Sunday, September 18 of 2016


Many still do not understand the times in which they live, just as when My Son was in the world, humanity also did not understand the Grace it was receiving.

The Sacred Family had a special gift of obeying God, because They knew Him, and because They never doubted that His Firstborn Son was among Them.

The faith of My Most Chaste Heart and that of the Immaculate Heart of Mary transcended any need of physical manifestations, of physical happenings that confirmed the importance of the times that we were living.

We did not wait to see the fulfillment of the Prophesies nor of the Scriptures; we did not wait, because we knew that they were already being fulfilled. But time went by, and the human mind developed, as many say.

In those times we were simpler; we did not have so many concepts or ideas about the Plan of God, about His Creation. Our faith was based on the Scriptures, and on what each one of us could feel and experience in the Presence of the Divine.

Today, children, the human mind is very concrete, even though you believed that it is more evolved than in those times.

That evolution of the mind helped you in many ways, but it closed the hearts of many that are not able to develop faith because they think too much; they are not able to believe in the Words of God or in His indications because they need something concrete like their minds to do this.

We always tell you that it is the simple of mind, of soul, and of heart that will be able to be instruments of God, because the Creator can think with their minds, feel with their hearts, and live in their souls.

When I was on Earth as Saint Joseph, My Heart was simple; that is why I did not hesitate to respond to higher Designs; I did not hesitate to believe that the signs and the words that I heard in prayer came from God.

At this moment, children, I know that for many it is hard to have this simplicity; however, you must respond to higher Designs as I responded, because, in the same way that the Plan of God had the Sacred Family as the main focus, today that focus is on the Task that We build day by day through you.

The destiny of humanity will be one or another, depending on the concretization of this Plan that We are charting with your lives.

To only obey in some moment will not be enough, because many obey with the body, but not with the mind nor with the heart.

The moment will come when your minds will speak so loudly that the adversary will hear you; and in spite of your following what we tell you with the body, if you do not completely follow it, that Plan will not triumph.

Remember that this Task is not just something material; you are not building a spiritual physical institution; you are manifesting a Divine Archetype, thought of at the beginning of everything, when not even the Universe knew the Will of God. And it is for this reason that this Task must start with spirit and permeate each space of your consciousnesses.

To surrender your life out of Love for God, you must be filled with this Love.

Because there were many martyrs in this humanity; for many it was easy to act through the impetus of a heroic life filled with challenges. But those that made their lives worthwhile through a triumph of God, and that renounced it for love of the Father, were few.

In order to renounce your life, it is not necessary to die, because this experience of renouncing must be undergone by all; all must live it in these times. You must renounce your own point of view and everything that you have learned until today, so that it is the Creator that thinks, that feels, that lives within you.

Many judged, criticized, mistreated the Sacred Family, My Son Jesus; however, the Plan did not keep from being fulfilled, because compassion was alive in the heart of each one of Us.

And the love for God allowed us to understand the ignorance and the limitation of many. And it was that same love that caused them to awaken, some in time, others when it was already too late. However, the seed of this awakening availed them for another life, so that today they might have the opportunity of redeeming themselves.

Because of this, in each test that you experience, in each challenge, and the more the times are exacerbated, the truer you must be, the simpler, the more empty of self and full of God.

I know that many believe that living in God and God living in them transcends personal will or personal effort. And I tell you that this is a permanent practice, because the Creator can arrive, knock down your mental human structures, and build in you His instruments.

However, you must truly allow it; you must release your personal will, all that which you hold as precious, your way of thinking, of acting, your virtues, your miseries.

Many say they want to be instruments of God and offer Him their miseries, that which they believe prevents them from living in the Creator.

But children, there are many virtues, there are many skills that also prevent the Creator from drawing closer to your lives, because they fill you with yourselves, they cause you to adore yourselves more than God.

This is why the void must be absolute.

I tell you this because I know that your souls aspire to fully live in this time; they aspire to obey, to follow the Will of the Father without questioning.

But you must do something more than aspire.

Think, children, of all that happened on the planet as merits generated by the experience of the Sacred Family. Think on the eternal opportunity that souls received after the surrender of Jesus.

And now, think, feel that these same merits must be generated by your lives, in this moment, because all of the Universe must benefit from the merits of the experience on Earth, of the concretization of the Plans of God in humanity.

Those who persecute you need your love, because in this time they live their last opportunity. It is not the first time they have tried to follow God and do not managed to do so.

Just as those who persecuted Christ, upon receiving His Forgiveness, were able to continue their evolution, and are today in the world, in these times, to definitely live their redemption.

Thanks to God and to such little human understanding, you have no awareness of the grandeur of the Work that we are building through your lives.

And I do not ask you to have this awareness, but only that you embrace divine Will; that you give up yourselves, your own plans, your own goals, even if you think this goal is part of the Will of God, because it is certain, children, you completely ignore what the Creator aspires for you.

Every day offer your lives to God, and respond to His requests with your heart.

Cut off thoughts when doubt appears. Keep in silence if any doubt or fear comes to you.

Pray and do not allow the growth of what separates you from the concretization of the Plans of God for you.

Thank the Father every day for having summoned your souls to accomplish a great miracle in you.

Ask Him for the Grace of being humble and simple so that His Plan may triumph.

If you do what I tell you, everything will be fulfilled.

In omnipresence I will consecrate the communion for those who listen to Me, in reparation for all those who share the Body and the Blood of Christ, but who do not truly commune with Him.

Ask, children, that this Body and this Blood not only transform your cells, but also your consciousnesses.

Pray with Me an Our Father in Aramaic, asking Christ that all His companions, all those who tell themselves that they consider themselves His companions, may truly be so.

Abbun debashmaia
Netkadesh eshmoj
Teite malkutaj
Nejuei sevianaj aikana
Debashmaia af ba-arja
Jav-lan lajma teesunkanan iagmana
Washpocklan jaubein wajtagein
Aikana daf jenan shoaken oljaiaben
Wela tajlan letnesiuna
Ela patsan men bisha
Metul delaje malkuta
Wajela wateshpurjta
Laj-lam almin

In this Communion may you also offer God your intention and your aspiration of being true.

May the essence of this Work not be lost. May it be kept alive throughout the years, and may those who come, who will awaken at the end, find in your examples the living Presence of God so that they may build, in this way, the New World, the New Humanity.

I thank you.