Thursday, May 16 of 2013

Daily Messages

By any chance, do My Disciples know who they call upon at three o'clock? When you say “Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ…” are you delivering Me completely to God as a Mediator between Heaven and Earth?

When you deliver My Glorified Body, you are offering to God the perfect and complete result of His Beloved Creator Project amongst creatures, the apex achieved by Me while I was preaching amongst you.

When you offer My Blood to God, you are delivering the codes of redemption and of transfiguration, the precious Blood that heals and liberates evil from all souls.

At three o'clock, when you offer My Soul to God, you are delivering the perfect and complete result of the Soul of Jesus in the name of all those souls that are prey to condemnation and that, through the precious Soul of Christ, receive the Grace of finding the Light. To remain united to the precious Soul of Jesus unites you to the fiery devotion of Christ.

And when you offer My Divinity to God, you are delivering to the Father the fruits achieved by Himself through the sacrifice of His Son on the Cross. The Divinity of Christ is the Holy Spirit in His Son made man and divine consciousness manifested in the whole Celestial Universe.

For this reason, remember that each time that you cry out and call for My Four Aspects- the Body of Christ, the Blood of Christ, the Soul of Christ and the Divinity of Christ- during the Hour of Mercy, you will be allowing, as humanity, that many souls and confusing situations become liberated and readjusted according to the Love and the Will of God for His creatures.

Then, in your hands, by means of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, you have the keys to open the doors of redemption, of conversion and of your rehabilitation before the One.

Under the Love and Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for consciously meditating upon My words from your hearts!

Christ Jesus