I give you My Peace and I deliver to you the Peace of God.
The time of your resistance shall end so that the true self and the true consciousness may finally emerge. Keep praying with the heart, invoking the Celestial Father and asking Him for your redemption. Thus, once the soul humiliates itself and recognizes that it is the smallest of all, you will be able to take the steps.
Children, I give you to know the essence of humility of your Celestial Mother. For this, the hour has come: imitate Me! Just as the apostles did in the past. Do not try to force yourselves into humility because it is not born from conflicts or from the constant struggles. Humility springs like a font, which gives all to drink from its pure and fresh water.
Dear children, may the dedication and the effort of seeking the holy humility never end. Pray with the heart, and openly ask My Son to transfigure you. If in this way many souls were truly humble, facing these critical times you are living today, much greater will be the possibilities for the Divine Mercy to widely pour itself over those who condemn entire lives and entire peoples.
Become bearers and searchers of this humility, My children. Your first step will be to recognize yourself as the smallest of all, but also as the one who is ready and available to serve, without distinctions nor rewards.
The science of the Divine Humility has, as its foundations, faith and perseverance in the moments of transcending the obstacles, falls and even the deceptions of the being. Humility is gestated by means of the truth and the detachment from one's own principles and ideas, those which feed My adversary.
The school of humility is the first path for the new apostles of My Son, and is Jesus Christ who shall always remind you that the holy humility has the self-renunciation, the forgetfulness of your own preferences and needs, as its primordial foundation.
While gazing into your hearts, your Celestial Mother invites you all to meditate on this message. To some, humility seems to not be the school for all, but the learning of a few.
In truth I tell you, My children, that if there is no permanent work with the holy humility in this world, and specially in this humanity, you will not be able to recover the innocence that you have already lost.
For this, children, be brave and fulfill that role that corresponds to you. The Project of God needs the imperfect ones, so that they may be soon converted into an essence of humility to the world. Thus, My Beloved Son shall find a place to rest His tired Heart, exhausted from working for this humanity.
The primordial key to live humility is peace, for without peace one cannot be humble. Your Celestial Mother wants to see you well trained, so that when the great moment of facing the redemption of My adversary arrives, none of My beloved children may keep within themselves something that parts them from God, just as humanity has been doing for the past two thousand years.
If humble hearts existed in this humanity, then it would become rescuable, and a greater time of peace would come to all.
I thank you for answering to My Call!
Who wants to see you humble and joyful,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more