As Mother and Queen of Peace, I want to diffuse My Peace to the world and build, in the heart of each of those who listen to Me, a portal of Peace and of Salvation for the souls.
Children of Mine, while your little hearts share this sacred moment at My side, other children of Mine suffer amidst conflicts, wars, hunger and discouragement.
I see in the world many hearts that get lost due to the lack of God in their lives, because they do not allow that the Divine Graces transform the events of the world.
To those who today hear My voice. I ask that you unite with Me for this Calling of Peace.
To those who strongly believe in the Power of prayer I ask today that they engage in prayer with true fervor; and to those who do not believe, but that are willing to experiment, that they pray, pray with all of their hearts, with all the will that they can draw from their inner.
Remember, My children, that the world is much greater than what your little eyes can see, and life on Earth does not comprise only your little lives.
I come to form missionaries and soldiers of prayer, these who set out with the intention and with their heart to take Peace to all the spaces of the world; these who obey to the Call of God day and night and that are able to forsake their own needs in order to pursue the well-being of their neighbor's, above all through prayer.
My Heart needs the encouragement that the prayers of the world provide Me, to bring this encouragement to those that agonize permanently.
If your little eyes could see what happens with the little victims of a war, you would never cease praying and, only by thinking of the possibility that a soul finds itself in this condition, you would pray day and night.
For this reason, today I ask of all those who hear Me; to all those who believe and do not believe in My presence; to all beliefs, races and religions, peoples and nations, that you unite yourselves with My Call for Peace; Peace that must be born as the sun and shine over all the hearts of the world.
Unite in vigil with My son Francis, the saint Pope, so that he may be reconfirmed day by day in this purpose of reaching Peace and, by means of the response given by all beings, that he may find the strength to go ahead.
My Dears, this is My only request today: that there be Peace in the world; that there be Love among the hearts; and this will be achieved with the response of all.
When many hearts are united to glorify God, the Heavens are opened and the Creator listens to the requests of His children, sending in this way His blessed Graces to the world.
Understand today that the Power of God is greater than any force that may exist in the Universe, but this Power only will be able to act when the human hearts cry out for the assistance of the Creator, and demonstrate, through prayer, fasting, and the communion with Christ, that they desire ardently that His Light be manifested on Earth.
For the sake of the Glory of God, pray and vigil for Peace.
I thank you for answering to My Call.
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more