During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children, today I come to contemplate the mirror that was spiritually built in each heart, this mirror that has been forged through constant prayer, through the commitment of each child of Mine with My spiritual school of prayer.  

Today I do not come to contemplate the sins, but rather I come to contemplate the Virtues of God in each human heart that has decided, in the name of My Son, to make an effort and to sacrifice for this planet and for this Project of humanity.

This mirror of the heart in each child of Mine is as favorite and important to Me as the steps that you can take with your own feet, these steps that My Son invites you to take in the end of this time, so that His prayerful and serving armies may build and spiritually prepare His most expected Return.

With the magnificence of God and the infinity of His Grace, He sends me to be a witness, before the Creator Law and the Intercessory Law, so that I may see, as your Mother and Mediatrix, the spiritual mirror that I, Myself, have built in each heart throughout the times, because it is this space that My Son will look for when He returns.

And from there, from this inner and spiritual space, My Beloved Son will ask for your talents and virtues, which, at the moment of His Return to Earth you will already have expressed in this material life, because the planet will need it, humanity will need it.

And for this reason, as your Mother and Guardian, I have busied Myself with building this spiritual mirror that you, yourselves, from today onward, will have to take care of and protect, as a reliquary, from all the dangers that this world expresses; protect this sacred reliquary of the mirror of the heart from all the influences and interferences that the world lives.

Because in this new cycle, for you to be united to Me, you will have to enter the mirror of your hearts in consciousness and attunement, and in this way you will be essentially united to Me, not only to My Heart and Soul, but also to My co-redeeming task, which My Son has silently entrusted to Me for the rescue and salvation of the last souls at the end of these times, mainly those who most need the Mercy of God.

I would like you to leave here today, from this meeting with Me, contemplating not only all the Graces that were received and granted, not only the moments shared with the Divine Hierarchy, but also contemplating, through inner certainty, the spiritual presence of the mirror of the heart, so that you may continue to receive the impulses of the universe, from another network of invisible and spiritual mirrors, which internally communicate with one another to help the current humanity.

For this reason, the mirror of the heart in each child of Mine must be very present at this time, not only so that intuitive and inner life, at this planetary moment, may intercede for humanity, but also so that, for yourselves, with the help of the Mother of God, you may become aware of the moment of transformation of life and of all that for which the moment and hour has come to no longer be present in your lives.

You will only know this, dear children, when you ignite the mirror of the heart through prayer, through contact with the divine and inner life of each spirit of each child of Mine. Because it is from there, from this spiritual and intuitive level, that as of now and for the times to come, you will have the necessary tools for yourselves and your brothers and sisters to learn to go through these times of challenges without fear and without turning back, without doubting and without questioning yourselves, because the help that each one needs in this time will come to them. But it will not be in the time that you want or wish. The help from God will come through the Time of God, through what is written for this destiny and trajectory of souls.

Now is the moment for all of My children, and especially those who have been consecrated as Children of Mary, to position themselves as available, in readiness and in a spiritual way to sustain the great mirror of the Marian Centers. Because it will be the souls who are present there, in the times to come, who will make the Marian Centers true Points of Light on the planet, secure and protected spaces for the Hierarchy to intervene in the face of the grave crisis that the planet and humanity live today.

It will be the souls who self-summon and present themselves at the Marian Centers, that will make, of these sacred spaces, Mirrors of the Hearts of Mary, of Jesus and of Saint Joseph, from where the spiritual wellspring of the Grace and Instruction of Our Sacred Hearts will always be available as an inexhaustible source, mainly for the souls that will come with spiritual thirst.

In these end times, it will be the moment, after these seventeen years of tasks with the Sacred Hearts, for the priestly and monastic life to be a living Christic experience in the liturgy of the Marian Centers. This is a personal commitment of each child of Mine to the Consciousness of God itself.

It will depend on you, My beloveds, that the Source of Grace of Our Sacred Hearts may be open and present in the end of these times, through the spiritual life of the Marian Centers and through the faithful and true commitment of all the consecrated Children of Mary.

Because I assure you that, in the face of so much material and spiritual confusion of the planet, in the face of so many spiritual currents that confuse souls and distance them from God, because the Anti-Christs are already present on the planet, there will be no safer and more protected place than the Marian Centers themselves, just like the Sanctuaries that I have founded through My Apparitions throughout the times.

It is in these sacred places that Heaven descends in an infinite and impersonal way; because the Marian Centers and Sanctuaries, granted to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, are property of Heaven, they are treasures of Creation on Earth, they are refuges for souls, they are infinite oceans in which souls can submerge and quench their thirst every time they need it, until the moment of the Return of Christ, Our Lord.

These are the gifts that your hearts must express. For this, My Son has asked me to prepare you throughout these years. Now is the time of the apostles in the concretion, not in theory, but rather in works, in the commitment to those who suffer and have to endure the most, including the sacred Kingdoms of Nature. Thus you, in tireless service, will also be healed and redeemed.

There is no soul in this world that can be healed without serving others. Service is the door of liberation from spiritual captivity. Never believe, My children, that enclosed in a house or in yourselves you will reach the doors of Heaven.

God expresses His Power in what is most simple, God expresses His Beauty in those who serve Him, wherever it is and however it is, as many times as it is necessary. This is also a part of the legacy of the Sacred Family, and it is the most sacred thing we can share with you at this final moment.

When you can no longer walk on your own feet, start serving.

When you are confused with your own thoughts, start serving.

When you doubt about the path that you have decided to follow, do not be confused and start serving.

When it is not clear to you what is the next step, do not be discouraged and start serving.

When you cannot find the answer that you apparently need, do not be disturbed, but rather start serving, because everything will be added unto you.

God mirrors, from His heart, His infinite abundance and His Grace on those who serve Him out of love, because God does not need to be served by anyone, it is the souls that need to serve to become liberated every day.

You cannot imagine how much a spirit grows, how much a soul is strengthened, how much a personality matures, when it serves others and wherever it is necessary. This is the great key that Christ left to His apostles; because you learn not only with words, but also with actions; you instruct not only with the word, but also with acts of love.

I hope you understand My Message on this last day, because I am grateful for your having come this far, after so much time and so much path that has been traveled.

My Son also thanks you, just as Saint Joseph, for the hearts that have decided to be missionaries on this planet in agony, in need of love.

Today, I carry the flowers of your offering, these flowers that are born and grow from the heart of each child of Mine, of each Child of Mary. And this, to me, is significant at this planetary moment, when hatred blinds many hearts, when wars destroy many lives.

These flowers, which your souls offer to Me today, will be carried to the Feet of the Creator as a synthesis in the end of this cycle and at the beginning of the new cycle, so that you may walk on your own feet, just as My Son announced for you.

I want you to bid farewell to Me with a simple song, not only so that your souls may always remember Me and you may keep Me present, but also so that My Spiritual Faith, the Faith that I felt as Mary on Earth, may strengthen you in this time of great challenges, knowing that God sees everything.

I thank you for responding to My call!

And remember that I will be able to return, if God needs it; and that every Saturday, I will continue to instruct you with Love, with Maternal Love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will sing together the song “The Faith of Mary,” giving thanks to the Mother of God. 


Dear children,

Now, from the Sanctuary of Fatima, the Celestial Father sends His faithful Servant to diffuse the renewal of devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary  throughout the world.

In this renewal of the commitment to the consecration of all Children of Mary, which will be a simple interior practice, you will allow your Celestial Mother to intercede for situations in Europe and the world to a greater extent.

Now, more than ever, your hearts, My children, must be united to Mine every day so that certain situations in humanity are avoided and other situations can be dissolved because My aspiration and desire as the Celestial Mother is that you no longer suffer.

Therefore, dear children, by reliving the renewal of your devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, you will grant the extraordinary Grace that your souls be partakers in the praying armies of the Light, of these times.

I want this devotion of your lives for Me to be able to placate any situation at this time, and that the doors of Divine Justice not open, but rather that the great door of the merciful Heart of My beloved Son be able to neutralize or transmute everything which is against the common good and peace.

In this school that the Kingdom of Fatima offers you, I call upon you, so that the mirror of the heart of each child of Mine may be that inner star that illuminates the world and attracts the sacred Spirit of Peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Enter into my heart like in Jerusalem,
multiply the bread of virtues
and satisfy the hunger of my soul.
Heal the deepest wounds of my inner leprosy,
caused by misery and sin
that lead me into falling, again and again, upon the ground.
Let me touch Your tunic, hear Your Voice
and receive Your Gaze.
Let me feel Your Kingdom,
experience it and discover it
revealed within me.
Reflect the Celestial Truth
within the mirror of my heart
and call me to follow Your footsteps
upon the hills and up to the Cross.
Let the power of Your Presence
perpetuate the covenant that you made with my small
and poor spirit.
Make my being sacred, Lord,
in likeness to You, Child of God,
so that I may serve You, love You
and with You renew life
throughout the Universes.

Let My prayer be the perpetual prayer of souls that aspire to follow in the footsteps of Christ.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the beginning of the Divine Creation, even before the existence of angels and archangels, of dimensions and stars, the Creator wrote a story within the Mirror of His Heart. He caused a thought to be born from His Love and manifested it into colors and sounds. In order to see it, He reflected it upon a Mirror that He emanated from His interior, and all began to be shaped from a pure divine feeling.

The story thought of by God and immaterially written upon the Mirror of His Heart was shared among dimensions and placed within each of His creatures. All children of God hold a part of His thought within themselves. The history of Creation shall be completed when all those mirrors gather as one again, and all that was written upon each one of them becomes manifested.

The immaterial history written upon the mirrors comes to life when beings find the Divine Will within themselves, and every step taken in the fulfillment of that Will turns into content of light, which fills its immaterial space upon the mirrors of the hearts. It is as if, with your lives, children, you were painting the drawing of the Divine Will for each one of yourselves. That Universal Art shaped in the mirrors shall be complete when all return to the Heart of God.

In order to manifest this Divine Work, search for that Will in the mirrors of your hearts and express It. Find, there, the mysteries of the Origin, the way back and the meaning of the present, of now. All this is within you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Reliquary is the mirror of My Heart. In it is held everything that I experienced as consciousness, from the Origin until the return to the Heart of God.

In the Reliquary is held the history written by the Creator for My being. Upon those letters of light, written by the Hands of God, I walked through My evolution. My steps touched those golden letters, and I embraced each one of His designs with love.

I radiate this experience, of untiring obedience, to you when you contemplate the Reliquary of My Heart. Through that mirror of light, My peace expands, and everything that I am today can touch humanity.

Today, children, I am not only the adoptive father of Jesus. My heart learned how to return to God and, guided by the Creator, I achieved the wholeness of accomplishing His Will. My consciousness expanded to be part of His Plan, and I became a pencil in His Hands.

Without body and without form, My spirit returned to the Origin of Life, but My consciousness continues to serve the Creator until the last of His creatures achieves unity with Him.

Through the Reliquary of My Heart, I bring you this experience so that your evolution may also move through Divine Will.

Love to follow the steps that God writes for your lives, and even though many times that may be an invitation to sacrifice, this sacrifice will lead you to the Origin.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Like the singing of the birds that praise the Most High, dear children, today I proclaim the Sacred Words of God so that all inner worlds may hear them.

Thus, from Heaven, I descend to the Earth to be among My children and bring to each of them what they need as aid and relief for this intense moment of purification.

For this reason, I descend once again upon Germany, and this descent of your Heavenly Mother also has repercussions in the other sister nations of Europe, which are touched by the Mercy of God so that souls may awaken to the encounter with their divine and spiritual reality.

This is the time in which God grants to the world not only the flow of His Peace, but also the Work of His Mercy, so that there may truly be a change in human consciousness. A change that may help to relieve the planet and everything that the Kingdoms of Nature receive from the humanity of the surface.

Dear children, thus, for the first time, your Heavenly Mother comes to the city of Frankfurt to the encounter with good souls, souls that must forever erase their past, their history and their suffering so that the flower of God may be born again, so that it may illuminate again the essence of each of My children who, in service and charity to God, by means of fraternity, will be able to help change the world, will be able to conceive in themselves this consciousness that humanity needs to have at this time to learn to listen to God and to fulfill His purpose in this Universe.

My children, I come determined so that Europe may be able to open, even more, the doors to the Hierarchy, just as Germany has done, by receiving and welcoming the Sacred Hearts with love. This will also elevate the spirit of the Church and will allow, by means of its mystical body, that the fruits of the conversion of humans may grant to the world a longer time of peace.

Thus, today, your Heavenly Mother is present in Frankfurt because it is one of the places of Germany that has been contemplated by the Divinity to carry out the Works of God that will spiritually benefit Germany and the rest of Europe.

Therefore, through the light of the Mirror of My Heart, I come to ignite, by means of prayer, the light of the mirror of each heart so that in this cycle an important network of divine communication may be established between the essences and My maternal Heart.

All this will be possible by the continuous faith and prayer of all, effects that will have repercussions on the planet and in its humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Devotion: A Door to Liberation

Devotion, children, is a Gift of God in the hearts of human beings, a Divine Ray placed inside beings so that, when active and awake, it may lead you to return to the Heart of the Father.

Devotion activates in human consciousness its potential to unite dimensions, to dissolve all barriers which separate hearts from God and to open doors so that beings may be liberated from all that impedes them from reaching the Father.

Devotion is like a magnet that raises the consciousness towards God and, at the same time, purifies it so that it may reach the Father.

Devotion allows hearts to recognize the need to be in God and, when this devotion is mature and evolutionary, beings are conscious of the need to create a condition so that those who do not manage to, may also have the possibility of reaching the Father.

Devotion, which is born in the heart and rises towards the consciousness, allows beings to mature their lower nuclei and transmute them, because the energy itself allows you to understand that it is necessary to transform oneself in order to reach God.

Devotion is a door towards planetary liberation and a safe path to awaken and activate the mirrors of your hearts.

Devotion must always deepen within beings, raise their vibration and stop being an emotional process to become an experience, a spiritual and inner condition of beings.

Devotion must keep rising from the heart to the consciousness so that you always know how to open the doors to reach God.

Allow devotion to express itself in your hearts. Do not be afraid to transform yourselves and become pure before God, for this is what will make you return to the Father.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Let the Heavens open to those who pray with the heart, so that they may find peace and so that, through their intercession, the planet may also come to know a little more peace.

Let the Heavens open to those who pray with the heart, so that they may recognize the Divine Presence and so that the Mirror of the Heart of God may reflect in His creatures and awaken their potential to love, to create, and to transform this planet and much more beyond it.

Seek, children to awaken the Gifts of God in your hearts, rather than to develop skills. Through prayer, let this unique potential of likeness with God emerge from your hearts, which only human beings carry within.

It is not to develop intelligence that you are on the Earth, but rather to express Love-Wisdom, which heals, redeems, and restores all the past, all error; it makes you new, and more than that, it renews all of Divine Creation.

I repeatedly tell you to seek the truth about yourselves because you still have not found it. The time of illusions is ending, and the closer it comes to the end, the more humanity seems to cling to it and distance itself from the essence of spiritual life.

Do not let this happen in your hearts.

Pray and seek union with God. Let His Peace, His Silence and His Love settle in your consciousnesses, revealing down to the very depths of your beings why you are here, where you came from, what you are to do, and where you will return after this life.

Look for the meaning of your existence through prayer, and even if you do not have concrete answers, let your hearts unite with the Heart of God and, in a real sense, let the Lord show you the path and the next steps that you are to take.

Remember that the cycles pass acceleratedly in front of you, and your hearts must follow the movement of the stars through the deepening of your own inner being. This begins, children, by loving Divine Will and letting it settle in your consciousness and in your heart.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


As cycles change and accelerate, the alternate and illusory time of Earth begins to fade away. 

As layers of vibrations permeate the planet, the Kingdoms and the different bodies of men, these layers gradually dissolve, giving space to the Time of God, called Real Time of the Universe.

When the Time of God enters the world, My children, it not only causes confusion in the minds and in the hearts of men. The confusion is caused by the disconnection between the human mind and heart and the divine Truth.

When a being is united to God in heart, mind and spirit, it receives the Time of God with gratitude and, with it, the revelation of the Truth, which, little by little, becomes visible to the consciousness so that it may understand where it came from, why and what is the meaning and purpose of human existence, what is its destiny.

Throughout human evolution, the Lord revealed His Truth to men in accordance with what their mind could understand, their heart was capable of receiving and what the very energetic and spiritual condition of the planet was capable of absorbing.

The Universe of God is complex and holds in itself a science that unfolds since the beginning of Creation and that today is inconceivable to the human mind.

For this reason, for it to be revealed to you, it is necessary that you receive it gradually, and that not only your minds, spirits and hearts be ready for this, but all of human and planetary consciousness; because everything you receive, as part of humanity, reaches as an impulse and vibration to all of human consciousness.

As the Truth of God is revealed and the times unite, the laws of the Earth transform and also unite to the universal Laws. Thus, My children, the commitment and the responsibility of beings grows and deepens, because they will no longer respond to the Universe as beings in an evolutionary experience, but rather as consciousnesses that participate in the Truth and in the Plan of God, in a conscious way.

Throughout the last years, prayer awakened and ignited the mirrors of your hearts so that, in this way, they might capture love and understand the history that is written in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, and this begins to mirror itself within you and within your consciousness.

Nothing is separate. Everything is part of a perfect and divine Plan that builds in your hearts a path of return to the Heart of God.

In order to know how to return, you must remember how you arrived here. No one returns home if they do not know the path to it.

I tell you all this, beloved children, so that you may receive the revelations of this time with gratitude and consciousness, knowing that My words are part of the Grace of God, that transforms and prepares you for the new time; in which you will finally know and live the Truth, and life will no longer be a sequence of theories, questionings, and assumptions. You will be able to participate in the revelation of God and live God, consciously and fully, in all of your being.

For this I prepare you, I bless you and thank you for receiving My words with the gratitude of the heart.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Receive, in your hearts, My love, My peace and My reverence because today I revere you, Mothers and companions of Christ, spirits of love and abnegation, who, throughout your evolution, left printed on Earth the sweat of your effort for corresponding to God and for manifesting His Plan.

Today I revere you because, in spite of the human difficulties, you seek to serve and renounce until the last minute of your lives.

Today I revere you because in your consciousnesses a unique legacy is kept; in the mirror of your hearts is reflected the history of redemption of humanity, the manifestation of the Plan of God that, throughout time, has transformed you so that, as part of humanity, you would always correspond to the Divine Will.

Today I revere you, nuns, mothers, companions and spouses of Christ, because with your love you keep alive the legacy of the Hierarchy on Earth and, until the last minute, you will leave, for those who come after you, all the teachings you learned and lived throughout your lives.

Today I wanted to be here and, as an inner movement, gather you in My presence to give you thanks for your life and existence and to leave you the open door for a new time in which you will have new and eternal children and companions.

As I revered the most Holy Mary at each moment of our lives, today I revereyou and say that it does not matter if nobody sees you or if the service you do today is simple and many times silent; God contemplates your effort and knows about the eternal renouncement that you live in this time. May surrender be your eternal companion, may renouncement and humility be your service in this time.

Greater than any humanitarian mission, in the most miserable places of this world, is the service of a sincere soul who, with love, renders each moment of life to God, even if only the Creator knows about this surrender.

Today I come to renew your vows, perpetual vows of love to God, so that you understand that your mission now is between each one of you and God. By truly renouncing and being humble of heart, you will keep the doors open, which unite humanity to the Father, and this is what matters the most in this time.

I leave you My blessing of Friend and Companion, because I have been walking with you for a long time now and I will continue walking for the thousand years of peace and until the triumph of Love in the Divine Creation.

I thank you for being here and for being untiring in faith and in unity with God. Receive My love and My reverence.

Your Companion and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


May the mirror of your heart be the guide and the light in the darkness of the world.

May the mirror of your heart be the bridge for the Primordial Source of Love and Peace.

May the mirror of your heart be the sacred receptacle of the divine Gifts of the Holy Spirit so that you may know how to discern, console, shelter and bring peace, not only to your own heart but also to those around you.

Raise your eyes to the Heavens, child, so that you do not lose sight of the Divine Purpose. Do not let the things of the Earth confuse you, nor let the confusion of the mind of human beings influence you, and recover your unity with the Heights over and over again.

Pray and let the mirror within you be always active, alive and luminous to guide you and protect you in these times.

May your heart always be in God and may your consciousness, always be in the Cosmos. Recognize the need for the planet to be purified and bear with love the weight of the last cross of the world. Within your heart you have everything that you need to overcome these tests that will come.

With prayer, multiply the graces that you have received; with your consciousness, consolidate your union with universal life. Remember your origin, your purpose, and your destiny; remember that the end of the cross is the universal triumph, as long as you live it with love and gratitude, overcoming and renewing yourself in adherence to the Divine Purpose.

Know, child, that you have received everything to live this moment. Contemplate the mirror within you and find your fortitude there.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Write in the mirror of your heart each instant lived with God and His Messengers. Communicate the history of humanity’s redemption to the universe, to all of Creation. Live this last cycle of Mercy, making good use of each second so as to strengthen your spirit, so as to consolidate the union between your heart and the Heart of the Hierarchy.

Write in the mirror of your heart the history of humanity’s redemption, making yourself a part of this redemption. Engrave in the depths of your essence the moments when the Doors of the Heavens opened before your heart so that, in the most acute time of the Earth, you may contemplate the mirror within you and remember the purpose of your existence.

Child, remember that you are part of an All that is beyond life on Earth; an All that is Divine Creation itself, the Consciousness of God manifested in all life.

The mirror of your heart is like a part of an infinite puzzle, which holds the Plan of God within; it is the door that leads you to the return to the Origin, that leads you to the Source within the Heart of the Father.

Practice contemplating your own essence in the mirror of your heart and, while seeking to know the truth about yourself, may your heart enter the higher truth of existence, the truth that is the Divine Consciousness itself.

In the mirror of your heart all the graces that you have received throughout your evolution are concentrated, and you must have these graces available for when the world is in the apex of its trial, because you have received them for this.

You shall pray in union to God and ignite your inner mirror in your chest, igniting a light in the darkness of the world. In silence, in the sincerity of your heart, you shall offer all the Mercy you have received so that, in the time of Justice, souls may receive a new opportunity, and when everything has passed and life needs a new direction, a new path to rebuild itself, you shall look in the mirror of your heart and find there the patterns of the new life that were deposited within you when you were before God and His Fraternity of Light.

Everything that you need is kept in the mirror of your heart but for you to find these keys, you need to know this divine tool, love it and know how to unite to it so as to find within yourself the universal legacy that the Creator stored in the mirror of your heart.

Pray and contemplate your inner mirror. Through it, feel yourself a part of the Universe, a part of an infinite Creation. May the principle of Unity permeate your being and lead you to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Saint Joseph, transmitted during the journey between São Paulo, Brazil, and Buenos Aires, Argentina, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

While, around you, the world agonizes, may your heart be in prayer, your feelings be at peace, your mind be in God, and your spirit be in the Divine Purpose, which is drawn in the stars to then be manifested in material life.

When your human condition, in full purification, seems to succumb and lose hope, concentrate your attention on the mirror that there is in the essence of your being and know that you hold within yourself a doorway to the Cosmos, to Eternity, to true life, supported and guided by divine thought.

With eyes fixed upon the mirror of your essence, concentrate your attention on seeking the Love of God and His Grace. Feel the presence of the stars and all the sources of life and energy that inhabit them. Know that this mirror that you hold within yourself is not the only one nor is it alone, but it is part of a network, which was created since the beginning of life so that all the children of God would find the path of return to His Heart.

Leave the mirror that lives within you alive and active through prayer and the transformation of your being. Make way for the Creator to reflect His Truth into your inner mirror and may you be able to be a vehicle of this Truth for the world.

While united to the mirror within you and to the Mirrors of the Cosmos, nourish not only your being, but allow this instrument of God within your heart to be a light that guides in the darkness, to be a sign so that your Lord may find the self-summoned in this time.

Within the mirror of your heart, the Truth, the Way and Life are reflected, because it is a part of the Presence of Christ within you. Therefore, child, do not lose the gift of having this divine tool within you, which can make your being an instrument in the Hands of God.

Today, address yourself to discover this mystery of the mirror of your heart through a life of prayer and union with the Brotherhood so that tomorrow, when everything will seem lost, you may look inside yourself and recover faith and hope.

Today I leave you a key and a mystery to unveil. In prayer, understand what I say to you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Just as the signs in the sky announce, clear and beautiful to the eyes that know how to see them, so God arrives on Earth and manifests within and outside of humankind His Splendor and His Grace.

As simple as contemplating a rainbow that emerges on a cold afternoon in the Earth's sky, and makes hearts happy, so should souls contemplate the presence of God within themselves.

The Celestial Universe, beautiful and sublime, is as simple as the things that truly make human hearts and souls happy; but to attain it, it is necessary to seek it with the same love and will with which you seek the signs that are manifested in the sky.

Within you lies a mystery hidden behind what you think you are. This mystery is the Sublime Universe of God, whose doorway is not in the heights, among the clouds, but in one's own heart.

God makes Himself as accessible to the spirits of humankind as the beauty of a rainbow is to your eyes. But just as you seek the rainbow and find it, so also your spirits must seek that which nourishes, brightens, and fulfills them, which is God within yourselves.

To find God in your own heart, you can let Him be reflected as a mirror within you. When you contemplate a sky full of beauty, when you contemplate a pure expression of Nature, do not remain only in what you see, but open the mirrors of your hearts and let that which is beautiful reveal the beauty and the purity of your spirits, that which you truly are.

Everything that was created by God is beautiful and perfect, and that same divine expression that you find before your eyes you can find within yourselves, when you open yourselves to find the Truth in your inner world.

May everything uplift you.

May everything bring you to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Second Message

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today My Words must resound in the depths of beings, so that beings may understand what is happening.

From the Great Council of the Hierarchy, today I come to visit you and to emit My message to you for the world, for all those who follow My Steps and also for those who have stopped following me.

Today I do not come to talk about anyone in particular or about any specific situation that corresponds to the planet or to humanity.

Today I come to talk about the Project of God that must be fulfilled through all those who are self-called by the Hierarchy.

As in other moments, I come from a special place where the Great Council of the Hierarchy is gathered together at this moment and for the evolution of this planet and this humanity.

We are at the doorway of a new cycle, we are at the doorway of a next August 8th, in which Heaven, the Universe, descends to Earth and to humanity to do its synthesis again and meditate upon the next steps to be taken.

Humanity has changed the events, so meditation is necessary to perceive what is really happening.

Today I come from a place in the Desert of Chilca, in Peru, where the great Councilors of the Universe are gathered to prepare for that moment.

As Master among masters, as a Guide among guides, as a Messenger among messengers of the Hierarchy, I come to announce this  important moment to you, so that you may not only be aware, but also responsible before the Plan.

Each one knows what they can give Me. Each one knows what they can contribute for the manifestation to take place.

I do not look for the perfect, nor the imperfect. I do not look for what is advanced, or modern.

I seek the truth of every human heart, of each servant of this Earth, of each of the self-summoned who has been called through the ages to serve and unite with the Hierarchy.

You must keep on the path of the next events. You must not allow leaving the Hierarchy, because the Hierarchy needs to be in these events in order to accompany humanity and the planet.

Today's times are not the same times that took place yesterday.

Day by day events change, within and outside of beings.

Day by day you face a new definition, a new step.

The spiritual Hierarchy does not ask for what is possible. The spiritual Hierarchy asks everyone for what is simple, and what is birthed by the heart, which is what helps to manifest the Work; the pillars of that manifestation must be supported by the collaboration of all.

As in the coming 8th of August, so important and decisive, the self-summoned must be where the Hierarchy is, where the Universe has chosen, the place for giving the impulses so necessary for humanity through Instruction and Grace, through Mercy and healing for all souls.

I would like to know where the attention is of those who say they are with Me.

I would like to be able to understand, beyond all things, the feeling of the human beings of this period.

You know, companions, that My Consciousness has no limits, but still, after all I have experienced on this planet and with this humanity, I am learning with you, time and again.

You must embrace the Truth that reveals the Plan of God to you; you must be sustained by this Truth in order to be able to move forward.

You must not deceive yourselves, you must not create mirages with yourselves. You must come to know that each new cycle that begins on August 8th is an opportunity for renewal rather than inertia.

The instability of these times will be transmuted by the responsibility of all, by obedience, and especially by adherence.

These are the reflections that the Councilors of the Hierarchy are studying and meditating upon, because if the knowledge in the essence of human beings is not clear, it will not be so in the manifestation.

You must learn to live as the Hierarchy lives.

The Graces of Heaven have already been given. Undeserved merits were devised for many hearts.

Now it is time to reconsider and truly know what you are participating in together with the Hierarchy.

Purification is not just a moment of pain or discomfort.
Purification forges a definition and a constant transformation in human beings.

Remember that the scale of this planet must always be in balance, who will support it?

Do not just make the effort to seek the good. Do not make the effort to seek your own convenience or your own satisfaction.

The ministry of the New Christs should be as crystalline as water and as pure as sunlight.

You must build in yourselves what the Universe needs in order to create the new race, to be able to manifest the New Humanity.

The need for consciousness is a concern of the entire Hierarchy, on the part of the human beings of these times.

The Plan of God is not something one can use because it is convenient or only as long as one needs it.

I came to teach that to My Apostles and to all those who ever listened to Me.

The legacy of the Project of God is immaculate and sublime, and we owe everything to Him, because it was He Who created us and manifested us to be present in these times.

You must forge in yourselves the determination to persist.

Many human beings in these times are surviving, but those who are with the Hierarchy do not need to survive, they need to persist, they need to build and to sustain together with the Brotherhood.

Thus, sacred knowledge will not be lacking and divine impulses will not cease to descend; because each being receives what they need, according to their moment and their time.

For this reason, companions, we are gathered together as Counselors of the Hierarchy to reflect, learn, and meditate.

The Plan must continue to manifest as foreseen, through the adherence of all, through the constancy of all, and mainly, through the love of all.

The Plan of God cannot be lived with tepidity or coolness.

You must seek in yourselves that fire that once awaken you and called upon you to serve, and in that fire you must always renew yourselves.

After all that has happened in Europe, the time has come for you to clearly hear what I have always wanted to tell you; I have waited for sixty meetings to be able to say it, so that in you could mature that seed that I once placed there when all this began.

You must place your love in what really exists, beyond all of this, of all that is physical or material.

The Universe waits for a true response to be reflected in you that is in accordance with what you have received and experienced through the intervention of the Hierarchy.

Thus, the legacy will not be in vain and there will be simple but true receptacles that will hold the essence of the Plan within themselves.

Be supported by the words I am giving you today, fortify your faith in the vibration that I bring you today, and let your hearts live temperance, just as I lived it to carry out what My Father needed to occur, when I was once present, here on Earth, together with you and for you.

The Plan of God is not a passing emotion, nor is It something that souls can reject on their own; around you there are examples of this and see how much you are unnecessarily suffering.

The consciousnesses of this world have no notion of what the Plan is, not only because of their ignorance, but also because they do not know, even though they sometimes think they know.

The Councils of the Hierarchy need your maturity and your adherence so that many more positive events that have been foreseen can occur and will not be interfered with by anyone.

My Merciful Heart waited until now to be able to tell you.

My Merciful Heart expects reflection from you rather than chaos.

Now the time has come for each one to assume their part, with transparency and maturity, without blaming anyone.

Each of you are precious pieces within this Plan and even though you do not know what that means, believe in what I tell you, because it has value and fidelity.

Know that everything that occurs is to mature consciousnesses and souls, to have them someday experience the sovereignty that exists in the Universe and in all the Brotherhood. This causes Creation to be recreated, this always leads to awareness and responsibility in the face of events.

In this Marathon, may all think about the step that is necessary to take in this time, without waiting for this to occur a long time later, because the hour has come to take that step.

I encourage you to live the Plan with greater consciousness and responsibility.

I encourage you to be part of a Spiritual Hierarchy that up to now humanity has never been a part of because of always remaining immature.

I tell you again, I do not need perfect beings, I need conscious beings who will always dare to transform everything and experience everything out of a love for God.

That will take the Plan up another step and to another level; that will bring down to Earth the treasures that have been kept for so long in the Universe and that wait to be revealed by the Hierarchy.

From the Great Council of the Spiritual Hierarchy in the Desert of Chilca, we bless you and we await, as guides and masters, for your correspondence and loyalty; this will cause the Universe to entrust you with new things.

Take My Words as an opportunity for inner growth and not as a complaint, because My time among you is already ending, just as My time with My Apostles ended at some point.

Listen to My Words as many times as is necessary and extract from them all the impulses you need in order to be able to change, before everything is about to happen in humanity.

Be Mirrors of the Light of the Plan for these times.

Be what the Universe needs you to be in this cycle, because thus, everything will change.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

From Heaven I come today to tell you that what I carry in My Hands is what you truly are for God.

You are something that is still profoundly unknown to you, small lapses of that consciousness you have had, of knowing what you truly are for God and what it is that you came to do here on Earth.

Today I bring in My Hands the purity of creatures and I have come to make you remember that commitment, because you still have to return to your origin, so that humanity may return to its innocence.

Fix your gaze and your contemplation on what you truly are. Do not stay any longer in the appearances of life, in the traumas of life or in the sufferings of life.

I come here to this Sanctuary of Lys, because it will be this place and this Marian Center which will bring to the world the recovery of its original essence, the re-encounter with the original purity, with the precious molecule that God sowed from the beginning of its existence.

Children, today you are before another mystery that the Mother of God comes to reveal to you, because this mystery, which at this moment ceases to be a mystery, also lives, vibrates and beats in the Heart of the Mother of God.

As I can be part of you, you too can be part of Me and in only one essence, everything can be recovered in humanity and in the planet.

Today I come especially from the Higher Universes to your encounter and I bring in My Hands what is most valuable that exists in this Creation, which is what God conceived from the beginning of this humanity, and I could say, since before this race existed.

Dear children, truly return to what you are, so that humanity may recover the attributes it needs in this planetary transition.

If souls that recover their original purity exist, the world will be able to recover widely and it will not have to suffer many more traumas than what it daily lives.

Through this Kingdom and this Sacred Sanctuary, I bring you the revelation, in this night, of what you truly are, My children, in the Eyes of God, beyond sins and errors.

That is the filiation that you must recover in this cycle. I say recover, because many more souls must still recover their filiation with God.

By means of the consecration of new children, not only to the spiritual path, to a life of service and prayer, but as new children of My Immaculate Heart, is the way that I find, My children, to be able to donate and give to you this that you truly are in the eyes of the whole Universe.

Humanity needs to know that it is not only matter, or only soul. There is something beyond all of this, there is a beyond that you must discover and find.

This is why I bring you this revelation, so simple and profound. There exist essences so similar to what I have in My hands, that are suffering in this humanity, because they not only cannot find the path toward Light, but they are taken to the deep abysses of the Earth.

Through this message, My children, today I come to use this channel of prayer and light to uplift all those essences, from the abysses toward the Universe, so that My greatest Mirrors of Light, Healing and Mercy, which are illuminated and ignited, so similar to the suns that exist in this Universe, may receive the essences that need of that opportunity and of that Grace.

The Supreme Creator has granted Me this special intervention in this night.

I wish you could know, My children, that what exists in your inner universe is not only precious, but also sublime; it is something that humanity will have to recover in this time so that it may reach Peace and the end of conflicts.

It is only by turning to God that the essence of humanity may be recovered, living a sincere repentance, doing a humble penitence and crying out for the forgiveness that is needed so that humanity and its planet may recover.

Today I use this portal that you have offered the Mother of God as an attribute of Her apparitions in Fatima to be able to transport you, My children, towards My Spiritual Universe, where God has entrusted Me to be and remain until the second return of Christ.

I know that you will not be able to understand what I am telling you with this, but you can feel it, children. You have such a valuable essence that it will allow you, always and forever, to make contact with God and His Divine Universe in a way so similar and full as the angels of the Universe and all the Celestial Choirs.

Offer this essence of your lives for humanity as the great sacrifice for the reconciliation of mankind and God, so that spirits may be relieved and sheltered by the intercession of the Mother of God.

After having told you all of this, My children, now see yourselves, for one instant; contemplate for a second what you truly are and continue to contemplate it for forever.

Do not identify yourselves with what your hearts may feel and your minds may think. What is human, is human, and should only be transformed in glory to God so that the redemption of Christ may triumph on Earth and many more souls may participate of the fullness of the experience of the Kingdom of the Heavens.

You are not only body, mind, or spirit; you are something more that you must still discover, My children, just as the apostles discovered what they truly were in the sacred blessing of the Pentecost.

You are spirits in potential and in redemption, just as many more are, on the whole planet.

Through My intercession and on this night of Grace, in which we conclude together a stage, My children, I come to take the blindfolds from your eyes for an instant, so that your souls may reach what they truly are; so that your inner worlds may be able to perceive where you truly come from and where you will someday go, after this terrestrial experience.

Today I wish, My children, that you come close to  My Heart as you have never done before. And even though you may have done it many times, I need that you penetrate in My Immaculate Heart as that abode and that refuge where you will be able to find God and the Peace that you need so much.

Through the children that today consecrate as Children of Mary in an extraordinary way, I come to give you, in their name, what you truly are as essences, so that from this new cycle, you walk decided towards the unknown, so that it is no longer unknown, but rather a real experience of being in full communion with the Universe of God and His Creation. Let the children of Mary that will be consecrated come here.

The flowers that  you have left today at My feet will be yours, as a testimony of My Love for you and for the world, knowing that in your essences you can be so similar to the beauty of a rose, that only in devotion surrenders to God.

Through the song that I will now request, I will carry out a planetary task, taking from the abyss to the Universe the lost essences.

I ask you to accompany Me within yourselves and in silent prayer, without fearing what I may do.

Here a cycle is closed, but a new cycle opens for the hearts. Happy will be those who can truly accompany it, so that your Heavenly Mother may always have the Grace through Her children, of returning to Europe.

On this night I am here, My children, in a way similar to when I was here on the thirteenth of May during the first apparition in Fatima. It is thus,that in an internal and very profound way, the Heavenly Mother, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, unites the times.

And before Me, in this little space, inside this simple house, you are in the present time, in the time of God, in His Real Time; perceive it and carry it in your hearts in order to contact it again in some other moment.

Through this water, the Mother of God will consecrate you as Children of Mary, so that you begin to walk on your path of Love and of Redemption.

My mission has been fulfilled and I thank you for responding to My call and for having, through the prayer of the heart, concretized this pilgrimage for Peace, where souls will celebrate the Mercy of God and the happiness of living in His Kingdom forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the advent of the New Race be fulfilled.

May humanity be able to express its archetype.

May the word be alive and build Your temple.

May Your mystery expand in us

and that the true existence be revealed to the world,

so that we can meet in Your Name

and glorify the perfect Unity.


Children, everything is part of a Supreme Grace, infinite, unalterable, and untransferable.

It is this Supreme Grace that makes the souls be reborn in the Love of God through His Sacraments and His Faith, in His Presence and in His Divine Existence.

Let us thank God for everything that has happened, because finally My Immaculate Heart will triumph. Amen.


First Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Above all, beloved Jesus,
liberate me from the chains and from the ties of desires
so that my human condition may be completely purified.

That by means of Your Body and Your Blood
I may reach the ennoblement of cells and of all matter.

May I become ever crystalline within Your Hands
so that You, my Lord,
may be able to use my consciousness
as a sacred mirror,
and all the attributes of Your Heart
may be poured into the souls of this humanity.

May the Love of Your Heart become known to the world
by means of the sacrifice of my life and of my whole consciousness.

For this, Lord, faithfully make me a partaker
of Your Sacred Sacraments
so that in each one of them
I may find a reason to make my life
each day more sacred and elevated.

Remove from my consciousness, dear Jesus,
these inferior aspects that dominate me and rule my life,
because I only hope and await that Your Divine Light
may become present in the deepest spaces and corners of my being
so that You may reveal to me the true reality of my consciousness
and in constant offering I may transform everything.

Make me similar to the apostles,
in consecration and in surrender.

Allow me, Lord, to demonstrate to You,
even in the small details,
how it is that I love You and how much I love You
through my brothers and sisters.

That all this not be a way or form
to boast my consciousness
and even less to make it shine before others.

Empty me of myself completely, Divine Jesus,
that in everything I may serve You.
But grant me the Grace of an anonymous and silent service
so that other hearts may find You before I do
and that I may only be a model
according to Your Principles and Designs.

Blessed Jesus,
convert all that which I do not manage to transform
and guide me until I am able to walk by Your side
with total trust and surrender



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages
Message for the Apparition of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

The Return of the Mother of God 

Silent as the breeze and brighter than the Sun, the Mother of the Sun, the Morning Star will also return.

First, children, it will be My silence that will prepare your hearts and let you mature and live those experiences that confirm your spirits in adherence to the Plan of God.

Before everything happens and the triumph of God manifests, you will see within yourselves the fruits of the last years of Graces and of teachings, and the very expression of your lives will be the testimony of this Work and of the Divine Presence that has guided, led and instructed you for so many years.

The day will come when Our Sacred Hearts become silent, so that the prophets, the apostles, the saints and the Christs of the last days and of the new times may manifest themselves.

