Friday, August 25 of 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I Am the Virginal Chalice, which holds in itself the blood of the innocent and of the martyrs, who are contemplated by God at this time. I know that this mystery is quite vast for you, perhaps abstract and complex, but for the heart that is united to the Heart of the Mother, it is not.

You, My children, know more than I how much innocent blood is shed in this world today, for impunity has taken over the minds of many rulers, and this tenebrous beast must be extirpated from the planet.

This is why I present to you today the seven swords in My Heart, the seven great capital sins of these times, which have gravely expanded in the consciousness of humanity as it has distanced itself from love, unity and truth.

I carry these seven swords, which pierce the Heart of your Heavenly Mother, in the deepest silence of My Spirit, because there is no one greater than My Son, who has lived something as true for each one of you as He did on the Cross, without measuring His efforts or fatigues, without measuring how far He could go in giving His life for you.

Thus, this is the Virginal Chalice, which I present to you today, the reliquary of the Heart of the Celestial Mother, which not only holds the codes of the holy innocent and of all martyrs who profess their faith in Christ and who, for different circumstances, are no longer in this world today, but that this Sacred Virginal Chalice is adored by the angels of Heaven as one of the relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Through this example, My children, see how the pain and the evil of this world transform into Love and Mercy, how the Creator Power has the authority to transform everything.  

Because this Power, which comes from Creation, is not authoritarian. It is the Great Power of Love that pulsates in the heart of the center of this Galaxy, in the so-called Central Sun, which radiates, to this material plane, the codes of life and transfiguration of all physical consciousnesses.

This sacred teraph, the Virginal Chalice, is kept as a spiritual cup in the heart of this Central Sun, so that someday the world and humanity may also be transformed.

Thus, when My Son returns, He will again grant to the world redemption, reconciliation with the Laws of the Universe, so that all sins of the world may be amended by the souls who will be consistent until the end of times, until the moment when My Son alights His Feet upon this planet, together with all the Hosts and Hierarchies.  

Can you imagine how this great moment of the Return of Christ, Our Lord, will be?

How much will the universe cosmically move for this event?

How many spiritual and immaterial currents will fill the planet and Solar System in which you dwell, to redeem and convert it through the power of the merits that Christ achieved in humanity, and through the merits that all His companions have achieved and will achieve throughout the times?

Now you can have a clearer vision and a deeper feeling about what the Creator Power of Love means and represents. He will come to meet you someday. This Power of Love will be palpable in all senses and in all dimensions.

He will reveal gifts and virtues to all those who are consistent. He will reveal the power of His Love and Mercy to all those who were condemned. And in all this vast and infinite universe, there will be no consciousness that is not touched by this Power of the Creator Love.

Just as the cell in the human being feeds, regenerates and rebuilds life within and outside of it, so Communion with the Most Blessed Sacrament of Christ, offered by the power of the Eucharist, and also by the power of the Sacred Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, when they are present on the surface of the Sacred Enclosures, will transfigure the whole planet and humanity overnight.

Thus, the angels of the Lord will be with their Books open to register and testify to this event, which will not be invisible, but rather visible.

For this reason, Our effort and dedication for all the hearts of the world and, especially, for the souls that are awakening to the spiritual path of one God and one Celestial Father, make Us work as Hierarchies in a tireless way, so that each inner universe and each human heart may discover the spiritual wealth that God has given to it since the beginning at the Source.

Thus, through the Words of the Mother of God, which are Words of God magnetized by the principles of the Creator Source, I bring high vibrations from the Heavens to your hearts, so that the matter that is apparently corrupt and sick, may be redeemed and slowly transfigured.

For if My Son had the permission on the top of Mount Tabor, and some of His apostles were witnesses to this event; My Son, the Christ, had the permission for the Law of Transfiguration to be invoked through the prayer from the heart, it will sooner or later touch your lives and consciousnesses. And that which seems corrupt or lost will be redeemed and illuminated, through the Laws that Christ has instituted through His Presence on the planet.

All that which I am saying to you and sharing with you, My children, is part of the Book of the Love of God, because it is He Who sends it and it is He Who decrees it.

For this reason, I ask you not only to identify with matter, because this is an unknown time of purification, but also to see your own identify in the innermost depths of your beings, in that part of your consciousness that knows who it is and what it has come to do in this world.

Many among you must learn every day to resume the path to your origin, to the center of your essences, a place where the Light of God shines and dwells. Do not forget that you are His Children of the Earth and that He has given you this planet in abundance for you to bear fruit. But the world and this civilization have not understood the Message of the God of Israel. They destroy and sicken the planet, and the Kingdoms of Nature and the oceans are witnesses of this tragedy.

Those who believe they rule and govern the world try to hide this reality, which can no longer be hidden. But see this tragic event of nature with wisdom and compassion.

Despite the pain lived by the Lower Kingdoms, despite the pain lived by innocent souls, never raise the voice of rebellion. May your voices rise to the Heart of God by means of songs and prayers that you have obediently offered to Our Hearts throughout these sixteen years.

That is where evil will be defeated. It may torment and persecute you, but if your hearts are surrendered to the Heart of God, how could evil make you perish?

Remember, remember every day, that you are His worthy Children, and preciously protect this spiritual dignity from yourselves, because millions of souls in the world have lost it in the last decade and for many of My children having human dignity or not matters just the same.

How could the very sacred values of this people of Earth have been lost?

Souls have not known how to embrace the Call of God due to different circumstances and, in many cases, their own fears surpassed their trust in God. But fear does not exist, My children, what does exist is the Light and Love that dwells in the center of your hearts and souls. Believe in the Creator Power of God, which was implemented through the Genetic Project, in the Origin and in the Genesis of this humanity.

I know that to many among My children, this is the time of the great battle, in which you must face yourselves, in which you must recognize your own hidden and invisible abysses. But I ask you, out of love, not to give power to human victimhood.

Your souls are co-creator souls that, through the word and sound, can emit new things and liberate new principles, which, through a true and honest offering, allow the descent of the Values of God to this world, through the souls that offer to be tabernacles of God and victims of the Love of Christ.

This is what humanity lacks, and although it may seem impossible that this may change overnight, do not lose faith or hope.

Many have made the decision of following the path to Christ. For this reason, the beast of the seven heads is furious.

This is the moment when the Woman Clothed with the Sun runs to the desert, because it is the hour, the great hour, for the seven seals to finish opening completely. This causes My enemy, the adversary, to fear, because the more consciousnesses become aware of the truth through their awakening, the more the battle, the final battle, will be won.

And Saint Michael the Archangel, raising his powerful sword to the Father, will cause the Power of Creation to resound upon this world, to rebuild the world and humanity spiritually, so that everything may start from scratch again.  

Let us pray for these revelations not to be lost, so that these impulses may be held in the consciousness and may strengthen all My children.

Let us pray with conviction and faith for the Presence of Christ in all Tabernacles of the Earth and in all the hearts that offer themselves and are postulants to be Tabernacles of God.


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the most precious 
Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity 
of Jesus Christ,
present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages,
sacrileges and indifferences 
by which He is offended,
and by the infinite merits of the Sacred Heart
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg you the conversion of poor sinners.


I thank you for having the bravery and the openness of listening to Me. This represents to God an honest response, it represents that redemption will be possible.

Despite the times of tribulation, always remember that the time of redemption will be possible. Regardless of what you may live or what you may have to go through, regardless of what this world may do, the time of redemption is possible.

And so that it may be your souls that will guide your lives, so that the soul may be the boat that navigates in the ocean of the Mercy of God, may be the one that nourishes and strengthens itself with Christic Love, I come to ask you, to conclude this meeting, a song that you have sung many times, and which represents to God and to the Sacred Hearts the story of this Work concretized on the surface: “Breath of the Spirit.”

