Thursday, March 24 of 2016

Daily Messages

Our Lord raised the bread, consecrated it and shared it with His; He raised the wine, transubstantiated it, and shared it with His. 

Who will have understood this mystery, in which Christ takes for Himself the sacrifice that they used to offer from animals?

A mystery in which the King demonstrates His filiation with God, offering Himself as the Bread of Life. 

To eat the bread which has been consecrated and transformed into the Body of Christ is to share with Him His sacrifice, it is to tell God that you are one only body and one only blood with Christ, and taking on this unity with the Son, you also take on a filiation with the Father. 

To drink of the wine which has been consecrated and transformed into the Blood of Christ is to accept to follow His Steps, to receive in your own blood the codes from the One who brings the true archetype of life on Earth; it is to accept in yourself the genetic of Christ, to abandon the old human patterns, these which have brought humanity to the current decay. 

The one who truly communes with Christ merges with the Son, and with the Father, and lives the mysteries of the Holy Spirit, even without knowing it. 

You may ask yourselves: How to truly commune with Christ, if the human understanding is so limited and its heart so imperfect to encompass this mystery?

Reverence before the Eucharist will give you a humble heart, and with a humble and simple heart you will be able to live what I tell you. 

Never allow yourselves to commune with Christ unconsciously, not having your heart taking part of each detail of this communion and let yourself be spiritually flooded by this mystery. 

The consecrated bread comes to life and bears its fruits in the heart fertilized by reverence, by humility, and by faith. Otherwise you will commune as Judas, that - even having received the Bread of Life - did not have the heart willing to receive it. 

His heart had the desire to see the Master glorious to the people and known as a King in matter, and thus he lost the opportunity to live the true spiritual miracles of the presence of Christ. 

Today, before Christ, open your hearts for the gifts that the Lord brings you spiritually and do not hold yourselves to the need that this moment may have any phenomenological instance, because - if that is so - you will never understand the essence of this Work of which you are part. 

Your Father and Friend, the one who leads you to the true communion with Christ, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph