Friday, November 25 of 2016

Weekly Messages

Child, contemplate today the agony of the world in which you live and pray with your heart. The time has come to send your response to the Kingdom of God and raise to Heaven a true prayer that will cross the dimensions.

You are in the moment of the agony of the planet, in the Passion that this world has already begun to live. Just as your Lord, you must deny all temptations that will draw near you, to confirm before God your adherence to His Plan of Love, as much as the divine victory in the human heart may require true sacrifice, sincere renunciation and humility from you and all those who follow God.

Renounce, then, to the thrones of this world, just as Christ renounced to be a king, as humankind expected, to demonstrate to the world and the Universe, that the Divine Reign is not built with appearances but rather in the invisible of the spirit.

The world in which you live, child, offers you many illusions and falsehoods, much superficiality and distraction, and you so often get lost from the divine purpose for you, to surrender yourself, weak, to the things of the world. Find then your strength in the spirit. Pray and adore the Eucharistic body of your Lord.

See the events of the world as Christ saw the soldiers approaching in Gethsemane. Entrust your life to God and let Him lead you through the best path, although for many it will seem a path of failure and defeat.

Around you, the world will seek to keep their possessions for themselves, and people will want to protect their lives without realizing that they have already lost themselves in the darkness of an experience empty of God. You will walk against the current of the world and your example will cause others to reflect about their own lives.

Do not fear being on the wrong path, if - when following God - you see that no one accompanies you. Few will be the ones who will respond to the divine call, but the merits generated by these few ones will save the essences of all those who denied God.

If there is love in your heart and faith in your surrender, child, you will never lack the discernment to walk with steady steps. And if, one day, you feel confused, God will guide you and speak to your heart, so that you do not allow yourself to be deceived and lost in the last hour of this battle.

The time has come to pray with your heart for the planet and let that prayer draw you closer and closer to God. The acute times of suffering and tribulation dictate the degree of surrender that those who serve God must live.

Balance this world with your surrender, child, and open yourself to a true christic experience.

I will accompany you.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph