For peace to be a reality in the world, it must begin to exist in the hearts and lives of some men, however few that may be.
To be peaceful, you must learn to dissolve the obstacles that your own consciences place on the path of those who try to live in peace. And this can be achieved in two ways: in silence and in service.
Silence should be based on humility and have peace as its goal. Service should be based on fraternity, to reach the goal of peace.
The heart that is willing to silence reaches peace for itself and for others, avoids conflicts, disagreements and arguments encouraged by the enemy. The heart that is willing to serve, that takes to itself what no one wants to do and, willingly, brings peace to the daily life of its surroundings, without realizing it, is being a channel of God in the world, to dissolve distant conflicts and to placate the anger of many hearts that it does not know.
When you consecrated your lives to God, everything that you do with conscience and offering becomes a service to the entire humankind.
Now, I warn you: I do not ask you to be indifferent in your silence or your minds to criticize and judge while you do something that no one wanted to do. If there is no love and gratitude in your actions, you better be like most of ordinary humanity, because worse than not doing is doing without being truthful.
I bring you these instructions not so that you change your own lives, but that you change the planetary life, because you are living cells of the body of this planet. Therefore, everything that you do will reverberate throughout the planetary consciousness.
I love you and I thank you, already, for the response of all and the conscience that you will have turned to the fulfillment of the Plans of God.
Your Beloved Father, the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, guiding humanity in the simple things, so that one day you may reach the Kingdom of God
For these times of transition between the old and the new human being, the original human being, you must know a divine universal attribute: the Ray of Omnipresence.
The Ray of Omnipresence is the one that allows the Consciousness of God to be alive and present within all things. The Ray of Omnipresence is the vehicle of God Himself in His Creation.
And why must you know it?
Because when humanity is very far from God and when the Divine Messengers are no longer among humanity as now, you will need to know that the Creator is in everything, and not just know it, but you will also have to experience and live this. In this way, you will never feel alone nor helpless, because the Ray of Omnipresence will be visible and palpable to the heart.
In order to know the Omnipresence of God, you must seek it from now on, and I will tell you how.
In the concentration of the mind, of the heart, of the soul and of the spirit, silence, and only be in the present, without thinking of the past or of the future. Feel the present moment, feel the elements of nature, such as the air for example, because regardless of where you are, the air will be present. Feel the air as the bearer of the Ray of Omnipresence and perceive that the same God fosters life by means of the air and animates the universes with it, within the center of the entire Creation.
Discover the Presence of God within the life that sustains you, inside of your own body, giving movement to the elements that compose the being. The God that inhabits the perfection of matter and conducts the functioning of an organism is the same one that inhabits the Cosmos, conducting the Plan to the different galaxies.
The Omnipresence of God is discovered when the same God is perceived in the small and in the great proportions of life.
The Creator is alive in all that was created by Him. Find Him within each one of you as in the center of the Creation. Find Him within your neighbor, as in all things. In this way, you will be able to feel guided, even when alone and, if in a moment of need you listen to Him, the God that is in everything will be able to lead you to the fulfillment of His Will.
The Divine Messengers speak directly to you and with such human words so that you may learn, someday, to speak with the language of the heart and to listen to the voice that is pronounced in the silence of your own inner world.
I love you and I lead you to the times of transition.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
The struggle between peoples for equality of conditions is the result of a national situation in Colombia.
In the search for harmony and peace, Your Heavenly Mother comes to this country to reopen the doors of fraternity and brotherhood that have been closed for some time.
Dear children, may you discover in the inner silence how much there is to be done here through the very powerful channel of prayer that must be offered so that all may be balanced within and outside of human beings.
My children, for this I will need your lives so that at least a little of My Grace may be poured out. I will need of your lives so that a little of suffering and of injustice may be transmuted. I will need your prayers, so that something may be liberated, and the captivity of the indigenous consciousness comes to an end.
Dear children, Colombia is a nation in great need of love; however, in the hearts of My children of Colombia there is the potential to love, which through the centuries has been stifled, and this possibility of loving must spring again like a source of forgiveness and of reconciliation.
My children, I need you to be brave and willing to accompany Me in this task of reconciliation that is needed for this whole nation.
I am with you and do not stop even for a second walking beside you.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who enfolds you in the mantle of Peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dearest children of Mine,
I come tonight as the Lady of Peace and the Guardian of the souls, because Your Heavenly Mother prays ardently for all during the evening hours.
At those times, the neutrality, the spiritual introspection and the silence of Your Mother perpetuate themselves throughout the Universe. It is the time for retreat and quietness to be able to meditate and contemplate the next steps of the Plan of God for humanity.
That is why the night is the moment of vigil of Your Mother, it is the time when the Angelical Heaven enters the sphere of the Earth in order to save the fallen souls.
Dear children, in the next times your lives may be united to My universal life because it will be the moment of adoring and praying for the world when it enters the most acute phase of its transition.
Children, I am the Lady of the Night and I reveal to you the principle of My universal vigilance that comes from concentration and silence.
Children, accompany Your Mother in this sacred task. The day and the time will come when the apostles of My beloved Son will become guardians of the spaces and keepers of the Sacred Centers of all the oratories of the Earth.
I thank you for answering to My call.
Who guides you to a greater vigilance,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within small sacrifices, you will find the solution for the severe problems of humanity.
Sacrifice is an act of renunciation and, at the same time, of liberation of the forms that oppress the consciousness of humanity. Through sacrifices, the Universal Laws act and what seemed impossible to be reversed changes by the realization of a small sacrifice.
The act of sacrifice must be bathed by the humility of accepting something beyond each being’s capacity. Fasting is the path that leads you to find the sacrifice which humanity has forgotten to live so as to be able to repair faults.
Sacrifice is a law of liberation and at the same time it allows us to become aware of gratitude and the good.
Dear children, the maladjustment of humanity in these times is due to the lack of sacrifice, which does not mean omission, severity or punishment. A great sacrifice that the world could make is to remain in silence so that everyone would understand how much human life is out of control, violent and perverted.
If silence were made, much would be solved, everything would be healed, the world would be able to dispel the constant noise that dwells in the consciousness of My children and everything would be rebuilt as it was in the beginning.
One of the causes of My cry is the lack of silence within beings; this separates you from the internal strength, strength which permits you to truly pray, since the absence of silence leads to a lack of peace.
Dear children, My Heart continues to be hurt. The cup is now not only filled to the brim, but now it is overflowing. From everything that happens in the world today, something must be learned internally.
Dear children, I open for you the doors to the Heart of God so that you may enter.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who elevates you to the Consciousness of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In this time of worldwide spiritual crisis in the majority of souls, I ask you to seek the harmony of My Maternal Heart.
To find the harmony of My Maternal Heart, children, you must practice silence so that your hearts and consciousnesses may perceive the difference of being near or far from the Celestial Kingdom.
Children, you are a humanity with the potential to be able to develop many things within the Sacred Law of God.
Harmony is what is lacking in all of humanity, which makes it lose its peace, and in a short time, the path of true humility.
While hearts place their lives in the material things of the world, the path of harmony, which is universal, will not be seen by the majority.
Silence and the practice of silence requires the consciousness to think regarding what it will be talking about and to rethink actions that were previously taken hastily.
If at least a small part of humanity does not live the search for silence, it will be difficult for all, at some point, to be able to hear the Voice of the Most High announcing to the world the glorious Return of Christ to the hearts of the simple ones.
Dear children, you are before a reality that can no longer be hidden; the lack of harmony does not allow the laws of healing to approach and souls remain without receiving anything.
Assume, dear children, that a part of this whole Project is in your hands, as well as the responsibility of the planet and especially of the Kingdoms.
Your union with God and His Divine Will will define the end of times. Keep going, in the company of your Heavenly Mother.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who gathers you together in the Divine Spirit of God in sacred harmony,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The essence of silence is really the act of silencing one’s own aspirations. Here lies the key to the ascension of the spirit as well as of matter.
While each one of the different aspects of the being seeks its own satisfaction and achievement, you will never manage to fulfill with perfection the spiritual goal of your souls and spirits.
In these times of purification, be ready to internally and consciously purify the most profound intentions of all the aspects that shape your being.
Build with prayer a fortress that may bear, with love, serenity and patience, finding the one thousand resistances that will emerge from the unconscious. Be ready to come to know the root of all the movements that you are not able to transform, and with great calm, illuminate, with the power of the word that elevates itself to God, these spaces of the consciousness.
Praying is the key to many doors, not only for the salvation of souls but also to prepare you for all that you must live within and outside of yourselves in the very near future.
If you pray from the heart and are disposed to transformation, everything will be possible for you. I do not tell you it is something easy to be lived because the worst battle is the one that you live with yourself, but it will not be impossible, and with a little courage and persistence you will be able to live bigger battles and help others that have not yet begun to traverse the path of the spirit.
While you do not purify your intentions, all the virtues that you live are temporary, such as silence, humility, charity and even fraternity, because, in the depths of all that, there will always be a personal intention that must be purified.
When you discover the roots of your own imperfections, you will always be able to act, feel and breathe for God, and based on His Plan, and it is from there that all that you do will become truthful and the seeds of a New Race, that fully obeys God, will begin to germinate throughout the world.
For this reason, I encourage you not to be alarmed with what you find out about yourselves. On the contrary, give thanks when you discover an imperfect aspect because you will be a step closer to the manifestation of the New Race.
Learn to live your own transformation with much simplicity and without great anguish, like someone who heals a large wound, cleaning it, day by day. And, even if you feel pain or if sometimes the wound emanates a foul scent or becomes inflammed, at some point, it will heal. The more peace and care, the faster the body, strengthened by the power of prayer, will heal the wound itself.
I bless you and lead you to the knowledge of yourselves, and to the inner peacemaking, in face of any circumstance of life.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, patient and humble servant of God
In the spirit of simplicity, surrender your own will to God and do not be afraid of following His Designs that are often incomprehensible to the human mind, but will always be full of perfection.
The Will of God always will echo in the interior of the heart that silences to listen to Him, and the one who aspires to follow this Will shall know that this profound feeling is real, is true.
God always speaks in the intimate of His creatures, but, in most of the times, the noise that exists in the interior of the beings is very big for the constant seeking of contentment that you will not achieve in this world. In other cases, they occupy even the soul in purely material aspirations and they cannot listen to their own heart or, in order to not follow it, they doubt that this feeling and this inner voice are true.
But today I tell you that to follow the Will of God, you must be brave and firm in spirit, as in the heart, because humanity is far away from what it should express and, often, the hearts of good will, that try to walk to God, are making their efforts to the opposite path.
With this, I do not want tell you to abandon all that you do, but to listen more to the Voice of God in your own interior and to be more attentive to listen to Him and willing to follow Him when He gives you clear indications.
This possibility of uniting to God will never be taken from you. The voice of God fulfills the spirit and rejoices the soul; do not confuse it with the voice of mind that quenches the aspirations of the senses and vanities.
This is My message for today: in the silence of the heart, listen to God and, in the courage of spirit, answer to His call.
I bless you today and always,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My companions,
Like so many others that silently follow Me, may you learn to walk amongst tribulations and evil.
Let the Shield of My Heart be, for you, the barrier that separates you from the wickedness of the world and from enemies.
Let the Light of My Heart be your guide in the moments when only intuition will provide the answer when I am no longer here.
This is why, in silence as in meekness, I prepare you so that you may continue firmly in the Purpose that is above all adversity.
In truth I tell you, first you will find your own hell, but I promise you that I will not step away from anyone who invokes Me by heart and by word.
With a single breath, I will be able to dissolve any disturbance from your core.
So open the door to Me and invoke My Holy Name:
"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus Christ, my Savior, help me, guard me, and protect me."
Thus, I will be your perfect alliance in the name of the Love of God the Father.
Afterward, later, you will see the hells of this humanity burn up in flames and you will see how many will be lost, believing that I am present in some incarnated person.
I am present in the tabernacle of the humble hearts of the Earth. My Spirit is Holy and cannot yet descend to the abysses of this world, until the prophecies are fulfilled.
Have you read the writings of John, My beloved disciple?
Observe, then, that these times were already written, see the signs and do not fear, the Lord will help you to walk in faith and in love.
While you still have time, renounce, avail yourselves of each meeting with the Heavenly Messengers, for the time is coming to an end, the fruits must awaken through the prayer and the devotion of the simple.
My brothers and sisters, do not allow anybody to deceive you. I am only present in the Eucharist, in confession, in the prayer of the one who pronounces My Blessed Name without arrogance or fanaticism.
Seek Me and you will not lose sight of Me. In this time, I come to reveal to you the wise Mercy of the universe and to unmask the false Christs with My own Hands.
The only Christ is I, your Master, Who lived two thousand years ago among you to teach you to walk in faith and in forgiveness, Who was humiliated and martyred by all humankind and was resurrected and rose to the Heavens, whence He will come for the second time.
Woe to those who use the Name of the Son of God in vain and as a lie! On the day of Judgment, you will know the power of My Holy Justice.
Open your eyes and see the true Light of Heaven, which assembles you so that one day you may die for Me and live eternally in My Glory.
Read My Messages. Now I have sent you Saint Joseph every day, so that He may help you to truly find Me in what is most simple and pure.
Under the merciful Justice that comes from Heaven, be blessed and be attentive.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
My beloved companions of the path,
Today I arrive to this sacred place, a Kingdom of the Universal Mother and Her Firstborn Son, to bring to all the humility and simplicity that I learned during the time I was here on this Earth as Saint Joseph, and that have followed Me ever since.
It was this humility and this simplicity that allowed Me to live holiness but, above all things, allowed Me to let Myself be guided by God, by My Son Jesus and by My beloved wife Mary. She used to guide My internal steps with Her loving silence, a silence that I loved and venerated at that time, as an example of service to God.
Today I come to tell you that to overcome this purification that you, My beloved disciples, are beginning to live, only the path of humility and simplicity and the love of silence will lead you to pass all the tests; tests that you will face to leave behind the old human that must no longer exist, so that the wineskin that My Son must fill with His new codes of light can be empty and ready for Him.
I speak to everyone, but today I want to call especially those who are confused. I ask these children to find in the inner silence the possibility to hear the voice of the heart and in humility the possibility to accept the guide of the instruction left by us, the Divine Messengers.
I also speak today especially to those who have always been confident because they are strong and feel clarity in their interior. I want you to know that everyone will live the collapse of those structures that do not let you take steps towards full fraternity and humility that the Most High Father designed for your destinies.
Open your hearts and thus, willingly, study My instructions, those that have been given since I began to visit you; in them are kept many keys that must be the ones to help you in such sublime and expected times for your souls.
Be strong and persevering and do not let yourselves be frightened by the adversary of this plan of God, that will always want to use your skills on his behalf without you being able to perceive it.
Place yourself always below the others, live to serve your siblings without putting yourselves in the limelight and thus the virtue that is kept in your essences, that which the Creator placed in your beings, will be poured in and out of you in order to lead this path of effort that you must travel towards holiness.
I will be there to guide you, to shelter you and to protect you against yourselves. You must simply accept Me as your companion of the path.
Today I bless this house, the cradle of the new humanity, and all of you, children of the Most High.
May God be always in your lives.
My Chaste Heart keeps you,
Saint Joseph, humble worker of God
The deepest secrets about the destiny of the humanity of today are revealed in the silence of My Maternal Heart. Those secrets are the inner visions of your Heavenly Mother about the Redemptive Plan of Christ for humanity, and about all those who will participate in these final events.
To know the secrets of My Immaculate Heart is to feel the grief of your Most Holy Mother on seeing the lack of connection on the part of humanity.
Besides there being real prayer groups and good Christians, the awareness that something must change soon must emerge before it is too late. That awareness will demand a complete and total change from everyone so that the spiritual outcome of today’s humanity may be different.
The Celestial Universe knows that only with decisive events, marked by the Law, can this most necessary change be awakened.
