Prepare your heart for communing with Me and make of this moment the opportunity for a great planetary liberation.
I renew you in light of My Body and My Blood, for My Heart, which is the heart of the world, needs to be repaired by the sincerity of your soul and by the devotion that emanates from your spirit.
I came to open the doors of Heaven and close the doors to hell, pouring out the Blood of My scourged Sacred Heart into the abysses of this unfaithful world, over the most lost and forgotten souls.
I came to transform My wounds, repaired by you, into a Fount of Mercy for all souls.
I came to show you My scourged Chest and also the suffering of the world, which is Mine; and so that you could thus know that the suffering of souls and of My Heart are the same.
When you repair My Heart, you repair the pain of the world. When you free souls, you free My Sacred Heart from the weight that the world places on Me through its ignorance and the craft of the enemy that constantly subdues souls through deceit and pleasure.
I come to ask that, while with Me, you not sleep. That you prepare to commune with Me before reaching My Temple, which daily received the Ray of My Transfiguration that I achieved on Mount Tabor, to transfigure and transubstantiate the elements for humankind. And, in this way, not only for the spirit, but also for the flesh, for the soul, for the mind and for the heart, I can be a reality, a Truth that merges with the consciousness and consecrates it.
Prepare to find Me, above all, during Fridays, during which I promised a day of reparation for the whole world, through My Heart.
Do not lessen before Me each day, but rather, be uplifted, and make of each communion an even deeper union with Me.
I came to ask that you give Me all of yourself and that if you come to Me tired of life and tired of yourself, you may transcend the illusions of your tiredness in My Presence and commune with Me, with what you truly are.
I am your Master and your King because you are a part of this blessed Creation, which was born to follow in My footsteps.
I came from the universe because I saw you, and My Heart cannot stop instructing you.
I came to meet you so that you could learn to commune with Me, because an end time is approaching, a time in which you will lack many things of the world which today are necessities for you. I came so you could learn to find everything you need in Me.
I am your Master, I am your King. In Me dwells all Creation, because I am in the Father, as He is in Me.
Not only the sorrows of the world are Mine, but also all the Graces. Not only what you are is in Me, but also what you are not. Thus, in the Essence of My Being seek that which you most want to be, to offer it to God. I will give it to you. Because if you unite with Me, you will be able to commune of all that I am, and everything will belong to you, within My Heart. And in this way, communing with Me, you will lack nothing.
The Blood that circulates within Me will circulate within you. The Flesh that animated Me in life and supported Me during the scourging, as on the Cross, will support you, and there will be no need in the world that will be greater than what I offer you.
I came to consecrate this communion for you so that you could thus know that, from the universe, I see you, every day, and it is My Hands, within yours, that radiate towards the elements upon the altar, consecrated by Me and by My Father.
Be renewed, and never be the same in front of Communion. While entering your body, I enter into each essence created by God, because if I am in you, your heart will also be one with all the hearts of the world, and the Graces I give you will reach all souls, as well as all Creation.
I bless you and consecrate your soul, today and forever, so that you may be My servant and, even more, you be My faithful and eternal companion.
I await you in the communion with Me, like I wait for you to come to the universe, so that you may be eternally by My side.
Christ Jesus, the King of kings
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more