Many believe that personal surrender is enough and they ask themselves what else they should do so that the Divine Messengers should one day say to them: “Children, you are fulfilling your mission!”
You are now beginning to fulfill your mission and, having adhered to it, you aspire each day, to serve better and in greater fullness, so you can begin to understand more deeply what it is about.
You already know exactly what to do. You already know the concepts of the steps to be taken and an idea of what you must be, but you experience only in lapses the true state of consciousness of an awakened being.
What we ask of you is not much, it is not impossible and you do not need to be knowledgeable of universal laws to experience it, for He who is the Law itself has already manifested Himself on Earth and demonstrated to all how to fulfill the Plan of God. What happens is that few believe they come from the same source from which the Essence of Christ was born; few truly believe in the possibility of becoming a Living Christ, and for this reason, do not strive to achieve it.
What we expect from each one of you is that you be merciful, that you be able to forgive, that you become reconciled with your neighbor and with God.
What we expect is that you see others with compassionate eyes, transcending the layers of matter and being able to see the Divine Essence in each being.
What we expect from you is that you pray from the heart and that you deepen into this path, always seeking a prayer that will lift you into dimensions of greater union with God, rather than the prayer becoming something ordinary and, instead of progressing, it becomes mechanical and lifeless.
What we expect from you is that you serve and go ever deeper into service, until you make your life itself a permanent act of service: serving God in your neighbor, in the Kingdoms of Nature, in planetary life.
What we expect from all is a permanent willingness to say ‘yes’, to strive to live what we tell you, and to carry out what we ask of you, knowing that the need of the planet is greater than the personal need.
What we expect from all is a peaceful heart, a humble spirit that is always willing to live unity with all universal life; a heart available to unravel mysteries, to break boundaries and limits, and to find Christ both on the cross and in the cosmos, both in your neighbor and in yourselves.
What we expect from all is one day to expect nothing, because everything will have been fulfilled.
Your father and companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more