May the Glory of God live and reign in each one of your hearts.
Dear children, with deep joy I traverse the world and My pilgrim steps conduct Me to those most in need, so that they may awaken the eternal Faith in My Immaculate Heart and the Love for it.
I come as Queen of Peace to establish My Kingdom in the world, because this Earth needs to awaken for Peace, and above all because the human heart needs this universal and divine attribute.
I come today bringing the Peace of My Heart as a primordial attribute for life on Earth, because those who have become peacemakers will not perish before the tribulations that the world already lives.
By the Lord's request I traverse all the nations pacifying the souls so that before the greatest test, the last threshold to be crossed by the consciousness, His creatures may take the steps they need to take, in profound harmony.
Those who have eyes to see and heart to feel know how much the world needs Peace to balance the many conflicts that there are among the beings, among the nations, and between humans and God.
I return to the world once and once more, to give testimony, through My presence, of the existence of a Greater Universe that is alive and full and that awaits the awakening of all beings.
Despite not having the permission to show Myself to the eyes of all My children, still, I can show Myself to the heart of all of those who open the doors to Me. My presence in your lives does not happen in the mind, My dears, but in the depths of the heart.
Each one of My little children will receive the touch of My Peace, in the form that they need it, and in the form they permit Me to do it.
To the simple souls, devout and of open heart, My kingdom will be shown, but it will not be out of favor to them but out of their own merit. Their faith will open the doors of Heaven, and the key that blossomed from their hearts will show them the entrance to this Kingdom.
Today I want you to understand that the primordial reason for the existence of all is the awakening of true Love, the Love that donates all of itself, and becomes empty before the Universe. My Heart, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus come, in this time of changes, to show you the path that must be traversed, that unlike what many think is a path of simplicity and humility.
It happens that My children are so separated from Divine life, that many have lost the link with the celestial attributes that were infused in them at their origin. But today I call you to not be discouraged, because each one of the virtues to be lived is latent in the interior of each one of you, and little by little you will be able to find them, as you seek them.
Awaken, My little ones, awaken! Because higher life awaits you, and My presence calls you to experience this sublime reality. For this I am here today among you, and I welcome you into My mantle, protecting you and leading you always.
I thank this city for opening to Me the doors of the heart.
I thank each devout soul that clamored for My presence in this place, and today I say to you:
Here I am, My dears; your Divine Mother has come to the encounter with you.
May Peace reign in your lives!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more