Friday, August 9 of 2024

Weekly Messages

Contemplate the cycles of life with the heart and be renewed with each new cycle as well as with each new day.

Do not be afraid, children, of the times to come. Rather, have your heart always ready to defend from yourselves the Divine Will and Plan. If your hearts are open and your spirits awake, you will be capable of going beyond all the tests that the planet will be moved into experiencing.

For this reason, over the years, we have taught you about the power of prayer, intercession, and service, because these are the keys that maintain your consciousnesses in the vibration of a correct awakening, in unity with Universal Laws and their Divine Rays.

While you keep your hearts awake and vigilant, your spirits in prayer, and your consciousness in service, you will always receive the Graces from Heaven which you need to take your steps, for you will be aligned with the Law and the Divine Rays.

Always be vigilant so as to not become distracted with the world and its tendencies, to not let yourselves be carried away by the ideals which today confuse so many hearts.

As long as you pray and are humble before God, keeping the dialogue with the Creator alight and alive, you will always know what to do, where to be, and what steps you are to take to fulfill His Will and remain on His Path. Prayer and surrender, humility and service will be your shields in this time of illusions. Through them, you will always know to return to the Purpose that God has for your lives.

Everything has already been said to you, all the Graces have already been given to you, all the gifts you need are already latent in the depths of your hearts. Now, children, it is time to make them emerge.

With the withdrawal of the Divine Messengers, you will be tested in the fire of your hearts, for the world will seek to carry you into inertia, emptiness, and instability, but within you will be the key to go beyond that, to be and live the instruction you have received for so many years. Thus, always return to Our Words, and daily, remember what We have already told you; there you will find answers and the fortitude, there you will find peace.

Be persevering and brave, be true and simple. Seek always the spirit of peace and transparency to be in God.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


After having transmitted His Weekly Message, Saint Joseph consecrated new Children and Friends of Saint Joseph:


Today I bless this water so that it may bless your little lives, cleanse the past and your deepest wounds. I welcome into My Chaste Heart the intentions you bring to lift them up to God, your families, your nations, your stories, so you may find peace again.

While the Grace of My Chaste Heart touches your lives, pray also for the families of the world, so you may always be a network of intercession and of healing, because the healing that comes to you must also permeate the world.

You will receive this anointing in the name of humanity, so that the healing that comes from the heart of Aurora may touch your hearts, traverse your cells, your spirits, your souls and reach the soul of humanity, the human consciousness. Receive the touch of this anointing as the touch of Aurora, as the response to your prayers and the regaining of peace.

May this incense bring you freedom, release the deepest ties which prevent you from returning to God, of taking your steps toward the Celestial Father. Let these ties be released by the gentle aroma of the surrender of your lives.

The incense represents the soul that surrenders and rises up to the Father. Thus, today you are blessed through this holy element that, since the patriarchs and up until today, inspires hearts to return to the Origin.

Today I bless you and consecrate you as Children and Friends of My Chaste Heart, as serving and interceding souls for humanity, the planet, and its Kingdoms.

Walk by My side, as well as by the side of the Holy Family. May your hearts no longer know loneliness, discouragement or helplessness, because when you should feel that way, children, pray, and you will feel Our Presence. We will always be at your side.

Receive My blessing, My Grace, and My peace.

From Aurora receive your healing, and from its green heart, the principle of redemption, so you may take up again the purpose of your lives and your existence.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.