Wednesday, February 25 of 2015

Monthly Messages

My beloved children,

I want you to recognize My arrival to your lives and to know that you will never be alone again.

I will inhabit in each heart which opens the door of its interior to Me and in there I will reign as your Celestial Mother for all Eternity.

When each one of My children may be able to live My Love in their interior, this world will stop suffering and perishing by the deeds of the enemy.

Today I arrive to this Home of Mine, a favorite dwelling to Me.  Here I have found the love of the simple, of the dispossessed, of the imperfect ones and also of the pure of heart, of the strong of spirit, of the restless in the path of charity and of the donation to the neighbors.

Here I have sown the seed of the New Earth in the heart of My Beloved daughter Pama, so that she donated herself wholly and, through her hands and her heart, I could work and rescue the fragile souls, souls that have received the love of mother and father, which God had destined to His Creatures.

On this day I ask all that listen to My Voice to pray, so that this delicate and precious project of God be kept safe from the claws of the enemy, the one that tries to interfere in each one of the projects of My Son.

In this house, where with so much effort and love a hand is offered to the innocent who suffers, who perishes by the ignorance of others, in this sacred place, I have deposited My Light and Maternal Love.  My servers, you are the ones who must take care of and protect, with love, each consciousness that has arrived here to find a light for its soul.

I want to express to all, My gratitude, because I know how difficult it is for all of you, within this agonizing world, to create a space of true light and redemption, of love and evolution.

Today I ask you all to place into your hearts this project of love and redemption of Mine, where My Son aspires to arrive one day, so that all may know in the coming times, that once God signed with His finger of Love this hill, this place and these hearts, so that the seed of a New Earth, the seed of a new fraternal humanity, was gestated here.

Today I bless each one of these children, of these teenagers and of those warrior spirits who accompany them with so much love.  I pour My Graces over this place again and, in the name of the Creator, I leave My Banner of Peace, Love and Protection so that the enemy may not put its feet over here.

Blessed be those who with the purity of the heart build fraternity.  They will be called Children of God, the Most High, for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be those who truly endeavor, day after day, to transcend the evils of this world and offer to the universe a safe door through which the light of the stars may descend.  They will be called guardians of the universe, for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be those who persist, who have placed, with determination, their souls in the end of the path and build with their fidelity to the Plan of God, the opportunity to others.  Those will be called by the Creator the eternal faithfuls for all the centuries to come.

Blessed be you, Children of the Most High, for opening to Me the door of the heart day after day.

Pray, pray, day and night, for I have you always under My Mantle.

I love you and keep you in My Maternal Heart.

Thank you for waiting for Me with so much love and for being today with Me.

Your Little Mother of Heaven, Mary, Mother and Protector of all the creatures of the world