Tuesday, August 13 of 2024


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children, today I come to contemplate the mirror that was spiritually built in each heart, this mirror that has been forged through constant prayer, through the commitment of each child of Mine with My spiritual school of prayer.  

Today I do not come to contemplate the sins, but rather I come to contemplate the Virtues of God in each human heart that has decided, in the name of My Son, to make an effort and to sacrifice for this planet and for this Project of humanity.

This mirror of the heart in each child of Mine is as favorite and important to Me as the steps that you can take with your own feet, these steps that My Son invites you to take in the end of this time, so that His prayerful and serving armies may build and spiritually prepare His most expected Return.

With the magnificence of God and the infinity of His Grace, He sends me to be a witness, before the Creator Law and the Intercessory Law, so that I may see, as your Mother and Mediatrix, the spiritual mirror that I, Myself, have built in each heart throughout the times, because it is this space that My Son will look for when He returns.

And from there, from this inner and spiritual space, My Beloved Son will ask for your talents and virtues, which, at the moment of His Return to Earth you will already have expressed in this material life, because the planet will need it, humanity will need it.

And for this reason, as your Mother and Guardian, I have busied Myself with building this spiritual mirror that you, yourselves, from today onward, will have to take care of and protect, as a reliquary, from all the dangers that this world expresses; protect this sacred reliquary of the mirror of the heart from all the influences and interferences that the world lives.

Because in this new cycle, for you to be united to Me, you will have to enter the mirror of your hearts in consciousness and attunement, and in this way you will be essentially united to Me, not only to My Heart and Soul, but also to My co-redeeming task, which My Son has silently entrusted to Me for the rescue and salvation of the last souls at the end of these times, mainly those who most need the Mercy of God.

I would like you to leave here today, from this meeting with Me, contemplating not only all the Graces that were received and granted, not only the moments shared with the Divine Hierarchy, but also contemplating, through inner certainty, the spiritual presence of the mirror of the heart, so that you may continue to receive the impulses of the universe, from another network of invisible and spiritual mirrors, which internally communicate with one another to help the current humanity.

For this reason, the mirror of the heart in each child of Mine must be very present at this time, not only so that intuitive and inner life, at this planetary moment, may intercede for humanity, but also so that, for yourselves, with the help of the Mother of God, you may become aware of the moment of transformation of life and of all that for which the moment and hour has come to no longer be present in your lives.

You will only know this, dear children, when you ignite the mirror of the heart through prayer, through contact with the divine and inner life of each spirit of each child of Mine. Because it is from there, from this spiritual and intuitive level, that as of now and for the times to come, you will have the necessary tools for yourselves and your brothers and sisters to learn to go through these times of challenges without fear and without turning back, without doubting and without questioning yourselves, because the help that each one needs in this time will come to them. But it will not be in the time that you want or wish. The help from God will come through the Time of God, through what is written for this destiny and trajectory of souls.

Now is the moment for all of My children, and especially those who have been consecrated as Children of Mary, to position themselves as available, in readiness and in a spiritual way to sustain the great mirror of the Marian Centers. Because it will be the souls who are present there, in the times to come, who will make the Marian Centers true Points of Light on the planet, secure and protected spaces for the Hierarchy to intervene in the face of the grave crisis that the planet and humanity live today.

It will be the souls who self-summon and present themselves at the Marian Centers, that will make, of these sacred spaces, Mirrors of the Hearts of Mary, of Jesus and of Saint Joseph, from where the spiritual wellspring of the Grace and Instruction of Our Sacred Hearts will always be available as an inexhaustible source, mainly for the souls that will come with spiritual thirst.

In these end times, it will be the moment, after these seventeen years of tasks with the Sacred Hearts, for the priestly and monastic life to be a living Christic experience in the liturgy of the Marian Centers. This is a personal commitment of each child of Mine to the Consciousness of God itself.

It will depend on you, My beloveds, that the Source of Grace of Our Sacred Hearts may be open and present in the end of these times, through the spiritual life of the Marian Centers and through the faithful and true commitment of all the consecrated Children of Mary.

Because I assure you that, in the face of so much material and spiritual confusion of the planet, in the face of so many spiritual currents that confuse souls and distance them from God, because the Anti-Christs are already present on the planet, there will be no safer and more protected place than the Marian Centers themselves, just like the Sanctuaries that I have founded through My Apparitions throughout the times.

It is in these sacred places that Heaven descends in an infinite and impersonal way; because the Marian Centers and Sanctuaries, granted to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, are property of Heaven, they are treasures of Creation on Earth, they are refuges for souls, they are infinite oceans in which souls can submerge and quench their thirst every time they need it, until the moment of the Return of Christ, Our Lord.

These are the gifts that your hearts must express. For this, My Son has asked me to prepare you throughout these years. Now is the time of the apostles in the concretion, not in theory, but rather in works, in the commitment to those who suffer and have to endure the most, including the sacred Kingdoms of Nature. Thus you, in tireless service, will also be healed and redeemed.

There is no soul in this world that can be healed without serving others. Service is the door of liberation from spiritual captivity. Never believe, My children, that enclosed in a house or in yourselves you will reach the doors of Heaven.

God expresses His Power in what is most simple, God expresses His Beauty in those who serve Him, wherever it is and however it is, as many times as it is necessary. This is also a part of the legacy of the Sacred Family, and it is the most sacred thing we can share with you at this final moment.

When you can no longer walk on your own feet, start serving.

When you are confused with your own thoughts, start serving.

When you doubt about the path that you have decided to follow, do not be confused and start serving.

When it is not clear to you what is the next step, do not be discouraged and start serving.

When you cannot find the answer that you apparently need, do not be disturbed, but rather start serving, because everything will be added unto you.

God mirrors, from His heart, His infinite abundance and His Grace on those who serve Him out of love, because God does not need to be served by anyone, it is the souls that need to serve to become liberated every day.

You cannot imagine how much a spirit grows, how much a soul is strengthened, how much a personality matures, when it serves others and wherever it is necessary. This is the great key that Christ left to His apostles; because you learn not only with words, but also with actions; you instruct not only with the word, but also with acts of love.

I hope you understand My Message on this last day, because I am grateful for your having come this far, after so much time and so much path that has been traveled.

My Son also thanks you, just as Saint Joseph, for the hearts that have decided to be missionaries on this planet in agony, in need of love.

Today, I carry the flowers of your offering, these flowers that are born and grow from the heart of each child of Mine, of each Child of Mary. And this, to me, is significant at this planetary moment, when hatred blinds many hearts, when wars destroy many lives.

These flowers, which your souls offer to Me today, will be carried to the Feet of the Creator as a synthesis in the end of this cycle and at the beginning of the new cycle, so that you may walk on your own feet, just as My Son announced for you.

I want you to bid farewell to Me with a simple song, not only so that your souls may always remember Me and you may keep Me present, but also so that My Spiritual Faith, the Faith that I felt as Mary on Earth, may strengthen you in this time of great challenges, knowing that God sees everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

And remember that I will be able to return, if God needs it; and that every Saturday, I will continue to instruct you with Love, with Maternal Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing together the song “The Faith of Mary,” giving thanks to the Mother of God.