True freedom is that which is experienced when the heart knows how to renounce all human desires and thoughts in order to find the Will of God.
True freedom is that which the spirit knows when is freed from all the need of the ego of appearing to be something, to achieve something, or of being something, for the superficial admiration of others, for competition, or for the simple self-esteem, self-admiration.
Children, true freedom is that which is found in the renunciation without suffering, the renunciation that comes from the love of God and His Plan and that transcends all human stimuli of wanting, of being, or even of aspiring something.
Allow your hearts to find real freedom in silence, when the need to attract others through the magnetism of one’s own voice is replaced and allows the spirit to listen to the Voice of God, whose Word brings Life and Eternity rather than death and degeneration.
Allow your hearts to know real freedom, when your eyes no longer seek admiration and contentment in the human gaze, but rather, turned to the Height, find that serene Gaze from Him who has observed you with love since the beginning of Creation. The door to Everything is found within that Divine Gaze. All Life, all Creation, all real existence is found within It.
Allow your hearts to experience real freedom, putting aside all personal and human suffering to give room to the Pain of the Heart of God. Share with the Father a real sorrow and give relief to His Holy and Pure Heart. In this way, you will learn to find the meaning of your own life in truth, and not in superficiality.
Children, this is not only the time of purification, of transition, and of the end of human ignorance; this is the time to find, to know, and to experience true freedom and to bring to an end the captivity in the matter and its infinite aspects of illusion.
Walk on your own towards the new time, towards the new human being, and towards spiritual freedom, with apparently small steps, with simple actions, but which have an effect in all of humanity and which allow you to move through the change of cycles with wisdom and being instruments of assistance for humanity.
Find the door to real freedom in the Heart of God and there everything will be fulfilled.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more