Thursday, June 9 of 2016

Daily Messages

We were at the Marian Center of Aurora and it was the day of the “Reparative Group Effort”, a biweekly meeting of group activities in the Community of Fraternity, instituted by Saint Joseph. We worked throughout the whole morning and at noon we gathered outdoors to pray and receive His daily message.

During the prayer of the devotional, I started seeing that some doors opened on the ground through which I saw dark places that seemed like real hells. I saw many angels approaching these openings on the ground and they created, around them, channels of light directed towards Heaven. From these hells, bodies of animals of all sizes started appearing, in different situations of suffering. The angels asked us to continue singing and asked for mercy for these Kingdoms, while they performed this liberation.

After some time, the portals of the Celestial Kingdom started opening and Saint Joseph approached to deliver His message. He asked that while He transmitted His words, the group that was present would pray the Rosary for the Kingdoms of Nature. And the whole time in which Saint Joseph was with us, the angels helped the consciousness of the Kingdoms.

Saint Joseph showed me several images of slaughterhouses and how the souls of the animals remained tied to situations of suffering. Then, He showed me images of laboratories where animals were manipulated genetically, and animals without fur, without feathers; deformed, only created for consumption. He explained that these animals do not bring within themselves the divine essence because they were not created by God, but by human beings, and that the fact that the human beings manipulated life in such a way is causing the spiritual life of the planet to die, little by little.

Saint Joseph explained that the fact that human beings kill and eat animals is taking away their capacity to love and we begin confusing love with the feeling of possession, that is, we believe that we love, but, deep inside, we only want to possess, for example, our families. He said that little by little love begins to be erased from the essences without us perceiving it.

He showed all these things while transmitting His message:


The support of the planetary life comes not only from human evolution but also from the evolution of all the Kingdoms of Nature. For there to be life, there must be a balance among all the manifestations of God within each one of His creatures.

Children, today and always, I will ask you to cry out for the Kingdoms of Nature and that, within your lives, you build unity with the Kingdoms that humanity as a whole was not able to experience. The degeneration of the human consciousness happens in part by the incapacity of many to learn with the love and the self-giving of the Kingdoms.

The lack of love and compassion in the human heart, that causes you to kill and eat animals, is making the possibility to love dissappear in many hearts. The human consciousness is exchanging the meaning of love for the meaning of possession and does not perceive that, deep in its essence, the flame of true love is increasingly hiding itself.

If you are not able to love the Kingdoms of Nature, and if you kill and eat animals, how will you be able to cry out for peace among human beings?

How will the human hearts be able to stop killing one another while the longing for killing animals increases every day?

Children, the time has come for humanity to deepen into its spiritual path because some moments of prayer will no longer be sufficient if within your lives you are not consistent with what you ask for.

How will you be instruments of God for the descent of His Peace if you are not peaceful with the Kingdoms, if you are not loving and caring with the life that is around you?

How could you want to establish the inner and psychological balance of the beings if day by day you create an imbalance in the inner worlds of the animals, that are already born feeling the anguish of suffering?

Today I want to reveal that the growing psychological and emotional imbalance in which the human beings live, and the increase of cureless diseases that many are suffering, are caused by the imbalance in the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature.

The fact that life is manipulated in laboratories to create animals and vegetables only for material consumption is generating in the planetary consciousness, as a whole, the imbalance that destabilizes souls. These animals and vegetables created in laboratories do not hold within them the essence that comes from the Creator and they are matter that does not hold spiritual life. This means that spiritual life is beginning to die in the consciousness of the planet. With this, human beings lose the possibility to love and to unite with God, just as it happens with the Kingdoms of Nature.

Children, there are many realities that you ignore and, therefore, you do not understand the importance that, more than praying for the Kingdoms, you must be examples of the care and the love for these creatures of God. Do not let them lose the possibility to evolve because there may come a moment in which the Creator will have to take away the essence of the Kingdoms of Nature from the planet, so that it may not to be lost by the manipulation of human beings.

Do you now understand the urgency of times?

Just as these events, many others are being avoided due to your prayers. However, something more is necessary. It is necessary that an example be radiated to the world and show that love still lives within beings and that it is still possible to live in communion with the different forms of life of this world and of all others.

Today, I thank all those who consciously work to help the Kingdoms of Nature because often times, unknowingly, they are the guardians of Life, they are the ones who sustain the spiritual existence of the Kingdoms on the planet.

It is for the awakening of humanity that I tell you these things.

I bless you and I thank you again for listening to Me, and for living what I tell you.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph