The spiritual kingdom of Lys
I call the inner Sanctuary the Kingdom of Lys, in which I mirror the Universe where the Creator of all things dwells, with the purest of all of Creation.
I call the dimensions of peace and of harmony the Kingdom of Lys, where a part of My Consciousness dwells to support and balance this world.
I call the inner Sanctuary the Kingdom of Lys, where the spiritual counterpart of Fatima exists, and which stretches beyond the physical sanctuary, into other spaces in Portugal and Europe.
The Kingdom of Lys is a gift granted by God to humanity; a spiritual Kingdom that inhabits the Earth, into which everyone can enter through the heart.
The Kingdom of Lys is the purest Mirror of Paradise, and angels and archangels also dwell there that serve God the Creator and are nurtured by Its Peace for assisting the world.
The Kingdom of Lys is the reliquary of Purity. In this Kingdom, in inner enclosures, are held the purest that humanity has achieved, and also Universal Purity, Original Purity, the Purity of God.
The Kingdom of Lys is a Dwelling Place in which you will find a path to begin to walk in the life of the spirit, to begin to return to God, and to no longer be so lost in this world and in everything it calls you to experience.
The Kingdom of Lys is a Mirror of Heaven on Earth. Just as there are celestial dimensions in infinity, there is the Kingdom of Lys, where a small part of Paradise invites you to find God.
The Kingdom of Lys has existed since the Beginning; from this point of Purity, the essences emanated by God are born. And it was when humanity was losing its inner purity, and with it, the possibility of returning to the Father, that the Kingdom of Lys opened its doors and, through the purity I found in three little shepherds, this inexhaustible Source could open again to the world.
It was with the miracle of the Sun that I definitely opened the doors of the Kingdom of Lys. That is when the Kingdom experienced its first great expansion and touched all hearts that said 'yes' to it, waking up devotion, faith and purity. This allowed souls to repent of their sins and aspire to return to the Father.
The Kingdom of Lys calls humanity to an awakening. It is a symbol that Paradise should not just exist in Heaven, after this life. The Kingdom of Lys is a tiny part of the Perfection of God among humankind, an entrance hall to the Kingdom of the Creator, where only Unity and Love dwell.
The Purity of Lys calls you to awaken to that Love and that Unity that are experienced in the Kingdom of the Heavens. Seek, children, to enter the Kingdom of Lys, simply letting the heart open, without fear. Remember the purity of the little shepherds of Fatima, who for the first time opened the doors of Lys to humanity.
Today, this Kingdom is experiencing a second great expansion, because once again, the world is losing its purity and is ever more distant from God. Lys waits to touch consciousnesses to have them remember that there is a higher life waiting for them and that the moment has come to begin to return to God, and also, to prepare the way so that God can return to the world.
Let there no longer be a distance between the Creator and His creatures; let there no longer be walls between the dimensions, and may Love reign in all Life.
The Kingdom of Lys today unites Creation as one. The Divine Consciousness will be able to reach the Earth, and the Unity of God, for an instant, will touch humankind. Like a new inner miracle of the Sun, Lys will shine forth in creatures and will awaken in everyone the purity that you once lost, so that you may testify - as did the little shepherds of Fatima - that in truth, it is simple to be in God and draw His Kingdom to this world.
Enter with Me, children, into the Kingdom of Lys and be mirrors of the Purity and Unity for a world that grows without love. Come to know and recognize the Kingdom of Lys; there you will find that which you have searched for since the beginning: the essential Source, from whence you came and toward which your souls so aspire to return.
It is simple to enter the Kingdom of Lys, where I wait for you with joy and inner rejoicing. Pray from your heart, allow yourselves to be touched by the awakening of faith and, like children in the arms of their mother, allow Me to wash your eyes and your hearts and make you worthy of being with Me in the Kingdom of Lys. Beloved children, just let yourselves be guided.
Today, pray with devotion, cry out for the planet and enter into the Kingdom of Lys, opening a door so that all of My children, from the four corners of the world, may enter and be touched by the Purity of Lys.
I bless you and stretch out My arms to you so that you come with Me to the Kingdom of Lys.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Most Holy Rosary
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more