Dear children,
Today I want to announce, as requested by My Son, that your Heavenly Mother will close this miraculous Pilgrimage that has happened during these last two months in Europe.
Europe, as a whole, was liberated again of many errors, not only from the past, but also from the future.
This Pilgrimage has launched new seeds that many hearts of different nations knew how to sow, and cultivate within themselves.
The impulse given through the Pilgrimage attracted important liberations and redemptions to the European nations, that were happening cyclically, as the Pilgrimage was developed.
Although, during these last two months, My pilgrim servants went through difficult and culminating moments, I would like to tell you, children, that the enemy and his powers were defeated many times and they were returned to their deepest abysses, where My Son, for the second time, will go to judge them and redeem them.
Today I take the time to transmit this message, and these informations, so that more each day, the Work as a whole, may know how far a simple pilgrimage can go, or even a humanitarian mission.
Everything that is done for love has a transcendental effect and can cover great plans of consciousness.
Even though the Pilgrimage for Peace has not ended in Spain, it does not mean that My children from this country do not receive the spiritual help they need.
In Spain there are valuable and precious servant souls, in which the Mother of God can found the basis of Her trust, because I know that they will always comprehend Me.
Now that so many nations and peoples of Europe have been spiritually helped, I want to tell you, My children, that the Iberian Peninsula is already prepared to go meet other European peoples and nations, in order to carry My message of peace and of redemption.
The next July 21st, which is a special day for Heaven, for its universal and cosmic conjuncture, the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of Humanity and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, will appear in the Community-of-Light Flor de Lys, to close the Pilgrimage for Peace, together with Her dear children, giving testimony once again of the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
There, I will wait for you to share, along with all of your fellow beings of the world, this important moment of synthesis.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more