Friday, November 9 of 2018

Daily Messages

The soul that consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ and surrenders to the Plan of God, above all, places at the feet of the Creator its miseries and its virtues, surrendering to the Father its entire being for transformation.

The soul that consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ and surrenders to the Plan of God is the one that, by recognizing its smallness and imperfection, also recognizes the greatness of the Creator and knows that, when the heart is open, the Lord Works miracles inside and out of the beings.

The soul that consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ and surrenders to the Plan of God is the one that, in the intimate core of its inner world, has understood that life has no meaning if the spirit is not full and that, in this time, there is no fullness but in the fulfillment of the spiritual mission of each being.

The soul that consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ and surrenders to the Plan of God knows that there is no failure but rather opportunities of living humility, confidence and the strengthening of faith.

Today, the Creator calls you to a new step and a new cycle so that your souls may consecrate themselves, not to be perfect, but to love the Perfection that comes from God and to walk towards it, believing in the miracle that the Creator will work in your lives when you let yourselves be molded by Him. Believe that one day you will attain perfection, because you will return to the Father.

Feel that, in order to live this time of unity with the Creator, any sacrifice is little, any surrender is small and any transformation is valid, even if it makes you break inside and out, and thus, even if you do not recognize anything of yourselves, not even your best virtues.

Children, there is nothing more wonderful for the Heart of God than seeing a soul that consecrates to Christ and surrenders to His Plan because thus, you are taking another step in the return to His Heart, to the Source from which you departed.

Upon departing, you left hope in the depths of the Creator and, each time you take a step in your consecration, the hope of God strengthens. For this reason, fill your hearts today not only with the joy of your spirits but, above all, with the joy of the Heart of God.

During this afternoon, the Eyes of the Father pour out Graces and Blessings upon the world, because His Tears are rejoicing.

I love you, bless you and always thank you for trusting the power of transformation and the miracles that the Creator will work within your lives.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph