It is in the greater and extensive silence that the Hierarchy works widely, and it is in this silence that the great universal operations are carried out.
With this we announce the great spiritual and cosmic moment that Uruguay is going through because, due to the adherence pronounced by a very few, the spiritual Hierarchy is managing to carry forward what is most urgent and necessary.
It is for this purpose that important Consciousnesses of Light of the Universe, of the Greater Universe, are interrelating through profound operations of help and of intervention for those consciousnesses that have polarized and compromised all the others through plans and ideals that they themselves did not even create, but rather others did.
Those consciousnesses are being deployed from terrestrial space so that Uruguay, as a consciousness in redemption, will not have to bear the weight of those presences that, even though incarnated, will not be completely present.
That inexplicable movement that the Hierarchy performs is so that those consciousnesses, that govern and mobilize the nations, may in other spheres receive an opportunity of redemption, as you receive it today.
The spiritual plane will draw ever closer to the density of the Earth to show and reveal to the human being how far they have moved from the truth. In this way, your blindness will be removed and you will be able to see more clearly the greatness of the Divine Purpose.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
While the world and the nations get involved in chaos, My children, I call you to enter into My Heart and find peace. I call you to cross the thresholds of human indifference that exists within you, as upon the whole planet. I call you to lose fear of what is true and unknown so that, in this way, you can look at your own inner world and find what you truly are.
May you contemplate the infinite and know that this very infinite dwells within you. And just as the stars hold in their shine a great mystery that seems to be distant from your lives, within you there is also a divine essence, whose shine, My children, holds not only the mysteries about yourselves, but about that of all life, about the Plan and the perfect Thought of God for humanity and for all creatures.
In spite of all conflicts and sufferings, in spite of all stimuli that you receive, day by day, causing one to suffer, to lose hope, to live indignation and to feel the pain of injustice, I call you today to go beyond all appearances and find that which is true, although it was nearly always hidden from human eyes.
In these times, My children, nothing else will be hidden from you, and in your hearts the divine mysteries and gifts can become unveiled, you can discover your true potentials, you can know what you were created for, what is the purpose of your lives; a purpose that is beyond the experience of forgiveness and redemption, and that is held in the expression and in the manifestation of love, in that which Christic Love awakens within you, and in everything.
These are times to be conscious of the urgency of the planet, to know and perceive that the chaos announces the Apocalypse and the Laws are being fulfilled, and they manifest that which was written. But it is also time to know the correct way to deal with the planetary situation, and this, beloved children, is not written in any Sacred Book, because it is part of the Revelation of these times; it is part of that which you must live and experience in this evolutionary stage of humanity, which you were not ready to live, and not even to know about in other times.
The Keys to cross the thresholds, that separate you from the Truth and divide the cycles of the old and new human being, are found in Our words; they are found in the state that the Divine Word places you within.
Therefore, do not only listen to that which we tell you, but let yourselves be elevated. Go deep and seek within that which only silence is capable of showing you and, with this strength, you will be ready to deepen within yourself.
It is by praying and uniting your own heart to God, and to the Divine Messengers, that you will be worthy to know what makes you like your Creator. And in this way, My children, you write with your own lives the Gospel of these times; the Gospel that is the concretion of the end, but also the beginning of the new.
I leave you My blessings so that you may be beyond every internal or external conflict; so that you may be held within My Heart and, by elevating your own spirit, you may help humanity to also be freed from the ties to the slavery of ignorance and illusion.
I love you, support you and with My Love I guide you so that you may be in God.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Within places in nature, where silence is expressed, as governor and regent, the most elevated aspects of God establishes contact and, in this way, humanity may find Him in this silence.
Colombia has spaces very similar to the Amazon in which the sacred attributes of the Father manifest. For this to be possible, those spaces are sustained by universal epicenters of cosmic energy where activity is carried out concurrently with the surface.
Colombia has many treasures that will serve in the development of the New Humanity. For this reason, the spiritual cause of its social or political imbalance is to prevent these relics from coming to light and into the knowledge of all.
Colombia must be in the heart of those who, beyond forms and appearances, believe in the emergence of a new period for the planet, in which the treasures of God will awaken the consciousnesses and cause them to face reality and the reason for being here, in this world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Sometimes, going through the doorway of humility means bowing your head so that, completely bowed down, you can enter into My Kingdom. This state is achieved with great and deep humility, which will allow you to always recognize that you are nothing and your life and consciousness belong to God.
But in order to reach this point of resignation and of surrender, what will always allow you to experience humility will be your allowing, in silence, for the events to be presented and not rushing over them, trying to gain or be right about something.
Neutrality is an important ally of humility, but neutrality does not mean omission nor indifference. To experience neutrality, humility is necessary, and absolute trust that everything that happens to you on the path of redemption is to renew you and take away the obstacles and constant resistances of the human aspect.
Thus, in this moment, seek to know how humility is within you and how much attention you pay to it so that it can, with its wisdom, govern you and make you a real disciple of Mine.
Begin by aspiring to be humble in the small actions of life and accept everything the Universe sends to you as an opportunity for truly loving by means of service and willingness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
On September 18, 2019, after this daily Message, our Lord presented us with a new spiritual exercise that He called: "Rosary of the Humility of Christ."
He invites each one of us to do this Rosary daily, or in those moments when we most need it, when we most need to seek and find, within ourselves, the connection with the spirit of His holy Humility.
For this, He transmitted this Rosary in the following way:
At the union bead, we will pray:
Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace
so that Holy Humility may dwell within me
and thus your Divine Will may be fulfilled.
At each decade
Spirit of the Humility of Christ,
dwell within me.
From My Heart emerges the Blood of redemption and of life, because in My Heart the Wound still exists, that which had was once opened on the Cross. A Wound which at that moment nobody knew. Only My Mother and the Holy Women, as well as John, the Apostle; they knew about the emergence of this material and spiritual Wound.
That Wound was the last and great spiritual, mental and moral surrender of your Lord.
In truth, more than the Wounds of the hands and of the feet, it was the Wound that up until these times justifies the errors of humanity and it is the Wound that allows Me to still be here, among you, to announce and proclaim the Kingdom of God within each being and in the entire Universal Creation.
This is the Wound that testified to the Love of God for humankind, although they were mistaken or were in the greatest and most absolute darkness.
This is the Wound that is still to be alleviated, which is caused by the ignorance of those who do not experience God and by the indifference of those who turn their backs on Him and leave, abandoning the Love of the Redeemer.
This is the Wound of Your Master that is still to be healed for a long while. And what will close it someday will be the love of those who are blessed and have no preconceptions of the Universal and Divine Work of Your Lord.
This Wound will be healed through those who help and surrender to a silent transmutation.
This Wound will be healed through all those who blindly trust in Me, beyond what happens to them, what they go through or purify, because if I still carry the Wound of the pain and the ignorance of the world in My Heart, be means of those who are Mine, it will be possible for that sorrowful Wound to be alleviated, as it is in each moment of adoration, of prayer and of communion with Me.
Because when everything happens and when My Wound is healed, you will only find refuge in My Heart, in My Divine Life and in My Presence.
Never cease to be generous with others, loving towards those who are in pain and suffering.
Never cease to serve and to surrender to Me, because the day will come in which, in the Glory of the Father, you will be seated at My table and I will crown each one for their efforts and inner merits.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I feel immense and inexplicable joy for you, for being able to return to one of My favorite homes and Service Nucleus for humanity.
After a long walk, your Master and Lord comes to the heart of each one of those present so that, in adoration and in silence, He may rest together with His disciples and praying pilgrims.
This is a special moment because, as from today on, the Light-Nuclei will prepare, after many years, to someday change into Centers of humanitarian shelter and support in the current time of transition.
Here in the Light-Nuclei exists the main archetype of the attributes of the Light-Communities; they are the arms and the hands stretched out to the world that can welcome, receive and bring relief to those who suffer. All this is a treasure of the Spiritual Hierarchy, because the Light-Nuclei are spaces dedicated to helping souls to take the first steps in fraternity, in the good and, above all, in love.
If the Light-Nuclei did not exist as basic support and pillars of the Work of the Hierarchy, today it would not be possible to carry humanitarian and fraternal service to the world, because the Light-Nuclei are not only spaces for reconnecting with the sense of the inner world, but they also represent the experience and the synthesis of the Light-Communities.
In short, the Nuclei are fruits of the sacred tree, of a tree that, by means of souls and servers, must continue to sow forgiveness and redemption in the most spiritually needy hearts.
I am forever grateful for the eternal and loving service of the souls of this and all Light-Nuclei. I am grateful to those who in faith still hold up the torch of their Lord on the surface of the Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
May your hearts be filled by the Grace, Peace and the Mercy of Christ.
Today, children, My prayer is for you to find God, to live His words, His instructions, delivered to the world through His Messengers.
My prayer is for you to know how to overcome yourselves, each day, finding in your own surrender and in the aspiration to live Christic Love, the strength to elevate, overcome harassments and adversities and find peace.
My prayer is for you to learn to serve your brothers and sisters, learn how to say yes without conditions, in the spirit of patience and fraternity, humility and love.
Today, My prayer is for the servers of Christ to discover themselves as His companions and always aspire to give one step more, and become His friends, espoused souls of His Sacred Heart and faithful imitators of His Christic path.
My prayer today, before God, is of surrender. I surrender to the Father each word said throughout these last years, each impulse that I gave you with My word, with My silence and with My Love, so that you may seek in God the fruits of this surrender.
The door has already been opened to you. The way has already been shown. Today, My prayer is for you to walk without fear and tepidness of heart.
Be souls firm in Christ, renewed in God and willing to fulfill His Plan.
For this I bless you and, with love, I accompany you, today and always.
Your Father and eternal Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In simple places and with simple hearts there I will always be, in silence and peace, attracting the Kingdom of God to the world.
With those who effort, in spite of their imperfections, and give the best of themselves in small and large things, I will always be here, because it is their effort that will open the doors to Heaven, and not the perfection of their hearts.
With those who aspire to build a new life and find the new time, I will always be there, for this is My Mission: to lead you by the hand to this encounter with the Truth. And even though My voice goes silent, even though My presence seems to hide, do not be deceived, for I will always be here, whispering the Designs of God into your hearts, inspiring you to continue upon the correct path, alerting you when you deviate, and bringing you peace when it seems that you have lost it.
I will always be here, with My hands in yours, raising the bricks to construct the new dwelling places and rebuilding that which is real and pure, when it breaks through the struggles of these times.
Pray with Me always, even if it be in the silence of your hearts, and you will discover, children, how My silence echoes more than My voice, and what I will allow you to understand within your hearts will be clearer than all the words that I have spoken.
Through this inner, profound and true contact with Me, you will consolidate the union with God and will mature as His children and as His companions.
I have told you: I am merely His Servant, a Servant of the Divine, His Messenger, His Laborer. Through a request of His, I have come to meet with you and now that you are before His Sacred Heart, the time has come for each one of you to live this encounter with Him.
I will accompany you always, with love, with joy. I will adore God for your triumphs and will plead with God in the face of your defeats. Together, children, we will arrive to the New Time, when nothing more will be hidden, when everything will be revealed; when all eyes will see, all ears will hear and all hearts will know the truth about themselves and about life.
For this, I have brought you up to this point. For this, I came to the world for such a long time. And also, for this, I will make My silence known, because everything is part of one Plan; a Will that will be understood as it is experienced.
So that you live this, I bless you, embrace you, and leave My paternal love for you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Kingdom of God is within you. The Kingdom of God is among you.
When you love and forgive; when you serve and are fraternal; when you smile with the spirit; when you speak with wisdom; when you are reverently silent, the Kingdom of God is within you; the Kingdom of God is among you.
When you pray and open up the Heavens, uniting your hearts with the Heart of the Father; when you cry out for a fellow being and seek peace; when you are glad about the progress of your brothers and sisters; when you do not covet the evolution of others but rather seek the Will of God in yourselves; when you understand and perceive the Presence of the Father in all life; when you are grateful for the gift of living and of renewing Divine Creation, the Kingdom of God is within you; the Kingdom of God is among you. Remain in it.
Let It be revealed to your brothers and sisters. Let the children of God discover the gift of living and being the Kingdom.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, uniting your heart to the Heart of God because, in these times of spiritual battle, this is what beings need most.
Pray, not only formally, but pray in dialogue and confession with your Creator, with certainty that He listens attentively to your pleas. Be silent to hear the answer of God. Enter into quietude to feel His Presence and, through profound gratitude, open the doors of the world and of the hearts of human beings for Him to send His Peace.
Make your life a prayer, respecting your neighbor, being patient, being grateful for the presence of God in your brothers and sisters.
Make your life a prayer, serving and loving those who are around you and those who are far from you.
Do not fear to cross the threshold of a new time. Let this time live within you, uniting yourself to God forever.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Each day, elevate your heart a little more to God. Do not tire of persisting; do not tire of trying to be meek and humble in the face of all situations in life, keeping in your essence what makes you a guardian of the Divine Purpose.
Meekness and humility are not weakness and indifference. Be meek and humble and, at the same time, be firm in the silence within you, making the Will of God in you and around you incorruptible.
Emanate peace in your actions and words. Emanate peace in your presence and let God express through you. You already know, child, that this must be the expression of your being and, day after day, I come to remind you of these things because, while I speak, I give impulse to your consciousness so that it may take a new step and always go deeper into the living of higher teachings.
The mission of a companion of Christ is to be His living Word and to spread His Teachings with their own life. Thus, every day, My Chaste Heart comes to the world to form the companions of Christ and help them achieve the Will of God for their lives.
Let My instructions transform you. Let My presence inspire you so that one day, child, you also may transform and inspire souls by bringing the presence of your Lord into life, in all that you are and in all that you emanate to the world.
You have My blessing for that.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Rest your heart in the love of God. Renew your strength in His Cross, growing every day in your surrender.
Restore your spirit in prayer, in union with the Hierarchy, in silence and in peace, so that after each accomplished Mission your spirit may be ready for a new ascending step, more intense and profound than the previous ones.
In this way, child, you will open your heart to the Temple of God and you will prepare not only your spirit, but also your body, mind and emotions to go through the thresholds of a new life.
Thank God for everything in your life, because gratitude attracts renovation and peace from the Universe.
Unite your heart with the Divine Purpose, always saying "yes" to God, thus He will renew you and help you so that everything you are may be overcome, more each day; so that the fruits of love, the tree of the new life, may emerge from your effort.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray and welcome the divine Graces with love.
Receive in your spirit and in your heart the Rays which come from the Heart of the Creator of all things. His Divine Science manifests within beings when they pray from the heart and it reveals to them what they truly are; it allows essences to recover their brightness and their celestial expression, and demonstrates to humankind the purity and the mystery which lies within you.
Let all that which happens in the silence and in the invisible of planetary existence expand to all beings, to all of Creation. Let that which the Father gives you when you pray to flow from your heart to the world, and make of your life a permanent service for human evolution.
Be a server in silence, a server from the heart, a server who lives the Gospel within themselves and transforms the human consciousness from the inside out, converting the deepest roots of your degeneration.
You are a part of a whole; you are the product of a history that did not begin on this Earth and which will not end on it; but which is defined here, within each being.
If two or more experience the transformation that the Creator needs, it will already be enough to demonstrate the greatness of the Love of God to all of Creation, and renew the evolution of all life, on this planet and beyond it.
Aspire, child, to be the one who makes the difference. Seek to be the one who experiences the transcendence of self every day. Seek to live within yourself what you aspire for humanity to manifest, and find the Will and the Design of God through your purest aspirations.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Illuminate your consciousness with the Light of Wisdom that the Messengers of God bring to the world.
Awaken to the principles of Christification, living service and unconditional surrender every day.
Experience the gift of humility and the grace of silence in the light of Divine Grace and thus, My child, see the promises of God become fulfilled within you.
Live the alchemy of transformation of the consciousness in the simplicity of prayer.
See the Divine Purpose be fulfilled within you through the sincere submission of your heart to God and discover how simple it is to manifest Divine Will.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In all things, look for the inner and spiritual presence of your Most Holy Mother.
Wherever you may go, let your heart lean more toward the mysteries of the spirit than toward material things.
Seek the essence of the Purpose of God in the mission that He entrusted to you and always, child, go deeper into the spiritual meaning of all things.
Seek the Will of God in silence. Find His guidance in inner stillness so that your consciousness may move beyond appearances and find what is true, and so that the example of your pure heart speaks to the world about how to face the things of God, without confusing them with the things of humankind.
My blessing is upon you, as it is upon the world, because a new time is spiritually beginning for all of humanity.
Each day that goes by, the contact with higher life becomes more inner, deeper, because it is there, where superficiality does not exist, where your heart will be safe to find God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Even though it may seem difficult or impossible, the victory of My Heart is happening within the consciousness of Italy.
For this reason, the last events demonstrate to the Hierarchy that it is the moment when great definitions are presented to the world, to reveal to it that the time of transition has come, for all of humanity.
In these moments, in which everything seems to be more difficult and the nations most committed with the darkness of these times are spiritually worked by the Divine Consciousness, it is when your lower consciousness, your mind, your heart and your soul must remain in balance by means of silence and prayer. In this way, I make you participants of events very similar to those I experienced before being given to the Cross.
Thus, consciously, by means of the pilgrimages, you are learning to transcend and transmute these great and ancient spiritual forces which, in the last 500 years, have subjugated and enslaved humanity, sowing terrible and dark codes within many consciousnesses.
Remember the main work is being accomplished, even though it seems nothing is happening.
Since the last 8th of August, you have stopped serving only your Light-Communities in order to serve the planet and, in consequence, all nations that are in an extremely high grade of perdition.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Seek the purity of your heart through silence and prayer to restore this world from so many sins and illusions.
Offer a sincere reparation to God through the small renunciations of life so that, through these offerings, the Lord can intercede for those who are ignorant and indifferent in this world, in spite of having a commitment with God and with His Love.
Each day live a true religion and love being united with God for those who deceive themselves with false spiritual lives.
Repair the Heart of the Father for those outrages, praying and adoring with the heart. Be an instrument for the miracle of God, allowing yourself to be transformed. Be a source of His Grace, allowing Him to be within you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In your prayers, learn to listen to the voice of the planet and its Kingdoms. Listen to their clamor, which becomes calmer and quieter just by being heard.
The Earth cries out for unity among beings, for communion among the life that inhabits it and evolves upon it. Allow that your prayer also be for the consciousness of the planet and for its Kingdoms. Let your silence be a prayer for hearing the cry of the world and thus, for repairing it.
Listen, because nature itself also prays in the sound of the wind, of the trees, of the birds, of the animals, in the silence of life.
The expression of nature is a prayer that, when beings become silent, they can understand and participate in it. Place your words in this prayer for unity and become a part of the prayer for life.
God also speaks to you, child, through the silence of nature. Learn to listen to it.
When beings learn to live in prayer and in communion with life, then they will know peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Holy Saturday was marked by silence and emptiness, in heaven as on Earth. The Heart of the Creator and Word went silent, and God Himself withdrew in the depths of His Heart. There the power of the Resurrection of Christ was gestated, the wisdom of eternity, the rebirth and the renewal of Love.
It would no longer be through science that the universe would know eternity and the extension of life. The spiritual resurrection was something new, never experienced in all of God's creation; and even the sages and the archangels silently followed the movement of love that, in all dimensions, made the life of Christ resurface.
His Spirit, which had given all of Itself, touched the Father with His experience and returned to Earth so that He could renew His Love.
God followed, in deep silence, the Love that was born from His Son. Even the Creator Himself learned from His surrender and from His Resurrection.
By the perfect power of Love, His Soul, Spirit, Divinity and human and material Body lit up and rebuilt. Love was the air that circulated once again within His cells. The code of Christification gave life to His Blood, His physical and spiritual organs. Life regained its meaning.
The Love of Christ continued to expand beyond the material layers. His surrender continued growing and penetrating unknown dimensions, in the cosmos as well as in the most obscure dimensions of material life, that which we know as earthly hells.
Like a wave that goes in all directions of the sea of Creation, the Love of Christ traversed the universes and all the manifestations of life. At the same time that it touched all creatures, the very experience of Love made His Body become revived and renewed, in a new, imperishable life, an omnipresent and all-embracing life. A life that does not have its own dimension and that at the same time lives in all dimensions: eternal life, because it is life in God, in unity with the Creator.
Just as the Father is in all things, so is the Son. His Body could manifest itself in matter as well as in the supra-dimensions. And where there is no matter, not even colors and sounds, only the silent and invisible Existence, there is also the Son of God. Everything is united to His Love.
The Resurrection of Christ cannot be explained with words or with science, because it transcends all science, all understanding and all wisdom. The Creator Himself, on Holy Saturday, was renewed, and with Him, all of Creation.
Silence is the only explanation for what happened there. In silence, you can experience this Love that embraces everything. Fullness, omnipresence, life, everything was made new on Holy Saturday and manifested on Glory Sunday.
Meditate, feel and experience the codes of this divine experience.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Through His Wounds, you were healed.
Through His martyrdom, you were liberated.
Through His pains, you were redeemed.
Through His agony, you were reconciled.
Through His three falls, you were converted.
Through His loneliness, you were unified.
Through His silence, you were absolved.
And through His Crucifixion, you found peace again.
On the eve of this Sacred Week, may your hearts ignite with love and devotion for Jesus, so that the merits of His Passion and Death may be the bridge toward the conversion of sinners.
Through your union with Christ, children, may the legacy of His Passion be valued. May each act of the life of My Son be contemplated as the opportunity of reconciling with life and with God.
In the face of all events that humanity goes through, and taking into account the time of perdition that souls experience today, by the merits attained by Christ, may the souls on the Earth receive the grace of reconsideration and conversion for their paths so that they may meet the Love of God.
Children, now that you will have the spiritual grace of reliving the Passion of My Son, may your lives testify the triumph of the Love of Christ in your hearts. And may this testimony help you in the elevation of consciousness and in the reparation of all that happened.
Dear children, during the next Sacred Week, may you again go through the mystery of what the surrender of the Love of My Son meant for the world. And may this mystery, filled with profound compassion, help the world to live its purification as a preparatory path to receive the Redeemer for the second time.
Make each moment of the Passion of Christ a part of yourselves, and may this reflect within your daily lives, in the sharing with brothers and sisters, in the Works of charity and of peace; thus you will be able to be witnesses of the Love of the Lord and carry it wherever you go.
I encourage you, My children, to have the Divine Passion of My Son transform you into His Instruments of Peace in these critical times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more