While the priests throughout the whole world serve souls through the Sacraments, hearts are blessed by a special Grace that comes from the Heights through the office of the priest.
In addition, the more priests that carry on their sacramental life, the more My adversary loses a field of action and of perdition.
Each time a priest offers one of the Sacraments, hell closes even more and darkness trembles with awe and terror, because a soul achieves the light of redemption through the Sacraments.
It is in this way that all that My adversary does is expelled and dissolved in the sulphur lakes of hell, and it experiences a great defeat through the power of the descent of the Light of Christ through the priestly office.
This event has a larger repercussion and effect on days like today, in which many souls gather together to affirm their faith in Christ and in the redeeming legacy that My Son left you.
The abyss becomes paralyzed by the great moment of the Sacraments and Love triumphs again above all evil.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The inner light of redeemed priests will make it possible to attract toward the Earth the Consoling and Renewing Spirit, for in the surrender and in the service of the true and humble priests there will reign the fortitude of the peace and trust that devoted souls need in order to be renewed in Me.
The inner light of the priests can only be put out if the priest himself allows it.
To each I have given the authority to bless, give sacraments and serve those most in need of love and consolation for the sufferings in life.
In true priests of Christ there is no inertia nor inability of spirit. Through their own surrender, they renew all things, for I have granted this to them.
The inner light of the priests expels darkness, adversity and harassments from themselves and from those who suffer this captivity, because the spiritual Grace that I gave them allows them to represent Me and to recognize Me as their only Greater Priest.
The spirit of humble priests is persistence and, through that persistence, they can go through their own purification and redemption, surrendering to their Master all the things of the world so as to live in sublime realities.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Fiery Bases of a Community and Group Life - Part VII
In a Community, there should be a spirit of unity and of peacemaking so that, on that path, each member can allow the best of themselves to flourish and bring it to the path of evolutionary building.
The Community is formed as a diverse spiritual family, as a mirror of the original Project of God for the sacred peoples.
In this diversity, the beliefs and the ways on how to carry forward a Community must be transcended, thus, disagreements among its members will be avoided.
The values previously detailed, which the Community must live, will gestate new attributes in the consciousnesses so that, on that path of formation and learning, souls may begin to perceive not only their virtues, but also the Grace that attracted them to start living a different life that makes it possible to add values, even within daily routines, but, mainly, so that the consciousnesses may be filled with spiritual virtues that, with time, will attract neutrality and patience, which will show that which is wonderful in each being.
The spiritual family that forms a Community will achieve unbreakable unity by means of the consideration for the one who transforms and tries, every day, to live something new and profoundly evolutionary.
The members of the Community are the inner brothers and sisters of that soul that is slowly transforming, or that can also take a leap in its process of redemption.
The Great Brotherhood is the spiritual archetype that the Community must achieve so that, someday, it may be conscious of fulfilling the Aspirations of God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, the Sanctuaries and the Marian Centers of the world are adorned and beautiful due to the flowers of the prayer of My children, by the fidelity of those who always fulfill My call each time I make requests because, as much as they do not understand the mystery of My invitation, souls adhere in obedience, and for love and faith they carry it out.
Today, your Heavenly Mother, the Immaculate Conception of Lourdes, makes use of all prayers that are sincerely offered by Her children. From now on, I am gathering the appeals of the hearts, for all souls that are severely condemned to perdition and that, at some moment of their lives, will receive the call of God, so that they can awaken.
From the Grotto of Massabielle, in the historic city of Lourdes, your Heavenly Mother emits a request of celestial and spiritual help to all angels so that they may intervene in the topics of humanity that need much light, Mercy and redemption.
By means of visits to churches, sanctuaries and the Marian Centers, your Immaculate Mother is managing to grant special and deeply spiritual Graces to all who ask for them, just as the Grace of the conversion of a meek, humble, poor and serviceful heart is granted.
These values are those which truly keep the lost humanity within the chance of total redemption. Therefore, children, all offerings, rosaries, songs and praises, in truth, are not addressed directly to the Divine Mother, but all these offerings of the heart reach God by means of the Little Virgin of Lourdes.
In this way, the Celestial Father manages to feel the soul and heart of His children, and then He opens the door of His Divine Mercy so that the souls may be saved.
I teach you, My dear children, to intercede for the impossible causes and situations so that, in the coming times, your spiritual communion and your dialogue with God may be increasingly more true and deep, because the time of great definitions will come and the souls must be secure in the decisions that they will make.
Dear children, I say goodbye, I feel the joy of your offerings in My Immaculate Heart and, during these next days, may you keep donating yourselves in prayer for the triumph of the Novena to the Lady of Lourdes to be very great and reach all those who need it.
I thank you from My Heart for responding and for living My call!
Who blesses you and washes you with the Spiritual Water of Massabielle,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Draw close to Me, to feel My Grace and the renewing faith that I can give to your soul.
With ardent aspiration, may you overcome yourself more in love and service each day. In this way, you will be in constant renewal and your heart will feel the wholeness of living the correct path.
Rest in Me while you need to and, in this time, open to perceive and recognize the lack of love that exists in people.
Through generosity, manage to open the door of the Pity of God so that more and more souls may feel that being in communion could also help renew everyone who needs it.
At all times, show Me your spirit of apostolate and guide souls into reconnecting with God so that they may approach consecration, especially at the moment of sacrifice and of offering themselves as victims of My Heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
With only a few days away from the commemoration of My apparitions in Lourdes, I invite you to re-experience this celebration, beginning on February 11th, by adorning your houses, and especially consecrating your hearts, to the Little Virgin of Lourdes.
I wish that on February 11th of this year, the Marian Centers will offer a Mystery of the Rosary for the consecration of the souls of the world to the Virgin of Lourdes.
On this day, all those who visit the churches, sanctuaries or Marian Centers will receive a Grace that will help them in the coming times. And even more so, if My prayerful children, as from February 11th, offer a novena of the Holy Rosary transmitted through the channel of prayers for all brothers and sisters, and that novena is offered to the Immaculate Conception, I will be able to intercede for souls that are already condemned in damnation and chaos. I Myself will withdraw each one of them from the fire of hell and lead them to the Celestial Kingdom.
If this novena is also offered for all priests throughout the world, the Little Virgin of Lourdes will alleviate the anguish that God feels for His unfaithful children, the priests, and I Myself will be the justification of each one of them. But I will also be the consolation for those who struggle for the triumph of the priestly ministry of Christ.
During these days, I will dissolve, with the power of My Rays, the creatures of evil that deviate and perturb the attention of My priests, and to souls I will grant the science of understanding, the spiritual and divine meaning of that sacred office. Thus, you will sustain them till death.
Beginning on February 11th, I want you all to commemorate the Virgin of Lourdes, so that purity may be restored within hearts and the world may realize that it has drifted away from truth.
During these days of the month of February, beginning on the 11th, your Celestial Mother will be, in a special way, gathering the petitions and prayers of all those who visit the sanctuaries, churches and Marian Centers. In this way, I will be able to help humanity even more.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From the rising of the sun, the Light of the White Mountain will come, and this Light will be revealed to all. Any consciousness will be able to recognize it, regardless of their beliefs, religion or inner state.
This Light, which will be within the White Mountain, will come for humanity and for the planet. And other lights will come to Earth, directly from the Universe, to position themselves in certain points of the Earth and reveal to humanity that the end time has arrived.
And this will be the culminating moment of humanity, but the Light of the White Mountain will be the first to announce it: the end of an end; to be prepared for the beginning of a new stage, of a new cycle, of a new humanity.
Many will want to know what this Light that comes from the White Mountain is about, but the interpretation of humanity's discernment will not be enough because it will never reach the result of what this Light means and from where this Light comes.
These lights will come announcing the advent of the Return of Christ, the moment of the fulfillment of His promise, which will no longer be something immaterial nor spiritual, but physical.
The Light of the White Mountain will remove many aspects from humanity, and this will be revealed to all so that it can do this work that was entrusted to it.
