Monday, October 13 of 2014

Monthly Messages

My dear children from Ciudad Del Este and from all of Paraguay.

Today, My Immaculate Heart offers itself to all of you.  A pure and immaculate Heart, free of stains, but full the Love of God; a Heart that heals and redeems; a Heart that liberates, embraces and forgives.

Today I offer you My Immaculate Heart, free of thorns and of outrages, so that united with Me, you can take the steps towards the Kingdom of God.

Children of Mine, today the light of My Immaculate Heart surrenders itself to the world in the same way that I did one time in Fátima for the whole world.  I ask you that today you unite your consciousnesses with the Kingdom and Sanctuary of Fatima, so that by the Supreme Grace of God, you receive the essence of the original purity.

And how will you be able to enter into this path of inner purity?

I only ask you to pray, pray every day so that the world, at least the majority of souls, do not lose the innocence that God the Father gave them.  Many hearts of mine have already stopped being innocent and became contaminated with the influences of the modernities from this world; this caused the original purity that was in the hearts to be lost.

For a greater and infinite purpose My Immaculate Presence descends upon the ailing reality of this world in order to extend to all the divine energy of My Full Grace.

You, My novice disciples, are called to practice prayer and selfless service, in order to balance the scales of the law that is at the point of breaking itself up.  To prevent many things today I introduce Myself to all as the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, in order to remind you of the importance of finding new commandments of life by means of the prayer of the heart.

The more souls that join with their hearts to My call for peace, the greater will be the probability that the world will not have to suffer for everything that is not done well.

From Heaven where I come from, We observe the precipitous actions that humanity has been realizing in the material life.  Through cunning, humanity is diverted from the spiritual life, that which will lead them to find the sacred purpose.

For this My dear children, today I offer you on this 13th day of October, the day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, the opportunity to return to God by means of My Luminous Heart.

Release your ties and no longer have pacts with the impure life of this world, this one that will make you spiritually sick.  Be intelligent and invoke the power of the love of My Son; thus you will be withdrawn from illusion every day and will be blessed by His Infinite and Divine Mercy.

Seek My beloveds, the way out that I am showing you.  Cultivate in your hearts the flame of original purity.  In this way you will be protected from your own selves and from this material world.  Remember in your prayers all of those who are blind and deaf, lost and trapped in these times.

I ask you with fraternal Love, to banish disunity and separateness.  If you, My apostles, do not come together, where will be the project of God for this world?

Your Eternal Father is Wise, Pious and Merciful.  He wants to see you whole and happy, healthy of mind and of heart.

Today I offer Myself as your Sacred Mother, so that you may accept the path of conversion and of peace that I offer you.

Let us bless this day of Glory for the presence of the Kingdom of Fatima, the Source of original purity.

I thank you profoundly to all those that made possible this pilgrimage in Paraguay!

My Peace in your lives.

Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima