To forgive is simpler than many think it is. Rehabilitation is within reach of everyone and, in the minimum act of lifting the hands in sincerity, the Creator receives your offers.
Children, it is really difficult for the human heart to recognize in humility the need to rehabilitate and to renew themselves before God.
Many want to receive forgiveness, but there are not many who bow before the God who lives in the fellow being to ask for forgiveness for something.
A real disciple of Christ cannot keep, in their interior, the wounds of the past, opening them one time and another, for not being brave to take care of them as needed.
Children, how will you heal the history of degradation of the consciousnesses of the nations if you have not yet forgiven not even yourselves and your neighbor?
The acts of forgiveness must be permanent because the mistakes are as well. You must forgive and ask for forgiveness each moment, until one day you learn not to hurt, but to take care, to protect and to shelter all those who are around you.
Search within yourselves the Gaze of Christ for those who arrested Him, flagellated Him, tortured Him. There is the essence of forgiveness that lasted throughout the centuries.
Our Lord could have only demonstrated His Forgiveness with His Silence and with His Actions of submission and humility, but before everyone, attached to the Cross, He spoke up: “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.” And, thus, He taught the human heart to conquer its own pride – and even that which you call injustice – in order to forgive and to ask for forgiveness.
There was no bigger mistake in the world than to crucify the Son of God and, even so, those who did it were forgiven by Him and returned to the world one time and another, receiving the opportunities to start again.
I know that there are things that, for the human mind, are very difficult to be understood, but if you place your consciousnesses on the Love of Christ and live it, everything that seemed unattainable to you will dissolve: barriers will fall to the ground and your hearts will feel the Grace of being able to forgive and ask for forgiveness, without fear.
No longer keep rancor and pains in your hearts. No longer feed small conflicts and competitions, because one day they will become large and will put at risk the evolution of a soul that needed to live love and to be forgiven, but however, it was ignored with its wound during its whole life.
I would like to make you work consciously with the nations, but as I am here today and I gathered you in this sacred place, I will first ask you to meditate on what has to be forgiven in your own hearts and on what you still have to ask for forgiveness. Because it is this way, children, with this living experience of forgiving, that I will lead you to be intercessors of a whole nation, because you will be able to live, in yourselves, what you want for the planet. And you not only will proclaim and diffuse the instruction, but will live it.
I leave you with My impulse, because Argentina needs to know forgiveness and this will start with each one of you and with those who listen to Me in the four corners of the world and who want to respond to this call for the planetary salvation and rescue.
I bless you. Go ahead.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more