Friday, March 31 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Lift up your eyes to the Father and, in a time of chaos, but also of Mercy, learn, children, where your hearts and consciousnesses should be. 

The greater the agony of the world, the more humanity turns to what is apparent and superficial, to the world of compensations created to be a reality of illusion, in which the human mind finds refuge and escapes from that which it does not believe it can face.

But today God comes to meet you, children, to tell the world and all His creatures that the way to deal with the transition of the times is not by diving into a parallel world of illusions, but by penetrating the hidden universe within. 

The way to deal with the transition of the times is not by taking refuge in what is sensitive and palpable to you, in what brings you pleasures and rewards, but by entering where the senses are transcended, and your spiritual potentialities awaken.

However, in this time of battle, human consciousness is bombarded with stimuli and impulses that show you only one way: to be distracted from the truth in order to endure the chaos.

So, answer Me: 

Do you find peace in that refuge? 

Are you able to free your minds from human tensions and responsibilities or are you plunging into a pit of anguish and uncertainty, from which you no longer know how to get out?

The transition of times pushes human consciousness to a definition; it is no longer possible to transit through two paths. The Real Time of the universe is not only a present time, the eternal time, but it brings with it rays, laws, vibrations and realities which humanity has never come into contact with in this dimension where Earth dwells. But to know how to deal with this reality, you must seek within yourselves the inner space that, yes, is aware of these truths.

In your inner universe, the Real Time dwells. In your inner universe, truths are hidden silently, but they should no longer be silenced; they must now emerge and bring to beings understanding of what they will experience as reality in the world.

It is through your essences, children, that point of union and contact with God, that you will know how to deal with these times. It is only there that you will find answers; it is only there that you will find wisdom to experience what is unknown to all life, but not to the Creator of all things, Who is closely united to your hearts through your essences.

He is the One who will speak to you, He will provide every answer. He, through His Children, will overcome these times and open a new school of love for Creation through this experience.

But for this to happen, you must allow Him to express Himself, seek union with Him, discover Him silent and present at the center of your inner universe.

Do not let your potentialities be buried by the stimuli of the world. Allow yourselves to be a nucleus of wisdom in the face of human ignorance, a light in the dark room of the Earth through which God can show the way to those who are lost.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.