Wednesday, September 25 of 2013

Weekly Messages

During the Apparition of the Virgin in the Sky of the Hill we saw during the dawn the Heaven open itself, as always happens, but seconds before the Apparition of the Mother, while the angels sounded their trumpets that announced the coming of the Celestial Mother, we saw appear a moon and a sun, a different sun than the one that we know.

These two shapes placed themselves before us in the Sky. The moon was beside the sun and in an instant we saw how the moon and the sun began to spin rapidly around themselves generating strong emanations of light upon us.

After this we saw coming from the horizon twelve great flames of fire. They were like tongues of fire that were placed around the moon and the sun. After some time a focus of light descended upon the Hill and there appeared in the Sky Our Mother, the One who named Herself as the Lady of the Fig Tree, it was Mary of Nazareth.

Today She was wearing a white tunic, had a golden belt on her waist, a bright pink veil that was covering Her head and a brown color scapulary over Her tunic. She carried between Her hands the Holy Rosary.

When She appeared in the Sky the moon and the sun disappeared in the firmament but soon Our Lady asked us to observe something that was going to happen at Her right side and under Her feet, those that were surrounded by white clouds of light.

A space similar to purgatory and another similar to hell appeared. In this place beings of evil were subjecting many souls, which they were making to suffer perpetually. At this moment Our Lady liberated some of these souls and carried them with Her to a space of light and of peace in Heaven.

Later the purgatory and the hell closed themselves and then we asked Her: Mother, what does it all mean?

Our Lady answered: “It is the Apocalypse because only prayer will help you and the entire world”.

Thus Our Lady took the Rosary forcefully between Her hands and descended closer to us to transmit Her message.

My dear children,

With joy today I come to the encounter of My pilgrims to bring you the peace and the love that your souls need. I Am the Great Fig Tree and you are the fruits that are born and that blossom from it. In the Fig Tree Mother, in flower is expressed the shelter for those who need the most because the Fig Tree Mother sustains Its great roots through knowledge, donation and peace.

All of the fruits that are born from it are collected for the offering on the Altar. In this way Your Father receives from the fruits the great love of the heart. In this Fig Tree Mother flourishes peace because peace is like the water that nourishes with love the roots of this great tree of love.

In the Fig Tree sprouts peace and good, sprouts the inner light that emanates as an inexhaustible source for the souls. New fig trees will grow for this time, for this I ask you to help Me so that they may be able to sprout up in My Garden of Peace and of Love.

Dear children, I Am the Lady of the Fig Tree, in which sprouts the fruits that are dry and which, nourished by My Spirit, are ignited again as the brightness of a great star.

Dear children, for this day of anniversary I invite you to sprout as fruit in My Mother Tree so that I may be able to offer to the Lord what in truth He really expects from all of His children.

Beloved children, may the Universal Sun of God that illuminates your lives be able to sprout again the fruits that have fallen from My Tree. The angels of light will help so that these fruits may be truly reborn and matured, in the Spirit of God.

I ask you to be patient and humble so that you may recognize the path that you are now traversing in this time, a path towards your conversion, because in My Fig Tree the shelter of the most unprotected will be the key for the rescue of those who truly need inner help.

I unite all of you in My Fig Tree because there is found the wisdom of God, that which will allow you to realize works of peace. In this mystery and symbol of the Fig Tree is guarded the original Immaculate Love of the Mother, because for humanity I Am the Fig Tree Mother, that which allows to re-emerge the hearts that are lost and without peace.

May today be born from your hearts the joy of re-emerging through My Heart as renewed souls.

I thank this Center consecrated to My Immaculate Heart for having answered to My call. May this anniversary be celebrated with joy in your hearts because the message of Heaven has come to your lives.

Thank you, dear children, for being today united to My Heart of Peace!

Mary, Lady of the Sacred Fig Tree.