In His Heart, the Father feels that the world does not want to abandon comfort to experience a beginning of transformation; it is for this reason that the greater demand will fall on just a few, in the name of sacrifice and surrender to the Plan of God. But this will not be for very long; only until the most severe cycle of the transition on Earth begins.
Those who sacrificed themselves and endured for others will be crowned by the very King of Love, and will be the living testimony of a victory achieved by Christ Himself. It is for the rest of humanity to repent soon, or at least as soon as possible, since the Law of Justice will be decisive and will separate the chaff from the wheat.
There is no time to lose; let hearts and souls truly repent, confess, and receive forgiveness and absolution so they do not continue to commit the same errors. Let them commune and hold within their hearts a sacred space for when Christ returns; in this way, the Divine and Glorious Light of My Son will become visible in the world.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you to the true planetary reality,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In the time that comes I want to invite you to live the spirit of love and of peace, something you must always seek through your prayers and communion with My Beloved Son.
With this purpose I come from Heaven to announce to you that peace is possible on these times, despite the serious condition in which the world is found.
My children, I bring to you the possibility of finding the state of silence such as the peace of heart. Day by day I want to see you strong and humbler so that you may be able to face such decisive times that will place all of humanity before the judgment of the Divine Law and Justice, something that no one can image how will happen.
But I open the doors of My Heart so that you may be able to feel, in every moment, that you are in My lap, despite the spiritual battles that humanity will face in the last cycle of the final time.
Children, I reveal to you the only path of peace because if you are in My Peace, in spite of all, you will be able to see the Face of My Beloved Son shining in you little hearts.
Children, the time has come to act according to the indications of the Will of God. As the Mother of all, I know that the majority follow other paths. For this, day by day I come, through these messages, to guide you and mainly for you to value the Word of God.
If that happens at least in a small part of the humanity, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who takes you to the consciousness of Truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
In the silence of My pure Heart lies the most intimate secrets about the destiny of this present humanity.
Today I wish to reveal to you one of them, which I consider most urgent in these times: the spiritual effect that modernities have on a good Christian and a good consecrated person.
In Fatima, I announced to Jacinta about this time that would come, and I asked her that, before her death, she should only reveal it to her confessor.
From Fatima, I wanted to awaken true peace throughout the world. This is why My call from that time is repeated in this cycle, warning everyone to seek the path of prayer that elevates them, and to turn away from the modernities that embrace everyone much more than the Spirit of Peace.
In Fatima, I said to Jacinta that, in the coming time of the planet, humanity would idolize modernities as a god of their own, and all of them would be the fruit of a negative cosmic infiltration into the unconsciousness of all beings on Earth.
Later on, this would generate an addiction, like so many other tendencies that would be activated by the very claws of My adversary.
At that time, the Woman Clothed with the Sun should again arrive in the world, to disarm the plans of the enemy of hypnotizing and conquering the unconsciousness of the souls and, consequently, the life of the spirit of the creatures.
This form of modern hypnotism would awaken the idea of an "advancement of the times" and would bring very determining consequences for the sleep of human beings, generating further effects of insomnia, loss of inner alignment, and, mainly, a lack of peace.
This weapon of modernities would occupy the daily life of people, making them dependent on a false system and with a net of satanic relations. Thus, this dependency on modernities would malnourish the spiritual life and make them lose the sense of the search for the Celestial Universes.
This plan, contrary to the evolution of the universe, which was announced in Fatima, would in the future generate an absence and a separation of life and love of the families. Children would cease to be loved, to be occupied all the time by the device of this same plan. The little ones, from the wombs of their mothers, would feel the lack of interest of being recognized and, thus, they will become a difficulty in the busy life of the mothers and fathers.
These modernities would still occupy the hours of sleep, creating a negative dependency and a high lack of interest in the life of the spirit and the search for God.
At that time, I said to Jacinta, in Fatima, that in the future there would be all kinds of modern forms and devices that would completely absorb the attention of the people and would make them lose their inner senses, such as being able to listen to God and, thus, rapidly withdrawing from Him.
I also revealed in Fatima that from the year 2000 onward, a conviction, contrary to God, would arise in humanity, based on wanting to advance through modernities and develop this evil idea within the lives of the souls and all their families.
Later, I told Jacinta that these modernities would be the apex of a false model, which would be the sovereign deceiver that would enter into religious life, and, whoever would not pray many Rosaries, would not perceive with the heart where they would be deviating.
I also revealed to Jacinta, when she would spend her last days in the hospital of Lisbon, in Portugal, that in humanity there would awaken a competition based on false modern goods, which would generate a desire for comfort, pleasure and for knowing who would have the best modernity. All this would make you lose the spirit of that which is sacred and the spirit of wisdom.
I said in Fatima that I could not reveal the last part of this story of perdition that My adversary is taking forward at the present time. I also told Jacinta that I would return to the world for the last time in a poor and lost place in the southern part of the Americas so that, outside of the traditional Church of Christ, the world could recognize Me and listen to Me for the last time.
For this reason, I promised Jacinta that, at the request of Jesus, I would consecrate legions of heavenly souls, so that, on Earth, they could be My armed arms, through prayer, fasting, communion and confession, which would prevent the total unconscious and spiritual destruction of human life. For this reason, I would come to ask for the consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart, so that at least half of the one hundred percent might listen to Me and respond to My call.
I told Jacinta, three days before her death, that if Russia were consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, a great part of the world would be protected for a while longer, and the day of the great Universal Judgment would be postponed.
Also, I confessed and revealed to Jacinta that, if the world continued to adopt modernities and their actions as their own mundane gods, a great part of humanity would suffer the consequences of having exchanged God for these modernities.
I also revealed to her that My enemy would mainly rule over a large part of religious life until the fountain of thirst for My Son would dry up completely.
If that were to happen, I told Jacinta that My beloved Son would appear for a second time, in a certain place of the world, to try to attract to Him the last Graces of God upon the hearts that would not deserve them, due to indifference and error.
If only a part, more than half of the one hundred percent, would respond to the living Call of Christ, My Son would grant that the Mother of God could support humanity during a cycle of three solstices, in the hope that it would awaken in time.
History has not ended, and the Judgment will define everything. Therefore, the repentance of the heart and the sincere search for the Kingdom of God will be that which will save the arising of the New Humanity, of the New Jerusalem.
Meditate upon My words and pray with Me.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who awakens you towards higher consciousness.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
As the Pilgrim Mother, I go around the world in a ceaseless search for the humble hearts in the Lord to, in this way, build the new foundations of the Promised Earth.
In these times I summon you to love and forgive because thus I will also see your humble hearts in the Lord, being true apostles of My Son.
When your redemption occurs, beloved children, it will be the moment to take the right step to the conversion of the soul and of all the consciousness.
Every day I gather you here, in My cenacle of love, for you to receive the internal impulses that will take you to peace and to the love in Christ.
Today I visit your Sacred Heart and I renew it through the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God so that, determined and simple, we can help to reconstruct this wounded humanity.
Dear children, I wait for you in prayer every day. My Grace is your Grace, My silence will be your silence when you simply take the risk to live it in the faith and the trust that one day you will achieve it.
I am your Mother and I keep you all in My Most Sacred Heart.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you always in Christ,
Your mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today My Mantle of protection and shelter extends itself as light in this sacred place of Adoration to My Son.
Today, I gather you in this cenacle, so you carry on praying with Me for this mission of peace in Africa; which has had, in the last few days, inner repercussions in the life and in the existence of the sinful souls.
But on this day, I am calling you to withdraw, to the inner silence and prayer, as a path to achieve peace in difficult times.
Your Lord Jesus, the King of Mercy, has again found His place of faith and devotion in the heart of Africa. For this reason, these days, the task of support and sustenance has made some of My Children dispose their inner instruments to help the flow of the important mission in other planes of consciousness, where neither the mind nor the intellect can reach, and only prayer is able to construct and transform.
New sheep, new redeemed and rehabilitated souls were incorporated in the scriptures of the books of Adonai to start walking, from now on, towards the service of God and His Divine Plan. For this larger salvation of African souls to happen, it was necessary, My children, that the Universe of Divine Light gave the instruments of the Universal Mother all these inner deeds that needed much prayer, transmutation and compassion.
And all this was achieved, dear children, because the Will of Adonai so determined, and his Lady of Kibeho was able to placate the Justice of the angels of the Creator.
The most difficult debts were liberated and forgiven, little by little. The unfair and serious actions were reconverted by means of the spirit of prayer and mercy of everyone.
Peace reached spaces where it had never existed and the trapped souls, and most of them condemned, found the breath of a new divine breeze. The mission continues and My missionaries prepare themselves to enter in one of the nations most in need of spiritual aid and prayer.
In the Congo you will find the reasons and the causes that have led, for example, to the destruction of the Kingdoms of Nature and the lack of consciousness of what is being done.
Beloved children, the Congo is a reality barely known, where the need, poverty and spiritual blindness generate a lack of consciousness and meaning in manifested life. In the Congo, there will be much to be forgiven and to do, so as to recover at least a drop of Mercy.
My children already walk towards the last stretch of the intense and profound mission; thus, carry on praying for them, so that the work may come true.
But today I ask you, children, to also pray for the visionaries, so My Plan of Peace in the world may be concretized. These are already the last moments in which your Lady of Heaven directs Her words to the world before the Armageddon that is coming.
My greetings of peace to all my children of Goiania for having responded promptly and with diligence to My call. I thank you for your understanding and true love.
I thank you for helping to concretize My plans.
Who congregates you in the sacred cenacle of the Heart of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I Am the Light that exists in places and worlds where there is no Light. I Am the Morning Star of the universe that dispels the gloom.
I Am the One Who brings with Him the essence of Life and Truth, and I hope that all of Mine will one day become that very Light, which defeats evil and awakens the Mercy of God in the world.
While the time of the universe announces new profound changes, We the Divine Messengers are preparing to gather Our Hearts in the Great Heart of God.
But in essence and in pure spirit, We will be with humanity until the end, waiting for the designated moment to help in the redemption of the last souls on the face of the Earth.
While that moment has yet to take place, make good spiritual decisions in your lives, in this way, you will be truly ready and sincere to face the Plans of God, because then, His Higher Source will be able to trust in you until the end.
Your hearts hold the potential for experiencing an unlimited transformation, capable of transcending inner and outer barriers and difficulties.
Through these last times, I have given you the possibility of knowing the path of love and forgiveness, something that must be practiced when the moment of the tribulation emerges throughout all humanity.
Everybody, in due time, will be witnesses to My Presence and My return to the heart of the simplest and the greatest sinners. At that time, you will be the testimony for many, for a great opportunity of pity and Mercy.
But all of this cannot be left behind, forgotten, when the time of giving your own life out of love approaches.
At that moment, I will be by your side to encourage you, in absolute trust, to take the great step for the salvation of this lost world.
Your support will be My hope, your joy will be the power of My consolation, your fortitude will be the gift of My faith, your immediate step will be to die for Me and for your brothers and sisters.
When this time comes for everybody, each being will be able to understand and clearly know how much they have worked by My side, and how much they have, without fear, given to Me, so that I could transform their being.
The times are indicating a different moment.
Your attention and silence can be the precise keys for understanding the final signs that the universe will send.
May your thirst to experience Me never end.
Let the renewing love that I offer you at each meeting be the definitive mark that will remain engraved forever so that in the great moment of My return I am able to recognize you as My apostles rather than My executioners.
Love the Law of God, even though you do not understand it; this will protect you from yourselves.
My Rays are poured out upon the just.
In the Peace of the New Time
Jesus Christ, Solar King
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
During the Vigil of Prayer of December 24, 2014, at the Marian Center of Aurora, Our Lady announced that the new cycle of monthly Messages of Christ Jesus will be carried out through a program on the third Friday of each month; it will be called "The Sacred Call".
Today, during the last weekly Message of Christ, the Master again announced that, in the coming cycle of His monthly Messages, the program will be called "The Sacred Call."
May your heart remain silent so that you may hear, now and always, the truth of My Words.
May your peacemaking be more profound than the great oceans so that in the right hour you may be able to perceive the truth and the wisdom about things.
Enter now into the Universe of My Heart so that I, from this day on, may take absolute control of your life. For this you must open space and place for Me so that My Merciful Rays may be able to act and transform.
Walk by My Side without observing what exists around you, concentrate your being in the divine power of My Love and wait for the coming of My Supreme Grace.
Trust what I ask you because it is time to awaken to the Supreme Consciousness.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
That in this time My disciples may not fear to be offended because on the path of humility the hard hearts will come to the conclusion of their opening themselves to the call of My Redeeming Love.
Be patient and silent, be an example of beatitude and simplicity because the mirror that reflects your heart will be the example that you live by Me in peace and in faith.
I Am returning and thus I will look for those who I have chosen to help Me to fulfill My Redeeming Work. My Meek Heart is with all of the good servers. Go ahead!
Under the good of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
My children,
In My Heart, seek to rest in your lives, so that in it, you may be renewed in the face of all the tests. I am the Source of vitality, of life for the spirit and of Love for souls. Through Me, you will untiringly walk toward My Son.
I am She who gives you to drink when you cross the desert, so that you may cross the threshold of maturing and reach the Consciousness of God.
The mysteries of My Presence are held in the universe of prayer. One who prays and is silent finds in Me the keys to know the Infinity of God.
For this reason, today I tell you to try and discover the science of prayer, a science that encompasses more than simple words attentively pronounced.
Today I want you to take another step on this path of consecration to a life of prayer, and this is achieved when you allow yourselves to pray with all of your consciousness, with your heart, with your feeling, with the mind, soul and spirit. In this way, the concentration opens doors so that the words may come alive, and each verb pronounced becomes like a doorway that will take you to an unknown universe.
If you do as I tell you to today, going deeper in your prayers, you will discover that the simple act of prayer holds within it, great mysteries of salvation and of evolution for all of humanity.
As Mother of the World and Universal Mother, little by little I lead you to those universes that are held in the silence of each prayer given to you.
Many times you have probably asked yourselves why the Messengers of God give you so many spiritual practices and so many different prayers, and today, I am telling you that the spiritual reason for this fact is that each prayer, when pronounced fully, will open different doors in the consciousness, to lead you to different Universes of God. Also, each practice and each prayer connects your hearts with different divine codes that the Creator aspires to imprint in His creatures.
In this way, never miss the opportunity of praying with the heart and with the spirit. You must be more than concentrated on each word; plunge into each one of them and allow yourselves to be uplifted by the angels sent by God. In a short time, you will discover what I am telling you today if you put My instructions into practice with sincerity and purity.
Do not seek to reach any state of stupor while you pray, because what I am telling you today is a profound spiritual instruction.
If you pray with love and give your permission to go deeper into this universe that is to pray, God Himself, through His angels and Messengers, will open the door to you and will lead you to where each heart belongs.
Little by little, you will discover that praying is more than praying, and that you know very little about this divine practice.
Simply pray, always pray.
I thank you for responding to My call and for having come to My meeting.
Mary, Universal Mother and Queen of Peace
I knock on your door: may I enter?
Let Me be with you and talk to you about the wonders of God. I am here to listen to you, know that you will have all My Comfort. Be deceived no longer, take My Hands to proceed in the path of sacrifice.
Be still and in silence tell Me what you need. Disturb your heart no longer, only concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart and feel the beating of My celestial rhythm. Stay in Me and seek to live the great experience of redeeming love with Me.
Seek the warmth of My eternal company and see everywhere the light of My Omnipresence. Meet with your friends to talk about God and only do this in perpetual prayer. Nourish yourself with My Word of Life and before any need of help, call Me because I will listen to you.
Stay in My Kingdom, live in My Kingdom and feel yourself as a part of the infinite ocean of My Mercy. Empty your heart of the past and you will allow that the chains be liberated from you so that the light of the true being may emerge. Think of Me. Do all in My Name so that your actions may be sacred and charitable for those who need relief.
I Am here, calling at the door of your house. I Am arriving in the silence and in the Glory of God, your eternal Celestial Father.
Under the Good of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Shepherd.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more