This mystery will come directly from the Eternal Father, from His spiritual Universe. As this Light descends, among the planes of consciousness, it will materialize until it reaches the top of the White Mountain, which will be its last place of revelation, from where its mysteries will be shown to those who are united to it from the heart.
And although I know that humanity will not understand what this may mean, some will have the Grace to know the revelation of this mystery and its origin, because the Eternal Father needs for humanity to be prepared to enter another state of consciousness, not the one that it has today, which is a state that is insufficient and precarious on the spiritual, mental and material levels. A state that has affected the evolution of the race and the correct harmony with the Kingdoms of Nature.
This powerful Light that will be within the White Mountain will come through an aspect of the Eternal Father. It will be this aspect of God that will materialize through the powerful Light of the White Mountain, and there will be no science that can reveal it or any scholar that will be able to understand it, because it is a Light that will come from the inner, from that which is most profound and invisible.
It will be so similar to the sun that rules you and illuminates you, day by day, and, even more, it will have a power stronger than the very central sun of this galaxy. Its emanations will not only be ultraviolet or beyond. Its energy will transform all that it radiates towards and touches.
Many wait for the coming of this Light before the Return of Christ because it is not only a powerful and unknown Light, but it is also the great doorway to the new, to a new stage, a new time.
Many will have the Grace to detach from what they no longer need, from what oppresses them and from what has always disturbed them.
Some will become aware of what they still hold in their hearts and inner worlds, but the majority will awaken to what they have never wanted to see with their own eyes because the Universe will really become visible. And this Universe that will bring the powerful Light of the White Mountain will reveal an unknown reality that no one yet knows, only the Son of the Father and His Celestial Mother.
From this Light some movements will emerge. Many principles will emanate that which humanity needs in order to be healed and redeemed. Their actions will not be physical and will not be so invisible, because humanity needs to break its resistance and finally perceive that it has made a mistake.
Those who have cried out and asked the Heights will be helped by this powerful White Light that comes from the Mountain. And it will elevate those who have supplicated much, and many will understand what the Plan of God is, what its destiny and objectives are for the coming times and why It has existed since the Origin.
Today I speak to you in symbolic words because all cannot yet be revealed. The mysteries come to be revealed to the humble of heart, to the simple, to the divested of self, to those who no longer want to live their own will, but rather the Will of the Eternal Father.
Therefore, the greatest and most infinite mysteries are unveiled to the poor of heart. This is how the great Will of God is fulfilled and everything begins to be transformed, according to how He thought it from the Heavens, for all of His children, for all of His creatures.
The Light of the White Mountain will bring a great announcement that will not be understood with words, but rather with symbols. These will be the signs that the Light of the White Mountain will give to the whole world. It will be shown, recorded and televised. During the three days of manifestation, until it fulfills what was requested of it, it will be shown according to what is written in the Heart of God, because this is part of the Apocalypse, it is part of the end of the Armageddon.
And, in this way, the Church that I founded through Peter will realize that it had never opened to the Universe and that the true spirituality and the true Christianity that your Master established in this world comes from something greater, and not only from words, messages or instructions; that everything is a part of a Great Confraternity, which has always watched over and accompanied this planet and its entire race and that, even if the powerful Light of the White Mountain passes by this planet, the Project of the Creator must be fulfilled and, at this moment, everyone will be before the great opportunity to transcend duality and live in eternal unity.
Today I emit this message from the White Mountain which, in its silence, holds many spiritual treasures for humanity and the planet. Thus, this White Mountain unites to all the mountains of the planet, even in South America, and also to the Himalayas, where its lights will show and be revealed to the world so that humanity may understand that it has always destroyed itself and forgotten how to love itself, as God loves humanity, in spite of all that it does.
Pray in this Marathon of the Divine Mercy so that the Universal and Divine Hierarchy may keep fulfilling the projects that are predicted in this world through the consciousness of your group, called by the Eternal Father Himself to fulfill His Will, surrendering your lives completely to service for Him and for His unconditional Love, the higher Love of the Father.
Do not miss the opportunity of what you are receiving, and welcome within your hearts the Word of the Son of God because a great part of humanity is still asleep, and it will awaken suddenly through the signs that will come from Heaven towards the Earth, and in the most inhospitable and impenetrable places of the planet, where nature is the powerful nobility of God upon the surface of the planet, and not of humanity.
Keep these keys that I deliver to you as a treasure, and pray so that your Master and Lord can carry out and fulfill what the Father has requested of Him through His apostles so that, from the priestly life to the religious life, from the inner life to the external life of service for the neediest, everything can be accomplished, and so that Love, the Love that comes from God through His children, can heal the suffering and pain.
Today a new stage for North America begins. This is why I have brought you here, as I have brought all of your brothers and sisters here, because what is truly spiritual is simple, and in what is simple is where My friends can be found, to live the void that I offer to you, going beyond your personalities and your understanding, to experience something you never understood and will never understand, just as I experienced it for you up to the Cross, without understanding it, yet all for Love.
Not all have the Grace of receiving these Words but they do have the Grace for them to be spread because, as I have told you, My task among you is finalizing, and in the years that will come, everything will happen.
This will be the great moment for each one of you to experience and practice My teachings so that, when I return, you may recognize Me and follow Me as you have done in the Holy Land. And, in this way, what once began to be written in the Holy Land, will keep being written.
The people of Israel will gather again, with different faces and garments, in another time and under different circumstances, so that they may climb the White Mountain to receive their Redeemer, in glory and humility.
By means of My Words, I am anointing all of you today, recognizing the efforts of the just, the love of those who serve, the truth of those who try to be pure every day, the surrender of those who, without delay, respond to Me when I need it. So, in the most invisible and silent, My Will is fulfilled, which is the Will of the Father within you and within your brothers and sisters.
May the power of the Love that you live and that you have for Me impel you to move forward, to overcome your own darkness and tests, and to never give up because, in this way, I will be able to reach you and you will reach Me, to then be beyond the hard times, in communion with the Heights, with the Universe, with the Brotherhood.
May the star that is held in your hearts illuminate the end of times.
May the star that is engraved within your chests ignite peace in these times, because many will need surrendered servers and beings to find relief, healing and redemption.
So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Light of the Return will come from the heights of the White Mountain, and the Americas will be blessed by a Grace of liberation and peace.
That Light will then descend from the White Mountain, but it will remain within it for three days until the majority of people will have seen it and recognized it.
They will give it many names and causes, but only a few will recognize what it is.
Nobody will be able to draw close to that Light, because it will be so strong that it will dazzle the curious and the opponents.
It will bring Grace and wellbeing to the oppressed and many, indeed many will recognize their infidelity to God too late.
Those who repent in time will be touched by the Grace and wisdom of that Light, and everything will begin again.
Nobody will be able to hide that Light which will come from the Mountain, for it will not be material, although everybody will see it with their physical eyes, it will be a more impactful and revealing Light than the Star of Bethlehem. It will shine more than the Sacred Mantle of the Virgin of Guadalupe. It will have more power than all nations, which believe themselves to be powerful.
That Light will come for the just, for those who asked for Mercy, for the unfortunate, for those who cry out for peace and freedom.
And, at last, that Light will descend, and everything will be revealed. The White Mountain will be the witness of this entire occurrence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I Am this primordial Sun of the Spiritual Universe that illuminates the dark times so that the human consciousness may have the unique opportunity to reconsider and change.
I am this Spiritual Sun that can never be obscured by any darkness or tempest, because this Sun that speaks to you leads you and guides you toward the Purpose that God has for these times.
I am this Sun that brings you the light of renewal and an intimate communion with the Most High so that your essences may become Christified and you may achieve the same degrees of love that I once achieved for each one of you.
I am this Sun that brings you the principle of healing of the spiritual consciousness, the Grace of completely erasing from your beings all that oppresses the consciousness and that does not allow you to take the steps of love and sacrifice toward Me.
Today you are before the Spiritual Sun of God, so that in this time you may be a witnesses that divine assistance is still available for all, until I have to return and make you participants in the new time, in a time of renewal and redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Intercessory Novena of Padre Pio for all the Priests of the Entire World
Union bead
O Jesus! Greater Priest, King of Love,
protect, safeguard and guide all the priests of the entire world.
First decade
For the sorrowful silence experienced by Padre Pio,
may fortitude and faith overcome all weaknesses.
Second decade
For the inner and physical agony, experienced by Padre Pio,
may the priests of the entire world love their sacrifice for Christ.
Third decade
For the wounds that Padre Pio carried in his body,
may the priests be living temples of the Love of Christ.
Fourth decade
For the loving and unconditional surrender of Padre Pio,
may the priests be true and holy instruments of Christ.
Fifth decade
For the compassionate and Christic love experienced until the end by Padre Pio,
may the priests be pure sources of self-giving and love.
Final Prayer
(repeat three times)
For all the merits, renunciations, sacrifices and surrenders of love,
experienced by Saint Pio of Pietrelcina,
may the priests of the world be protected and safeguarded
by the invincible priestly Mantle of Christ.
Today I offer you this new rosary so that the mothers, sisters, brothers and believers in Christ may pray these mysteries of love lived and experienced by Padre Pio, so that the example of his life, his surrender and his passion for Jesus, through his five painful wounds, be the means through which all priests become like the faithful model of this saint, priest and healer of souls, so the liberation granted by Padre Pio may undo the ties of the priests oppressed by the illusion of the adversary, and so that the sanctifying Grace of the Holy Spirit may bring them all the strength of renewal and the apostolate in Christ.
I thank all of you who already pray, and those who will begin to pray for My companions.
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While a chalice is elevated for consecration, the Divine Codes are placed within it so that its content may be transubstantiated and changed into the Blood of Jesus.
Each time a chalice is offered upon the altar for the consecration and the sorrowful Passion of your Lord is remembered, Graces descend and, in this moment of profound celebration and intimate communion with the aspects of Christ, the souls have the Grace to receive an absolute forgiveness and the opportunity to be renewed through the revelation, in this case, of the most precious Blood of Christ.
Each time a chalice is offered and is elevated in remembrance of the Passion of Jesus, the priestly life of the planet is renewed and all that is corrupt becomes incorrupt through the Grace that the Blood of Jesus brings.
Each time you are present among a new eucharistic celebration, you must remember that the value, power and strength of the Blood of Christ and of all Its merits allow an atonement to be granted to whom needs it and repents from the heart.
I thank you for celebrating with your heart the Sacred Mysteries of Christ!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children,
Never forget to pray for those who are spiritually condemned and do not know it, so that the Grace of consciousness and of awakening may reach each one of them.
My children, today I ask you this, because the majority of humanity is in this situation and, if you pray for those who are condemned, you will be granting to your Heavenly Mother the possibility to intervene for each one of these children.
To be spiritually condemned is not something so material, but rather profoundly internal.
Therefore, today I call you to pray from the heart for all those souls that, for decades of planetary history, find themselves under this spiritual condition that oppresses them and does not allow them to take any step toward the Divine Light.
As you pray for them, they will not only receive a Grace and a reprieve at some moment in life, but also those parallel worlds of suffering and agony, created by the very humanity of the surface, become liberated and closed forever, carrying forward the liberation of the spiritually condemned.
The planet, as a state of consciouness that feels and lives what humanity does to it, also manages to breathe and restore its consciousness and spiritual life.
Praying for those who are condemned and do not know it is like lovingly asking for the angels to send a message to the inner worlds of these lost souls so that, by means of Divine Grace, they can reconsider and again find the path to God that they had lost.
Therefore, My children, as you consciously pray for the spiritually condemned, you will also be praying for the nations and all they hold as experience and learning.
Everything can be contemplated in prayer. Prayer brings consciousness and discernment. Prayer indicates the inner path to be followed, a path that the entire humanity needs in this cycle of liberation and forgiveness.
The center that gives an impulse to all this movement of the power of prayer is the Love of Christ, which brings to all the merciful Love of God, which justifies errors and converts them, granting pity and redemption to souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Planetary life would not be possible if priestly life did not exist.
Priestly life is the only bridge that allows communication with sublime worlds. Without true priests, this communication would not exist, for it would be empty, hollow and have no solidity.
The planet must not be without real and honest priests; for the perversion of priests over the course of time has been great.
Thus, their is an importance and a duty for all the faithful to pray for them, so that the priests may have the momentum of determination and will to keep building the bridges of contact between Heaven and Earth.
If there are no priests, there is no Mercy nor Grace; there is no true sacramental life in Christ.
Their hands must be clean to keep elevating the Body and Blood of Christ.
Their mouths must be protected and abstain from very low words.
Their eyes must be in Heaven so as to be able to see and find God.
So that all this may be a reality and not a fantasy, you must pray for the priests, for they, before time, surrendered their infrahuman condition so as to be able to transform themselves into Christ upon the surface of the Earth.
Thus, I ask you from My heart to pray for the priests, so that their hearts and souls may remain immune to the attacks of these times, and so that the Holy Spirit may work through them with a renewing strength that may bring and grant forgiveness and reconciliation to all those who are fallen and have lost their faith.
Pray for My priests, because only through them, being worthy in Christ, will I be able to expand the Work and power of My Mercy.
Support them, just as My Mother supported the apostles until the end.
I thank you for keeping My supplications in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In these definitive times, consciousnesses will have the Grace of bringing an end to the chain of errors of the past, and the planet also, as consciousness, will be freed of the ancient weight it carries.
In this way, all consciousnesses that are prisoners of past errors, as well as the consciousnesses that generated those errors, will face this acute moment in which the Source of solar energy will purge and purify all roots of adversity.
All of this movement will be within a chain; and consciousnesses that you would not even imagine could have carried that immensity of error will become visible, so that the solar fire and the extremely strong emanations of Love may make of each moment or occurrence an accelerated process of liberation.
Thus, you must be free of resistances and conditions so that your souls may fully help free the planet of all it has carried for centuries.
Embrace this opportunity of serving and carrying forward the moment of the great planetary redemption.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My companions and apostles,
Every day I place you before the Grace and opportunity to serve God in infinite ways. But your heart must be in everything, because the heart that serves, feels the need and attends to it.
Thus, I have you trained in the service of love for humanity; since, in these difficult times, the spiritual, mental and material needs are great; but there are only a few that, in My Name, surrender like empty glasses so that the Greater Priest may fill them with His Gifts.
I come to remind you of the inner vows that were once made by you before My merciful Presence.
Let these vows be the perfect conviction and the true confirmation of going through this time out of love for Your Lord and Master, because more demanding times are coming.
Times that place the servers of Christ very far from themselves so that they may be available with all their being and consciousness, and completely able to experience the great and last convocation.
This is the cycle of recognizing yourself as an apostle and missionary of Christ so that, in an immediate way, the planet may be alleviated from its condition of adversity through the reparation and healing that the service of those of Mine can awaken within all that seems lost.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three. I am the one who gave the impulse for the liberation of the Uruguayan people.
I return to this homeland today, because I have seen the Confederate Sun shine within hearts that, in this time, open to responsibly assume the different stages of the Plan.
I am the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Mother of Confederate Love, and I guide the Uruguayan people so that, in this time, they may attain spiritual freedom from the chains imposed upon this dear homeland, through the ideas, thoughts and actions that had condemned it.
But with the strength of the love of the confederate Uruguayan hearts, together with the Lady of the Thirty-Three, we will raise this sacred land, which was a witness of the Indigenous extermination, of their roots and of their spiritual values.
Therefore, today, the Lady of the Thirty-Three, the Immaculate Virgin of Uruguay returns, so that more Uruguayans may awaken and take position in the lines of the fulfillment of the next stages of the Plan.
Thus, Uruguay will attain a higher state of consciousness, and all of its people will perceive that their leaders distorted the path of an entire country.
And, gradually, the voices will ask for justice so that the little ones may not be removed from the womb of their mothers, so that the youngest and the elderly may not be a hallucinogenic model of the end of times; so that peace and security may return to all of this dear people.
May Uruguay rise again, and may the opponents of Christ, as well as their archaic Church, place their head upon the ground and ask for forgiveness, so that the Grace of the Lady of the Thirty-Three may grant you the peace, love and spiritual freedom that all of Uruguay needs.
Today, the Lady of the Thirty-Three returns to awaken those who are asleep, so that the last Christs may awaken.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While the universal doors open again today, to help humanity and the planet, My Heart brings you a great spiritual and extraordinary grace, so that your inner beings trustingly, in unity and faith, may be given the impulse to move forward with all that the Hierarchy proposes for the Islands of Salvation, such as are the Light-Communities and Light-Nuclei.
This is the time to be aware and wise, so that in a near future the bases for salvation may be prepared, where the Hierarchy will be able to carry out its last operations and where the souls, most unknown to all of you, may find a spiritual space of love and service, where the results of the effort of each one of My companions will be seen.
Today, you, who are in the presence of the Universal King and the Governor of the Cosmos, have taken a step in degrees of love, and it will be this sacred step of adherence and fraternity that, through Grace, will allow you to assume an important task together with Your Master and Lord, a mission that will watch over the spiritual consciousness of Brazil and all its beloved people.
Let your hearts rejoice! for today you have witnessed for yourselves that it is possible to donate yourself more for a Greater Love that comes directly from the Universe, for each one of you and your brothers and sisters of the planet.
I thank you for having responded to My sacred convocation!
Who blesses you and loves you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
It is from the simple, poor and good souls that eternal hope emerges for My flagellated and offended Heart.
From simple hearts, I build the bases of My Spiritual Church.
From poor hearts, I elevate the purest intentions for those who are lost.
From good souls, I manifest the strength of My faith and the absolute confidence in fulfilling, above all, the Sacred Will of My Father.
This is the time in which souls will be able to make the greatest and inner offering, so as to justify the extremely serious errors of the whole human race.
Souls that follow Me will have the Grace to intercede in difficult situations and, together with the King of Peace, they will be able to help other souls who would not have the Grace of redemption.
This is the time for inner action in souls so that all of them, united and gathered together, can reflect in Our Lord the best and the purest that they hold within, because all of that will not only continue to relieve the flagellated Heart of the Redeemer, but will also bring about more Mercy, before Divine Justice reaches today's world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the inner life, deserts and defeats are experienced, but there are also triumphs and victories experienced when souls trustingly manage to surrender completely to God, beyond their limitations or impossibilities.
Beyond all of this, God loves you and understands you, because to die inwardly to the mortal aspect is difficult; it is a daily challenge.
But if you trust and persevere, you will transform. Everything is foreseen, and in that foresight, everything will take place according to that which was thought of by the Universe.
You must be the very redeeming triumph and victory for God.
Your lives should achieve the example of selfless humility and profound surrender, having as a foundation the Grace of permanently serving and the Spiritual Anointment that My Presence can give you at this time.
Therefore, walk toward Me and I will guide you. Open your heart so that your fears and doubts may be dissolved.
If today you are here with Me, it is for a reason, because otherwise you would be somewhere else and under another energy.
The Universe delivers infinite opportunities to all, which must be loved, valued and taken into consideration by each one of you. While this happens, nothing will be separate within you, and you will know how to correspond as the Eternal Father needs.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
You must not fear seeing and recognizing the parts of your being that resist and struggle in order not to transform.
When you are finally already aware of what has caused you to fall and fall, throughout the ages, you will be able to resolve it from another perspective.
To redeem the lowest aspects of the consciousness will not be an easy path, because you have to remember love, every day. Because if you do not have love, you will make your soul, mind and body sick.
You must proceed with a great deal of peace and strategy, because the most resistant aspects of the consciousness will want to maintain their space and resist.
Think and observe for a moment upon how they are very ancient aspects, that your consciousness nourished and strengthened over the course of time. But now that you have the grace of becoming free, do not oppose these aspects nor struggle with them, because a revolution will occur within you when you try to forge their release.
Trust in the Grace of the Sacraments and in the power of the surrender of your being, for in this way, you will gradually transform your being, your life and all of your consciousness.
Do not suffer, for you will not obtain any result. Remember that you are aware and that the blessed day will come in which everything will be transmuted forever, and you will be in Me and I in you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more