Every day, dear children, and until the end of time, I invite you to live goodness and charity for others. In this way, little by little, when souls are willing to serve, the Mercy of God is made present in all things, and souls are liberated from error and fear.
Today I present Myself as the Good and Pious Mother of Heaven; I am That Divine Consciousness that once lived on Earth amongst you as Mary, the Mother of Jesus. I hope that thus, adopting Me as your Good Mother, your souls will be motivated to serve peace and to give for the common good of all, especially for the Works of Peace of Your Heavenly Mother.
My dear children of the world, you are called at this time to share and to give what you have equitably, as the Sacred Family gave Itself to you for your salvation.
The spirit of divine equality and deep charity do not yet exist in humanity. Today I come from the Universe to teach you to share everything you have, because the time will come, My children, when all your material values will be relegated to second place. Before that happens, withdraw from your pockets that which you so much hold on to, and which does not allow you to be completely free to achieve peace. It is through this holding on to goods that belong to the Universe that humanity is faced with an intense material and spiritual poverty.
I wish that just as We, the Sacred Hearts, live holy charity, you, My children, should live it fully without fear of losing everything.
I want your hearts to expand and your hands to stop holding on to what materially must flow in the Universe. Leave the prison of the world economy; live the new patterns of the Holy Spirit through fraternity and equity.
Children, it is time for your hands to be free of many goods; seek your true spiritual treasures in the holy Word of My Son, in Communion and in prayer.
As I am a Mother, I know the world lives a great inequality, but soon it will end and humanity will learn that whoever does not give, becomes poorer in spirit and life. The world could be more just, and the unjust will be called to account before the Universe, because poverty is born out of the retention of what really belongs to everyone.
I repeat, just as My Beloved Son once said: "Give up all your possessions", follow that teaching, because who is with Him has nothing for themselves, only eternal life.
Love this invitation that I am giving you; be charitable and give in order to free yourselves from material life.
The mission is that the world does not lose peace through the intense materialism. Pray and live divine charity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who elevates you to the consciousness of equality and good,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Goodness
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more