Wednesday, March 23 of 2016

Daily Messages

In the agony of Jesus, the Lord could see and feel, in His Sacred Heart, all the evil that He would suffer, during His Passion and also though the centuries of human existence, to sustain humanity on this planet.  

Even so, He elected to live love, sacrifice and surrender because much greater than the fear in His Heart was His Love for the Plans of God.

His Will was one with the Father's and there was no human feeling that could separate Him from the Creator.

Even though the fear was so immense and the tension so great that made the blood vessels of His body rupture until He sweated blood, the Lord did not stop in the weakness of the body, and from there affirmed His fortress in the Spirit. 

What He was suffering in matter, despite being difficult and painful, would no longer draw the attention of Jesus.

His goal was in God, and transcending what His body felt, He embraced the Cross, which was the purpose of His Spirit. 

Children, the Passion of Christ is not only to be contemplated, it is to be lived and renewed by all the ones who claim to be His soldiers, His companions. 

Although you will not be martyrized and killed on the cross you can avail yourselves of all the spiritual principles lived by Christ and bring to your lives all the teachings that He left with His example. 

You must learn to let the consciousness transcend facts and events and submerge into the true essence that moves all of the divine actions. 

Only thus you will be able to learn to act as children of God and will be worthy of representing Him is this world, when His Voice will silence and humankind itself will have to guide one another. 

Many want to know with details what will happen in the ultimate time, in their final test, but who will persevere once they come to know it?

Who will continue by the side of God, knowing that an eternal cross is waiting for them?

Who will transcend the sufferings of the body in order to transform all the pain that can be lived into forgiveness and into the triumph of God?

The Passion of Christ is revived each year by humanity, so that the codes left by Him awaken you to your own spiritual path and take, from the example of the Master, the inspiration that you need to take your steps without hesitating. 

Do not only suffer or be admired by the sacrifice of Christ.

Do not glorify Him only because He made something that you think you will never be able to do. 

Glorify Him, because He showed you the path and because you will make of His sacrifice your strength, so you will not give up on accomplishing the Plans of God, even if you are facing death. 

The true reason to remember the Passion of Christ is that you learn to love as He loved, that you follow His steps. 

The one who loves you and instructs you always,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph