Lift up your eyes to the Father and, in a time of chaos, but also of Mercy, learn, children, where your hearts and consciousnesses should be.
The greater the agony of the world, the more humanity turns to what is apparent and superficial, to the world of compensations created to be a reality of illusion, in which the human mind finds refuge and escapes from that which it does not believe it can face.
But today God comes to meet you, children, to tell the world and all His creatures that the way to deal with the transition of the times is not by diving into a parallel world of illusions, but by penetrating the hidden universe within.
The way to deal with the transition of the times is not by taking refuge in what is sensitive and palpable to you, in what brings you pleasures and rewards, but by entering where the senses are transcended, and your spiritual potentialities awaken.
However, in this time of battle, human consciousness is bombarded with stimuli and impulses that show you only one way: to be distracted from the truth in order to endure the chaos.
So, answer Me:
Do you find peace in that refuge?
Are you able to free your minds from human tensions and responsibilities or are you plunging into a pit of anguish and uncertainty, from which you no longer know how to get out?
The transition of times pushes human consciousness to a definition; it is no longer possible to transit through two paths. The Real Time of the universe is not only a present time, the eternal time, but it brings with it rays, laws, vibrations and realities which humanity has never come into contact with in this dimension where Earth dwells. But to know how to deal with this reality, you must seek within yourselves the inner space that, yes, is aware of these truths.
In your inner universe, the Real Time dwells. In your inner universe, truths are hidden silently, but they should no longer be silenced; they must now emerge and bring to beings understanding of what they will experience as reality in the world.
It is through your essences, children, that point of union and contact with God, that you will know how to deal with these times. It is only there that you will find answers; it is only there that you will find wisdom to experience what is unknown to all life, but not to the Creator of all things, Who is closely united to your hearts through your essences.
He is the One who will speak to you, He will provide every answer. He, through His Children, will overcome these times and open a new school of love for Creation through this experience.
But for this to happen, you must allow Him to express Himself, seek union with Him, discover Him silent and present at the center of your inner universe.
Do not let your potentialities be buried by the stimuli of the world. Allow yourselves to be a nucleus of wisdom in the face of human ignorance, a light in the dark room of the Earth through which God can show the way to those who are lost.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
Cultivate a pure heart, empty of ambition and desire, so that you may understand the heavenly mysteries and so that your souls may be more inclined to that which comes from God rather than that which comes from the world.
Cultivate a pure heart, empty of ambition and desire, so that when your eyes behold the greatness of the Lord at His entry into Jerusalem, you will not dwell on the majesty of human praise, but on the profound depths of the Presence of Christ.
Cultivate a pure heart, empty of ambition and desire, so that when your ears hear the echo of the Voice of the Lord in the Temple, your heart will not not dwell on the exaltation that this Voice causes in humanity, but on the power of the Words of Christ, which transform your inner world.
Cultivate a pure heart, empty of ambition and desire, so that you are able to perceive that the entrance of your Lord into Jerusalem does not come to exalt the world nor humans, but comes to heal hearts so that they are before the material, etheric and spiritual memory of Christ and that this experience may place them before a new opportunity to contemplate the passage of the Messiah upon Earth, not with the eyes of ambition, the eyes of a people who, being impoverished in body and spirit, mistreated by the laws of their time, were looking for a king with such power capable of rising above all the powers of the world. And not finding the power they sought, they mistreated, with fierce contempt and with the force of their inner hells, the One who was sent to save the world from their ambition.
Therefore, cultivate a pure heart, empty of ambitions and desires so that the Love of Christ may have a different power within you today.
May your consciousnesses be spiritually mature, willing to renounce the conditioned understandings and thoughts of the world, open to the Spirit of God, so that you may echo, blossom and bear the fruit of the seeds of a Christic life that in earlier times could not find fertile enough soil to transform the human condition into a divine one.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Despite the conflicts throughout the world, despite the agitation of nature, the purification of the consciousness of the Earth and of the human heart, despite all of this, today the Heart of God finds relief in those who decide to respond to His Call.
Today, the Heart of God finds relief in missionary hearts who, in the hope of being His Instruments, continue to serve this world. And although these are small actions, they are sincere, and it is this sincerity of heart, children, that repairs the Heart of God, which allows the Lord to find relief in imperfect beings, and allows the Celestial Father to manifest His Grace and Mercy through the human heart.
Today, the Heart of God finds relief in those who walk with Christ toward Jerusalem. Not only in those who do it physically, but also in those who expand their consciousness and, regardless of the space or place, they walk with Christ for the fulfillment of His Purpose and are with Him at each instant of their lives, just as they were in other times.
Today, children, relieve the Heart of God even more, allowing Him to intercede for humanity through each one of you. Relieve the Heart of God with a sincere prayer, with a true renewal of vows, small sacrifices, small services and true union with your brothers and sisters; dissipating from your hearts, competition, human desire and the conditioned thought of humanity about God’s Will for your lives.
May today be a day of reparation in all that you do so that humanity may truly receive an undeserved Grace. May the agitation of this world, of its Kingdoms and its elements, and the agitation of the conflictive hearts of humanity, find peace.
I have taken you to the depths of the oceans. Today I want to take you to the depths of the consciousness of the Earth, in its innermost layers, where a hidden life dwells, where mysteries that are still unveiled may be that which sustain the consciousness of the planet, a life beyond human life, which pulsates within the Earth and sustains the purification of the planet so that it may not become worse than that which is happening today.
Close your eyes and open your hearts so that you may enter the consciousness of the Earth with Me.
Contemplate the planet as if you were seeing it from the outside and, little by little, begin to enter it. You have learned to enter the oceans and plunge into their depths; now I invite you to go beyond even that.
The deeper you enter the oceans, the greater the silence and the void, the darkness, the darkness of the eyes and the senses.
Plunge deeply, surrender the control of your mind and of your lives so that, in this void, you may go deeper.
Beyond the oceans, plunge into the interior of the Earth, into its deepest layers, into its rocks, into its subterranean waters. Go even deeper, carry with you My Heart and the peace that you can feel at this moment. May the peace that I bring to you today pacify the interior of the Earth, its plates, its Kingdoms, so that the tectonic agitation of the world may calm down.
Plunge deeper. Contemplate the different layers of the Earth and how you find life between them, not only life of the elements, but also of spiritual life.
Come to know with Me the mysteries of the interior of the Earth, those of the worlds called intraterrestrial.
Contemplate within them a Kingdom similar to the Celestial Kingdom, deposited there by the Divine Consciousness as an extension and expansion of Its Consciousness, as life that expands Celestial Life so that this Project, which is so loved, may be sustained throughout time, despite human ignorance, indifference and the duality that still dwells within the heart of humanity; which the Creator tries to transform time and again.
Contemplate the inner temples that dwell in the depths of the Earth and sustain the consciousness of nature, and replicate within yourselves that which is the most sacred, taught by the Kingdoms.
This learning experience transforms into a sacred treasure, not only for the human consciousness and for the planet, but for all of Creation, because it will become codes of light in the ponds of the universe, and within them, it will re-create life, through the life on Earth.
Do not seek to understand what I am saying to you, just walk with Me into the interior of the Earth.
Just as there are Mirrors on the surface of the planet, which manifest themselves in the waters of the Earth and reflect the beauty of Creation, just as there are Mirrors in the universe and in the depths of the cosmos, which reflect Divine Consciousness, in the same way there are also Mirrors in the depths of the Earth, which silently radiate their peace and sustain the planet.
Contemplate these mirrors. Allow your hearts to ignite before these Mirrors and to give permission, on behalf of all of humanity, for them to radiate to the consciousness of the planet from the inside out.
Plunge deeper, find the magma of the Earth, this inner fire, which also sustains the planet and renews its organic, material life to give beings a new opportunity, to transmute that which was corrupted and, through its fire, its heat bring renewal to the world.
Enter the consciousness of the Earth more deeply, into its nucleus. Find the essence of life, which, though it is tired, beats and sustains the Earth.
Express gratitude before the essence of the planet. Allow your consciousnesses to revere life, the life in the depths of the Earth and, through reverence and gratitude, unite Heaven and Earth.
May your essences unite to the essence of the planet. May your filiation to God manifest itself today, creating a bridge, opening a door for the Heart of the Father to be that which beats in the heart of the Earth. May this beating radiate peace from the inside out and begin to balance the consciousness of nature, balance the elements, the roots of life, the different layers of this planet.
Contemplate the Heart of God, which begins to grow from the inside out in the consciousness of the Earth, and just as all life within the planet responds to this call; the intra-terrestrial worlds open to receive the Christic energy and allow it to expand in all that is life on the surface and within the Earth.
Why do I lead you to the interior of the Earth?
So that you may also learn to go into the interior of your own hearts, discover the mysteries of life, and so that today, children, not only the doors of Israel or Jerusalem, but also the doors of the human consciousness, of the consciousness of the planet, of its elements and of all life may open, so that each small space of this Earth may receive the Christic energy and this world may find peace from the inside out.
May all Mirrors open to reflect the Love of Christ and manifest His Mission that He comes to carry out in the world. May all lineages be active, ready to respond to the call of Christ, to reflect in your beings His Will, His Christic Love.
The planet today begins to move into a new cycle. And this time will not be just like another. Each being must become responsible for the transformation of the Earth. This is what I teach you today.
There are still many mysteries to be unveiled. There is still much life within life that must be discovered so that you may learn to live in communion and so that, little by little, you may dispel indifference, because the indifference of the human heart does not concern only life upon the surface, like when you are indifferent toward the suffering of others or that of the Kingdoms of Nature. Indifference, children, also concerns the Celestial Mysteries, also concerns life within the Earth, life within the oceans, intraterrestrial and superphysical life. How many mysteries must still be unveiled within you and in this world!
Enter this new cycle with awareness, walk after the Lord, do not miss any of His Steps. This is the Will of God for these times.
The Promised Land is the Kingdom of God, which manifests itself from the inside out. Israel, Jerusalem, is a kingdom that has been dwelling within you since the beginning of life; it is the Divine Presence that you must find. This is why God made you walk in the desert so that, in 40 years of solitude, you could look within and find the Kingdom.
This is why God sent His Son so that, before Him, who is the Mirror of Divine Love, the Kingdom could ignite and reflect within you and, in this way, you could discover it.
But who has been able to penetrate this mystery?
By penetrating the layers of the Earth, who has opened to know its inner kingdom today?
The Promised Land is not just for human beings, it is for all life.
This is the Promised Land, and it manifests itself when beings live their perfect potential, when they express likeness with God and allow the Kingdom to express itself from the inside out.
Today Our Lord begins to walk toward Jerusalem, that sacred space where His Feet once stepped, where His Heart was pierced, where His Blood was shed so that you could be before the Kingdom once again, as humanity.
Before the Mirror of the Heart of God, which is Christ, may you discover, children, who you truly are.
In the past, Our Lord spoke in parables, and even in parables He could not be understood. But now it is the time to speak with the truth, the time for mysteries to no longer exist, but to rather be revealed. This is the time to speak with clear words for those who can listen, for those who, besides wanting to understand, will know how to submerge into the mysteries.
This is the Father’s Will, which I bring you today, and for this reason He sends Me as His Messenger, as the doorkeeper of His Kingdom. I am nothing but that, the one who stays at the door to indicate the path to you, to open the consciousness of the Earth, as well as the human consciousness, so that Christ may enter and reveal to you the Promised Land, reveal to you the Kingdom.
Today, on this day of celebration and renewal, allow your souls to renew themselves, allow your hearts to rejoice and for true joy to spring within each one of you. May sadness, panic, depression, fear, all that which separates you from your own souls and from the Heart of God, be dissipated. Today, may you receive a special Grace, special healing, so that you can approach the Heart of God more and more, and so you may no longer live in darkness, but that you may rather find the light and be the light for this world.
This is the Higher Will of God for your lives: that you may no longer live in darkness, that you may no longer live in the desert, but rather that you may find the Living Water, find the Light of the world, because it is the moment to begin to walk, to fulfill your mission, to be Instruments of God on Earth, to help others who do not listen to His Call, who were not instructed by His Truth, and remained in past impulses, in incomprehension, in mediocrity, and who will be frightened in the face of the revelation of the Truth, because their hearts will be closed, and they will need a hand that can sustain and lead them toward the Divine Will. This hand must be you.
Therefore, children, rise, enter a new cycle, no longer live in the past, on guilt or pain. No longer remain in the diseases of the body or of the soul, but rather find healing in the enlightenment of consciousness, in the possibility of finding peace, regardless of the situation of your bodies. What matters most is that your spirits may be awakened, that your souls may be present and be intercessors before God so that beings may awaken.
This is what I come to say to you today. And I ask you to rejoice your hearts, to celebrate, to announce to the world the time of awakening, to open your souls and your spirits, to allow Christ to reveal the Kingdom, that He may enter within you as well as within the Earth, that this may be a cycle of renewal of life within life.
For this, you have My blessing, My company, My help, My intercession.
I bless you and thank you for the bravery of looking within and aspiring toward transformation, for the bravery of entering your wounds and allowing yourselves to be permeated by healing, for the bravery of acknowledging your miseries and allowing Christ to transform them through His Mercy.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When you stand before calvary, do not be afraid, but try to raise your consciousness beyond appearances and human senses, beyond fears, humiliations, sadness and possible disappointments that the time of calvary can bring to a consciousness.
Do not judge with your human eyes those who will not be able to go through the way of the cross. Do not think of the weakness of those who flee, of the weakness of those who hide from the pain along the way, because calvary is lived at all levels of consciousness, and all beings will live it, even if they seem to flee or hide, they will not fail to experience what they are meant to live during this time.
Therefore, do not judge or question the ways of others according to your understanding, but concentrate your heart on going beyond and loving beyond the cross, as Christ did.
When the Lord walked through Calvary without those who promised to follow Him, His Heart did not judge them, however He knew that within His own dwelt greater pains and deep fears, which were born from the depths of the human condition, and that this very fact of not having been able to accompany the Lord on His Cross would give them the strength to take up their own crosses and renew the Love of God.
Therefore, My child, do as Christ did, who still at the height of His offering on Calvary sustained not only the Cross, but the trial that each one of His companions were living, by denying Him their company before the suffering of Christ.
Imitate the example of the Lord and, even in your deepest sorrows, do not forget those who were left behind so that the step they failed to take may one day be transformed into strength, so that they may be able to offer what they could never give if they were supposed perfect companions of Christ.
May the hope of redemption for all souls always dwell within your hearts.
May your soul always be elevated to the Heart of God and, dwelling in His Divine Consciousness, may your soul be able to comprehend the magnitude of His Ways and opportunities; the Grace that God always bestows upon His Children through the Mercy of Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Humanity is still transiting the spiritual days of the planetary Lent. In addition to the Lent that they live, and which corresponds to the time of this world in the calendar of the Earth, humanity also spiritually goes through a cycle of Lent.
In this cycle, in a deep and desolate desert, hearts contemplate and glimpse the passion of the planet, however, it will not happen as your eyes imagine or as your minds assume.
The planetary Passion is still unknown to humanity as it is to the universe, and only the Eyes of God, children, which are able to see in the Time of no-time, can perceive the truth of events. So do not suffer for something you have not yet experienced; do not imagine the passion of the planet and worry your hearts about the future of the world and its humanity.
The time of Lent is a time of inner strengthening, in which each one, alone with oneself, will be able to perceive the Divine Presence beyond the superficialities of life.
Each being must stand before their inner desert and know their weaknesses and fears, their miseries and imperfections, but also go beyond and discover that, beyond that which they are and appear to be, there is more. However, children, that which exists within you is only found in the emptiness of the heart and in the persistence of the soul which, despite the drought and the spiritual thirst of the desert, keeps moving to find the Source.
The spiritual period of Lent is a time of solitude in which, no matter how much you seek companionship and external help, you will not find it. Solitude will not calm down within you, for you should not run away from it, but rather go towards it and find out what it wants to tell you, what it points out within you.
Solitude points to a greater and real Presence, to a silence full of wisdom, to a void full of strength. It is solitude which will dictate the desert path and which will be your companion at each step until you are able to realize that solitude is also an eternal companion of the Divine Presence. In solitude, God hides Himself, and through solitude, He waits for you to find Him. Therefore, do not fear it.
Spiritual Lent strengthens your beings so that when you truly set foot on the planetary Calvary, you can raise awareness beyond martyrdom and humiliation, beyond pain and weariness, fatigue and wounds in body and soul. May you walk with consciousness within the solitude that the Divine Presence reveals to you; may you know to be beyond that which is superficial to find the truth in all things.
Therefore, children, value the Lent of this time, value the spiritual Lent that the world is experiencing in consciousness and do not fear to walk through the lonely deserts, the dryness and the emptiness, but rather, dive deep within yourself, drink from the Source of the Living Water that dwells in the solitude and desert of the Heart of Christ and, with Him, discover what it is to walk the path to be New Christs.
You have my blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
As long as there are wars in the world, there will not be peace within beings.
As long as there is the death and violation of animals on Earth, there will not be peace in the minds of humankind.
As long as beings neglect contact with their own inner worlds, Earth time will still be far from the Real Time, and illusion will dictate the steps of most human beings.
With this, I come once again to tell you, children, that what happens within each one of you, as well as your actions, decisions, thoughts and feelings, all this influences life on Earth, all this influences the movement of the elements, all this influences the Universal Laws and their Rays.
A sincere prayer opens the doors of Heaven, unites the planet to the Divine Consciousness, deters the Law of Justice and opens the way to the Law of Mercy. Likewise, the violation of the Kingdoms of Nature closes the doors of Heaven, deters the Graces that would be poured from the Hands of God upon the Celestial Universe, opens the doors for dark forces to control the minds, emotions and human actions and prevents beings from knowing peace.
Life on earth is simple, and simple it is to keep to the Law and find the perfect Will of God, but with this same simplicity, you can do the opposite and establish on Earth the world of illusion and obscurity that you see today.
Life is built at every instant, with the right decisions before the stimuli you receive, with the right words and the right silence, each one at their own moment, with sincere prayer, true surrender and selfless service. This is how the new being is built, from the inside out.
Yes, pray for the end of wars, but do not forget, children, that the end of war begins within you, and not outside. Therefore, be peace to the world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more