Friday, November 18 of 2016

Weekly Messages

Today I come to teach you, children, the art of loving God to liberate this world from the sin and from the evil that inhabits it.

Today I come to encourage you to surrender and to sacrifice as a way of truly opening the doors to the descent of the Kingdom of God to this world.

I want you to understand that every test and every suffering, as well as your own purification, when assumed with the correct spirit, can alleviate this world of a millenary weight, and you will not be living a personal and individual process, but rather an act of offering to God in order to alleviate the planetary situation.

I come, thus, to teach you to be true instruments of the Lord, whether you are full of graces and joy or of difficulties and sorrows.

When you live each second of your days offering your own life to God, without complaining of Him or of anyone else, something better or lighter might awake in your spirits and in your consciousnesses the maturity that these times demand from all humanity, above all from those who are more conscious.

No longer seek in these times the gratification of the bodies, of the mind, of the emotions and neither of the soul. Seek only to awaken gratitude and surrender and may it not be something that the mouth pronounces, but the heart does not live.

Whenever you are not satisfied with yourselves and with your own lives, remind yourselves, children, that in truth you are the most privileged creatures of these world and that, if it is offered to you an opportunity of living a conscious sacrifice, it is for you to grow and to be a fertile principle of the transformation of humanity.

In face of all there is to be liberated on the planet, too little is the sacrifice you live and have lived up to this day, however – in the mystery of the divine grace and of love which there is in the human heart – the more conscious you are of your own surrender and sacrifice, the more grateful you are before tests, whether they are material, spiritual or interior, the greater will be the balance generated on the planet.

When the door of the heart opens, the door of evil closes. You may not know and you may never come to know, but when you renounce with joy and are grateful for a difficulty on your paths, on the other side of the world a soul is liberated of its ignorance and finds Light.

Today We call you to go through spaces of the planet that need a lot of help. Some will do it consciously, others from the heart and others will go with their entire being. And I ask you to not wait only from God and from His Messengers the grace of liberation, but be yourselves the providers of grace through the permanent offer of your lives.

I leave you My Blessing, so that you may grow in spirit each day more and so that this growth may approach you to God, as consciousnesses and as humanity.

Your Father and Instructor, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph