Thursday, March 22 of 2012

Daily Messages

May the voices of your hearts sing today so that the Heavens may radiate their light towards the Earth and so that, together with you, the Angels of the Lord may praise all His wonderful Creation!

Dear children,

Raise your hearts to the Light of the Lord and find repose in My Immaculate Heart so that your lives may always find the path towards consecration.

My children, the praise to God exalts the loveliness and the beauty of the Heights. In this way all hearts are partakers of the glorious Kingdom of God by means of peace in the heart and of the love that springs as an Inexhaustible Source of Graces. The praise that your hearts emanate towards the God of the Universe will make you partakers of the Merciful Gift of My Son, and in this way the Light that is necessary in many places will spread over the world for the hearts that have dis- tanced themselves from the One and Only Father.

Beloved children, the song of praise done with the heart repairs and restores the faults committed against My Immaculate Heart. The praise done with love and gratitude penetrates the Kingdom of the Heavens, and God in His Omnipotence, avails Himself of the songs of all humankind when they cry out for the Presence of God with sincerity and reverence.

Dear children, when you call My Son, His Merciful Heart responds by means of the Graces that were promised to the world. Therefore, beloved children, when you call Christ you are also calling a part of God.

The world needs to heal its wounds by means of praise to our almighty Lord of the Heights because in this way the world is relieved. When the souls gather for love of God and praise Creation, a Ray of Pity and Compassion descends from the center of the Heart of the Father. This Ray becomes as a Fount of Mercy that the Angels of the Lord bring to the heart of each creature. Thus, the destiny of humanity can be changed by the absolute Love of God.

In these times of changes, praise with your hearts so that through prayer your souls may shine before the Father.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace for all My children in the world.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity