you experience in this time, with dedication to the life of prayer and to service for your fellow beings, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, many are approaching this truth written in the story of the Mirrors, because within it your spirits will live the synthesis and find the meaning and reason for having come here to Earth, to live this school of forgiveness and redemption.

For this reason, today, I tell you, My children, that many of you can count on the sacred places that are present throughout the Americas, places where the different Purposes of God beat, not only for this planet, but also for all souls of humanity.

Sooner or later, the consciousnesses will face the Will of God, and they will have just one instant to decide which path they will take.

But today, I not only come for you, so that you may keep walking toward this Will and toward this Purpose, so that the great awakening may be more real in each one of you, but I also come as the Mother of the World, for all those who have lost the path toward the Purpose, for the most lost.

In this time of tribulation, a point of Light of the Third Order of the Brotherhood shines upon the surface of the Earth, which after 33 years has become a reality. May the Sacred Star of Divine Union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God, between the servers and the Hierarchies, shine within your chests.

Carry within you a feeling of true concretion, not only of your path of redemption, but also of concretion of the Divine Plan, by means of all those who someday self-summoned to respond to this call of the Brotherhood.

I want to tell you, My beloved children, that the loving and compassionate gaze of the Hierarchies is at this moment upon you and especially upon this wounded and outraged planet.

Who will dare to go, together with Us, to the rescue of the essence of this planet and of this humanity?

Who will dare, together with Me, to listen to the cry of the soul of the Earth, subjected and enslaved by human beings, by those who outrage Creation?

May your prayers and all your services, in the coming times, mend the mistakes that are being lived today, and, above all, the grave climatic causes that the planet is experiencing today.

Do not cease, not even for a moment, to pray, although you may see in the coming times a dark sky or even the Moon painted red like blood. Do not see the horrors nor listen to the cries of despair of many nations.

Elevate your hearts toward God and cry out with the power of the Divine Word. May your words not only be words, may your prayers be decrees in the moments of greater tribulation, may your hearts burn in the love for service so that many more souls may have one last opportunity.

This is what is emitted today by the Mirrors of Love, Peace and Wisdom, Mirrors that not only remind you of your origin, where the principle of your harmony and balance exists, but also Mirrors that reveal today the true situation of humanity, where evil has conquered many hearts.

Because if you have ever been struck, as My Son was struck, stand up. Because if you are ever humiliated, do not respond, and, thank God. Always practice the good, because in the good you will find peace and the certainty that you are serving God, in spite of the consequences.

Today, I extend My arms toward the wounded world. Today, I open My Mantle so that all My children, those awakened and those not awakened, can be under Me, under My spiritual and maternal Light.

For 33 years, since 1988 began, the Hierarchy was waiting for this moment, for a united Fraternity to be present in the three planes of consciousness. Today, this great spiritual triangulation is complete, the Brotherhood of the Divine, the Brotherhood of the Universe and the Brotherhood upon the surface of the Earth, prepared to face the last moment of the Armageddon, the great and last battle between the Light and the darkness.

I also pray, from this day on, that all My children, all possible consciousnesses, may have the Grace to recognize the Return of Christ, who will not come as many may think, but He will come in an indescribable way, and I would even say an unknown way, because no one has seen and no one knows how He will come, but the hearts will feel His arrival in the very depths of their beings. At that moment, in spite of where they may find themselves or wherever they are, they will start walking toward the Return of Christ, and many will hear about His arrival.

But pay attention not to be confused. Many will use this moment to benefit themselves. The true Return of Christ is the one which you will only feel within your heart. If your hearts do not feel the Return of Christ, it is because it will not be My Son, but rather others who will pretend to be Jesus.

But those who in these last eight years had the Grace of His Presence, within this Work of the Mercy of God, have learned to recognize Christ as a sacred spiritual vibration that leads them to peace and to feel His ardent Love. In His Words you will always find strength, in His Sacraments, you will always find salvation.

As hard as these times may be, never lose faith, because if you have come this far, My beloveds, how much more will you be able to do in the end of these times? He died for you, to give you eternal life, because, in Him, all will always be renewed, rest assured of this.

As the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of Aurora, today I bid farewell, and, after fourteen years, I am here again to be close to all My children, to bring them the healing of the heart of Aurora, which will always be able to shine within you, if you just trust in the Light of Aurora.

Let us recognize the Grace of God, at this moment, and, just for an instant, let us see, My children, all that has been built through effort and surrender, and, especially how much your lives have changed up to the present moment. Believe in the power of the Love of Christ so that all may be renewed, although it may seem impossible in these times.

Today, I bless the planet, I bless the continents, especially all the regions that are suffering the catastrophes of these times, all those who are exiled and take refuge in other places of the world, fleeing wars, mistreatment, blood. Today, I pour out My Light upon all those who are sick, lost, forgotten, forsaken, impoverished and miserable.

May this Light of Aurora that you have received throughout these years, by an act of true Love and Mercy, be deposited in the places that need it the most. May this spiritual family bless the families of the world so that, once and for all, upon this horizon of Creation, the New Humanity may emerge, the New Humanity may awaken, the New Humanity may arise.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I leave here, listening to a poem that was made for My Heart. May this poem, that you will hear today, through a song, confirm you to My Heart forever.

I am very grateful.

See you soon.

Reserved Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionaries Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón and Sister Lucía de Jesús

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

From Heaven I come to visit you to bring you My Peace and My consolation.

Today I come with the flags of the nations of Central America and I take you by the hand towards the pilgrimage that your Heavenly Mother will make for the souls of the planet.

I need you to be with Me on this path and that you are able to embrace My call. I ardently wish that all those who follow Me and who, with the flame of faith of their hearts, spread My Peace in the world.

Although My Work outside the Church is being challenged, do not fear, do not fear anymore. It is time that the consciousnesses open their hearts to be able to understand what I am asking in these times.

Therefore, I come to search those who never experienced Christ and who are outside of the Holy Church.

I come to give an opportunity to all My children, because the Project of the Divine Mercy is for the whole planet.

Today I follow everybody very closely and say, to the children that would consecrate themselves today to Me to continue working in prayer and in service so that when I return here, to the sacred tree, I can find you ready, and so I will consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Many souls await Me in Central America. Many more than you imagine. My Work is not only material, but celestial and universal. My Divine Consciousness embraces many universes and this task that I will realize in Central America, is a small sample of My universal Work.

I want you to open your senses to this, for you to see beyond all and so to feel in the deepness of your hearts the importance that this Work be performed, beyond the visionaries, beyond all your group and all humanity.

Today I come to show you the Purpose of God through this request that My Heart of Mother performs for all. I would like profoundly, with all My soul, that the Church be united in this proposal because My Consciousness does not come to bring conflict nor war, but peace, the peace that is lacking for you. All are worthy children of God and all deserve the opportunity, as the Church has received it throughout times and My Apparitions.

I do not come to ask you to believe in Me, but in the call of God through His loyal Servant.

I come, as Messenger, to announce a new time, a new phase that is not modern, but profoundly spiritual and intimate with God.

I do not come here to carry out, through this work,  a new Church, but I come to renew the Church that exists, in faith, love and devotion.

Unite yourselves to the sacred mission and you will be able to really experience My plans. I want you to be able to find in this proposal a meaning for life and spirit.

I come to shed My last heavenly treasures upon the world and this time on the souls of Central America, that are also worthy of Mercy and Peace.

So, I invite you to share among the peoples and nations, under the Spirit of Peace, Love and Unity.

I invite all My children in the world to find Christ in their brothers and sisters and to be able to see Him, beyond any appearance. If you are able to experience this, maybe the world will not purify itself as much as it is foreseen. Therefore, it is necessary that I turn to the nations with My children, bringing the good news and renewing the Message of My Son to the world.

I want all to be able to pray with Me all the time and that you learn to sustain this humanity. But if nobody offers himself to do it, who will do it?

Therefore, I summon the soldiers of My Son, from time to time, as Mother of the apostles and disciples of Christ, to perform with Me the Work of God to help me to solidify the Divine Thought upon Earth.

Together with My angels, today I bless you and hope to definitely reach Central America because there are souls who need help, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.

You must reach a new consciousness that is no longer personal nor individual. You must reach the group consciousness of humanity and see that each space of this world belongs to you and must be cared for.

As Mother of the Kingdoms I implore for you to pray for the Americas, as you have been doing. This pilgrimage to Central America will open new groups of prayer that can strengthen themselves for future times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

There is still a past, My children, that must be healed in the heart of My children of Central America. As I have forgiven you, washed your wounds, sheltered you under My Mantle and made you My soldiers of peace, I still have to do it with many of My children.

I come to teach you to love the Plan of God more than your own lives. To love this Plan does not include a personal goal, but the whole consciousness of the planet, of the universe, of the Creation.

Therefore, I come as Universal Mother. Therefore, I present Myself before your eyes and hearts as the Heavenly Mother so that those who recognize themselves as My children, who recognize My maternity can serve this Divine Plan that the Creator thought for this world and the manifestation of which depends on the whole cosmos.

Humanity committed many errors throughout times and continues committing them. Those who have their eyes minimally open can perceive, children, that the future which presents itself to the human beings, by their actions and thought, is not the one that God thought for humanity.

Therefore, at the request of the Creator, I come to the world to rewrite this future, to erase the past and, in this way, to dissolve the consequences that would make you suffer and balance the evil caused in other times.

I do not only aspire to reach Central America and Mexico, I aspire to reach all the continents, because although America should become the cradle of the new life, I want to rescue even the last soul that lives on the planet and that has not found God.

I do not come to insist, children, on a material voyage and I want you to understand this definitely, because if you cannot embrace the Plan of God as a whole, if you cannot love and search for an opportunity for your brothers and sisters, how can you search for yourselves, with whom can I count on to manifest this Plan?

You must know that the Creator has a unique Will for each soul, for each essence that He has created and that He aspires ardently that His Thought can be fulfilled and manifested in all His children equally.

It was not the Will of God that distanced His project from perfection, but the human steps themselves. The Creator aspires that all His children have the same opportunity, the same possibility to redeem themselves and, as they awaken and take their places in this army of Light, they must make an effort each day for this Light to expand throughout the world.

This way, children, you will help Me so that My Plan may be fulfilled and so that humanity can manifest that perfect archetype, thought by God.

I want you to imitate My Son. May you reach those who are most lost, regardless of their customs, their social class, their culture or their belief. Jesus ate with prostitutes and the scholars, He called to the table of His Father all those who opened their heart.

The time has come, children, for that example to come out of the Sacred Books and become life, because the teaching has already been delivered, it has already been renewed throughout times by the Presence of the Divine Messengers, not only here, but also in many other places.

My Son will return and search in those who call themselves His companions the experience of His Gospel, because He will aspire to renew it.

Therefore, I want you to understand that helping me to reach Central America is more than a material act. It must come from your hearts as an aspiration, that comes from the spirit, that My Plan will be fulfilled and that more souls awaken for the experience of Love.

If you do so, My children, this pilgrimage will generate more merits than the ones thought by God, because, although you do not follow Me physically, if you help Me to reach there in a sincere way and pray for the awakening of your brothers and sisters, you will be forming part of this Marian mission and will be extending it beyond the boarders between nations, between continents.

Therefore, I tell you all this and with Love expect you to respond to My call, and that you do it with your heart.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

This is how I ask the Children of Mary to renew their vows on this day, within this Plan of Peace that I propose to the world and to all souls. It is in this way that I can continue coming to meet you, month by month and that the Door of Heaven does not close before the time, so that no souls remain without being able to see the Light and the Love of God.

Do not believe in what My other children spread, in this world, on this Work that I perform with you. I ask you to believe in what you have felt once, in the deepness of your hearts, when you got to know Me and felt Me alive in you. This is the most important for God, because it is the answer that the souls understood what I came to perform here, at this time.

I leave one of the stars of My Crown shining over this Marian Center, so that the essences may recognize that the Mother of all, that our Lady of Guadalupe, is here to help you and to call you for prayer.

I will seek you for your help in Central America, so that My Divine Consciousness may open the doors to forgiveness and reconciliation.

I thank you for responding to My call and for fulfilling this Plan of Peace that goes beyond this planet.

May God guard you and give you His Wisdom, His Peace and His Mercy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

While My ears listen to the melody of your hearts, I come to speak to you about the depths of your essences, which are what is most valuable to God.

Today I come to find you in the stillness of spirit, in the perseverance of continuing onward so as to be able to meet My Son again in these end times.

Today I come from Heaven with great joy and motherliness. We are at the threshold of a great meeting in August, in which all of humanity will carry out its synthesis to begin to live a new cycle with the Lord.

Beloved children, everything you experience in these times is part of a great inner purification; do not despair, My children. I Am your hand, the hand that guides you on the path of redemption and of rehabilitation. Thus, I pray for you every day of your days, so you may finally achieve the redemption of heart and spirit.

Your path on this Earth has a reason. This great experience of love that you must live, must serve God in the future and the whole universe, which will avail itself of this experience of redemption in the times that will come within this galaxy.

Dear children, like a great Star of the universe, today I draw closer to you and aspire every day to ignite your inner stars. Because the real path of redemption is to be found through the illumination of your hearts, which is the result prayer brings you through a life of service and of charity.

But today I am not here alone with you. I come with all of the universe, so that every day you live this great coming together again with your true higher spirit, in which the real answer is to be found, within all of your existence.

God created you so you could learn and grow in love. I come to teach you that very simple but true path; thus, as your Most Holy Mother, I am persevering and patient. It has already been eight years that I have been walking at your side, dear children, lifting you up from the ground, freeing you from persecutions and disturbances, so that your real spirit in Christ may accomplish the mission that it has come to carry out in this world.

And if you live that personal mission God granted you, the 144,000 apostles of Christ, the saints of the end days, those who are written down in the Bible, will appear in this cycle to fulfill their true mission in the Plan, the Purpose of God which must be accomplished above all things.

Through your lives, beloved children, the new Project of God can be written, and in His blessed Heart are written the first signs of your redemption. But you must be patient, meek and humble so the Holy Spirit may dwell in you and Its powerful universal Gifts are able to transform your lives completely, until the smallest particles of evil can be dispelled.

You know, My children, that the world is going through its spiritual decline. But I still find fervent souls in the four corners of the planet, who are My true planetary mirrors that can radiate My maternal Purpose through the attributes I granted your lives.

My maternal aspiration, My children, is that at the end of your days, when you have crossed the threshold of lessons, you have been able to experience the attributes I gave you in 2007. Such very simple but true attributes, which will make you like God and your brothers and sisters of all the universe.

Thus, this Project has still not ended. And in spite of the great debt humanity has, of the assaults done to the Kingdoms of Nature, the Mother of the Universe, the Pachamama, is patient with Her children, with all of the disciples of Christ that must wake up in this end time, to rediscover the path you have lost among the illusions of this humanity.

I Am your Mother Earth; I Am also your Mother from Heaven, I Am the great Spirit of Nature that circulates through this humanity, bringing the breeze of the Holy Spirit, the fruits for all the souls that decide to be seeds of My great Tree of Wisdom and Creation.

So throughout these years, I have been working with each of you. I have been performing little miracles of love in your lives, which My Son has allowed Me to do in the life of all spirits on Earth.

Today I ask you, My children, to not look anymore at your mistakes. See the results of your change. Meditate, reflect on and become aware of all you have transformed in your lives; and this has been possible, My children, through the powerful action of My maternal Grace.

Today I open My arms and extend My hands to the world. I hope to have you all close to My Heart so you may feel the beat, the Immaculate Heart of Mary that continues to beat for this humanity, pleading for this Project of God so that at least it may be accomplished in a coming Christ. Thus, I will be able to withdraw from this humanity. I will be able to continue walking among the stars, instructing other beings throughout this universe. Because I will have seen, My children, that My Plans of Peace were accomplished in your lives and the New Christs were born out of a spirit of humility.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is for this reason that tonight, in My Mantle I bring all the stars of the Cosmos, so that each of you remember what you came to do in this world, because your souls know that the evolutionary path has no beginning or end on this Earth.

The Creation of God, My children, is infinite. And in this end of times, I come to show humanity that it has been blind for a long time; but the time has come to open your eyes, the eyes of the spirit and the heart, and contemplate the Origin of your essences, of your spirits in infinity. An origin that observes you each day, which awaits with love that you may remember that existence, so that you no longer only experience material things.

Let all of your attention, My dear ones, not only be focused on life on Earth, because Reality beats at the center of this Cosmos.

The Heart of My Son, Who was upon this world, today reigns in Infinity, inviting you to follow in His footsteps. Christ, My beloveds, came to this world to be an example to you, to leave the footprints where you must place your feet.

But for this, you need to believe in what I say to you, because My Words are not pronounced only to touch your hearts. They must enter into your consciousnesses and allow you to reflect, to seek the Truth that I place in each word that I bring to pour over humanity, to dispel the illusion of human hearts.

Just as I Am the Mother of Jesus, I Am the Mother of all the creatures of this world. Thus, I come to instruct you, to lead your souls toward the Will of God; because the Creator, My dears, never desisted from His Creation. Every day He sends one of His Messengers to the world, in the eternal hope that at least a few are able to accomplish His Holy Plan.

I come to the world because I know it is possible that those who listen to My call may definitely transform, and especially in these times, in which the darkness is great, but Light is also infinite; and supreme is the Presence of God in the world, in His Servant, in His Son, Those who come to meet with you to guide you to infinity.

As from this August 8th, My children, I will lead you to a new awakening. There will be no doubts that can cloud the hearts of those who listen to Me, because My Voice will be clear, will reveal the Truth that many did not want to see; because the time is coming in which the veils must fall from the human consciousness, and that each being of this world, prepared or not, must discover the divine mysteries, must find the Truth.

I come to meet with you so that at least a part of humanity will have their heart ready to experience this great transition of the planet, a transition that does not come just to cause you to suffer. Who knows the true reason for this transition, glorifies God every day; because for each minute that goes by in the time of this world, they know it is one minute less they will need for finding the Creator.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary;

Children, Aurora covers itself in its best clothing to wait for the self-called in this sacred meeting we will experience in the days of August, in which you will remember that the Mother of God and all His Messengers touched this soil to make it blessed and sacred, so that each of you, as hearts in redemption, should enter by the doors of inner healing.

I Am the Great Star, I Am your Mother of the world and I come to ignite new stars, through the Children of Mary which I come to bless, with such maternal Love. In this way, My armies take shape at different points on the planet, so they may be living torches of the fire of Christ, of the transforming and liberating fire, through the power of prayer.

Let the children I will consecrate today come here, and I invite everybody to be here in August, in the Presence of Christ, your Lord, from August 4, after which you will experience, My children, the last chance for planetary redemption, before the doors of the transition open.

I come to bring you an awareness of what each one of you truly are. You are not matter, you are spirits of the Source of God, of the Source of Love and of Unity.

Let us sing, for the Children of Mary present themselves at the altars of the Most Holy Virgin.

I thank you.

Dear children, through the blessing granted Me by the universe and as Mother of the Holy Spirit of God, in the Triune Presence of the Son and the Eternal Father, I bless you and consecrate you, under the universal absolution of all the faults committed to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I hope you are renewed and breathe the air of the universe, for the healing touched the door of your hearts.

I thank you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Song: "Hymn of the Children of Mary."


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

So what we were able to hear from Our Lady, both in the Message She transmitted today in the morning, as well as what She said to us now, during the Apparition, She has begun to fulfill a promise She made to us some time ago, that She was going to reveal the truths of the universe and that we have to have our hearts open; because it was important, in this time, that our humanity knows how it is that the Celestial Universes manifest, and what the relation is that our world and our humanity really have with this universe.

She told us She was going to give us this universal Legacy and has begun today, with great love, to try and place us within this universe.

It will be in our hands and our heart to listen to this instruction of Our Lady, and through that wisdom which comes from the Divinity, truly understand who we are, where we come from, what it is we have to do, what our mission as beings and humanity is, and how we have to carry it forward.

In this way, we will accompany Our Lady in these new instruction and new revelations, which will carry us, as She said today, into infinity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We want to thank everybody for having accompanied us.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

And as Our Lady said today, all our consciousnesses will prepare for August, when we will have more revelations, and as Our Lady said, humanity will do its synthesis and will fully and with awareness begin the longed-for transition. So let us prepare.

Many thanks to everybody, and thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
