Friday, February 10 of 2017

Weekly Messages

Children, you must discover today the art of living in the end of times and of transforming yourselves without ceasing to place your attention beyond yourselves.

Place your consciousnesses in the universal love, thinking in the Heart of God, feeling this holy and great Heart. From there, imagine all Life, the vast Cosmos, the universes, the planet Earth, its nations, its Kingdoms of Nature, each being, each essence. Recognize yourselves small before the Creation and, at the same time, recognize that you bring, in your smallness, a great responsibility: to make, of your own conversion and transformation, the conversion and transformation of all the universal Life, because the Creator still expects that you follow the steps of His Son, because for that He sent Him to the world.

Reflect upon the nations, upon the human suffering caused by the lack of love and unity, by the inability of beings to see beyond their own needs. Let the eyes of the heart find the sad eyes of a child in Africa, or a child who suffers by wars, by abandonment, by hunger. Find the eyes of children in the great cities with much wealth and who, even so small, are empty of the spiritual meaning, without the purity which God delivered them, looking forward to respond to all the influences of the capital energies that surround them.

Find, children, the pain of the Kingdoms, when you see fauna and flora in so many wildfires, when you see the unlimited slaughter of animals to feed greed and human vanity. And after all that, look at you, hearts which are opening in the Presence of God, called to give your lives to balance the error and the arrogance of this world; called to leave your own interests and wills in order to surrender to a Higher Will.

There is a Love that transcends the human condition. There is a Love that is silent and patient and that awaits that at least some men may look up.

There is a Love that calls you to imitate Him, that has already shown you the path that leads you to contemplate the neighbor with compassion.

There is a Love that is humble, because It knows that beyond Itself lies the Truth, beyond what is seen, what is felt, what one thinks to know.

This Love guards the Essence from all that was created and it is by means of It that you will be able to transcend the human condition.

Love with the Love of God for life. Love the possibility of the neighbor to evolve. Love serving so that the other can grow. Love giving yourself until you can do no more, so that others, who today do not have strength, can stand up. Love the power of prayer that unites to God. Love His Plan, which is Love Itself. Love and forget yourselves. Let your own needs be nourished by love itself.

Love in silence, without anyone being able to see you, and love in the same way publicly. Only love, children. And if you do not know how to love, think in the eyes, that no longer shine, of the children in war; serve the sick hearts of those who are losing life and do not know love; contemplate the Cross of that One who knew how to love and who, with His own example, called you to follow Him.

Seek Love, the true Love, which does not possess, does not want for itself, which does not gratify itself, which does not seek to be requited, which does not seek to be known, which exists by the simple fact of truly being Love of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph