Enter My Maternal Heart so that I can calm you.
Enter My Heart so that you may feel and discover the wonder of the Love of God.
Enter My Heart so that your original purity may emerge.
Enter My Heart and feel the relief of a Mother.
Enter My Heart and you will renew your trust in God.
Enter My Heart and you will find the path of service and faith.
Enter My Heart so that your small being may completely detach from itself.
Enter My Heart and the structures of the ego and of the mind will fall apart by themselves.
Enter My Heart and you will know the sweetness of being in the Mother of God.
Enter My Heart and your surrender will be near.
Enter My Heart so that you may discover the meaning of being here today.
Enter My Heart and you will find the answer you so much search for.
Enter My Heart, which offers itself as a refuge for those who are oppressed and disturbed.
Enter My Heart and you will heal your inner wounds, one by one.
Enter My Heart and you will always say "yes" to Me.
Enter My Heart and you will be totally surrendered to the Will of God.
Enter My Heart and everything will change.
Enter My Heart and you will reach peace.
Enter My Heart and a new time will come.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Remain in the Heart of the Lord so that He can comfort you.
Remain in the Love of the Lord so that He can satiate you.
Remain in the Arms of the Lord so that He can embrace you.
Remain in the Lord so that He can guide you.
Remain under the Mantle of the Lord so that He can protect and safeguard you.
Accept the Virtues of God and awaken each one of them in your life so that the Divine Thought may be fulfilled in you and in humanity.
Relive your perfect union with God and strengthen in His Trust.
Receive from His Kingdom all the Graces that you need in order to be able to transform your little life daily.
Remain in the Lord and find the perfect meaning for each experience and each learning.
Receive the response in the face of the questions of life and elevate toward His merciful Heart.
Remain in the Lord and you will always receive His Peace, because His Peace is in His trust and in His Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Finally somebody places their gaze on this, on My Church and chapel of the people.
Finally somebody comes to visit me in the Sanctuary so that I can pour My Graces, the Graces of a meek Heart, that cannot do it without having a place and a space to pour My Love.
But today I have found this place in the heart of Mine who, in spite of everything, comes to Me and visits Me.
I am present and attentive in all the Sanctuaries on Earth, there I can attend to their supplications.
My Heart is sorry when the souls forget Me and leave Me aside, because then I cannot do anything, I cannot give anything while the souls are distracted with the world and do not visit the Blessed Sacrament.
I encourage you to remind your brothers and sisters of this and, in spite of how empty the Churches are, to call and invite your friends to visit the Silent Blessed Sacrament at the altar.
Thus, I will give you all the treasures that I have and I will be able to pour the Fountain of My Mercy on those who most need it, and also on those who search for it in their heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Enter and dive into the deepest abysm of the Mercy of Your Lord.
Let yourself be flooded by an unfathomable mystery that is beyond Grace, and often beyond Divine Justice.
Allow your being to discover the Infinite Love of God that is hidden in the depths of His Mercy, and bathed in this healing balm, restore in you and in the world the most painful wounds, and the apparently indelible marks of human consciousness.
Where it is most needed, there is the abyss of the Mercy of Christ, as an inexhaustible Source and a divine answer to all the clamor emitted with the heart.
Come and give your "yes" in the name of humanity, so that this Source may surge and overflow upon the world to heal it and restore it in its most intimate spirit.
Pray and cry out in the name of humanity, asking the Father for His luminous abyss of Mercy to be revealed to the world so that humankind may know not only the God of Justice, but also the God of Mercy.
Discover that every sin can be healed and every debt is justified by the Blood and by the Water that, poured out from the Body of Christ, made the Source of infinite Mercy for the world be born.
Before true repentance and surrender proclaimed with the heart, all souls can become worthy to drink from the Source of Divine Mercy.
Therefore, child, go, and, at the Feet of God, pray for an opportunity and repent from the heart.
If your sins seem small to you or if you are not aware of your debts to God, cry out anyway; ask the Father to replace the dark abyss of your miseries with the deep and luminous abysm of Divine Mercy and never tire of crying out, not only for your salvation, but for the salvation of the whole world.
Mercy is the answer to souls who have lost hope and, if they are ignorant before this Grace, cry out yourself for them so that they receive an opportunity to raise their eyes to God and realize that He has always been there with His Arms open, flowing from His Chest an eternal stream of Mercy, which many cannot see.
Allow your heart to know the Divine Source of Mercy and let your soul awaken the devotion, the love and the faith that make it a bearer of this Mercy for the world.
Love to know Divine Mercy; love to be an intercessor between God and the lost souls that do not know and do not seek His Mercy.
Just think that while you try, while so many souls are lost, the Source of Mercy overflows in the world like a river that passes before someone who is thirsty and cannot see. And you, child, can be the finger that points to the waters and, through your sincere prayers, in the levels of the spirit, obtain merits so that those who are most in need may reach Mercy.
Understand this mystery and, before a world full of sins and perdition, love to be a bearer of Divine Mercy and, even if it is in solitude with God or in your most silent actions, cry out for Mercy and be Mercy for the world.
The Divine Messengers arrive to Poland not only to heal the deep wounds of a suffering nation, but above all, to renew the commitment of humanity with Divine Mercy and to teach souls to be instruments of Divine Mercy for the world.
Embrace with the heart this Mission that God gives you and wherever you are, be a bearer of the Mercy of Christ.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When God announces His designs and reveals His Will, ask Him for the grace of knowing how to respond to His Call.
Child, place yourself always before the plans of God with humility. Who are you to analyze the Divine Will and evaluate if that Will corresponds to your life or not?
These are times of definition, and you already know it. Therefore, place your head on the ground, as well as the desire to know everything, to understand and to control everything, and open yourself to the mystery of these times, which throws you into the unknown, not only externally, but also internally.
Do not hold on to what you already know about yourself. Do not remain only consolidating what you are and the memory of everything that you have already done for God's Plan and for the planet. Today everything must be new and tomorrow everything must renewed.
Enter with your heart into the rhythm of the new cycles and let Your Father and Creator make emerge from you that potential that today is hidden from you. Launch yourself into the new, launch yourself into service, launch yourself into overcoming and do not fear weariness, do not fear fatigue, do not fear the result of the Work that the Father fulfills in you, because only He, Who created you, knows the true reason of your existence and can lead you to it.
Ask the Father why and for what He created you and let His answer echo within your heart. Do not fear to know His Will and to walk toward it. Do not fear to get rid of your plans and embrace something superior.
Remember, child, that - after manifesting His Grandeur and the apex of His Grace - the Son of Man lived rejection and human incomprehension; He suffered all the resistances of the retrograde condition of humanity and revealed to you the key to the transcendence of all things: Forgiveness, Love and Mercy. And, to get there, he crossed the door of humiliation, of overcoming, and of faith in God and not in Himself. He surrendered His Will to the Father and, even knowing that His Heart was participant of all the Powers and Gifts of God, He chose the Will of His Father and remained in nothingness.
You, child, have the potential to achieve many goals. As a creature of God, you can do many things, but I tell you: nothing is more appreciated by the Father, at this moment, than your fulfilling His Will, surrendering yours; that you live His Mystery, surrendering what is known to you; that you defeat your human fear and be, for your brothers and sisters and for the world, a witness of the faith and love that is born within you.
Live the Plans of God with joy. Adhere your heart to His Will and inspire others with your example of faith. Because today God calls you to no longer seek spirituality for you, but to be a bridge of spirituality for the world.
I bless you and invite you to follow the footsteps and example of He who guides you.
Your Father and Friend,
Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Rest your soul, your mind and your body in the arms of the Celestial Mother, so that after the sacred rest you find the inner strength necessary to carry forward.
In these definitive times, souls are defining for their lives the next stage of their awakening and walk.
The more adhered and united the souls are to the need that the Universe presents, the greater will be the reason, for all, to respond to what is urgent and immediate.
Then, in this cycle, the fulfillment of the Plan of the Father will depend on this true and unbreakable alliance that must exist between hearts and God.
Thus, the Almighty will see that the action of delivering His most important Designs to the souls, who in this time must take charge of greater responsibilities, is just. A deep and sincere openness will be enough to carry it out.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within the Greater Universes of God is to be found the spiritual explanation of our existence, that which we were born for and what we truly came to do, which we can understand as the Divine Purpose of each being.
Through the experiences of life, through the actions, feelings and thoughts, we alter that existence within us. It means that we distance ourselves from the reality of life or our surroundings when we resist, because of different circumstances.
In this sense, the existence of our being allows us to carry out the purpose that was entrusted to us since the origin.
When something opposed to this happens, the path of spiritual realization is altered because of various factors, and the soul delays in being able to take its steps toward the final goal.
The answer that we seek to understand, which is if we are carrying forward the purpose of our existence or not, first lies within us, recognizing if we are in attunement or not with what is High and with all that is positive that must occur around us.
In this way, for instace, we will know if we are within the spirit of the realization of our existence. Otherwise, we would be losing steps in the evolution of consciousness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
On this 1st of December, at the beginning of the inner preparation for the Nativity of your Master and Lord, I would like that, through the presence of each manger in the homes of the world, the inner Christ could definitely awaken within you.
This will help that all human consciousness be redeemed and receive a Grace from the Universe in order to reverse all the mistakes committed through the division of families, the exploitation of boys and girls, of all the perversion of current youth.
Dear children, with the sweetness of your hearts and having responded to My call for the manifestation of the mangers, you have allowed your Sacred Mother to work within the family nuclei that are being corrupted due to the lack of true love and sincere peace.
Dear children, My Rays of Mercy have today penetrated the darkest layers of the black market of humanity, where My adversary laughs and plays with millions of human lives.
From that lost and dark place, your Celestial Mother, with the help of all the saints in Heaven and on Earth, rescued and prevented the essence of many human hearts from getting lost.
I would like, My dear children, that you could understand today the meaning and the victory generated through the loving and sincere adhesion of all of My children who dedicated their day to building the Sacred Manger.
The presence of the Sacred Family, in these times and in current humanity, will avoid many events, most of them by means of the intercession of the Three Sacred Hearts.
On this night of Grace, I leave you this reflection and this message for you to meditate upon so that you may believe that your lives and your hands are useful to God and for the concretion of His Divine Plan.
Lastly, I send all the Love of My Heart to My small children of Angola, telling them that My victorious visit to the African lands of Ruanda, Angola and Kenya is still valid and present.
From now on, I will be grateful that you prepare your hearts to respond to this call and to accompany your Celestial Mother.
I thank you for being with Me today!
For the triumph of the Plan of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The mission that has already changed
Dear children,
On the 13th of October, while your Heavenly Mother was visiting Her children of Argentina at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, My Voice of Mother reminded all the importance of the materialization of this mission; above all the second part of the mission which corresponds to the nation of Chile.
The efforts that, for example, My children of Argentina made until today, were seen; this is what has allowed this sacred mission, integrated by all those who pray, to be able to reach the city of Mendoza.
The importance of the materialization of the spiritual task of the Divine Messengers with the nations, and the conscious collaboration of those who directly or indirectly participate in this Work of love allows to generate the necessary bases so that the Plan foreseen for each nation, as for each part of humanity, may be fulfilled and, specially, certain catastrophic events be prevented.
Thus, the souls, with a little more material time, can meditate and reverse their errors, travelling, as of this cycle, the path of redemption that My Son offers.
The materialization of a divine mission as the one of Chile includes many factors, some of them in favor and most of them against, since the mentioned nation, in the last times, has not been receptive to the spiritual and inner changes that it needs to live.
This is the reason why Chile, as a country, has faced processes of purification through earthquakes, tsunamis, tremors and recently, through the very serious fires.
In 1981, your Heavenly Mother presented Herself as the White Lady of Peace, in Peñablanca, Chile, with the aim of stopping the serious errors of dictatorship and of the disappeared, which became a regional process of all the Southern Cone, promoted and planned by the mentioned nation.
In this sense, the spiritual debt acquired by Chile is, at this moment, unpayable.
It is thus that the Merciful and Compassionate God decided to risk this pilgrim mission through Chile to try by all means for this nation to have an opportunity.
As in the last months the support and the collaboration for this pilgrimage has come from very few donor hearts, the mission through Argentina, in this last phase, began to feel the lack of means and of resources to be able to continue.
When the Divinity presents the program for a pilgrimage it means, in the first instance, an aspiration that the most awaken humanity is called to help to concretize, as is the case of Santiago, of Valdivia and of Punta Arenas.
But as this aspiration, until the moment, has not been totally manifested, today, as Mother and Intercessor of the just causes of Heaven, I see Myself in the duty and in the commitment of announcing that the pilgrimage will fulfill half of the foreseen program.
However, with the few resources received, we must reach Santiago de Chile, so that, one way or another, Chile may receive at least one part of all the Grace, of the Redemption and of the foreseen Mercy.
For this to be possible, today I come to ask the world to at least help your Heavenly Mother to carry forward this mission in three places that I have chosen for this purpose. They are: Santiago, on 24th and 25th of October, Viña del Mar, on the 28th of October, and Valparaíso, on 5th and 6th of November with the Marathon of Prayer.
These places chosen by My Heart are relatively close and are within the possibility of the resources received.
However, dear children, the help for all of this happens will be essential.
The next visit to Valdivia and to Punta Arenas will remain an inspiration of your Heavenly Mother, in the hope that, in another cycle, your consciousnesses may already be in another point of awakening.
I thank the company of all My children and again I thank the loving efforts.
Who blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear son, dearest daughter,
Conceive, in this time, of a meek heart such as that of Jesus, free of judgments, criticism, and condemnations.
Conceive within you My flame of peace and free yourself from all claims and demands.
Conceive of the humility of being similar to My Son in His Works, in His charity, and in His Infinite Mercy.
Do not reject what you live, and accept with fervor that the time of your inner death has come.
Submit yourself without punishments to the rules of love and make all that you have still limited within yourself germinate.
Freedom of spirit is achieved through first forgiving yourself and then all others. There is no peace in the soul without a reconciliation with life.
The tests that your consciousness embraces are the stairway for being able to take a greater step, unknown to your possibilities.
Let My Son model the new being and empty yourself, fully empty yourself, every day, showing the Universe that you know how to live love, rather than just understand it.
Rather than watching you walk aimlessly, I hold out My hand to you so that you can clasp it strongly and save yourself from the danger and from the traps that My adversary inflicts.
If you know the power of My Immaculate Heart a little, I assure you that you will learn to come out of yourself to serve others and you will find the so awaited hour of ascension.
Do not let anything external bring you down; take each experience as the opportunity of dying to yourself a little more every day.
You know that redemption starts by being true to yourself; do not seek either external answers or benefits; allow the fluid of spirit to always show you the exit.
If you do not know how to begin, start by loving that which seems impossible to love, forgiving what you would never want to forgive. Do as I did for you and for humanity; I had already forgiven you in holy humility before you crucified the Son of God.
Deeply think about and do not set yourself apart from those you do not understand. True surrender will occur through your humbling yourself before the sinner or the judge who condemns your life.
Imitate the silence of My Son and have confidence, because above all Love will triumph.
Accept what you live with joyfulness. Fly, fly high, and even if you do not manage it, I will take you to the Kingdom of My Lord.
I thank you for responding to My call.
In humility,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Human growth is often difficult and painful. To go through so many stages of physical, emotional, and mental maturing require effort and dedication from those who experience them.
Spiritual growth is similar to human growth: beings experience different evolutive cycles that demand from their consciousnesses an increasingly deep and consolidated maturity.
In physical human life, the being that grows is progressively assuming their role in society, and is responsible for sustaining it and for building its future. In the spiritual life, the being that grows and matures, gradually assumes its responsibility before the Plan of God and recognizes itself as responsible not only for its evolution but also for the evolution of all humanity, the planet, and as a result, of the universe.
This last evolutive cycle of the awakening of new suns sets the threshold between the old and the new humankind. Children, it will be the time to spiritually cross this threshold and face the changes that this will bring about in your lives; to face the resistances and obstacles imposed by yourselves for this maturing, just as a young person who is in the transition to adulthood, and often resists taking that step.
Many want to live a spiritual life; they aspire to know the truth about themselves, about this world and many others, but children, what you must understand now is that this step in the spiritual life that allows you to know the truth about all existence generates a commitment that requires certain effort and transformation.
This is what happens with many youths who want to live by themselves, have their own houses, their own jobs, but they do not understand that independent life will demand immediate mental and emotional growth from them.
It would not reflect the reality that consciousnesses with a certain degree of instruction did not have the same degree of conscious commitment to the Plan of God. Children, this is the Law of the Universes, of life, of Creation.
So that new worlds may be revealed to your eyes, you must spiritually mature. And as the change of times is urgent right now, and the truth emerges even for those who do not want to see it, the very condition of the planet will demand from all immediate and concrete spiritual growth.
This growth is nothing more than a true transformation in the consciousness, a response to the Creator, with daily examples that you understand the times in which you live and your responsibility to the Plan of God.
Children, I tell you these things because now we are in the last time, and you will not read as many instruction pages as before, because everything has already been said and it is time to put it into practice.
For the spiritual growth of humanity,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
So that the human indifference towards higher life not cause humanity to lose the possibility of coming to know and experience this life, those who are awake must redouble their efforts, multiply their tasks and overcome their own limits, every day, so as to respond on behalf of those who ignore the celestial call.
In addition to their own purification and their own weight that they must endure in these times, the new apostles and disciples of Christ must withstand the purification of the planet and carry on their backs those burdens that others who had committed themselves to Christ do not want to bear.
In the Universe, the responsibility of the manifestation of the Plan of God was equally shared among those who committed themselves to render this service. But when they arrived on the planet, with veils over their eyes, their souls became confused, they forgot and remained asleep or imprisoned in their personal likings and in their ways of understanding this Plan.
Children, when a soul that had to fulfill a certain mission changes this mission to adjust it to their own will and their opinion, this, for the Plan, is considered an indifference towards the Truth of the Creator, even if they believe they are serving God.
There are many souls that had committed themselves to the Lord and that, throughout their experiences on Earth, fulfilled in part what God had asked them; but now, in the culminating moment of the Divine Plan, they have become lost in the strong influences of chaos and have cast aside fidelity, exchanging it for superficiality.
I tell you these things first for you to be attentive and always be guardians of the Divine Plan, and also for you to know that the Creator will count on you to fulfill that part of His Plan that was left behind due to human indifference.
May the love to the Plan in your hearts be greater than your self-love so that you can imitate the example of Christ and not only carry your own cross, but let God place upon it the weight of the indifference and ignorance of His Children so that they not become lost but rather have an opportunity to awaken.
The Creator counts on you, children, for a response and a greater responsibility. It is time to serve, to love, and to surrender to the Divine Plan.
Your father and companion on the Evolutionary Path,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children:
I thank you for the prompt response of all to My maternal call. You already know that, as the Mother of humanity, I long for the best for each of My children, because My ardent wish is that nobody misses the opportunity to meet with God and to know His true Love.
In the next six months of prayer you will be able, if you assume it in your consciousness, to find the path that I will make you know, the path to be in Christ permanently and not to leave it.
Dear children, this cycle of continuous prayer that I am calling you to live is to banish the planetary inertia and everything that leads constantly to the perdition of the souls.
I would like, My children, that your hearts find in this cycle the flame of faith that will help you to live the tests and deal with the challenges for the Plan of God.
My children, in the following six months I will be with you praying daily in each place where you may be, without ceasing any moment to bring you to My Heart for you to feel peace. If the world would respond promptly as you have responded to My call, many planetary and human situations would be avoided by the angels of the Universe.
Dear children, when a heart or more responds to My summoning I can work through it, not only in prayer but also in charity, humility and in Divine Mercy.
Awaken at this time those who are still asleep and tell them that there is a grandiose Celestial Mother who loves them and hopes to have them in Her arms to shed over them all the love of the Universe.
Tell them to have determination and valor to abandon sin, the human indifference and omission.
Tell those who sleep to encourage themselves to listen to Christ in their interior and to allow prayer to heal and to redeem them.
Tell them, My children, that the Divine Mercy is still available for all those who want to look for it and to discover it in the source of the Heart of Jesus.
I thank you for responding to My call for the world peace!
Who loves you and always follows you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The triumph of My Heart is near
Dear children,
Do not fear nor despair because the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is near and the hell of the Earth will be sealed.
The triumph of My Heart is near and the great powers will tremble; the ground beneath your feet will be removed and there will be no stone left on top of another.
Dear children, the triumph of My Heart is near and no one will oppose it, the Kingdom of God is approaching and all souls will see it in the Second Coming of the Redeemer.
The triumph of My Heart is near and the false kingdoms of the world will perish because once again the Love of My Son will triumph, which is the Love of the Living God.
Dear children, the triumph of My Heart is near and I will reignite the fallen stars, and make them so similar to My Love that no one will believe it.
The triumph of My Heart is near and the Crown of Light of My head will shine in the abysses to remove from illusion those who sleep and are deceived by humanity.
The triumph of My Love is near and the beasts will tremble at that moment because their great and anticipated defeat will be near and the fallen angels will be rehabilitated.
Have faith and trust because the triumph of My Plan is near and I will prevent, above all, one nation from opposing another nation.
The triumph of My Divine Heart is near, first within those who were self-summoned to this mission of peace in the world.
My children, see the great triumph of My Heart already realized, for the conversion of your lives and souls, at the moment when each one of you must ask God for forgiveness.
The triumph of My Heart is near and the forces of evil will lose the battle after I have protected, in My desert, each of My children. There, the armies and celestial powers will descend to the planet to allow the power of the Love of My Immaculate Heart to triumph in the great abyss of the Earth.
My Grace sustains you and calms you so far; the triumph of My Heart is near and no one will remain without being taken into account because everyone will be warned before the end of time that will come.
Dear children, despite everything, know that the triumph of My Heart is near and no one will remain unprotected if in simple humility you ask me to do so. There I will be, to embrace and protect you from all adversity under My Mantle.
Now, beloved children, while everything is about to happen, I lovingly ask you to allow My maternal Plan of Love to triumph in each Marian Center, just like in each Light-Community, which I so lovingly protect.
Make service, charity and good triumph in every Light-Community. Make the Islands of Salvation triumph, which will be shelters for a great part of humanity. Open your hearts to what I tell you today.
Triumph and unite every day through love. My time amongst you is now ending and, from Heaven, I want to see the fruits of this planetary Work. The Communities are your internal and external shelters, they are the space where your bodies can rest protected when chaos settles in humanity.
Value the divine heritage which the universe has given you because shortly you will understand what I am telling you today.
Dear children, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will also be given by your surrender and self-giving to all the Communities, which are the foundations of the Marian Centers.
Dear children, with your hearts wide open after having received so many gifts and instructions, at least say to your Heavenly Mother: Yes, Divine Mother, I will respond to this Work and, until the end, I will do whatever is necessary so that the Heavenly Plan of Your Immaculate Heart may triumph!
Dear children, I will be grateful that on all the holy days of the Lord, you live and work with this affirmation so that more souls may receive, through your service, that which they are most awaiting.
The triumph of My Heart will be given to all humanity by their inner response to My Plan.
May Medjugorje not stop shining within your hearts, just like every Marian Center which I have consecrated for the salvation of humanity.
I thank you for understanding Me and for living My call!
Who loves you and elevates you to the Kingdom of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the world is in agony, I ask you to no longer live in an ordinary way. That in each instant you cry out to the Father so that His Mercy be greater than His Justice and that those who are blind in the world be able to awaken.
I ask that there no longer be any tiredness in your bodies that will stop you from fulfilling a request of prayer from the Divine Messengers. God is giving you everything, including His Son, so that the doors of redemption may be opened for humanity.
My dear ones, the terror, the fear, the hatred and the resentment among humankind continue to spread throughout the world like a great plague in hearts. Who of you are responding to My request of forgiving and being reconciled with your neighbor? Who is defeating resentment in their own heart to dispel that evil from humanity?
While you are distracted and so easily forget the requests of the Divine Messengers, the enemy does not rest and does not forget its goal of causing the possibility for loving to disappear from human hearts.
I ask that you be more attentive and do not allow any resentment to be greater than the love in your hearts. May the love poured out by God within you always be powerful and impel you to continue forward, struggling so that once and for all you may learn to love and to forgive.
When I asked you for the campaign to dispel the hate of human hearts, it was not just so that you could have a beautiful experience and that you symbolically could send your love to your brothers and sisters of the Middle East. I asked you this campaign because the Plans of God are at risk when love is being erased in the human consciousness.
Love is the essence of life on Earth; if there is no love, there is no reason for the existence of humanity.
What today is happening on the planet is spreading hate, anger and resentment very rapidly in all the creatures of the whole world. And the involutive impulse of the enemy are so strong that hate dissolves the possibility for loving from the hearts.
For this reason, today I not only ask you, but I beg you to forgive one another, that you be reconciled, that you be merciful, that you mutually serve each other, that you love each other! Love each other as humanity, as a creation of God, as a living part of His Sacred Heart.
Do not allow the enemy to have you believe that the terror he imprints in the world is greater than your possibility for loving, because true love banishes evil and causes it to disappear.
Trust in your potential for loving and transform it into a living celestial virtue within all of you.
I love you and, for this reason, I am here. I trust in humanity as a project of God. I trust in the love that dwells in your hearts and that is unknown to you. It is time to learn to love.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Like a Queen, your Mother is crowned by the prayers and the pleas of all Her children of the world. This makes the deep pain of the Most Holy Mother disappear little by little, because the pain of the world is shared with the consistent apostles of Christ.
It is for this purpose, dear children, that today I come to meet with you to call you to a time of conscience and inner maturity. It will be in this way that your souls, united with Christ, will be able to respond to the Will of God, when that Will makes Itself known in your hearts.
Thus, children, in times of preparation, but also in the acute moments for humanity, may your path be to respond through Christ to the Designs of the Celestial Father. That will require that your consciousnesses respond to situations that were not planned for in your daily life.
Little by little, you are being led into living the same principles that the Family of Nazareth lived, to thus accomplish the infinite Purpose of the Eternal Father, which is to save the whole of humanity.
Follow the light that leads you into finding that sacred Purpose and do not close your hearts to what you must learn in honor of My Immaculate Heart.
The freedom of the East, and especially of the poor families in subjection, will depend on your response and the response of all My children in the world.
Your decision is unique in these times, because from the beginning, humanity is unique, and what one does has repercussions on the rest, be it evolutionary or contrary to evolution.
My Heart, wounded by an ungrateful humankind that does not know the Love of God, is being offered to all as the sublime refuge for the immigrants of the world.
My arms are stretched out to the planet and My hands draw close to all to cry out for pity, peace and conscience.
Dear children, like the Ark of the Holy Covenant, I pour out what is purest in My Heart so that, in this time of purification, you may avail yourselves of My maternal and universal Principles, Principles that come from Heaven.
I thank you for continuing to calm My Heart, a Heart that suffers for that which Her children of the world suffer.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Call at the door of My Heart and tell Me what you need.
Enter into My Spirit and surrender yourself in trust in the arms of My Love.
Find in My Heart the Sublime Flame that will illuminate your path. Persist without allowing yourself to be subjected to inner judgment.
Surrender all of the days what you are and I will be able to tell you what it is that I want from you.
Walk by My side taking to yourself My wise Hand, that which will indicate to you the path.
Live only in Me. Seek the answer only through Me.
I want that you be the light manifested for the path.
The peace for each heart in need.
In My Kingdom there is a place for you and in this place you will be able to feel safe because you will be within My Heart.
Submerge yourself in the river of My Love, I expect that you will do this every day.
I will wait for your perfect decision. I wait for you.
Under the Grace of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
Soul of Mine!
Direct your steps of light towards My Heart and I will give you the tunic of humility so that you can wear it. And with your hands you will donate life for the others, so that they may be able to feel the plenitude of your holiness.
See in every place an answer, a sign that will come for the transformation of the heart. Conduct yourself through My Words, in this way your path that is full of stones will be converted into a garden of flowers and of subtle aromas.
O soul of Mine! That belongs since the beginning to My Kingship, surrender your tiredness in My Arms and marry your Faithful and loving Husband. Seek the ardent Fire of My Heart because only in Me will you find the answers for your doubts, the true food for your spirit, the eternal peace for your most little heart.
Gentle soul of God! Allow the Worker to build His House of Love in your being because in this way will emerge the Temple of Light, that which will radiate its inner presence for all. Consecrate your life to My Path. Live Me all of the days as the only and supreme passion of your life and let that My Blood be poured over your body so that it may again be as pure as it was in the day of your birth.
Receive in the silence the Light of My codes. Give Me the thanks for having called at the door of your life. Stay in Me forever, I have greater treasures than those that exist upon the Earth. I offer you My Eternity.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for pouring your lives in My Heart of Peace!
Christ Jesus, the Faithful Husband
In the hour of the Divine Mercy My Heart descends to the Earth and illuminates it with infinite repairing Graces for all of the souls.
But that sinful and offended soul that approaches to My Source of wonders during this hour of Infinite Mercy will be able to recognize in My Consciousness the Divine Love that heals and redeems all of the lives upon the Earth.
For this, during the hour of Mercy give Me your miseries, those that My Heart knows from the beginning so that in this way, by means of My Mercy, they may be liberated and redeemed.
I Am the Light for the world and for the hearts. That one who is directed to Me will find an answer and in this way they will unite their heart with Mine, and together we will get to know in depth the celestial universe and, consequently, the Source of My Mercies.
But there must exist in you an absolute trust in My Presence and in My Redeeming Work. It must be fulfilled in those who in truth may always be merciful with their familiars.
The Source of Piety hopes to rescue you from perdition and from the spiritual deviation that the enemy propagates as idea and thought. The one who really seeks the answer about the subjects of life, I tell you that they will find it in the Unfathomable Source of My Divine Mercy.
I want that your souls make the decision to be rays of My Mercy for the entire world. For this to happen your trust in My Being will be enough and to not fear that I will remove what is old and arid in you because I will always quench your inner thirst.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Most Sacred Heart!
Merciful Christ Jesus
My Heart is a great Sacrarium of Peace and of Reparation for the souls. You can direct yourselves to It with absolute trust because in this way you will receive in your inner beings the answer that you need for your lives.
My Heart is a Sacrarium of Peace and of Love because in It you will be able to see the light of God manifested, the Light that comes from the Source of your true origin because you must know that I have been a human and a person like you.
My Heart is a great Sacrarium of Salvation and of Conversion because in It you will find comfort, strength and your weaknesses will be dissolved from your beings because when you only invoke the Sacrarium of My Heart you will have entered into the ocean of My Infinite Mercy.
This Sacrarium of My Heart is open day and night and in It there is no material time nor time to be closed. The Eucharistic Love of My Heart makes resplendent all of the hours of the day and in this way all of the hearts can direct themselves with faith and devotion to the Sacrarium of My Heart.
Today some souls have arrived at the depths of the Sacrarium of My Heart and this means that from this moment on they must remember and meditate on how it was that they opened the door of My Sacred Sacrarium of the Heart.
May temperance and bravery strengthen your lives because only through the Sacrarium of My Heart you will find the light for your lives.
In My Wisdom is radiated Love.
In My Truth is found the nourishment of the Spirit of God.
In My Mercy is found the Source of Forgiveness and of Piety.
Go in peace and remember to return soon to the Sacrarium of My Divine Heart of Love.
Under the Adoration of God the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking always the Sacrarium of My Merciful Heart!
Your Celestial Priest, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more