Friday, August 4 of 2017

Monthly Messages

Father, You have seen, with eyes of mercy, that My companions and disciples have opened their hearts before My Celestial Presence.

My Spirit is joyful because of this great miracle that comes from You.

Adonai, listen to the voice of those who still believe in You and who await the arrival of Your Kingdom.

Nobody will miss the opportunity, Adonai, of knowing Who I am and from where I come.

Adonai, listen to the hearts that today beat for You, through the Source of My Spirit.

Today My Heart rejoices, because love has defeated evil, and the darkness has disappeared.

The fire of Your Divine Love returned to cold hearts, and in this way, a perfect communion was established between Your creatures and the Universe.

Today I come under Celestial Glory to ask, once again, for the world to My Celestial Father; in order that the advent of His Kingdom and all His Hosts of Light within the orbit of this planet be fulfilled.

Emmanuel, feel in Your Heart the gratitude of Your creatures and with Your Light dissolve everything that causes pain; because Your Love arises in souls and Your inner senses are unveiled to simple hearts.

Today, beloved Abba, Your children have received the key of Your Kingdom so that they may know how to enter into it.

When purification precipitates onto the world, Your disciples will know how to open the doors of Your Kingdom so that Your Consciousness and Your Hierarchies may come to the aid of humanity.

I know that You know, Father, this will happen some time before My arrival to the world.

That is why I come to ask for Your creatures, so that Your Temperance may be alive in them, and Your Fortitude manifest in those who hear Your call.

And today, I am here among you, through Grace and Mercy, showing you My resplendent Heart so that you can live it and feel it.

In the silence of your inner worlds, My eternal Presence can be found; and evil will never defeat the temples I build in souls, because it will be My living Church in them that will triumph in the end of these times.

Hear My words, Father, because Your Divine Word expresses through My Lips and I decree subtle vibrations so that souls may raise their consciousnesses towards Your Kingdom.

Today, for the first time, Father, I find Your children empty of self, and in this way, I can see with My Eyes of Mercy, how My divine dwelling places are built in the inner castles, and a sacred alliance is established between souls and the Solar Son.

Let those who are brave commune with this.

Let those who have courage participate in this celebration.

For the Celestial Kingdom is approaching to strengthen the souls who must live the times that will come.

Today, after many months, I return to close a cycle and I open a new door towards a new age, towards a new learning, towards a new experience of love, which you are invited to live in these crucial times.

If My Heart can be among you today, your hearts can be in Mine, and there is nothing and nobody that can change that; because if I am present, all is perfect, just as My Father is perfect, just as the Universe is perfect, and all that vibrates in it.

And today I come from the luminous hill that is here, after having been on a great mountain, where the Masters of Love gather together to protect humanity from itself, and to awaken the consciousness of those who are still asleep in the worldwide illusion.

It is through you and your hearts that I am able to work.

When your hearts are not open to Me or to your brothers and sisters, My Work is restricted in humanity, and I have so many Graces to pour out upon the world and so much infinite Love to give that sometimes I feel drowned by so much celestial Love that My Holy Father emanates from His Primordial Source, for all the Universes and for all the dimensions.

I need you to drink of this Love that I bring you today because you will need it in order to be able to face the end of times, and in this way, be in perpetual communion with Me when I am not present here, nor able to visit you; because I will already have completed My task in this Sacred Figueira, and as from that moment, you must be the Christs of the New Time, those who will work through My Heart and the maximum strength of My Love, in the whole of this planet.

And in this way, in your simple, pure, and humble hearts, souls and Kingdoms will recognize My Presence. That will prepare My arrival in a surprising way, without anyone expecting it. Because I will come like the lightning of the storm, like a great flash of light.

I will come at the emergence of the Moon, and under the radiance of the great stars of the Universe, of the great cosmic Consciousnesses.

The night will seem like day, because the Solar Son will illumine the darkness, will expel the demons, and one by one, will rescue the last fallen stars.

For this time, you must be prepared; for this reason, today I come to announce it, because nobody will be able to proclaim My coming any longer.

The Lord will make My Presence felt in hearts; this will be the first call of My Return.

The Lord will make something unknown be felt in souls; this will be the second call of My Return.

The Lord will reveal what exists in the Universe, and all that He holds will be shown to the eyes of humankind; this will be the third call of My Return.

For this reason, in these times, disseminate My coming to humanity, because there is little time and the Judgment of God will come after Me, to define the world and this race towards a new cycle.

May My Words resound in the depths of your hearts, in the core of your souls, in the most invisible part of your beings; because the time for preparing has come, and your sufferings will no longer weigh you down, your inner pain will no longer make any sense, because I will have built in you My Celestial Church, which will be perpetual and eternal, until after the thousand years of peace.

I come at this moment and on this night to open the doors into this month of August, in which a Great Brotherhood is established and hearts are participants in this sacred meeting, which is being established between humanity and the Universe.

Take advantage of this moment, companions, because Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Words will remain in the inner worlds that trust in Me.

As Solar Son, on this day I come to open the great ceremony.

As the most humble Priest, I come to officiate at this meeting during the whole of the month of August.

May your souls and hearts be united with Me.

May your senses, your words, feelings and thoughts be united with My Consciousness, because in this way you will drink from the Fount of Knowledge that will descend; because in this way you will participate consciously in all that the Universe will do in this month under the Spirit of the Great Brotherhood.

Set aside all you are living, and may your spirits, which are what will live eternal life, be occupied and concentrated upon all that the Universe will do; thus you will be within the powerful currents and your most imperfect situations will be dissolved into nothing.

You will not feel any apprehension or any discomfort, and your spirits will be able to be free to participate of this Sacred Meeting with all the Beings of Light, with the Eternal Father, Who is the One Who allows all this.

For this reason, rejoice and have no regrets; may the eternal fire of My Celestial Joy be in your hearts all the time, so that you can live, feel, and experience what the Divinity will do this month.

Step out of the superficial. This is not a complaint.

Enter the Universe through the Portal of My Heart and I assure you that you will be other in just thirty days.

If your Master was able to transform Peter into the foundation of His Church, what could I do with you if your hearts were open all the time, as they are today?

Can you feel the difference between being in the Kingdom of God and being far from it?

Can you feel the difference between being in the correct vibration and being in chaos?

With My simple Words, I come to teach you all that is eternal, because you must reach the eternal so that this humanity may have a last chance.

Thus, I send you to preach My Word; I sent you to be My witnesses so that, through your living examples, humanity may be able to wake up to that which it must awaken to in this time.

Today I feel full of joy, and in spite of the world not fully responding, I am pleased with so little.

That is what makes Me return here; never forget this, because you will need it to know to be in Me.

Today, your Master comes to worship what is pure in you.

I know this is a mystery to you; for Me it is a perfect reality, which emerged from the Source in the Beginning.

Live in this purity through the worship of My Merciful Heart and I will always be here to listen to you.

I am present here to work in a wounded world, and this I can do, companions, through the hearts that invoke Me and that live Me in these times.

I thank you for being here today with Me, in Brotherhood.

I bless you for this new period.

In the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.