Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because the world agonizes and needs the potential that God has birthed in you.
Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit and no longer be a child on this path, seeking your benefit and the supply of your needs.
Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because many definitions in this time depend on you, who listens to the Voice of God.
Your "no" closes the doors of Grace and does not allow souls to receive a new opportunity, while your "yes" opens the doors of Divine Mercy and, in a time of justice, allows the rescue of those who would not deserve anything.
Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit and overcome yourself every day, not only for the love of this Work, this path and your spiritual mission.
Overcome yourself and give more of you to the world, which agonizes; for those who are lost; for the outraged and tired Kingdoms, that – at the height of their pain – make their last effort to sustain the planet and allow humanity to live their learning until the end.
Child, grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, and stop at once making your little problems so great, your little pains so great, your little life immutable.
See the world with the eyes of your heart and your conscience and know that after all you have received, within you is the potential to overcome yourself every day and, more than that, in every moment of your life.
Grow in heart, in soul and in spirit; believe that this is the last cycle of the planet and reflect on what else you must do for the Plans of God.
Do not stagnate, do not stop, do not get tired. Discover, in your heart, the power of the renewal that God has granted you and that grows in your heart, in soul and in spirit. Grow and be a light to the world; do not take your siblings into the abyss of your stagnation.
Grow and lift the world into the heart of God. Within you is the resemblance of the Father; let it express itself, manifest itself and absorb you, so that you may be a living truth, part of the Heart of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Grow up, child, grow in heart, in soul and in spirit, because this planet still needs you.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When God announces His designs and reveals His Will, ask Him for the grace of knowing how to respond to His Call.
Child, place yourself always before the plans of God with humility. Who are you to analyze the Divine Will and evaluate if that Will corresponds to your life or not?
These are times of definition, and you already know it. Therefore, place your head on the ground, as well as the desire to know everything, to understand and to control everything, and open yourself to the mystery of these times, which throws you into the unknown, not only externally, but also internally.
Do not hold on to what you already know about yourself. Do not remain only consolidating what you are and the memory of everything that you have already done for God's Plan and for the planet. Today everything must be new and tomorrow everything must renewed.
Enter with your heart into the rhythm of the new cycles and let Your Father and Creator make emerge from you that potential that today is hidden from you. Launch yourself into the new, launch yourself into service, launch yourself into overcoming and do not fear weariness, do not fear fatigue, do not fear the result of the Work that the Father fulfills in you, because only He, Who created you, knows the true reason of your existence and can lead you to it.
Ask the Father why and for what He created you and let His answer echo within your heart. Do not fear to know His Will and to walk toward it. Do not fear to get rid of your plans and embrace something superior.
Remember, child, that - after manifesting His Grandeur and the apex of His Grace - the Son of Man lived rejection and human incomprehension; He suffered all the resistances of the retrograde condition of humanity and revealed to you the key to the transcendence of all things: Forgiveness, Love and Mercy. And, to get there, he crossed the door of humiliation, of overcoming, and of faith in God and not in Himself. He surrendered His Will to the Father and, even knowing that His Heart was participant of all the Powers and Gifts of God, He chose the Will of His Father and remained in nothingness.
You, child, have the potential to achieve many goals. As a creature of God, you can do many things, but I tell you: nothing is more appreciated by the Father, at this moment, than your fulfilling His Will, surrendering yours; that you live His Mystery, surrendering what is known to you; that you defeat your human fear and be, for your brothers and sisters and for the world, a witness of the faith and love that is born within you.
Live the Plans of God with joy. Adhere your heart to His Will and inspire others with your example of faith. Because today God calls you to no longer seek spirituality for you, but to be a bridge of spirituality for the world.
I bless you and invite you to follow the footsteps and example of He who guides you.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the soul agonizes and stirs from within, seeking something that it does not find, give thanks to God and just let His renewal reach your spirit.
Do not resist, do not give up and do not be sad for something that, in fact, should bring you peace because it means that your interior is willing to go through a transformation.
When the soul cries out within the heart of someone who is trying to follow the Will of God and gives their life to it, it is a sign that a change and renewal is necessary. And this change comes from the Divine Will itself; it will be for you to not resist, to not give up and to not be sad for something that, in truth, should bring you peace.
In truth, what you feel as an inner agony is your soul, elevating its voice beyond the aspects of your body, of your mind and of your feelings.
Listen, then, to this voice that wants to make itself heard, and let it express itself before your soul gets exhausted from screaming inside of your inner world for a new step, a new cycle, a new being.
Listen to the voice that elevates from your soul and let it express as it feels, may it be a chant, a prayer or even a cry that expresses the freedom of the soul to manifest itself, and that all of this, your singing, your prayer, and your cry, be the impulses for a new cycle and a new step in your life.
May your soul not shout without being heard. May your mind not close the window to the soul, again hiding what is removed from your inner world.
Just as the soul of the planet screams to be heard by the hearts of humanity, their own souls also scream and stir within.
Life is a mirror of itself in different proportions. So today, I say to you: listen to the voice of your soul to know, one day, how to listen to the soul of this planet, and that no inner voice will elevate in vain.
God speaks through the souls and spirits of beings and it is He who calls you to a new cycle, that does not have to be great, but that needs to be new, bringing what you already know you must be and that you know you are not yet, not because it is impossible, but because you turn a deaf ear to the voice that screams within you.
Without fear, listen to what brings you to this new time. Thus, you may be one, in the multitude of this world, capable of listening to the soul of the planet and guiding your brothers and sisters according to what God speaks through the voice of the heart of the Earth.
Do not feel like what I am telling you is a mystery because it is not anymore. Just listen to that voice within your interior and follow it.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be over you.
I speak where time does not exist, there is only unity between creatures and God. And this dimension from where I come is where I want to take you so that you can perceive evolution on Earth in a different way, so that you can perceive life as it is.
For a moment, let your heart unite with Mine, let your eyes unite with My eyes, so that they may contemplate with me this world just as I see it.
I look at the world and see souls that seek awakening; I see hearts so distant from God and from the Truth, that they make their own consciousness suffer for their ignorance, without knowing that the healing and the path lie within themselves, and that with a simple change in attitude they can become another..
I look at the world and see the companions of God so many times confused by life on Earth, by its appearance, by its illusion.
Many ask themselves, “And who will be in this world without submerging in this illusion? How to stay in the Truth?”
In order to know the Truth, children, you need to love it, love it with all of your heart, wish to be in it and to be tired of so many illusions, so many mistakes, so many stumbles. This life has something unique to teach all of humanity, because all those who live on Earth today were summoned to live this cycle, some as their last opportunity of redemption and others as the last necessary step to cross the Portals of a new evolutionary cycle where they will no longer need to be so entangled in the things of the Earth because they will serve Creation in another way.
I look at the world and also find sincere hearts, which sincerely struggle with their human condition, but whose love for higher life is still not sufficient, because otherwise, this battle would not need to be so great. They still love the things of the Earth very much and nourish these aspects of consciousness of this life they would like to enjoy in a very human way. And when I say “human” to you, I speak of the humanity that was created in this world, distant from God, and not of what the human being is in truth and should express as was thought by the Father at the beginning.
All of you know, children, that what is missing in this world is Love, a Love directed to the Truth, a love directed to the correct place.
I cannot tell you that you do not know how to love, because for this you were created. It would be like saying that a pair of scissors does not know how to cut, that a shell cannot retain water. This is how it would be to say that the human heart does not know how to love, because it does know. But its will has deviated and its heart loves all things except that which would be the most important, which is the Will of God, His Purpose and His Plan.
What you still love is your own will and all that which corresponds to this will. You love those who are dear to you, because they act the way you want. You love those things that you like, the instructions that resonate in your hearts. You love the truth when it corresponds to your own will. And when God sends you something different, to correct your paths and redirect your love to the correct place, you no longer know how to love and believe that you cannot do it, that you cannot feel love for that which you do not believe, that you do not like, that is not convenient for you.
But today I tell you that the human heart can love all things, all.
It can love life and can also love those who destroy it, to give an opportunity of forgiveness and of redemption to your neighbor. You can love finding God on the top of the hills, love the plenitude that is to be with the Father, but you can also love God at the feet of the Cross, broken down on the floor by the weight of the wood on your backs.
This is the human heart.
The human heart can love when the Father speaks to it through His Messengers about the celestial Mysteries, the Mirrors of the Cosmos, the union with Nature, Unity and Peace, but it can also love when God asks them to be another, to make the efforts they do not want, to be in a way they think they do not know how to be.
I look at the world from Heaven and see how the purest Love of God gets lost within men, how the greatest divine treasure that was expressed in the beauty of Nature was expressed in each detail of the creation of the planet, in the perfection of each part that composes the human being, from its smallest particle to its spirit.
The human being is a small creator, so similar to its Father and Lord, but it does not know itself.
If you want to know yourselves, children, you must begin by recognizing your own ignorance and, knowing you are ignorant, awaken humility so that the Father may teach you what you truly are, what you were created for and why you are living everything you live on this Earth, what is the reason for these cycles, what is the reason for human existence.
All of this has an answer, an answer that the Divine Breath ardently expects to give you, because there is nothing so expected to God as the return of His children to His Heart.
And do you know what this return is? It is not that creatures will cease to exist and will become a luminous particle that will return to the Divine Consciousness. Creatures will keep existing, but they will recognize they are part of God and will express as He does, they will think of Him, they will live in Him, they will be Him. And His Heart, which seemed to be so distant from every creature, will awaken in each being and will manifest His Infinity.
He, who is is all things, will be visible through His children.
There will no longer be individuals, but rather living parts of God that renew His Creation every day through the Love that overcomes itself in an eternal, incessant cycle.
Does what I tell you seem impossible?
But today, children, this is what I come to tell you, because the time has come to leave aside the pettiness of this life a little, in order to seek a little of this Truth.
The time has come to let God remake you on the inside and on the outside; for the human heart to return to the Father and for the Father to return to the human heart.
I look at the world and see God willing to express Himself in His creatures.
I look at the world and see the Father waiting for the answer of His children, expecting that the most important be not a job, money, comfort, the weekends. Because the Father is where time does not exist, and time will gradually cease to exist here because He will come to dwell in humans.
I know that many will hear My words and will not know what to do with this.
If you just aspire to live them, to know the truth about yourselves, in the depth of a spiritual science totally unknown to men. If you just consider that the most important thing in this time is for souls to be able to awaken and that if you cannot respond to the call of God, give the opportunity for those who can do it to do it, because the Father will first dwell in those who say “yes” and through these ones, He will awaken all men, will dissolve illusion and will attract His Truth to this world.
But for this, children, it is necessary to announce, to spread and to make the Divine Presence known. It is necessary to love, to make the heart available for Love, in spite of your difficulties and limitations.
Before you know what is unlimited, you must surrender to God because if you do not surrender to That which is Infinite, you will always hit the ceiling of your limitations when you try to uplift, because you want to do it by yourselves.
Surrender. Surrender every day. Say “no” to the human condition, say “no” to that which makes you give up, retrogress, stay at the point where you are.
And cry out, cry out to the Father, for Him to express Himself within you, cry out for His Truth to be alive, for illusion to disappear from your cells.
Cry out for your atoms to express the Infinity that they are, that from them the likeness with the Father may expand. That from them you may be reborn in life.
Cry out, make an effort to be different. And God, who is avid to respond to His children, will hear you.
Just as My eyes, the Eyes of the Father are put over the Earth, waiting for the slightest movement of His creatures to establish His Peace, His Kingdom and His Presence in this world.
Believe in what I tell you, and have Faith in a new life. In spite of all human, planetary, universal purification, have faith in a new life. Do not let the suffering and fear of your bones make you believe that you are barely this human condition.
Have Faith in a new life. Commune with the Body and Blood of Christ consecrated by His spiritual Presence at the altar and have faith that He is the new life.
Let the Eucharist be like the balm that enters your cells and awakens the God that dwells within you because, in a very mysterious way, He enters your bodies and permeates your consciousness, but He only manifests His Truth when you have faith that He is the Truth.
In this way, I bless you, and consecrating these elements on the altar, by the Power that God granted me through the Paternity of His Son, with the help of the angels and of the Archangels who bring the Ray and the Gift of Transubstantiation to this place, these elements are transformed.
Commune with them and have Faith in the new life, in the new man, in the new Consciousness, which today I tell you is the One that manifested at the beginning of all and from which you one day got lost.
That which is new to you, in reality, is the only Truth that you should manifest and live. Believe and have faith that his Truth awaits you, waits for you to seek it, to love it, not only with thought but to love it with the heart, to love it with conscience, conscience that is manifested in your actions, in your way of living, of treating your brothers and sisters, of being in the world. Thus Love is expressed.
This is what I wanted to tell you today.
And may My Words become life. Have faith and believe that this Word comes from God, although it is manifested through a human mouth.
The Lord has many Mysteries and, through different paths, reaches His children, until all creatures open the door to Him and let Him manifest Himself in their beings.
With this I bless you, I bless your lives, your families and this altar, so that it may become worthy of the Presence of Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In spite of everything, gladden your heart.
The moment and the hour you have so awaited for and in which you prepared for, for so long, has arrived.
Gladden your heart in spite of everything that happens in the world, for the moment and the hour to open yourself to a higher Love has arrived, of transforming your human condition, of living according to the Gospel that guides you, and thus, of renewing, in life, the Words of the One Who gave His life for you and freed you from eternal death, from suffering, and from spiritual stagnation.
In spite of everything, gladden your heart.
I know that the world is agonizing and so many suffer, but you can never lose the gladness that will heal the wounds of your brothers and sisters throughout the world and will help them to clearly see the times they are transiting as humanity.
The joy in your heart does not represent indifference in the face of the suffering of your fellow beings; the joy in your heart represents the balm that God causes to flow through it to the entire planet when your consciousness is set in the right place, and in spite of the circumstances, you open yourself to be an instrument of God, a mirror of His in the world, which reflects not what is logical, but what is necessary.
In spite of everything, then, do not lose the gladness in your heart and do not lower your arms.
Place yourself in the Heart of God to understand the difficulties of life as your opportunity to overcome yourself and, one day, to do greater things than He who taught you to work and to live.
Be, then, a living prophecy; be the living mystery of the Words of Christ. And if it seems to you that this time presents great challenges and difficulties, overcome them all with your face clean and restored from tiredness; overcome them with a peaceful gaze and a heart in God; overcome them as a service that reflects hope to those who thought everything was lost.
Today I only tell you, child, in spite of everything, in spite of anything, never lose the gladness of your heart.
Be the salt of the Earth; be the light of the world, with the One who is, and that is in all things.
You Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seek the Truth and it will be revealed to you.
Search deep within yourself, as in the firmament of the Earth, which hides the depths of the Cosmos, the answer to your innermost concerns, the calm for your anguish and the meaning for your life.
Seek the Truth and it will be revealed to you because this is the time for unraveling mysteries. The Law dictates that nothing be hidden any longer, neither from the eyes, nor from humankind’s heart. And, little by little, this revelation will manifest itself on the surface of the Earth.
From the peoples of the beginning of the history of humanity to the present days, many mysteries were born and flourished. They are called "mysteries" because the human consciousness does not know them. But that which is a living part of the history of each being will no longer be a mystery.
The mysteries of human life are those facts that hold the true potential of humanity, as well as the reality that their existence did not begin with Earth, but rather in the depths of Divine Thought, before everything was created.
What you consider a "mystery" must be unraveled, because this is the cycle of the Truth, and the first Truth is that each being must know itself, understand its history, its roots, its errors and difficulties, and also recognize the virtues and Gifts it has received from God, throughout its evolution.
To know the Truth, you must thus seek it, knock on the door of the inner mystery and humbly allow it to reveal itself.
Ask God for the Grace of being in peace, in the face of your deepest miseries, whose roots transcend life on Earth. And also ask for the Grace of humility, to recognize that this human project is unique and that you are part of a Divine Treasure ready to manifest itself.
The gold of your spirit can become a precious celestial gift that, illuminated by the Light of God, causes hope to shine in the abysses. But you can also allow this gold to turn into dust, cause ignorance and indifference to make of you an eternal and permanent mystery to yourself. And even though all may be revealed, your eyes will see nothing.
Let your heart, child, open to the new cycles; that your concepts of life, of knowledge, of existence, and of spirituality be renewed. Because you are facing a cycle in which the Truth will emerge, and, even though it is held within you, you have never been absolutely united with it.
Everything will be new. Everything will be renewed and will show itself to the world as something unique, although obvious from the beginning, for there is no being on Earth that does not feel at their core that their ignorance hides a higher reality.
This reality will emerge. This Truth will show itself. Mysteries will cease to be mysteries, and you will finally know yourself and recognize yourself in God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To take part in the mysteries of Christ, you will also have to discover the mysteries of His Cross.
The Lord seals the commitment with His companions by offering them to drink from the same Cup of His shed Blood: Chalice of Heavenly Will that transcends the flesh, the condition and all the human life.
To take part in the Glory of Christ, you will have to take part in His Cross, accepting from God the renunciations and sacrifices that He invites you to live in this time, not to make you suffer, but to make you discover the Grace that is hidden in the renunciation made with love and in the sacrifice lived with peace and in reparation of the sins of the world.
Christ came to this world as a living part of the divine Consciousness and, being God Himself, He experienced and lived human condition in a profound way. He was tempted by all evil that surrounded the Earth; He was proved in the fear that dwelt in His human bones, in His intimate human frailty. He endured what human beings fears the most - suffering - and converted the greatest sorrow of His creatures into an act of Love that transformed the history of this universe, as well as of all its creation.
After having lived all this, he left open to the world the path of spiritual calvary, of absolute surrender, of Superior Love. And having lived everything that no creature could bear, now He only calls you to do your part.
Your cross is not as heavy as the Cross of God; your calvary is not as long as the one the Feet of the Lord have passed through; you have no crown of thorns nailed upon your face; you are not insulted and humiliated by humanity, your brothers and sisters; you have the Father who stretches out His hands to you; you have the Son who comes to encounter you and you have the Holy Spirit of God waiting at the door of your inner house to make you reborn as consciousness, as a heart.
He wants to give you a new heart, worthy of being inhabited by Him who created you and all you have to do is follow the first Law, a commandment on top of the commandments, in which all the designs of the Father meet: to love your neighbor as you do to yourself and to love God above all things.
On the way to Love lays your calvary. You have no more obstacles than those you yourself put in your way.
Decide to give more to God, because He, having all things, left everything to you.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the agony of the world find the Peace of God's Heart.
In fidelity to His Path and to His Will is found the strength to overcome the harassment in the Gethsemane. And beasts and thunder may roar, the floor may tremble under the feet of the chosen, but they will not falter. Their strength lies in the memory of the overcoming lived by God Himself, through His Son.
The time for confirmation has arrived, just as it arrived for Christ in Gethsemane and for all those who have committed themselves to Him throughout the history of humanity.
God offers you to drink from the Chalice of sacrifice and surrender, of effort and overcoming, of understanding, of unlimited forgiveness and love. But in this Chalice, children, are also found faith, fidelity and strength. There is found peace and the flame of compassion, which ignites the spirits and helps them to persevere.
The Chalice of God is not filled only with trials, but also with Gifts. His instruments have everything that they need to fulfil His Plan; It is enough that each one is willing to do their part and to discover in themselves the potential of love and surrender that is still hidden in the human condition.
This is the Gethsemane of these times, in which the souls confirm themselves, accept the Chalice that descends from the Heavens in the Hands of God and drink of His offering. Ignited by the Love that comes form the Creator Himself, they take their cross and follow Him.
Feel part of the Consciousness of God, which renews itself. Let the potential that you do not know emerge from yourselves. Let the monotony of your lives give space to a Universal Mystery and allow yourselves to be called by God as His elected, His apostles and truly His children.
May each principle lived by the only begotten Son manifest and renew itself in your lives. You have the doors open for that.
Your Father and Companion,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
If you wish to be tested, transformed into that which God expects of you, He will test you, but He will give you everything, so that each test may have its Grace, its merits, and its reason for existing.
I was not only tested by God; from Him, I received the greatest treasure of His Creation, which was His Son and His Servant, Who taught me to be tireless, just as today I teach each one of you. She also taught Me love, just as She teaches you; She opened My heart to a truth which was unknown to Me, in spite of My knowing that God was preparing Me for something since the beginning of My life in this world.
God will test you, will purify your consciousnesses, and will cause to emerge in you that so hoped-for new human being for which you cry out every day in your prayers. I too cried out for a new human being, because I did not feel worthy of being part of this very Sacred, Divine family on this Earth.
But I learned, children, that human dignity does not come from its condition; it does not come from what humankind has built on this Earth. This is not being a human being.
The human being is that one prophesied in the Scriptures, clay which comes from God, in deep likeness to His Heart, to His Divine Source. And this is what, little by little, I come to have you know.
Today I humbly reveal My Aspect to you, so that you may also see Me just as I want to express Myself to the world in these times. I do not come to be worshiped. This image exists so that you may unite your hearts with Mine, so that you may recognize this moment in which My imperfection was set aside to give room for the perfection of God. This image exists so that you may understand the essence of human existence and the path you must follow in these final times.
I am not the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am on the Way, in the Truth, in the Life. I feel Myself to be part of the Heart of My Son because His Mercy opened the doors to me so that I could enter His Heart. That same Mercy presents Itself in your lives, that same Way, that same Truth, that same Life, which transcends life in this world, is also here, available to your hearts, to your spirits, to your human condition.
This image represents the impossible, the moment in which this dried, dead, staff blossomed. Humanity is also like this, it seems dead and dried; but in truth, children, unique seeds of flowers still unknown in the Universe, are held within you so that they may blossom in a truth which should no longer be unknown to you. Let this image be the water poured out over the seeds of your hearts so that before it, the truth may blossom and each of you come to know your true being.
May this Reliquary, small and simple in light of the Greatness of Creation, be the symbol, children, of the treasure that is held inside each one of you.
Today I bring the patterns of a new life, which in truth, is that which God thought of from the beginning. Today the Creator observes you with joy, with deep happiness, because He will be able to awaken His Gifts within those who say 'yes' to Him. His heart is offered to the world through the humble Reliquary of my Chaste Heart. This wood allowed itself to be transformed, in spite of its imperfections; it gave its life for something perfect, for a new life that will resurrect those who have died, even though they still walk on Earth, because their spirits are empty and their lives have no meaning.
From all over the world they will come to contemplate this Reliquary, because its Graces will speak through the testimony of the transformation of beings, and that which seemed impossible will manifest.
The Creator granted me the Grace of placing part of My Heart in this small Reliquary, because everything I received belongs to God, and today He wants to give it to humankind, to His children, to create a bridge to His Divine Heart.
The Creator gave me a part of the Heart of Mary, a part of the Heart of Jesus, so that I could transcend My human condition, grow in spirit, manifest His Will, multiply His Graces, and today could be here, uniting these three parts into a single Heart, which in truth is His Heart, and which today is kept as a treasure in this little Reliquary. Believe this. Believe that this Heart is a bridge to the Heart of God, and pray before it for the world, for peace, for the end of wars, for the union of religions, for understanding among cultures, for respect among beings, for love. Pray that the children of this whole planet may accomplish their mission in this time and do not lose their purity. Take from this sacred Reliquary the purity of My Heart so that it may reach those who have lost it for some reason.
Let the service multiply through sincere prayer; the Father will thank you.
I shall ask you now that, for an instant, you again sing this little song that with much joy, you prepared for Me to honor the Reliquary of My Heart. If you sing with love, you will demonstrate to the world and to God that you have understood the grandeur of the Grace that He grants you through the intercession of My Chaste Heart.
In the same way that the tests of this world will be unknown, so also shall be the Graces. In the same way you will not believe the atrocities which you will see on this Earth, the grandeur of God which is expressed among humankind will also be unlimited. For this reason, do not think it is too much if the Father wishes to place His Heart in a little Reliquary on this Earth, through the intercession of My Chaste Heart. Let God express His Greatness, for He can do all things, just as He could give His Son on a Cross in the Calvary of this world.
Sing and let the portals open to the Heart of God, of Mary and of Christ, because I am a small part of each of Them, and it is with these rays coming from the Sacred Hearts that I complete this Grace given today to the world.
I hear many minds sometimes thinking: “How is it possible that the greatness of God is placed in material things, such as images, such as this Reliquary?” Do you perhaps doubt that God is in all things?
Sometimes I help you with such simple, everyday things, not because of these things in and of themselves, but because I learned with the Child Jesus to transform this material life and awaken faith with small services, with the little things. He opened My Heart when He helped me in the carpentry work. He, Who was a child, taught Me to be a carpenter while it seemed as if it was I who was teaching Him.
In this same way, I come to the world to bring you these Graces, and teaching you material things, being in your daily life, I gradually transform your lives, like Christ and the Most Holy Mary transformed Mine. Who knows, one day, children, in the new humanity, you may be helping others, you will be learning about life, about the renewal of Divine Consciousness, and you will remember this moment when you were little children in the human evolution and I had to come to the world to teach you these things.
In the simplicity of My Heart, a greatness is held, which is the same greatness hidden inside of you. Let yourselves be guided by My simple words. Let yourselves be guided by My silence, just I did with the Most Holy Mary.
Today I bring you the memory of My life as the Most Chaste Saint Joseph to place it in this Reliquary, as in this image, and in its multiplication in all the homes of this world. The same Grace which I grant you, I will multiply each time you multiply this image. Believe in this.
Today I had you understand, with the sun and the rain, that I need you to expand My house. I hope you have understood My message. I want many more than those who are in it today, because they will arrive here as pilgrims and will need to be welcomed. They will transform your lives as much as I have transformed them. Someday, among them, I too will arrive. I hope you will welcome Me as I today have welcomed you.
Give thanks to God for sending His Messengers to the world. Do not be like the humanity of My time, the majority of which did not understand the Grace they were receiving. The human indifference was so great, that today the world is how it is, asleep.
Let yourselves become new apostles, renewed in your faith, in a faith that is built in silence, in the invisible, a profoundly spiritual faith, whose only miracle is the transformation of the consciousness.
I thank you for expressing devotion to My Heart. May this devotion transform into a source of redemption and salvation for the souls that today are being withdrawn from the abysses of this world, even though no one sees it.
Keep in your hearts a little Reliquary of My Chaste Heart, a Grace that is born of the gratitude I feel for your being here and for listening to Me in the four corners of this world. Receive this Grace with faith, for the gratitude of My Spirit unites Me with God, and this Grace that I give you, I received from His Heart.
Hold My Words within yourselves, as well as all the impulses that I brought you today. And as if this were not enough, I grant you something greater: Communion and union with Christ through the priestly intercession of My spirit.
Together let us pray the Our Father in Aramaic, offering the Father not only these elements but each of the Graces that He has given you today; through the priestly intercession of My Chaste Heart, may the angels of the Presence come here to change these elements, fruits of the soil and the work of humankind, to the true perfection of the human heart in the Body and the Blood of Christ.
Abwoon d'bwashmaya
Nethqadash shmakh
Teytey malkuthakh
Nehwey sebyanach aykanna
D'bwashmaya aph b'arha.
Habwlan lachma d'sunqanan yaomana.
Washboqlan khaubayn
Aykana daph khnan shbwoqan l'khayyabayn.
Wela tahlan l'nesyuna
Ela patsan min bisha.
Metol dilakhie malkutha
Wahayla wateshbukhta
L'ahlam almin.
Through your spirits, may peace come to this world. With this, I thank you for being here, for listening to My voice, for making My Presence alive.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Multiply these Graces into the world and sing so that I may rise up to the Heavens. May the Reliquary of My Heart expand so much that it will not fit on the Earth and reach the four corners of this universe.
I thank you.
The Image of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
The Image of My Chaste Heart must be contemplated by those who seek humility, simplicity, the maturity of spirit and the awakening of the spirit of service and charity.
This Image represents the moment in which My Chaste Heart pronounced Its “yes” to God and accepted, despite Its imperfections, to fulfill the Mission that God had entrusted to it.
This Image is the symbol that in order to serve God it is not necessary to be perfect, children, because Perfection, which comes from the Father, manifests in the soul and in the heart, as the being decides to walk.
Before this Image, you must ask the Father for the Grace of knowing to say “yes”, despite the apparent audacity of His Plans. Because today I tell you: it is not God Who asks you great things, but it is you who do not know your own potential, do not know yourselves and think you cannot give what God asks you.
Before this Image, pray the “Novena to begin the New Spiritual Cycles” and let My Heart inspire you so that you can say “yes” and know what is hidden until today and is unknown to you about yourselves.
The Reliquary of My Heart represents the Plan of God consummated in human imperfection. I will place in it all the Graces that the Father granted Me to fulfill His Will and before it, children, you will pray not only for yourselves, but for all humanity, so that these Gifts of Surrender and Rendition, which made this Heart become a Divine Triumph, can reach each one of your brothers and sisters, in the four corners of the world.
Through the Image of My Chaste Heart and the Reliquary of My Heart, the Creator grants you two new and unique Graces so that you may know that all you need in order to become a celestial victory is within your reach.
Today I ask you for a small replica of the Reliquary of My Chaste Heart to pilgrimage around the world and to be at all altars of My Apparitions. Because in this Reliquary I will place the Gifts that humanity needs to renew itself, the standards of conduct for a new life, which will be irradiated in the nations and on the continents, as a teraphim of the New Humanity, so that those who contemplate it and pray before it may achieve the Grace of knowing and living who they really are.
I love you, I bless you and I thank you for manifesting this Work of Miracles and of Graces in this world.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My child, find in your heart the essence of these times and your strength.
Understand the tests of the planet not with sorrow, but with Peace. Finally, it is being fulfilled on Earth as was prophesied from the beginning.
May your faith be on the Plans of God and on nothing else. Let His Victory be a deep certainty in your heart, in spite of the apparent defeats that are to come.
Divine Victory does not manifest itself like human victory, and in order to know how to understand the Plans of God and allow yourself to be guided by Him, it is necessary to love Him above all things.
Remember what I tell you today so that you do not regret before the cross. Just as the Son of Man knew everything He would suffer before those events were manifested in His Life, God makes you aware of the tests of this planet through the words of His Divine Messengers.
Place these words in your heart and let them forge that strength in you that you will need not only to endure the times that will come but so that you can make of each test the reason to multiply the Love within your heart.
It is of no use merely to bear the cross, for many were those who died on the cross throughout human evolution. The sense of your surrender must always be Love. There too lies the reason for your existence and the mystery of human Creation.
Love, in spite of all things, and see, in everything, the opportunity to serve and of surrendering for Love of God. Do not lose a single second of the school of this world. May everything be to make worthwhile the Grace that the Creator has given you, of being upon the Earth.
Even though life may be to you a mystery still to be revealed, embrace the circumstances of your life with gratitude and everything will be fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Child, let the Heart of God show itself in your heart, so that you may know that you are not just this human smallness in which you entangle yourself every day without knowing how to get out.
Let the Living Heart of God show itself in your heart, not only so that you may live a spiritual experience but rather for an emerging need that you need to meet in order to manage to be on Earth.
What do you fear purifying, if you have been called to this world for this? Why do you fear acknowledging the truth about yourself, if you lived all your evolution on Earth for this moment?
You came to the world to heal your spirit, grow and be a miracle of conversion not only in the concepts of the Earth but for the whole Universe.
You already know that the Infinite waits for you. You already know that you must become something new and unknown. Why, then, do you not surrender to what God has for you?
My little child, soul in redemption, let what God has thought be fulfilled in you. And be it in humiliation or in exaltation, be it in solitude or among multitudes, embrace what He designed for your life, because everything is so that His Will may be fulfilled.
Be it among humans or alone with yourself, let the Heart of God that dwells in you emerge from your heart. Do the exercise and live the Grace of feeling the Presence of God inside of you, because it is He Who will give you the strength to be among multitudes or in the trial of Gethsemane. It is He Who will give you the humility to be acclaimed and honored and to carry the cross with the same love and the same inner emptiness.
It is God, child, in your heart, Who will live each test, as well as each triumph. It is He Who will renew Himself though your heart. But if you do not believe and do not live this, you will be alone in this world, with your human condition, without knowing where to go, even if the path reveals itself in your own inner being.
Do not want to be alone with yourself, but rather with God. Do not want to be yourself, but rather an expression of the Father.
Christ, child, achieved all that He achieved because He was One with the Father and He knew it, He lived it and He proclaimed it. He experienced being a living part of God and told you that this was the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no Way, Truth and Life outside of God.
Do not be dead, walking through this world without knowing where to go. Be born to Life; let God, who is Life itself, express Himself in you. Give to the Father the place that corresponds to Him in your heart. You just be a simple servant, His instrument in this world.
I bless you and invite you to surrender your heart to God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Cry out, little soul, for your sister souls who sleep in the illusion of this world.
Cry out so that the night may be deep, but not eternal. May it forge within beings the fortitude that will help them overcome tests greater than the darkness of the Earth, but that this night not be so intense that it darkens the hearts of humanity.
Cry out for Mercy to descend on Earth in times of Justice.
Cry out so that no punishment may be eternal and so that souls condemned by their own ignorance may be able to get out of the abysses of illusion and lack of love.
Cry out, soul of God, so that your Father, Who is Eternal and is full of Love and Grace, does not tire of pouring over the world these Gifts of His Heart, so that they be an eternal bridge between His creatures and the Source of Life.
Cry out, soul of God, so that your Father, Who is in the Heavens, but Who is in all things, may listen to your prayers, and if they are sincere, they may be answered.
Cry out for those who sleep in the dream of this world and cry out for those who believe they are awake, but are lost on confused paths that do not lead them to God.
Cry out for the One Truth to reveal itself and for Unity to emerge as a need in the hearts of men.
Cry out, little soul, for the soldiers of Christ to persevere in the four corners of the world. That they proclaim Love more than a doctrine, that they proclaim Love more than a religion, and that they recognize themselves in the Love that dissolves differences and reveals souls as sisters under one and the same purpose.
Cry out so that this Plan be fulfilled. Feel yourself a living part of the human consciousness and, being part of the heart that pulsates on Earth, raise your voice to the Heavens and cry out to the Father for the establishment of His Will, for the rebirth of His Love, for the consolidation of His Word, for the institution of His Laws, for the fulfillment of His Promises and, at the end of everything, so that His image and likeness be reflected in the faces, in the hearts and in the consciousnesses of all His children. Let your cry be eternal and true.
He who blesses you and cries out with you for this world and for creation,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just like within a great city, full of apparent chaos, there dwells a desert, so also, children, within you there dwells a great and silent desert. And in the same way that you cross the chaos of the city, the way that you wait patiently to get to the deserts of this world, with patience you move through the deserts within you.
Feel the chaos that is there within you and how it is a part of human transformation. There is not so much mystery when the heart is capable of looking at itself and knowing itself.
With the same courage with which your feet walk through this world, walk with inner steps upon the paths of your own inner being, crossing great cities in chaos, in purification, in transition, and reaching the deserts, which are not always the ones you expected to see.
Come to the desert where peace reveals itself to the heart that is capable of finding truth, without fearing it.
The desert, children, simply reveals the emptiness to the hearts that want to be empty. This is why today I invite you to enter the desert of your own heart, no matter where you are, regardless of the situation upon the planet, of the chaos that may emerge.
Enter the desert of your own inner being and find peace. The peace of knowing the truth about yourselves, the peace of knowing the truth about this planet, about this humanity. Stop being a mystery to your own consciousness, because you should not forever be a mystery to yourselves.
Humanity, children, will not be unknown forever. Enter the desert of your own inner being and find peace. The peace of knowing the truth about yourselves, the peace of knowing the truth about this planet, about this humanity.
Humanity, children, will not be unknown forever. Everyone can feel that that which they know about themselves is not enough, that there is not only one origin to be revealed, but that there is a Truth present that you also do not know. And this is the hour of Truth, this is the moment in which your hearts are ready to gain self-knowledge as God's creatures, and not just as human beings.
Why do I tell you this?
Because the time for awakening is not eternal. There is a moment, a cycle of human consciousness in which you can know chaos and Truth at the same time.
The planetary situations and their severity awaken your consciousness, and the heart still has the strength to walk toward Higher Life, to look toward God, both in the Universe, in the infinite sky, and in the heart itself, to recognize the illusions of life and to recognize Truth.
In this way, you are strengthened for an upcoming cycle, in which purification will take over the human consciousness, and it will no longer be possible to awaken and have the strength to continue on in the same way.
The awakening will be abrupt and souls will repent, but they will not know how to proceed, how to fix their own mistakes, how to find the Truth to which they are awakening to, how to unite with it.
For this reason, I warn you today: this is the time for awakening, this is the time to know the Truth, there is no other.
You have the Grace of being able to experience the Apocalypse and build the triumph of the Armageddon at the same time, knowing that it is not only chaos that is a reality on the planet, but there is also the triumph of the Christic Light and the consolidation of that certainty must begin to be built now, both in your hearts and in your consciousnesses.
This is the moment to consolidate your own faith without any fear. This is the moment to burn doubts in the fire of the past, those anxieties of the spirit which still make you want to place your feet upon other ships, to walk upon other paths, to give way to illusions.
If faith is consolidated now, while the universal Laws are on Earth and allow it to be so, though there will be winds, rains, fire, the earth will shake, and the inner world of beings will shake, that faith will not be lost.
To consolidate one's faith, one must want to do so. What good is it for you to place your attention at this moment upon the things of the world, in vain illusions, and not take care of what is true, that which will truly build the triumph of Christ upon this Earth, if you came into the world for this?
The world consumes you. There is always a part of your consciousness in the things of the world, but now, children, you must give a little more importance to the true cycle into which you are entering.
Because you must deepen your own spiritual life so that it may be real, you must enter the desert, not only with your feet, but with all of your consciousness. You must enter the desert of your own heart with intention. With the intention to be different, with the intention to awaken, because the awakening takes place in stages, and many think they are awake, but still sleep in the dream of this world.
I did not come here just to take you into the physical desert. I came here to take you to the desert of your inner self and, furthermore, to bring new Laws that will govern the new cycle of this Earth, which begins in these times.
The Apocalypse has already begun, and although its peak has not yet developed in human eyes, it is already here. The seals are now opening. Justice and Mercy are eyeing each other, face to face, waiting for the Laws to dictate their activity.
There is nothing to fear, you only need to awaken. You already know that truths, sublime realities, will emerge. You already know that you are preparing the way for the King of the Universe to come to this world. You already know that the end of this story is a great triumph, but you still must greatly persevere so that those events may take shape before your eyes, and so that you no longer shed tears of sadness, but of joy.
You will weep for the Earth, for your children, for your Kingdoms, but do not lose faith or hope, because hope is the food of faith and also comes from the Heart of God.
After the desert, the Creator gives you a great mission in which your spirit of sacrifice will be put to the test, in which the cross will truly be upon your shoulders, and you will no longer bear the sins of the world, but rather your own commitments and the commitments of those who did not awaken.
The Creator will ask you for everything, not only for the love of Him, but also for His Plan. And when you seem to have slowed down, when you appear to be defeated, but with the profound certainty that you have done all that was possible, and often the impossible, there will be a triumph. Because it is from defeat that humility and surrender come, and from surrender comes true love.
Remember My words when you are feeling the "little flame" dim in the darkness of this world, and then make one more effort. Give oil from your lamps to those that have gone out, and like a miracle, it will multiply.
Today I come to prepare you for a cycle that you are beginning to experience, but in truth, My words strengthen your spirits for the future. Hold them in the depths of your hearts and remember the way to reach them, because they will be necessary at some moment.
With this, I bless you and thank you for being here, for allowing yourselves to transform, to move, to purify, to break, to let yourselves be rebuilt and to not lose your joy.
Let your hearts beat as one, as one Work, because with each one of your spirits, the design of this Plan, of this triumph of the Heart of God, is being built. All souls are necessary, no matter if they are in their homes, with the Rosary in their hands, crying out to Mary, or if they are in Africa, serving as they can to heal the wounds of this world. It does not matter if they are pilgrims bringing peace to the nations or if they are in the Water of the Fount, in the Marian Centers, in their groups of prayer allowing the inexhaustible fount to pour out into this world. You must feel as one body, one spirit, one army, one heart. Thus, the unity that God thought of for His creatures is drawn.
Once again I thank you, and I leave you with My blessing, not so that you do not experience the tests that you must go through, but so that you experience them with bravery, with surrender, with everything that you are, and with that which you do not know you are.
May unity with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be a reality in your lives.
Thank you.
Contemplate this world then, in your prayers, and come towards the Celestial Altars to cry out for a world wounded and without love.
Never forget, child, that more than crying out for yourself, for your evolution, you are called upon to cry out for the world. Furthermore, I will tell you: leave your needs at the Feet of God and continue to rise up to the Heart of the Father, to place there those of your fellow beings who are most in need.
Perceive that time passes and the tests of humanity do not cease, but grow each day, because thus dictate the Laws of the Apocalypse and of the human definition.
You are called to be in peace and, with peace in your heart, to be a bridge between the lost world and the Heart of God, so that humanity never loses its connection with the Source.
More than your tasks, even when you work for the Plan of God, more than your transformation, even when it transforms the human consciousness, remember, child, to cry out for the world and to sing and to pray twice, for yourself and for those who do not pray and do not know God.
Just as the Father sent His Son to carry the Cross for you when you were asleep, thus the Love of God awakened you, so that today you may be the intercessor for the souls that are lost, and so that you do not only carry your cross, but that of all of humanity. That cross is carried in the silence of the spirit that lives the sacrifice with gratitude and that, when tired, offers God a little more, crying out for mercy for this world.
Your greatest mission is in the unknown, just as the greatest Work of the Son of God was hidden, because what He brought to the world is until today incomprehensible to humanity.
If Christ, part of the Living God on Earth, was not understood by human beings, do not seek this path yourself, but rather imitate Him and make love triumph through the intercession of His Word, which rises in secret and, in the power of a hidden prayer, brings mercy to this world.
I will pray with you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the solar essence that is given to creatures through the spiritual treasures that God hides deep in beings.
Contemplate the solar essence that is given to creatures through the "yes" that a few emit to the Universe, forgetting themselves and surrendering their own lives to the Father for the benefit of human evolution, and more than that, for the benefit of the evolution of all the Universes and the renewal that God Himself lives when His Children say "yes".
Enter the desert of your inner being and follow the sublime ceremonies that are carried out in the silence, while humanity, distracted, seeks a way out of the entanglements and the chaos of their own lives.
Contemplate the solar essence that God gives to His Children, so invisible, yet as palpable as the wind.
This Light, which does not come from this world, is not only like the Sun that illumines your days. It does not reveal itself to those who do not want to see it; therefore, child, enter the desert of your heart and there receive what God has to give you.
Like the Patriarchs who opened themselves to a new cycle and awakened the faith in One God, Who spoke to them in their heart and awakened their consciousness, you too enter the desert of your spirit, open to a new cycle, ready for a new Law.
I know that, for you, many mysteries are not palpable and even less, reachable before your imperfection, but today I take you to the desert and I show you a place where emptiness is real, where you become a new jar, ready for a new cycle and a new inner learning.
Just simply take My Hands and enter with Me into this desert and, like the peoples of ancient times, allow yourself to be renewed by God.
I will guide you and bless you on this path.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Everyone who arrives at the Marian Center of Figueira must be received at the House of Pilgrims, where they will cross the first Portal of their redemption, which is the encounter with humility. As from that moment, they will recognize their smallness and the greatness of God Who guided them to this sacred place, where the mysteries that were hidden from the mind, the soul, and the human heart can be revealed.
The House of Pilgrims must be the Doorway to Redemption for souls, where there are no restrictions for the arrival of hearts; there, everyone will be able to be sheltered by Me in the depths of their spirits.
In the House of Pilgrims, they will wash their feet for a new life, a new way of walking, on this eternal path of human evolution.
The House of Pilgrims is where My Heart waits for the hearts of the world, to receive their imperfections and difficulties and to transform them there.
In the House of Pilgrims, I will grant you a spiritual atonement and a Grace, so that you may restart your lives from a point which, by yourselves, you would never be able to reach.
I want the House of Pilgrims to be sufficiently large to give shelter to souls, their miseries and their sins, and also sufficiently large to shelter God, His Mercy and His Atonement.
You cannot imagine that in this humble place the Creator will heal and awaken many hearts; He will convert sinners into His instruments and will make so great spiritual miracles in those consciousnesses as He did in Me, when He transformed a humble and poor carpenter into the Father and Guardian of His Beloved and Eternal Son, the Redeemer of the world.
As the carrier of this infinite miracle of conversion, I remain in the world to multiply this miracle in souls, because this is what God has asked of Me. And it is in the House of Pilgrims, as in My small House at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, and in My future Houses, at the Marian Center of Aurora and at the Marian Center of the Child King, where these miracles will take place.
The House of Pilgrims will be the Mother-Source of all the Houses that will be lifted up in My Name at the Marian Centers that the world will come to know as the fruits of this Work. It is from here, from the House of Pilgrims, from the depths of the Reliquary of My Heart, that these Graces will emerge, which will cross borders, and even continents, and will touch souls.
For this reason, children, now that you have built the foundations, enlarge them physically and spiritually, and all that I tell you will come true.
I leave you My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At the end of the transmission of the Weekly Message, Saint Joseph gave us an indication for the Anniversary of His Apparitions program, which will be transmitted on the 19th of March, 2018. He said:
"I want monastics, consecrated residents from the Communities-of-Light, Children of Mary and pilgrims who had or have an experience of unity with My Chaste Heart to share with the world, to do it and, in a simple way, tell everybody how My Instruction and My Blessings have reached their lives. In this way, you will be able to perceive that the purpose of this program is being fulfilled."
Afterwards, He asked that we made a short video to spread this invitation and to prepare this special Anniversary program.*
*To access this video and all the necessary information about this request from Saint Joseph, click here.
Breathe, o soul, the air of a new life, of a new world, of a new being. Do not stop your feet on the stairs of human difficulties; do not stop your heart in the things of the world.
Breathe, o soul, the air of a new life. At times, contemplate the Infinite and do not forget where your heart truly comes from. Do not let your Father, the Creator, observe the world without finding a single gaze which corresponds with His. Look up to Heaven, look into the Eyes of God and let His Silence dissolve the smallness of your conflicts and of your difficulties.
You were called to a greater mission, as small as you may be, beloved soul. You are a small part of an Infinite Heart and such a Heart needs yours, in order to be complete and full again.
Breathe, little soul, the air of a new life. Do not let your poor mind just be entangled in the things of the Earth, but let it also find the Truths of Heaven.
You do not need much to find God. Close your eyes and contemplate Him within you, in the depths of this essence, which makes you similar to your God and Lord, to the Creator of all things. More than the things of the world, seek the mystery of your own essence and find there the Gaze of God.
The world is already distracted enough; do not be just another soul in the distractions of the Earth. Be a bridge to God, beloved soul, by the simple fact of having faith that He is within you and that it only takes looking within and you will find the Divine and Celestial Gaze of your Most Holy Father.
Do not want to walk long and unending paths, do not imagine fictitious adventures, full of hollow entertainment and human curiosities. The greatest mystery of all existence is held within you and it only takes being alone, looking within and saying: “Here I am, Lord”.
Talk sincerely, then, with your Father and God, or just let your gaze find His Divine Eyes and remain there, sharing the Divine Silence for an instant, because I tell you, My soul: swords, shields and great armor will be forged, arms and bombs will be developed, battles and wars will be waged, fear will be encouraged and Life will be threatened, but this Life which dwells in your essence will never be extinguished.
Unite with the Father within yourself and nothing will bring you down, because, even if your body falls to the ground, your heart will be eternal, as is the One who created you, and it will be lifted up to the highest of Heavens, announcing to Creation the eternity and the triumph of that Love which was born within you just because you are true and unite with the Father in your heart, little soul.
I leave you My blessing and My peace.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Where I come from love is scarce and the suffering of souls does not allow them to receive the Grace and Mercy of God.
As a servant of the Creator of all things, I entered the deep abysses of this planet to have a different reality be made known to all hearts, which their eyes could not see, which they could not feel, or understand that it existed.
A part of this suffering I have brought here and you may ask yourselves why. So that you may see, children, that truly, you have everything; all you have left to do is give all of yourselves for those who are truly in need.
In spite of My bringing this suffering so that it may be liberated, this is not the only thing which I place before your hearts; I also bring you hope and the Grace of liberation, so that you may believe that it is possible to transform everything, even the most ancient wounds, the deepest sufferings, the worst mistakes made; it is possible to transform everything.
This abyss which I show you today comes from the heart of a wounded nation. Wounded by the ignorance of humankind, by the distance that lies between the human heart and the Heart of God, when you do not want to see Him. But in the same way, children, from the same heart of this nation, deeper than all abysses, more powerful than ignorance, than indifference, than pain, I bring you a new hope.
From the depths of the heart of this wounded nation, I cause an essence to emerge that does not come from this world, but rather from the Heart of God. Today, this essence is incomprehensible to you, because it is unknown, but it is as bright as a thousand suns and as palpable as you are for the world.
This essence which was hidden now starts to pulsate, because it has received a new opportunity. This essence crossed the abysses which enshrouded it, and silently, it also crossed borders, and withdrawing from this wounded nation, found rest in another place.
I am speaking of the heart of Roraima. This does not mean, children, that your beloved brothers and sisters of Venezuela no longer have hope; on the contrary, this essence which now emerges and prepares to express itself, comes to aid all souls, comes to aid its children, those who have committed to it since the beginning of this creation; who have committed themselves, also, to purify their lives and to persevere, trusting in this plan of love.
Why do I speak to you of these things, being here, apparently so far away from the heart of Roraima? Because this is My home. Here I protect My words and I pronounce them to the world with the authority the Creator has granted Me to instruct and to awaken souls. Here I reveal mysteries, separate from human understanding, because My words are like codes of light and of love that transform and uplift you, so that you may reach that place where the Creator waits for you, where you should have been from the beginning.
This is why from here, from My home, I give impulse to the heart of Roraima and I protect it so that its essence may be safeguarded and no longer be in captivity in this world, as so many souls are in this time. The essence of Roraima frees itself, so that souls may also be freed, and in spite of the pain and the tests that they will keep experiencing, may the inner strength of the children of Roraima not be destroyed, and the love which they have found, the happiness and the hope, not disappear from their hearts.
Apparently, the enemy celebrates a triumph, but God, children, celebrates the victory of His creatures through the love which overcomes all suffering, just as His Son overcame it when on the cross.
For its children, the essence of Roraima will be like the archangels and the celestial armies which supported the Cross of Christ until the end. It frees itself so that its light may sustain them, in spite of the Calvary of this world, and heal them, even though the body appears to decline. And if all the cells disappeared and the consciousness encounters what it calls death, the essence of Roraima will show them the real life, which is still unknown to humanity because it is so imprisoned in the illusions of this world.
Today is the day of a new beginning, a day to raise your faces to God and cry out for renovation.
The essence of Roraima will have a lot to rebuild, and although keeping silent, its silence speaks louder than all the cries of pain of this world.
With this I tell you, children, that the world will come to know its purification in this cycle, but also an unknown hope, just as Aurora has awakened in these last days through the Voice of the Mother of the World, which echoed in the universes and opened again the sources of healing for the Earth.
This healing, like a spring coming from the Kingdom of Aurora, is also arriving silently to those essences that were silent and hidden in the depths of the planet, as if they did not exist, as if no one knew them because, by the Law of God, they should be silent, so that then the time would come when their voices resounded again, when the sound of these divine essences, held in the depths of the Earth, could make themselves heard in the heart of humankind, and all the mysteries hidden on Earth, to emerge in this time and awaken the creatures, should reveal themselves to the hearts of humankind.
Those who were thought to be crazy will be the only ones who will be right and will know to be standing when these mysteries are revealed. May all the teachings which brought you here be the basis for this new stairway, which you must start climbing as from this new cycle. Do not hold on only to what you already know. Let wisdom and knowledge be renewed within you, so that you may be instruments for the renewal of this humanity, so that what seems new to you be the obvious, that which God has thought from the beginning, but which humanity never lived.
May all that you have already learned give you strength so that you may learn again. Be like the children who know nothing and are open to all things. Who throw themselves into truth with intensity, who do not let doubts take over their minds, and with happiness and without fear, follow this path which God points out to them with His invisible hands.
The essence of Roraima has already touched the heart of Brazil, so that her children might shelter it. Now, children, companions, and servers will have a lot to do, to build, to manifest, to awaken, to transform, and to experience, to give a chance to others.
And your siblings in Boa Vista now need your help. Because the difficulties already transcend their human capabilities and their hearts are somewhat tired. Be this hand which reaches out and this heart which comes to renew, as new blood in the veins of your siblings, who until today have persevered in service and in this mission which goes far beyond their tasks, their daily activities, and that which their eyes may see.
This mission is making them grow, but God cannot allow his children to lose their strength and do things which they are not ready for; this is why they need more hands, hearts, and above all, consciousnesses ready to serve.
There is a lot which you still should know, not only about the essence of Roraima, but also about so many essences that are hidden in this world. In the way that children learn how to read and spell out the first letters, I teach you the mysteries of God.
When you grow up you will discover that not just a phrase was hidden in My words, but an entire history, a history of the creation of this humanity, of the present, and of the triumph of God in the defeat of human ignorance, pride, and selfishness.
With this, children, I bless you and I thank you for being here.
Today I want to leave you a special grace, as a symbol of this suffering which I came to heal, of this fortitude that I came to awaken, so that hearts may transcend the pain, the sadness, or the illness, and may recognize that, separate from your tests, God calls you to a greater surpassing, to an experience of love which, just like His Son, transcends any bodily suffering, inner or spiritual, because it is in this is way that love becomes real and crosses dimensions.
Offer this grace to those who do not know the Grace of God, who do not see it, and who plunge deeper each day into their suffering and into their pain.
To those who seek, they will always be given. If it were not this way, the words of the Son of God would not be real. Trust His promises and live them in this time.
Let us sing so that humanity may receive this grace.
With this I bless you and bless all of humanity, with the authority which God has granted me, to intercede for souls and lift them up to His Heart.
Go now, children, and with this impulse in your consciousnesses, multiply it to offer it at the foot of the altar of your Master and Lord, when on this night His Feet touch the Earth.
I thank you and again I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace and carry this peace to the world.
When the Eyes of God contemplate the Earth and His Silence gives place to the emanation of His Word, saying to the world “Be reborn!”, may life, essences, souls, and the spirits of beings be reborn!
May the outraged kingdoms of nature be reborn. May the lost hearts be reborn. May the treasures hidden by the ignorance of humanity be reborn.
This is the time to prepare the heart for rebirth. Do not only think about death, chaos and wars, purifications and conflicts. Lift your eyes up to Heaven and unite yourself with the Silence of God, waiting for His Word to be pronounced to the world and to give new life to all beings.
Rather, allow yourself to be purified, transformed, and to die to the old man, but do not let your heart only be there! Let your heart, child, be in the hope of being reborn, because, today, what was hidden has already started to emerge. Like the Aurora, which was reborn for life on Earth, through the emanation of the Divine Will, part of the Sun of God in the Heart of Brazil will also shine again.
Allow yourself to be reborn with the Divine Mysteries. Allow yourself to be renewed, even if you do not understand what I tell you. My Word brings mysteries like the Will of God, but if you follow what I say and place your gaze in the Heights, following the steps of the Creator, you will renew yourself like life and you will be reborn again and again, even when, around you, the world experiences chaos, death and the absence of a meaning to life.
Be an instrument of life. Be reborn with the Divine Will and renew yourself every day so that God may renew the world through your heart.
See, child, that healing is emerging on Earth again. The Heart of the New Aurora has attracted healing to the world so that other Suns, which had gone out because of human indifference, could, once again, be lit up, and amidst the darkness of the end of times, light may shine again.
Be part of this light. Be part of this mystery of love.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more