Our Hearts will become silent because it is part of the Plan of God that you can grow for yourselves and make the seeds of Grace and Love bear fruit.

Just as God became silent in the Heart of Christ for Him to manifest Love and Christification in His human Heart, so will God become silent in the hearts of those who listen and respond to His call today.

But this is not to punish you, My children, this is so that there may be born within you a unique love, which arises from the human potential when it faces a great need of love.

Before Our Hearts become silent, we will have given everything to humanity, and nothing will be lacking for you to fulfil the Plan of God.

The silence of God will have a time and during this time it will seem eternal and painful. You will look for the Father within and outside yourselves and you will seem not to find Him, even though He will always be there.

His silence is the symbol of the dark night that the whole planet will experience, because it is necessary.

There must be night so that the sun may rise again.

There must be darkness so that light may have meaning, and so that daytime can exist.

So children, do not fear, but have faith in the new promises of Christ and in the revelations of your Heavenly Mother.

When the night comes upon the world and silence and solitude take over the hearts of humankind, remember what I will now tell you: brighter than the Sun, a Star will be born in the firmament, which will be the announcement of the return of the day, of the physical and spiritual day, which will illuminate again the inside and the outside of beings.

This Star will bring with it a deep feeling of peace, of support and of hope; it will bring the relief that hearts need to go through the last and most intense moments of this dark night.

It will remain silent in the sky until the Sun can be born again, until the Son of Man has the permission of His Father to return to the world and, as the Great Farmer, to seek the fruits that were born in the hearts of beings, and multiply them.

The Morning Star, which announces the arrival of the Sun for this moment will remain silent. But, after everything is fulfilled, My Feet will also touch the Earth and, with My Son, I will come to concretize the Plan of God and reveal My true Face to you.

The mystery of My return, My children, is to finish uniting peoples, races and religions and to bring toward My Immaculate Heart those who through ignorance denied My universal Motherhood.

I will return to receive from My Son the most lost souls, I will wash them in the Fountains of Grace and lead them so that they may have a new destiny and may receive a new opportunity.

The return of the Mother of the World will happen to seal the union between Heaven and Earth, between the different Faces of God and His creatures.

And there, My children, will be revealed to you all the truths that are hidden today, because I will cause to reflect in the mirrors of your hearts the true story of Creation and only then, when everything is fulfilled, will you understand the true meaning of this experience on Earth.

From that moment, the Scepter of God will be placed upon Earth, and a new world and a new being will be established.

Feel the Grace of My words and awaken your faith in the new and eternal Prophecies of God, for they will be fulfilled as, from the beginning, all that the Creator said through the prophets was fulfilled.

I bless you and thank you for listening to My words and responding to My call!


You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


And now, may your bare feet, like Mine, walk in the direction of the Portal of Renewal, and, before crossing it, may everything old be dissolved in you so that, once you have crossed it, your mirror heart and your soul may capture and feel the impulses of union with universal life.

From the new time and after having crossed through the Portal of Renewal, may your essence, your life and your consciousness participate in the divine impulses that Our Sacred and Eternal Hearts will emanate so that the new and renewed consciousness is established in you, so that the past and all experiences be purified, and your soul, which is immaterial and internal, may take flight, to join the Creator of all that exists and of all that resonates within this universe.

May your consciousness be the new redeemed key, may it be that precious note that will compose the new melody of peace and redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Declaration of Divine Love

Listen, children of God!

Listen, companions of Christ!

The maternal Voice, the Mother of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, speaks to you!

Rise now from your death, because the Great Spirit of the Resurrection of Christ has come!

May the millenary chains be broken!

May this people of Chile rise from where it has fallen, because today the time of true freedom has come!

The Voice of the Mother of the World cries out for your awakening today!

The Voice of the White Lady of Peace today gathers you together in spirit, so that all this people accepts with gratitude the redemption that is being offered by Our Lord.

Listen, My soldiers, your wreck has now ended!

May your hearts open to feel again the powerful divine energy!

I come from Heaven to liberate you from the chains of yore. I come to make those who have been disappeared appear back. I come to bring Divine Justice in the face of so much injustice.

My Children, look at God! Feel the echo of His Merciful Love resound within you!

Oh, beloved Chilean people! Oh, ancient people of the Andes, I am here today!

I am your Mother of Heaven, I am the Condor Bird, I am the Sacred Spirit of Peace who gathers you together to commune in reconciliation and in faith!

Believe, My children, that your true Spiritual and Celestial Church exists! Seek within yourselves for the Inner Christ, call Him by His Name and in this way you will all be saved!

Make of your people a garden of Paradise!

Make of your motherland, a celestial motherland!

May your faith be renewed today! May the national hypnotism end here today, so that hearts may recognize within themselves the value of their filiation with God!

Rise, armies of Christ!

May the Guardians, Vigilants and Commanders of the Plan rise now!

May they raise their flags up to the Universe! May they again form the ranks of the armies of the end time!

I come here so that you may unite with Christ again and in this way set aside this cruel inertia.

May Chile awaken from North to South, from the mountains to the sea!

May Chilean hearts be uplifted as trophies at the feet of the Redeemer!

May no one fear to relinquish this blind captivity, because I am here, I am your Divine Mother, who wants to again guide you towards the Heart of God!

May the Mirrors of your hearts be ignited!

May the doors to inner reconciliation be opened!

May the hearts of Chile be truly repentant, so that the Grace of the Universe may descend here and make of all this people the cradle of a blessed motherland!

Now, may the Suns of your hearts rise and see emerge, in the firmament of this Universe, your origins as great stars of light!

May the Commanders of yore prostrate themselves upon the ground and divest themselves from their swords and their capes so that the King of the Universe may pass among them and thus bless them!

May healing reach your hearts! May a true and full love exist, so that this nation may be rebuilt, and instead of having swords, I will give each Chilean My Holy Rosary so that as from now you may pray to My Heart and I am able to liberate you!

May today be the day of your joy, because the Almighty has sent His Faithful Servant so that the self-summoned prostrate themselves before the Altar of the Redeemer!

May the great Prophecy be fulfilled in you!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
