Wednesday, July 15 of 2015

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I am that infinite ocean of Grace that shows Itself to the world so that the most sinful souls may enter into it and convert their lives forever.

I am that infinite ocean of Grace that shows Itself to the universe so that all which was created by God may be consecrated to the Love of My Heart.

I am that infinite ocean of Grace that shows itself to souls so that they may satiate their thirst for love, healing and forgiveness; because through the infinite ocean of My Grace, the hearts of the world may reverse all their evils and thus reach a state of forgiveness, so necessary in these times.

I am that infinite ocean of Grace that shows Itself to hearts so that they may remember the commitment to return to God and may find on their paths the glorious Face of Christ. 

I am that infinite ocean of Grace so that humanity may reconsider through the Gift of Wisdom, and thus correct the divergence of their paths without God.

I am that infinite ocean of Grace so that the most simple may teach the most arrogant about the essence of humility; it is through the spirit of simplicity that My Heart transforms the most hardened heart.

I am that infinite ocean of Grace so that you may remember that Your Mother of the Sun is the divine fire that will awaken the origin of your existence for you to walk with confidence this inner trajectory that is the school of Earth. 

I am that infinite ocean of Grace so that you may learn how to love truly and without prejudice; for My Grace allows all things.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to the infinite ocean of the Grace of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace