In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children, today I come to contemplate the mirror that was spiritually built in each heart, this mirror that has been forged through constant prayer, through the commitment of each child of Mine with My spiritual school of prayer.
Today I do not come to contemplate the sins, but rather I come to contemplate the Virtues of God in each human heart that has decided, in the name of My Son, to make an effort and to sacrifice for this planet and for this Project of humanity.
This mirror of the heart in each child of Mine is as favorite and important to Me as the steps that you can take with your own feet, these steps that My Son invites you to take in the end of this time, so that His prayerful and serving armies may build and spiritually prepare His most expected Return.
With the magnificence of God and the infinity of His Grace, He sends me to be a witness, before the Creator Law and the Intercessory Law, so that I may see, as your Mother and Mediatrix, the spiritual mirror that I, Myself, have built in each heart throughout the times, because it is this space that My Son will look for when He returns.
And from there, from this inner and spiritual space, My Beloved Son will ask for your talents and virtues, which, at the moment of His Return to Earth you will already have expressed in this material life, because the planet will need it, humanity will need it.
And for this reason, as your Mother and Guardian, I have busied Myself with building this spiritual mirror that you, yourselves, from today onward, will have to take care of and protect, as a reliquary, from all the dangers that this world expresses; protect this sacred reliquary of the mirror of the heart from all the influences and interferences that the world lives.
Because in this new cycle, for you to be united to Me, you will have to enter the mirror of your hearts in consciousness and attunement, and in this way you will be essentially united to Me, not only to My Heart and Soul, but also to My co-redeeming task, which My Son has silently entrusted to Me for the rescue and salvation of the last souls at the end of these times, mainly those who most need the Mercy of God.
I would like you to leave here today, from this meeting with Me, contemplating not only all the Graces that were received and granted, not only the moments shared with the Divine Hierarchy, but also contemplating, through inner certainty, the spiritual presence of the mirror of the heart, so that you may continue to receive the impulses of the universe, from another network of invisible and spiritual mirrors, which internally communicate with one another to help the current humanity.
For this reason, the mirror of the heart in each child of Mine must be very present at this time, not only so that intuitive and inner life, at this planetary moment, may intercede for humanity, but also so that, for yourselves, with the help of the Mother of God, you may become aware of the moment of transformation of life and of all that for which the moment and hour has come to no longer be present in your lives.
You will only know this, dear children, when you ignite the mirror of the heart through prayer, through contact with the divine and inner life of each spirit of each child of Mine. Because it is from there, from this spiritual and intuitive level, that as of now and for the times to come, you will have the necessary tools for yourselves and your brothers and sisters to learn to go through these times of challenges without fear and without turning back, without doubting and without questioning yourselves, because the help that each one needs in this time will come to them. But it will not be in the time that you want or wish. The help from God will come through the Time of God, through what is written for this destiny and trajectory of souls.
Now is the moment for all of My children, and especially those who have been consecrated as Children of Mary, to position themselves as available, in readiness and in a spiritual way to sustain the great mirror of the Marian Centers. Because it will be the souls who are present there, in the times to come, who will make the Marian Centers true Points of Light on the planet, secure and protected spaces for the Hierarchy to intervene in the face of the grave crisis that the planet and humanity live today.
It will be the souls who self-summon and present themselves at the Marian Centers, that will make, of these sacred spaces, Mirrors of the Hearts of Mary, of Jesus and of Saint Joseph, from where the spiritual wellspring of the Grace and Instruction of Our Sacred Hearts will always be available as an inexhaustible source, mainly for the souls that will come with spiritual thirst.
In these end times, it will be the moment, after these seventeen years of tasks with the Sacred Hearts, for the priestly and monastic life to be a living Christic experience in the liturgy of the Marian Centers. This is a personal commitment of each child of Mine to the Consciousness of God itself.
It will depend on you, My beloveds, that the Source of Grace of Our Sacred Hearts may be open and present in the end of these times, through the spiritual life of the Marian Centers and through the faithful and true commitment of all the consecrated Children of Mary.
Because I assure you that, in the face of so much material and spiritual confusion of the planet, in the face of so many spiritual currents that confuse souls and distance them from God, because the Anti-Christs are already present on the planet, there will be no safer and more protected place than the Marian Centers themselves, just like the Sanctuaries that I have founded through My Apparitions throughout the times.
It is in these sacred places that Heaven descends in an infinite and impersonal way; because the Marian Centers and Sanctuaries, granted to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, are property of Heaven, they are treasures of Creation on Earth, they are refuges for souls, they are infinite oceans in which souls can submerge and quench their thirst every time they need it, until the moment of the Return of Christ, Our Lord.
These are the gifts that your hearts must express. For this, My Son has asked me to prepare you throughout these years. Now is the time of the apostles in the concretion, not in theory, but rather in works, in the commitment to those who suffer and have to endure the most, including the sacred Kingdoms of Nature. Thus you, in tireless service, will also be healed and redeemed.
There is no soul in this world that can be healed without serving others. Service is the door of liberation from spiritual captivity. Never believe, My children, that enclosed in a house or in yourselves you will reach the doors of Heaven.
God expresses His Power in what is most simple, God expresses His Beauty in those who serve Him, wherever it is and however it is, as many times as it is necessary. This is also a part of the legacy of the Sacred Family, and it is the most sacred thing we can share with you at this final moment.
When you can no longer walk on your own feet, start serving.
When you are confused with your own thoughts, start serving.
When you doubt about the path that you have decided to follow, do not be confused and start serving.
When it is not clear to you what is the next step, do not be discouraged and start serving.
When you cannot find the answer that you apparently need, do not be disturbed, but rather start serving, because everything will be added unto you.
God mirrors, from His heart, His infinite abundance and His Grace on those who serve Him out of love, because God does not need to be served by anyone, it is the souls that need to serve to become liberated every day.
You cannot imagine how much a spirit grows, how much a soul is strengthened, how much a personality matures, when it serves others and wherever it is necessary. This is the great key that Christ left to His apostles; because you learn not only with words, but also with actions; you instruct not only with the word, but also with acts of love.
I hope you understand My Message on this last day, because I am grateful for your having come this far, after so much time and so much path that has been traveled.
My Son also thanks you, just as Saint Joseph, for the hearts that have decided to be missionaries on this planet in agony, in need of love.
Today, I carry the flowers of your offering, these flowers that are born and grow from the heart of each child of Mine, of each Child of Mary. And this, to me, is significant at this planetary moment, when hatred blinds many hearts, when wars destroy many lives.
These flowers, which your souls offer to Me today, will be carried to the Feet of the Creator as a synthesis in the end of this cycle and at the beginning of the new cycle, so that you may walk on your own feet, just as My Son announced for you.
I want you to bid farewell to Me with a simple song, not only so that your souls may always remember Me and you may keep Me present, but also so that My Spiritual Faith, the Faith that I felt as Mary on Earth, may strengthen you in this time of great challenges, knowing that God sees everything.
I thank you for responding to My call!
And remember that I will be able to return, if God needs it; and that every Saturday, I will continue to instruct you with Love, with Maternal Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We will sing together the song “The Faith of Mary,” giving thanks to the Mother of God.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I will always return to the world for a cause of good and forgiveness because I ardently wish for all My children to reconcile with the Celestial Father. From His supreme Source, He has His Arms open and His Hands reaching out to the world. His Heart impels all by means of Love, His Heart ignites in Compassion and Mercy.
Do not believe, My children, that all that happens in the world is caused by divine punishment, what happens today in humanity is caused by the indifference and omission of the Law, which many of My children have carried out in these times.
For this reason, I invite you to return to the Heart of God, because in the Heart of God you will understand all things. I invite you, time and again, in an untiring way, to turn your gaze towards God.
God waits for each one of you, His children. He waits to be able to embrace you and console you, He waits to be able to impel you through the Holy Spirit. Beloved children, His universe is so full of Grace and Mercy, that they can no longer fit in the Heart of the Divine Messengers.
We need to pour out upon the world the Forgiveness and Mercy of God, but there are still few hearts that open up to love this mystery, to be able to receive in their life all the Graces of Our Creator.
He is waiting at this moment, just as I wait for the people of the desert to reach the Promised Land. The New Earth that will come is the Earth of the New Humanity. I invite you, My children, to consciously postulate yourselves for this, allow your souls to walk toward this aspiration and toward this purpose. Thus, many situations will be relieved, many catastrophes will be avoided, suffering will be dissolved in the hearts if only souls turn toward God.
I come to repeat a Message similar to the one I once delivered in Fatima. Today, My Heart comes to implore to you, My children, no longer suffer, no longer live in chaos, in adversity or in battle.
My children, surrender, turn toward God. He hopes to feel your hearts and souls very close, so close that each one of you can be invaded and filled by the Love of God. The Eternal Father created your humanity so that you would always live within His Law of Love and Unity.
Beloved children, look around you, see how the world is, see how the Kingdoms of Nature are, see how the peoples and the nations are at this moment. How can the cure to this pandemic come if hearts do not turn towards God and abandon the god of modernities, of trends, or even the created god of abortion?
Beloved children, I offer My Womb of universal Light so that it may gestate in you the new Attributes of the Eternal Father, I say to you new Attributes because many have lost them.
My wish is that, through My maternal Heart, through the rays of My Heart, I can deliver to the world the same attributes and virtues that the ancient people of Israel received.
My children, do not forget that you are a part of the tribes of Israel because someday everything will return to its origin and many of My children, who today postulate themselves for the New Earth, will have the Grace of being participants in the coming experience of the Kingdom of God, in a living experience, not a mental one.
I ask you, beloved children, to avail yourselves of My Immaculate Heart, My Heart is the bridge that will always lead you to God.
How much suffering I see in this world!
How much pain I suffer, close to each one of My children of the whole world!
Who will accompany Me in this battle?
Who will raise high the torch of Christ? so that the darkness of this world may be dissipated and souls many no longer be abducted by the hells of the Earth.
Beloved children, do not fear, but this is the time of Armageddon. Open your eyes and eradicate from yourselves all indifference, may your hearts be flooded by the Love of God, because in this way the angels of the Father will descend more toward the Earth and help in the impossible causes and situations.
I have told you once that I am your Celestial Advocate. Do you believe in this, My children?
After more than thirty-six years in Medjugorje, I continue here in South America, and, from here, I deliver to the whole world My Message of Love and supplications for all the hearts that still need to be transformed through prayer.
Overcome the barriers that you have imposed on yourselves, transcend the limitations that you have put on yourselves and close the doors to evil. Within your self-giving lies the key to the strengthening of the flame of your faith. In your charity lies the key that will free you from yourselves forever.
The greater number of My children who serve in the world, the greater will be the Graces that will descend to Earth, to those who are submerged in suffering, in war and even in damnation.
But I come from Heaven, bringing at this moment the Kingdom of God for all, reconsecrating your hearts at each new meeting.
I told you last month that August is a month of renunciation and of little sacrifices. The offerings that are coming to me are still insufficient. I do not need great sacrifices, I need small sacrifices made out of love, which may move your hearts and lives away from comfort and even from routine.
Beloved children, if we do not unite, we will not be strong in Christ; but if we truly unite, together we will win in this planetary transition. The true transformation will take place in your hearts, in your lives.
Before My maternal Heart, I still contemplate all the needs of the world, especially the needs of souls, because many of them are thirsty for God, thirsty for Love and thirsty for Peace.
Now is the time for My praying armies to be whole and available for this battle. Remember that many of you are under My Mantle, I make you invisible and imperceptible by means of the power of the prayer of the heart.
May your prayers expand, may your prayers increase until you manage to feel that you are touching the Heaven of God, until you have absolute certainty that you have learned to feel the Heart of God. Beloved children, it is so simple, that many do not do it.
I invite you, by means of this Message, to renew in the commitment of prayer; in this praying school, which I offer to you throughout the times. You have the Grace to climb the steps until you can reach Heaven, by means of the experiences of the degrees of love.
Today, I come as a Mother that supplicates. Today, I come as a Mother that implores. I come as the Mother that loves you in the perfection that God has placed in each heart.
In your self-giving, you will overcome the limitations of consciousness and, overcoming these material and mental limits, you, My children, will know how to help those most in need, those who will block themselves in this time of transition.
But keep something in mind, healing and redemption are available for all, trust in this mystery that Christ delivered on the Cross by shedding Water and Blood from His Heart in order to purify the whole planet, all the consciousnesses, and, even more, the whole universe.
Whenever you need, return to the mystery of My Son's Love. His Heart is also open and exposed to all through the sacred mystery of the Eucharistic Sacrament; the more you love the Eucharist, the more you will free yourselves from all difficulties and problems because the Light of Christ will always be invincible. And even those who commune in a spiritual manner at this moment and who cannot receive the Sacred Eucharist, may they not be distressed.
By means of this portal of the Mercy of Our Sacred Hearts, God has granted the Grace and also the indulgence so that the hearts that participate in the spiritual communion, through this Work, will always be protected and supported by Our Hearts, in spite of all that they live or what they go through. I only ask you that the sacred Spiritual Communion, which is offered with effort and diligence, not to be just one more passage, but rather the most important moment of the day, when your hearts will be before Christ to receive His Love, the Love that will always strengthen you and save you.
Today, at My feet, I also receive all the intentions that you write for this Work, as well as the intentions of the hearts that, throughout the recent years, have adhered to the Work of the Divine Messengers, and, which, in their families and nations, experience difficult problems. Beloved children, offer these experiences as a great renunciation of your hearts, but also as a great sacrifice of love for My Son. Know that I am alongside each of those who need Me. I am walking by your side, I am your Mother and I will always help you because My Love must still be discovered by you.
Only when you love the mystery that I bring to you today, only when you love the Messages that I have revealed to you throughout the times, not only here, but also in other Apparitions throughout the world, I assure you, My beloved children, that you will know the Love of Mary, an untiring Love, a patient and renewing Love, a Love of a Mother that accepts, that does not judge, that welcomes, that heals, that cures, that understands and that accompanies. This is the Love that I expect from each one of My children, especially from the mothers of the Earth who suffer in these times the calvary of their children, the lack of understanding of hearts, the loss of souls in all that this world today offers to them.
But I invite all the mothers of the Earth to unite to My maternal Spirit, because at this moment, and in this time, My dear mothers, there are many children to welcome, there are many children to spiritually adopt. Through the heart of each mother of the Earth, I will always transform everything and I will strengthen the disciples of Christ, I am the Mother of the cross of this humanity.
On this thirteen of August, My Heart closes a cycle in this place, to begin a spiritually wider and more profound cycle in Europe; and I aspire for this to also be possible in Asia and Oceania, as after the Apparitions of Akita, all these peoples wait for My arrival and My return.
I will head to a challenging task, sustained by each one of My children through the fidelity in the prayer of the heart and, even more, through the fidelity of the Sacred Communion with My Son.
So that this cycle may be blessed, I come to extraordinarily celebrate the Eucharist, in the company of the angels of transubstantiation of the Celestial Church of Christ.
And before I proceed to this moment, I want to thank all those who remain firm and faithful to the Work of the Sacred Hearts, and to those who dare, day by day, to offer their experiences or even their purification for the triumph of My Son's Plan. And I also want to thank that the Kingdom of Aurora has opened the doors for My arrival so that the Mother of God, in this new stage, may come with Her Message to more places of the world, to more distant places of the Earth that I will reach, with very few, but I will be faithfully accompanied by each one of you from a distance.
After this August 8, you have entered the school of inner unity, where there is no separation, limits or borders; where there is only unity and omnipresence between the hearts.
To conclude, after the exercise of the Spiritual Communion, which will now be celebrated, I want the choir to offer My maternal Heart the Ave Maria of Gómez, as a supplication that must resound throughout this universe and, mainly, in all hearts.
May this Message resound for a long time, until each one of the souls may understand and comprehend what I need for this Plan of Salvation.
Let us offer this moment to My Son, may He anoint you with His spiritual Light, and, may the spirit of apostleship and the mission strengthen itself in all those who offer to live it faithfully. And may this spirit of apostleship and mission multiply in those who must be self-summoned for this sacred task.
Let us celebrate.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Lord Jesus, in the Presence of Your Celestial Mother, we ask that You receive this Sacrament, that You accept this offering of each heart that believes in You and that lives for You.
We ask You, Jesus, to sanctify this Altar, but to also sanctify our lives so that we can be the example that You expect, in the humility of life, in the simplicity of the heart; together with Your angels of transubstantiation, we elevate this sacrifice of the Altar, not only to remember the Passion that You lived for us, but also to give honor and glory to Your legacy, to Your legacy of Love and Redemption.
We divest ourselves, we empty ourselves and surrender, Lord, at the feet of Your Celestial Church, so that You, King of the Universe, Lord of Lords, Master among Masters, may be the One who celebrates this moment together with us, through the strength and the power of Your merciful Heart. Amen.
At the request of Our Lady, we recognize our faults in the silence of the heart and we repair them by means of the gift of forgiveness that springs from the Heart of God.
And thus, we offer this moment for the sacred task, for the Sacred Purpose of Our Lady for all of Europe and Asia, as well as for Africa.
That night, when Jesus was going to be handed over, He gathered His apostles to offer them the greatest testimony of His Love, by means of the transubstantiated bread and wine. Thus, Christ took the bread in His Hands and, raising it to God, offered it in sacrifice and in surrender, asking the Eternal Father for it to be transubstantiated into His Body.
Then, Jesus broke it, and offering it to His companions, He told them, “Take it and eat of it, because this is My Body, that will be surrendered for you, for the forgiveness of sins.”
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We adore and recognize the Sacred Body of Christ.
Before finishing the Supper, before leaving to the Garden of Gethsemane, where He would confirm His surrender before the Eternal Father, with the sweetness of His Heart and the compassion of His gaze, Jesus took in His Hands the Chalice, raised it, and offered it to the Father so that it might be transubstantiated into His Blood.
Then, He passed it to His companions, telling them, “Take it and drink of it, all of you, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me until I return to the world."
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord and we bless You.
We adore and recognize the precious Blood of Christ, together with the angels of transubstantiation.
Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ. Happy are those who have self-summoned to avail themselves of this Sacrament, because Christ has promised to us eternal life.
Prayer: Our Father.
May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and enter each heart.
Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.
At this moment, brothers and sisters, united to each brother and sister of the planet who participate in this sacred meeting with Our Lady, we offer and announce the Spiritual Communion.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee
the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ
present in all the Tabernacles of the Earth,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges, and indifferences by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg the conversion of poor sinners.
Children, all has been consummated.
Now and always, I thank you for responding to My call.
I bless you, under the Light of Christ that strengthens you and encourages you to move ahead: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
And we close this meeting, responding to the request of Our Mother, listening to “Ave Maria.”
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Mother of God penetrates the planet today with Her Light and helps, on this special day, in the awakening of humanity, of the hearts that are asleep and that need to recognize their commitment to God in this time.
Today is a special day, in spite of the events and of the climatic phenomena, in spite of the purification of the planet, of the purification of the Kingdoms of Nature and of the transition that many, but many hearts live at this time.
It is a special day because it is the day of the last saints, of those who in spirit of abnegation and surrender, of renunciation and sacrifice for their Heavenly Mother and Her Beloved Son, offer their lives so that, through silent pain and inner recollection, the souls may be liberated in different parts of the world, in different continents, in order to exit the profound dream and inertia, the spiritual somnolence and the blindness that does not allow them to see the light. And that, by this sole act of love and surrender, they will awaken someday and they will feel the call inside of them, as you also felt it at some moment.
They will feel the need to serve and to get out of themselves as you did it at some moment, even though you are still learning it through transformation persistence, and faith.
Today is a special day for your Heavenly Mother because many more lives receive, in spirit, an extraordinary Grace that is not palpable to the eyes of men, to the feeling of humans, or to the vision of those who are concrete; but it is profoundly internal, I would say immaterial; that descends from above to this world, to the inner universe of each being and brings the new, what it renewing, what opens the consciousness to the unknown, to what is imperceptible and dwells in the Heart of God.
The angels of the Universe help in this impulse of this day, bringing among their hands the Treasures of the Father, precious spheres of light full of many codes that are sown in those who sleep and in those who will be about to awaken in these coming times.
In this way, children, I show you that the task is deeper than it seems and that each encounter with Me is a moment to enlarge, even more, the Plan of God in humanity and that the divine and spiritual fruits may be available to the souls that need them the most and that still have not recognized their mission in this humanity.
These Graces of Heaven and of this day, come today for those who know and for those who do not know.
Because in the Spiritual Universe of each being it is possible to do everything, because the Laws flow there, the Principles manifest and the different Rays of the Universe are shown, which foster in the souls the awakening of the consciousness and the defeat of human illusion so that the new apostles may be born, so that the new apostles participate in the last Redemptive Supper of Christ at the moment of His second return to the world.
All that is lived at this time is a preparation, My children.
Each moment offered by you is a Grace. Each step given is a new opportunity that presents for souls so similar to yours.
Like this a great network of light is woven and brings to the world a greater rescue, although most of humanity does not respond as God needs; but everything is possible by those who offer themselves and because your Heavenly Mother is here, bringing you what is new from the humility of Her Immaculate Heart.
This opens doors to new events; this brings to the hearts a clear truth of knowing that there is still much to do and that the world awaits the help of more hearts and more servers, especially projected on the youth, who are the ones who will help to sustain the world, although it does not seem so. Because they have come thus, at this time, to be able to move the Plan forward with the impulse of the Hierarchies of Light, with the company of the Sacred Hearts.
Children, everything can still be renewed and many more can follow the path of holiness, even if they have not thought about it for their life. Holiness is surrender for something greater, it is service for something unknown, which is not palpable. Holiness is to say "yes" at each moment and before any circumstance. Holiness is to love your fellow beings as they are and not to have preferences for anything, without expecting any result and without expectations.
This is the holiness that God and His Heavenly Messengers live, and the holiness that the Father expects to be able to see in His children on this planet.
Therefore, from time to time and from century to century, there have been saints, souls that have incarnated in humanity for a greater service, even if they did not have total consciousness of this. Because everything is part of a greater Purpose, of an idea thought by the Father for the evolution of His children in degrees of love and service.
This helps to sustain the lost humanity, the lives that are blind on their spiritual path and all of those who are fallen and will need to rise from the abysses in order to be able to see the light on the large horizon of Christ.
Children, today I will be like this with you, because the Father wants it so, so that in this school that I invite you to live daily and, through this Work you may learn in simplicity to recognize the Supreme Will and not to force changes of events, and to learn to read in everything that happens around you on a daily basis in order to be tuned with the Highest so that you may understand it all and thus, carry the Plan forward.
For this reason, today is a special day, not only for the incarnation of your spiritual Mother on Earth, but for all that this means in the inner plans and in the Supreme Consciousness, because in the same way, children, each one of you is important for Me and above all, for God.
A destiny is written in your lives. A purpose is still to be manifested and expressed upon the surface of this planet and for the renewal of times.
Continue walking with Me through this burning love in the heart for the Work of the Divine Messengers, which is the Work of God, alive and intact in the Universe.
I encourage you to deepen the apostleship through the next mission in Europe and Africa, which, this time, as in other moments, can be followed by everybody at each moment of prayer for the nations of the world, at each moment of recollection and introspection, to be able to follow the Will of God, by means of each part of the Purpose that is gradually fulfilled with the help of My children and in the company of your prayers.
After thirty years of instruction as a spiritual family and as a people of this planet, you were called to follow the same steps that Moses followed with the ancient people of the desert, but this time with more commitment and with more conscience, knowing that everything you offer will be a treasure for God, preciously considered by His Divine Spirit and by His precious Source.
Your lives, as so many other lives that are consecrated in this world, have come to testify that it is possible to live the Plan of God and to make it part of you every day.
With this Light and this Love that spring from My Heart, I bless you and give you the impulse to follow the new through the history that Christ is writing in the hearts that have awakened and in the hearts that will awake.
Today I leave My Rose of Light on the heart of your mother, so that this Love that comes from Me and directly from the Source, may reach those who need it most, under the Spirit of motherhood and the acceptance of all things.
May this Spirit of Love reach all the mothers on the Earth and especially the mothers who have removed the children from their wombs for fear to fail.
May all lives be reconstructed and may the lives that were not born be contemplated, so that they may reach Heaven and return to start a new universal trajectory someday.
I thank you for responding to this special call and for accompanying the steps of the Divine Messengers in the lands of Europe and the Middle-East.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children of the world,
Give your heart to God and repent soon, because there is little time left.
Surrender to the Love of God and you will be safe.
Do not let the darkness submerge you. Open your hearts and you will find the Light that comes from Infinity.
Dear children, dear children of the world, offer penance, reparation and much prayer, so that more souls are helped, are removed from error and may awaken to the Love of My Son, to the path of the apostolate and of redemption.
Dear children, what I offer to you, through the Marian Centers, is the most that I can give you, all that the Father has allowed me. Fill these Marian Centers with people in need of love; of souls thirsting for prayer, and a big part of the world will be able to change.
Diffuse My Marian Centers throughout the world; there is still little attendance, and there is a big need for prayer in this world.
I count on My faithful collaborators, with My celestial armies, who have committed themselves with Me since their consecration, so that the souls reach the Marian Centers and receive all the Graces like you did.
Dear children, God has written a destiny for this humanity, a destiny far from suffering and pain; this is why it is important, My beloved children, that within the Marian Centers there exists life, joy and devotion to serve God.
I need, dear children, that you can be more creative, that you summon the flocks of God that are scattered souls throughout the world, those who do not know the Love of My Immaculate Heart, nor the great Love of God.
Be pilgrims of My Marian Centers so that many more may also be. Bring souls to the Marian Centers by all possible means.
My Marian Centers are consecrated to the wounded world, to a sick humanity which, by means of my Marian Centers, may come to healing, forgiveness and redemption.
At My Marian Centers I have left the treasures of Heaven, the greatest gifts of the Universe, which are still unknown to souls, because they are intangible and come from the Spirit of God, from the Purpose of His nonmaterial Source
Dear children, My Marian Centers are for all nations of the world, as well as the Marian Sanctuaries in the world.
I want you to be the voice and echo of My Message. I want you to be the voice and echo of the Marian Centers of Love, that they are filled with souls in need of the Love of the Father and the Mercy of the Redeemer.
For this to be possible, My children, you must think big and not small; you must take on great challenges in this final time, because as long as you do not assume them or take them forward, many more souls are lost in the world of the abyss and are taken to the great illusion of this humanity.
Dear children, at the Marian Centers are the gifts that souls need for this time, the keys that they need to find to open new doors toward redemption and forgiveness.
For example, My children, this Marian Center of Aurora has a purpose with the healing of humanity. I need the brothers and sisters who constantly arrive here, I need all of My children of this nation and of this region to act in accordance with this Marian Center; to open your minds and hearts more to welcome the neediest.
You, dear children, are the diffusers of the Marian Centers of Love; as long as this diffusion is not carried forward, many Graces that come from Heaven are stopped, they can not descend and are restricted from many souls.
I need, dear children, that you assume this commitment with Me, helping to manifest your true task at the Marian Centers. In each one of them I have left a special gift from God, a gift that you must discover for your work, for your dedication, for your harmony with each one of them. When that happens, the souls will live the great changes that they need and will no longer feel alone nor lost, because they will be with God and in God.
I come to give you this gift and this treasure of the Marian Centers, because it is the mission of the children of Mary, of all the prayer groups, to make the Marian Centers alive so that they do not quickly die out. It is your commitment and also your obligation as My children, to come to the Marian Centers at least bi-weekly. Because while the Graces continue to descend, your hearts must be receptacles for them, your lives must be mediators so that those Graces that come from the Universe are retransmitted to the souls.
If at the Marian Centers there are not souls physically walking and praying, the Graces can not reach the suffering humanity and even less reach those hearts that suffer from horror, illness and perdition.
May your hearts, your lips and may your hands be diffusers of the Marian Centers of Love; so you will help your Celestial Mother, so that the Work of Redemption and Mercy carried out by My Beloved Son not only remains at the Marian Centers, but also thoughout the whole world, which must perceive and know, through My Message, that I I am here, present among you and summoning humanity so that it will experience its preparation during the end of this time.
My armies of Light must grow, it will start from the Marian Centers and from the true commitment of all the children of Mary.
The consecration does not end in you. The consecration leads you to live a commitment to the Plan of God and so you will be fulfilling His Will, as well as all the Angels of the Universe.
Dear children, since this birth of Aurora, since the rebirth of your superior Fire, from its healing flame, we are entering the last time of the awakening of humanity, and this cycle will at some point close. It will be up to you, beloved children, that this awakening which must arise from the Marian Centers of Love can reach all souls possible, all hearts in need, in all possible languages.
First, dear children, you must expand your consciousness, your heart, in order to embrace the Work in a planetary way; so that more doors to conversion and redemption can be opened in other nations of the world.
Here, with all My Motherly Love, in Aurora as at other Marian Centers, I have created the bases for this new stage. It is time for My soldiers of prayer and peace to accompany their Celestial Mother in this new challenge.
Today I come to leave this message, beloved children, because there is still so much to be done, there is still so much to reciprocate, there is still so much responsibility to undertake, for each one of you.
With this message of preparation, beloved children, today I come to consecrate new children of Mary, who will represent many more, many more who will be consecrated in the future to the Love of My Immaculate Heart and to the sacred task of living and assuming the Marian Centers; so that these may one day become the true Mirrors of God, which must reflect to the world the last time of Mercy, of Reconciliation and of the Healing for Souls.
The Marian Centers must be the dwelling place of the simple ones, of the seekers of the Love of God and of all the lost who do not find meaning in their lives, nor in their ways.
I truly wish, dear children, that the same spiritual impulse that your souls received from the day of your consecration as children of Mary could echo and expand into more souls of the world that cry out for My Heart and My Intercession.
In this way, responding to the pleas of My children of all nations and of the different races of the planet, I come to deliver this Mission in response to the plea of My children of the world, so My armies of Light, so the children of Mary let the special mission of the Marian Centers flourish and go meet the souls of the world, carrying My Message of Love, My Message of hope and peace for all creatures.
For that to be possible, beloved children, you must offer yourselves to the Redeemer, as His apostles willing to go to meet the souls of the world; not only in the way of service, prayer or communion, but also, My children, to meet the nations of the world that should receive the spiritual help they so much hope for and that they need to have a new opportunity in this path of love and redemption, that I offer you.
It will be in this way, beloved children, that the Marian Centers will be able to expand in the world and will not be restricted to the region where they are located, but will have their doors open to receive all the pilgrims of the world. I hope that it will happen one day; I do not ask you to convince them or convert them, but to receive them with love, to teach them to live prayer and to know that there is a way out of all the chaos of this world, a path that leads them to My Immaculate Heart and from My Immaculate Heart to the Kingdom of God.
Unite as groups and servants to take on this Mission for the Marian Centers, and help the Marian Centers to manifest the requests of the Divine Messengers and for this be fulfilled so that more spiritual energies and universal principles descend through them.
For this, My children, it will also be necessary to help in the concretion of all the necessary manifestations that the Marian Centers must have, to help face the end of this time and the final cycle that humanity will live in a short time.
The Marian Centers must be spiritual islands of salvation, so that the most lonely and lost hearts find relief, peace and hope.
If I ask you this today, I, who am your Mother, it is because it is possible to concretize it; there is potential in your hearts, you should only take the first step, so that the Father's Universe can make everything happen.
The Marian Centers will be the reference for when We are no longer here. You know, beloved children, that there is a time to be among you, and there is not much of that time left. After ten years of Graces, your hearts are ready to take on the task of the Marian Centers, which the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph today entrust to all.
Here you will find us spiritually because Our Hearts will always be at the Marian Centers to bring relief to souls, cure and redemption to hearts.
Today I am carrying out this consecration of new children of Mary in a special way, as if it were the first time here, in Aurora, I consecrated the first children of Mary, who are now part of My Work, who have been strengthened in faith and in prayer, and now pilgrimage with Me unconditionally and are dedicated to living the Will of God.
Renewing this Principle of Consecration that was experienced here, many years ago, today I come to renew that vow of consecration, so that those who come to consecrate themselves in the future can live the same impulse to awaken and commit with God in order to establish upon Earth the thousand years of peace.
May those who today will be consecrated come here.
Today we will prepare the hymn of your consecration as if it were the first time that souls receive a great impulse, to be able to take a great step, as many children of Mary did in these last years when they said “yes” to God's Plan.
I would like to listen to the introductory instrumental music of that hymn to be able to bless those who will consecrate themselves today to their Celestial Mother.
I will pray for these children who are consecrated today in the name of all those who have already consecrated themselves, so that they can revive their commitment, confirm their vows and carry out this special mission that today I entrust to them in the manifestation of the Marian Centers and in the diffusion of them, as spiritual islands of salvation.
Let us place our left hand on our hearts and join My Immaculate Heart. In this sacred offering that we will make together today for our Celestial Father.
Most High Lord of the Universe, who hears the prayers of Your Servant!
Most High Father Creator, Source of Love and Unity for everything that exists!
Most High Adonai, Venerable Emanuel, Blessed Abba!
Listen to the prayer of Your Servant at this time, so that the hearts of the world, that will one day consecrate to Me, may spread Your Virtues and descend all Your Graces in order that relief for suffering, the cure for sickness, healing for the souls and redemption for the hearts is established.
May all the Love that comes from You today be poured out upon these consecrated children so that, like many others, they may be renewed in Your Divine Purpose and in Your Infinite Call.
May the Armies of Light multiply today so that more souls in this world may hold the banner of peace, which will indicate the return of Christ.
Dear Lord, grant Grace to these spirits who prostrate themselves before Your Servant to receive Your reparative Love, Your eternal Mercy.
Today I renew, in their name, the consecration of all the children of Mary, so that in these times that come, My Celestial Mantle of Light and Peace will expand thoughout all nations of the world, because My most ardent desire, Beloved Father, is that there are children of Mary in all the nations of the world.
And until that is fulfilled, I ask you Lord, to be here, near My children, for them to be able to accompany you in this great aspiration. Amen.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
And now that the Father hears the voice of His most simple and persevering children, let us sing this hymn of consecration so that more inner nucleus, more souls in this humanity, awaken to their consecration in preparation for the return of Christ.
I thank you, in spite of everything, for answering to My call and I thank all those who are here today and those who will be one day. Amen.
The attunement work began with the prayer "Luminous Bird."
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We breathe in and allow ourselves to be filled by this peace. Let us unite with the attributes of the "Universal Mother" to receive our Mother. And as we did today in the morning, let us draw these attributes to this place, to us, aspiring that one day they become a complete reality in our lives.
The "Universal Mother" was prayed.
At a certain moment, the "Hail Mary" was sung.
By the Divine Power of the Creator, let those thirsty for Light be forgiven, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Let us pray for peace in the whole world and for those who are immersed in the forces of chaos. I wish to help all of them.
Now let us lift up our hearts to the Throne of the Lord so He may receive your prayers from Me, which you now pray with Me.
Let us give up thought and open our hearts in order to penetrate the Heavens. In order for Light to come, we must open ourselves up. Seek the treasure of My Immaculate Heart at this moment, in the silence and in the peace. This is My last call on this day. Come to Me, climb up to the Heavens to forgive and to love, to redeem and restore the past.
Blessed are those who climb up to My Kingdom, for they will rejoice in My Eternal Light. I listen to you, I welcome you, I protect you. I Am the Patroness of Love, the Mother and the victorious Bird of Light, which has come from the Heavens for 17 days to announce to you the New Kingdom that will come, the New Race, redeemed and forgiven. And thus, today I confess to you in the name of Divine Love, by the Law that governs us, that I will return, Glorified, after My Son.
We continue praying the "Hail Mary" in Portuguese.
Today I smile at your hearts with My Light, for you have responded to the call of My Peace; we still have time to reverse the pain and for all of you to find refuge in My Heart.
Today I lift up many souls to the Heavens, souls that are unknown to you but that, at one time, were in this world to learn to love and grow in union with the Lord.
Allow your hearts to blossom as they did in past times, so you may recognize My walk and follow behind Me, in My redeeming Light.
Today, I bring the world the reconversion of all the errors committed against the Creator. For those present here, in the name of your brothers and sisters, I, the Mother of Divine Mercy, radiate My Peace to you and I give you My Forgiveness so that you may open your hearts to My Face, so that you may find rest in the tribulations the world will experience before the coming of the Redeemer. For this reason, I have pointed out that you are to read the passages of the Apocalypse of John, so that you may prepare your beings in this new time of purification and restoration that will come.
Now I am placing My Heart over Medjugorje to fulfill the Will of the Lord, for from here pilgrims will go to meet with Me and to a reunion with your brothers and sisters of the northern hemisphere. Thus, you will know that, as in Fatima, Lourdes, Guadalupe, Medjugorje, and now here, I Am One and My Voice represents you all, as the Mother of Love, the Bird that brings you Peace from the infinite Heavens.
Today, on My right are the 24 Elders and on My left are those who followed Christ, the Lord, as His apostles; so that you may know We descended from on High, acting under the Laws of the Lord so that the world may restore its peace and its unity with what has been separated for a long time.
For this reason , I call on you to open your hearts to all your brothers and sisters of different beliefs and creeds, so that you may join together in the same fire that descends from the Holy Spirit to the world and to each creature, under My intercession as the Great Lady of the Sun.
I have placed My Feet here, for 17 days, so that you may recognize My Immaculate Grace in your hearts and so that, as from today, you may carry My Peace to your brothers and sisters, so that you may show them and transmit to them how I Am before you and all My children. For the Lord Jesus, the Christ, has entrusted all of you to Me from the beginning until now, for all eternity, so that together, we may reach the end of the path, to discover the portal of Peace and enter into the ocean of Mercy, which the Lord promises to the world before His Justice arrives.
Thus, I stand before you to bring My Redemption and My Maternal Love to your Hearts. I hope that you have come here, erasing the past, and that this baptism of 17 days that I have carried out in the name of the Lord, caused your hearts to be born in purity, humility and surrender.
To go on to the new paths that will come, we must pray for those who do not find them, for all the children who are blind and for those who have not heard My Voice over the centuries. I will not rest until I have drawn the last soul to My Heart, because before the Lord I have promised to not let any creature be lost, so that no one may burn in the fire that evil is spreading in the world. Thus, you have seen Me tread upon the serpent.
My Reign of Light will first be established in open hearts, which will be prepared to glimpse the great call of the Heavens.
Today I rise up and announce Myself to you to once again distribute My Celestial Graces upon those who want to trust in Me, in an Immaculate Mother Who promises you redemption and the dissolution of faults.
I have opened a small door to the Lord so that all hearts may rise up in this last cycle, in this last hour. For this reason, I tell you that you must pray, in spite of everything, to build the column of Light towards My Heart and so that My Immaculate Being, as the Mother of Peace, the Queen of the Heavens, may enter your hearts and dwell in union with God.
And so, do not be troubled by your thoughts in daily life and you will place your souls at the service of the Lord, responding to everything in spite of the trials. I can only tell you that each soul will be confirmed in this final hour. So I will be there to accompany you and to show you the path to the Lord.
Hold this moment in your memories and in your hearts, the moment of My Peace, so that you may see Christ come upon the clouds, and when He calls at your door at an unknown time, may He find you in prayer and vigil.
For this reason, I am here and in Medjugorje, gathering the souls that are converting and consecrating themselves to My Immaculate Heart. Because a part of this humanity must help in the redemption and in the elevation of the world, which is in darkness because of its own actions for a long time.
Thus, the Lord has sent Me as Intercessor of Love and of souls, so that all may be reborn under the Light of My Hands.
Let us pray, pray, pray so that the world may be converted and so that the Law, in its wisdom, does not bring pain to the hearts that do not want to convert.
I Am the Mother of the World, the Universal Bird of Peace who brings to you the New Kingdom for those who want to see it and also to those who want to hide from Me.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now She is emitting a luminous radiation. In reverence, those who are able, should stand. Feel what She is doing at this moment.
I Am Mary, the same as yesterday and the same as today, the Immaculate Mother Who brings you the Kingdom of Peace.
Why so much Peace?
The world must be converted through meek hearts, so that you may again hear the Lord through My Voice, which is announcing itself to the world for the last time.
Remember, My children, that you must not hold on to grudges against any of your brothers or sisters; for if that were so, you would not be hearing My redeeming Voice and the Kingdom would not be able to enter hearts that close themselves off. Thus, during these days, I have entered into each heart, so that its pain and its misery may pour out over My Hands, so that My Love may convert and elevate them to the Light, redeeming the past and opening your eyes to the new horizon.
Receive My New Aurora, the flame that is shining over the world. Recognize the Law, Love and Compassion I bring you, so that you may quickly unite with the Lord, commune with Him, and in this way, the world may be healed.
Today I will respond to the last prayers, but know that I always listen to you when you pray with Me in trust and in the strengthening of the faith that must mature in some, so that the flame may remain burning in each heart.
After responding to your questions, I will finally tell you what it is I most want on this last day.
Mother Shimani read the questions.
Today I want to ask you for the last time, that on November 24th you come here for a retreat to prepare for My Meeting of Light and Love, and thus you will do so on the 24th of each month, so that we can enter into deep prayer. Each one must pray every day with Me, so that your lives may find My preferred paths.
I send you My Peace and I give you My Peace. Keep My call in your hearts.
Thank you, all of My children, for responding to My call.
May the Heaven of the Lord permeate you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Now She is ascending and closing the Heavens from whence She came.
Listen to the echo of My voice to find My Heart.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more