We will listen to this song from the Marian Center of Figueira.

May this melody help you to navigate in the ocean of the Love of God without fear of shipwreck or of the tempest of life, trusting that the spirit of each one of you and of your brothers and sisters will always have the door of the Heart of God open so that you may cross it.

I bless you and thank you for having accompanied Us in this month of August. We aspire and expect that it may be for many more Augusts, if God so determines.

My maternal blessings upon you and My Peace upon the wounded world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us sing. 

Sunday, August 13 of 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come here to fulfill the commitment I have made to you, of being here every thirteenth, because humanity needs it so much.

All eyes cannot see the situations that take place, but the Eyes of the Mother of God can see them. Thus, I come to reveal to you a reality that this humanity goes through internally.

Given the situation of the end of times, the souls and the planet need a great deal of help. And this is nothing new to you, My children, it only happens that the spiritual debt of this humanity continues to increase and, with each passing day, My children, this spiritual debt becomes more unpayable.

This is why, through My Hands and the untiring service of My Heart, I bring Graces to the world. Those sublime and supreme Graces that the world would not deserve today, but it is through the faithful prayer of My children that I can pour out those Graces, I can bring the gift of opportunity for souls, and thus, I can close many uncertain doors that My children of the world cannot see with their physical eyes.

Thus, the Spiritual Hierarchy accompanies this planet and this humanity of the surface cycle by cycle, and although Our Spiritual Treasures have been given, the response to the Call is still insufficient.

It will be up to those who have awakened to the path of My Son to respond on behalf of many of those who do not respond. It will be up to them to assume that which many do not want to assume today. This is how the apostles grow and mature internally, not retrogressing upon seeing the urgent need, not pretending they cannot see the emergency of these times.

Now, and for a long time, you have come out of the school of My little children. This is the moment, My children, for each one to make themselves responsible before the Call, and to be attentive, very attentive, to listen to this Call that comes from the Higher World.

Thus, the Flame of the Divine Purpose will multiply and be placed in the heart of those who say yes. And they will feel the responsibility and commitment that the Hierarchy feels, and will know that each moment is an opportunity to deepen into service and in the degrees of love.

There is nothing new that you must learn, My beloved children. You must just learn to give of yourselves in greater depth.

It is through this self-giving that you will be sending a message to the Universe, to the Heart of the Eternal Father, because in this way, through this immediate and mature response, you will be saying to the Universe that you respond to the Call and that you understand this Call.

The doors to the gift of opportunity are open for all, especially for those who have been left behind; for it is imminent, in these times of tribulation, that souls may again find the path to the Heart of Christ, may again find the path to the Purpose they have lost or toward the Purpose they have never found.  

God has everyone in His account. God holds all souls in His Heart.

I need you, My children, to understand what this moment is that you are going through, because each moment has a response for your hearts. In this way you will be able to accompany the Hierarchy, which will always inspire your hearts and lives to fulfill this Call, which comes from the center of Galileum.

The Call that comes for the souls of the world in this cycle is very broad. And each soul and each heart of this planet can understand this summoning in a different way.

But the summoning that comes from the Great Call of God through Galileum is unique. It is the burning and blazing flame ignited in the Immaterial Universe, which brings souls to this Light, which is the powerful Light of the Supreme Source, the Sacred Light of the Heart of God, who created you in His Image and Likeness at the beginning.

Responding to the Call of God in this incarnation means returning to the Flame of God, to the Eternal Light of the Father, so that you may be One with the Eternal Father, just as Our Sacred Hearts are One with the Father.

For this reason, souls in these times are tempted and My enemy tries to divert them from the path of the Purpose and the great response to this Higher Call. Because when each child of Mine manages, in a mature and conscious way, to respond to this Call, they will have to know that they will be purified. They will soon know how to transcend themselves, step by step, and moment by moment. And in the end, they will have the opportunity, by responding to this Higher and Inner Call, to fulfill the Will of God on this planet, a Call to which most souls do not want to respond.

God will never place souls under a rule, under a forced commitment or under any other situation. Fulfilling the Will of God and responding to His Call means becoming free from yourselves forever.

Here is the cause of suffering in the world, which more and more drifts away from the Will of God; it submerges and must endure its own suffering, not understanding the path that souls must tread in this planetary transition. But the Call that comes from God through Galileum is a clear and impactful Call.

The Will of God will always show itself to the souls that want to recognize it, to the will that souls want to experience as the Will of the Eternal Father, leaving aside personal and human will.

It is by responding to this inner Call in this cycle that you will recognize the happiness you so much seek in matter.

It is through the response to this Call that you will find the bliss and the joy of consciously living in the Kingdom of God and being part of this Higher Kingdom.

It is through the response to this Divine Call that souls will be able to fulfill their mission, the mission of the end of these times, the mission that reveals itself to the inner worlds in this cycle.

I come as the Mother not only of all of humanity, I come as the bearer of this Higher Call for all souls, to tell all hearts that there is still some time to respond to this Higher Call, so that you may know the happiness of being in God and in Christ.

For this reason, on this day of consecration of new Children of Mary, I come to place all those who are already consecrated and those who will consecrate themselves in a new step of response to this Call, so that this consecration may not be just one moment with Me, but that it may also be the great moment for each heart that consecrates itself and that has already consecrated itself to take the great step of their life.

I am here to sustain this moment, as your Mother, as your Intercessor and as your Mediator, because all that we must do at the end of these times is a great task, it is knowing how to carry out the Plans of God with wisdom, it is participating in these Plans to concretize them for the good and peace of the world, first through your self-summoning before the Call of these times, before the last and great Call that resounds from the Universe to all souls of this planet.

This will also grant to humanity that the Holy Spirit of Consecration, through Its Gifts and Virtues, may sustain consecrated souls and impel the degrees of consecration in all hearts, within the school and the moment that each soul may be experiencing in these times.

For this reason, I also come today as the Mother of the consecrated, of those who dare, step by step, to draw nearer to the Heart of My Son through consecration. Because consecrated life must not be lacking in this world and humanity. It would be a sacrilege to replace it with other things.

This is why today I also ask you to keep praying for the souls that consecrate themselves to Christ, ranging from those who consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart as Children of Mary, to the consecrated ones that carry out important missions at the end of these times.

May the Flame of Purpose and Consecration be the center that radiates to all souls of the world, especially to those who have distanced from God through the marks left by the Church of Christ on Earth, and to the souls that have never known the true Love of God.

Today, the Fountain of Consecration through the Holy Spirit is open. May souls internally emit a response to this Call, because within this Plan of Love, Light and Redemption, there is a place for each human heart, there is a place for each soul of this planet, there is a place for each one of you.

As a demonstration that it is possible to experience the Grace of consecration, as the Mother of God, out of Love for all Her children and for the redemption of this planet, for the peace in the nations and in peoples, so that the Spirit of Consecration may flood all hearts of the world, I especially come to consecrate the new Children of Mary.

And now, while listening to the hymn of your consecration, I ask My children to approach, those who will live this moment of consecration today. And I ask those who have already consecrated themselves to My Immaculate Heart, to open to renew your vows at this moment, so that the Flame of Divine Purpose may be contemplated by all hearts and souls, and the world may know how to give the great response that the Universe needs.

Draw near Me, My children. I am here and I Am your Mother, the Mother of Life and Consecration.

Come, My children. Come to Me, just as I go to you at each moment of life, at each supplication, at each prayer. Your Heavenly Mother is always there to consecrate and renew souls in the name of My Son to make of your souls instruments of peace in the nations to which you belong today.

Leave your sadness, anguishes and grief in My Heart. Surrender all to God, so that He may renew and consecrate, heal and cure you through My Immaculate Heart.

May the Holy Spirit of the Consecration of God flood the whole world, just as the Blood of Christ flooded the whole world, down to the most unknown depths of the planet.

And may this Holy Spirit of the Consecration of God mend the errors of nations at war and in conflict, mend the errors of impunity and of world corruption, dissolve false power, transmute injustice, liberate the oppressed and innocent.

May the Holy Spirit of the Consecration and Peace of God open the eyes of those who are indifferent, especially open their hearts to the suffering of their neighbors, refugees, immigrants and the discarded.

Because My ardent desire, in the innermost depth of My Heart, is that no one else may be rejected in this world, especially those who suffer and must endure in the seas, with no one to help them. For this reason we consecrate ourselves today.

And today the Most Holy Mother consecrates you in the name of Christ, so that the Flame of Purpose may guide hearts up until the end.

I consecrate and renew you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sing the hymn of your consecration for those who do not consecrate themselves, for those who do not respond.

I thank you.

Tuesday, August 8 of 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I have come from Heaven to be with you and, through you, to be with all My children of the world, those who cry out for justice, those who weep through their prayers, those who are sick and suffer in the innermost depths of their hearts.

But My children, this is the great time of purification. Do not see it as a punishment, do not see it as a condemnation, because the Son of God Himself was purified in the Temple. And the Mother of God and Saint Joseph were also purified.

The human matter must be sublimated, the human condition must be transcended, and each one of My children on this planet has their school, the best learning experience they need so that, at the end of their days, they may surrender their soul to God and merge with the Cosmic Source of Life.

Thus, My children, nothing is out of place at this moment. What is out of the Law in this time are the horrors that the world and humanity commit, the imbalance of the Universal Laws on this planet, the impunity that surfaces as something common and subdues millions of souls in the world.

But today, My children, I come to bear witness, before God, of how many wonders My Son has made in your lives, the small transformations He has achieved through the surrender of each one of you to God.

Therefore, do not see life as suffering or as a lament. Hold on to the Heart of My Son, and renew yourselves in Him.

And when the falls on your paths are so continuous and permanent, My beloved children, do not despair. In the deepest intimacy of your hearts the decision is already made and My enemy cannot make you tremble nor can he terrify you.

As much as the difficulties in this world are very great, and souls really need a lot of spiritual guidance, I invite you, My children, just as My Son called you, I invite you to affirm your faith in hope, in the Sacred Flame of the Divine Purpose, which now blazes before your souls and consciousnesses, a Purpose that your spirits already know, and which cannot be erased overnight, regardless of the great pain that you have undergone in these times.

On this special day for the Mother of God and for each one of you, I have brought something very special from Galileum: the Holy Shroud of the Lord, which is today in My Arms to envelope your souls and hearts, to envelope your bodies and consciousnesses and thus transfigure you.

Do you believe in the power of the Holy Shroud of the Lord, the Shroud which witnessed each drop of the Blood of Christ?

Today I have taken this Sacred Relic from the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that, through this Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus, I may purify your bodies, wipe each tear and each weeping from your faces and so that you may feel renewed and healed by the Hands of the Mother of God.

Continue praying and asking for the Grace of being consistent.

In that which is smallest and most invisible is where the Work of God can be carried out, because God does not show Himself with His Power to the world, God reflects Himself with His Power, with the Power of His Love, through the hearts that transform and redeem themselves day by day.

Thus, I offer this Holy Spiritual Shroud to you, so that it may serve as a Mantle of purification and healing for each one of My children, so that their physical and spiritual pains may be relieved, and thus on this day the soul of the planet may also be relieved of its suffering, the suffering that is caused by humanity.

But see, through this example of the Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus, how great is the Mercy of the Father, how immense is the Love of My Son for this Project of the surface of the Earth.

And on this special day, when we reaffirm, between you and Me, the commitment to fulfill the Eternal Will of God in all the times to come, My Son has asked Me to offer to you this Holy Spiritual Shroud so that on this August 8 the Cosmic Laws may descend to Earth, the uncertain doors may close once again, souls may be liberated of their own abysses and hells and all may be healed by the power of the Love of Jesus, just as you, My beloved children.

As much as your Heavenly Mother has ascended to the Heavens and is today the Spiritual Governess of all worlds, and carries in Her Hand the Scepter of the Will of God and of the Sacred Feminine Power at the end of times, I continue to be the Faithful Slave of the Lord, just as the Slave of God humiliated Herself and resigned Herself before the Cross for the salvation of the world, so that My Son, despite His agony and His pain on the Cross, might grant you the Grace of His being with you at this end time, a permission that was granted by the Eternal Father Himself.

Thus, dear children, I want you to glimpse and contemplate, regardless of the difficulty and of the human condition, the treasures that your hearts have received throughout these sixteen years, and each moment of sincere prayer that you have shared with Me in these years, even without many of you knowing how to follow My steps.

But rejoice and be reborn in Christ. He comes to liberate you from sin and error, through the Heart of the Mother of the World. He comes to grant you His Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.

I am here for the cause of the consistent and the brave, for those who do not fear purification, for those who take the risk of living the Plan of My Son regardless of the consequences.

Today, I come clothed with the Mantle of the whole universe, of all stars and all suns.

Today this is the Universal Mantle of the Mother of God, which extends Itself throughout the world. And the Light of this Sacred Mantle of the Mother of God, just as the Light of the palms of Her Hands, reaches the deepest corners of the hells of the planet, to raise the stars that are still fallen.

No longer think that this Armageddon is a new rebellion. This is the time of synthesis and of the great step, when the great spiritual battle against My enemy is carried out.

But do not forget that you are under My Mantle when you do not dare to leave it, when your paths are paths of prayer from the heart, when your acts are acts of charity and mercy for your neighbor, when every day you do not forget that life is eternal service.

Today, the center of My Crown is the Light of the New Aurora, like the aurora that radiates in the Northern part of this planet.

I am the Light of Aurora, which announces to the world the new time and the advent of My Son, the Redeemer, the arrival of His Presence.

Continue to be part of My Rosary of Light, continue to be this precious pearl that is purified and polished through the pious Hands of My Son, the Christ.

I just ask you one thing, My beloveds, that you never again close your hearts. May your hearts be a door open to self-giving and joy, to the bliss of living an encounter with Christ and eternal communion with the Father.

While I am here with you and for you, as the Cosmic Mother of the universe, many situations in the world are deterred.

And on this August 8, when Heaven descends to Earth and the Earth ascends to the Heavens through the hearts that open to the call of the Mother of God, it has been granted to Me that no soul should become lost at this moment, and that the unprotected, the innocent and the orphans may be safeguarded by the angels of the Mother of God at this moment, with the help of all their guardian angels.

My end with you also draws near, but do not lose heart. I will say to you the same as I said to the visionary Lucia of Fatima: “My Grace will be your strength, My Light will be your path and at the end of your days you will find My Great Star, that incandescent and perpetual Star that shines in the Eternal Sky of God to welcome and receive you.”

This is the same that I tell each one of you today, because the time has also come for you not only to listen to My Message, but also to be My living Message in this world. In this way, My Word will be fulfilled.

So that this Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus may expand in the world, embrace the impossible causes, protect all souls, especially the souls of the most unprotected children and young people of these times, My Son has asked Me that, as a preparation for this new stage, for this new year of the Brotherhood, we may close this inner meeting through the Holy Communion.

This is why it will be a moment for each one of My children to make their offering to the Universe, as the Sidereal Universe at this moment is open and attentive to the voice of all supplications.

This is an extraordinary moment, granted by the Eternal Father to all the hearts that listen to the Mother of God, all those who at this moment embrace the Mother of God, who at this moment love the Mother of God. A moment granted by the Eternal Father in these sixteen years of tireless work with the Divine Messengers.

Let us prepare for the moment of Communion. I am waiting for you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
