The great battle that is fought on the levels of spirit has already begun. The definition of each human being is in course and it will not be only by the working of Justice that you will define your steps: it will be by the surrender and the adhesion of each spirit to the Plan of God.
Children, the human Project is loved and waited by many, but there are also those who, with all their strengths, will struggle for this project not to be concretized.
The ties with the past will emerge from the beings – and I refer not only to the past lived in this world, but to the whole history of each consciousness, from its origin until now. This past will emerge demanding of all that you definitely cut your bonds with darkness and that you resume your ties with Light.
Those consciousness that represent the negative experiences you lived in some moment will return and will seek from everyone the adhesion to their plans of degeneration.
Children, the enemy is recruiting their soldiers and the time has come to say “no” to their stimuli, because the least permissions to correspond to the stimuli of darkness can make you get entirely lost from the path.
The great battle is already in course and those who persevere in God can feel how much it costs them to affirm the Light and how easily they are deluded and confuse themselves every day.
Now, it is the moment of an even greater courage, it is the moment of a real consciousness of what happens on the planet and out of it. We can no longer hide from the human hearts and minds a truth that precipitates over the world.
The soldiers need to be ready for what will come and they need to understand the tests they will live, as a way to remain firm and strengthened.
Firm the roots of the spirit deeply within you and consolidate your union with God. Do not let yourselves be taken by the remembrances of a past that emerges to be erased of your consciousnesses. Do not let yourselves be disheartened by the remembrance of mistakes that have already been forgiven.
Acknowledge the renewal of your souls and the purpose of these times, permitting that the ties with evil be rooted out from within you. Embrace redemption, fearless of returning to God, and above everything, children, do not fear proclaiming yourselves His children, His Soldiers and His companions.
Affirm the Light every day – do it, above all, to yourselves – and before any inner stimulus to give up and ease up, ask for the Father’s help and reconfirm yourselves. These stimuli come from something deeper than consciousness itself and have their origins in the great battle of the Cosmos.
Ask for the Grace of faithfulness to God and be firm in your hearts. Overcome yourselves in the inner appeasement and unite yourselves so that your more human aspects may find the refuge they need in the unity with your neighbor. Help one another in the spirit of fraternity, because your are still on the Earth and you will not only live on cosmic stimuli and impulses: you need to feel the support of one another.
What I say to you, children, is more than an instruction, it is a clamoring for the awakening, because few truly understand the urgency of the times.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more