Prayer to ask God for forgiveness
Lord, forgive us because from the moment we stepped on Earth,
we are ignorant of our actions.
Lord, forgive us because time passed and our eyes remain closed,
just as our heart and our small spirit.
Lord, forgive us because our hands work little for You
and much for ourselves;
they extend little to our neighbor and remain closed very much.
Lord, forgive us because we came to Earth as spirits in Redemption
and we knew nothing about Love,
neither did we know that here we would learn to love.
Lord, forgive us because the world is agonizing
and still we have not been able to find You in the Kingdoms of Nature
and in our brothers and sisters.
Lord, forgive us because we ignore unity
and we have separated ourselves as consciousnesses and as Your creatures.
Lord, forgive us. We aspire to not sinning again.
Forgive us as Your Son used to forgive.
Forgive us as You forgave our spirits when giving us the best You Have
in Your Creation: an experience of love and unity with You.
Lord, forgive us and clean our stains, heal our wounds
and reintegrate us in Your Kingdom.
Lord, forgive us and open the doors of Heaven to us.
Reconcile us with Your Heart and with everything that belongs to You.
Teach us to love and to forgive as You do it.
Teach us to unite what is separated.
Teach us to serve everyone in You, without leaving You,
and finding You in everything.
Lord, make our hearts Your Heart; our arms Your Arms;
our legs Your Legs; our bodies Your Body;
our minds, Your Mind; our lives Your Life;
our evolution, Your Evolution.
Lord, forgive us and make us like You.
Today I will only pray with each one of you and, as a human heart, I will ask God for His Forgiveness and for His Intercession for the Earth.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more