In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My silence comes to make weapons become silent. So that this silence may be established, I come to Earth; today in a different way, given the emergency of these times, given the need of souls, especially of those who cry for Justice and Mercy.

Behold the Rabbi of Israel, the Master of all peoples and all religions. Because My Heart does not hold differences, My Heart has a place for each people and each nation, that exist for some reason, because each one of them holds in themselves a Treasure of God which must not be lost.

I Am here to give Life and Light to the inner worlds, because My time is coming to an end, and the hour of My Return is drawing near. The world needs a radical change, a change that comes from the spirit so that matter may be permeated in a new way. And this means, companions, great efforts for the Hierarchy, efforts that you cannot measure with your mind, efforts that you can only feel with your heart.

I will come to the world in a culminating moment and, as days pass, this culminating moment draws near, and all should be ready, because I will not warn, My only sign will be My Presence, face to face, and what will you tell Me at that moment?

I will come to seek in you the spiritual temple that you have built for Me, which I will use to rebuild the world, pouring out My Gifts and Graces upon souls again at the culminating hour, in which suffering in the sphere of Earth will end, when not even one more cry will be heard, the effect of war, misery, persecution or even effect of death penalty.

When I return, this will no longer be heard in any plane or dimension. Because that moment, which will be very sacred to Me, of returning from the Heavens to Earth and touching again with My Feet this surface, that will be the moment when evil will be defeated. Because by a spiritual, cosmic and divine order, Archangel Michael will pierce with His sword through evil, dissolving the essence of darkness so that, through the power of Light and Love, all may be reversed and the principle may be reintegrated into humanity, that principle that was permeated by a Spiritual Purpose.

From Adam and Eve, the history of humanity will be rebuilt and, in My Presence, there will no longer be sequels of suffering and error. For this reason, this is also the culminating moment for you, at which you must not be tepid, at which you must hold on to Me, regardless of what may happen or what you may live. Because the Master will return and call each one by their spiritual name, which will resound as an echo throughout the planet, because it will be the Voice of the Father speaking through His Son, just as the Voice of the Father spoke through the people of Israel.

I know that many do not understand why there is so much pain and suffering in the world, why there are so many innocent people who must go through this. Have you ever thought that they offered themselves for that, so that the non-redeemed might be redeemed?

This is why I spoke to you in recent times about the new martyrs. Day by day, there are many more martyrs in the world, from the unborn to those who die in wars and many more who go through experiences you could not even imagine, offering their souls in sacrifice and love, so that in the world there may be a mature love, capable of overcoming all errors, capable of transcending all impunity. This is the love that I see in the New Christs.

Who will have awareness, and be a postulant to live this school? Because I do not seek heroic reactions, I seek anonymous offerings, capable of living them out of love, as victims of Christ’s Love. Although it is incomprehensible that day by day there are more martyrs in the world, if that did not take place the planet would no longer be in its place.

From the great lamaseries of the East to the hymns of Christians throughout the world, all are truly supplicating for peace. But no longer seek it, love this peace and peace will be within you, because Peace is a Law, it is the first Law that God created at the beginning.

It was Peace, together with God’s Love, that impelled Creation, that allowed you to be here today, and a diversified life to exist in this vast and infinite universe, a life filled with lessons to be learned and many inner experiences.

However, the world, with each passing day, moves away from this truth, this true experience of love that God needs you to live, so that, by the price of My shed Blood, you may be redeemed and confidently believe that redemption is possible in these critical times.

The angels work on what happens in the world. Different armies and hosts of Light take charge of the different situations of the planet, as great must be the sacrifice to mend the errors committed.

This is why I have asked the Steward Angel of My Eucharistic Body to present himself to the world before the expected time. In this way, through each moment of prayer and each new meeting, through each service and true offer that can honestly emerge from your hearts, He may receive, in all his Chalices of Light, the offerings the souls of Christ make, to mend and justify the errors that are lived in the Middle East, Ukraine, Africa and other places of the world, and even what Argentina could suffer.

My Spiritual Gaze is upon all urgent subjects. I want your gazes of love to accompany Me in all subjects that are truly important for the Spiritual Hierarchy. I come to ask and beg you to change your frequency, to place yourselves in the spiritual vision of Brotherhood.

I ask you again to love one another, in reparation of the love that is disappearing in the world, especially the love that is disappearing from the souls that live wars, because My Heart is internally dilacerated each time I see children die in Gaza.

Now do you understand what I need?

I open to you the definitive door of a mature apostolate. May your own situations not weigh on you, because there are situations that weigh more on Me, and they are those situations that are taking place in all of humanity.

The Rabbi of Israel is here to call you to the path of unity, respect and trust, so that peace may be present in the world. Without peace, the world will be more divided and you must not allow this to happen.

For this reason, I find support in all those who adore the Most Holy Body of Christ, who no longer measure the time or the hours to adore Me. Because adoration is that which allows the Presence of God, so that His Hand may touch and reach the most inaccessible places of the planet, where suffering is experienced.

I open to you the door of My Heart once again, so that you may feel as I feel, so that you may live as I live, so that you may then serve just as I serve, being a Messenger of God.

Today, I ask you that we may offer this new Spiritual Communion for all that I have said to you, so that My Word may become alive in you, and in you may be My Gifts and Virtues that will be necessary and urgent in these times of tribulation.

Be aware that I know each one of your needs, but I want to tell you that it is now time for you to learn to accept My Will and to not displace My Will from you. Because I have a Plan for each soul and each heart, which in many cases would not be to your liking, but if I had not accepted the Chalice in the Garden of Gethsemane, what would have happened?

The Christs of the New Times must be a reality and no longer just an aspiration. My Divine Consciousness, broad and infinite, needs to work through souls, because there are many who are still waiting for My Love, much more than you imagine, many more than you have received here at each meeting. There are souls in this world that would give anything to receive My Love.

Do you understand My necessity now?

I hope that, when you leave here, your hearts will feel differently, your minds will understand differently, you will embrace the spiritual service of the Hierarchy with the same conviction that I do.

Now, I will bless you before the Spiritual Communion so that, by the merits lived in the Last Supper and in the Sorrowful Passion, these merits may be available to you as an inexhaustible wellspring and, especially, they may reach the souls that most need them at this hour.

May this Spiritual Communion be the Communion of Mercy, in which all may receive the Grace that perhaps some would not deserve, and this is by the Work of My Unfathomable Mercy, by the Fire of My Merciful Love.

To prepare this moment of Communion, you will carry out with Me a spiritual offering to the Creator, through the Love of Galileum, so that peace may be a reality in the Middle East, Ukraine, Sudan and in the whole world.

And through Galileum, cry out for the merits of My Birth, of My Public Life, of My Last Supper, of My Sorrowful Passion, of My Death, of My Resurrection and of My Ascension to the Heavens, so that the souls that are dying in wars in these days may achieve Paradise. Because I fulfill again the promise that I made to the thief on the Cross, just as I said to him, “For having recognized your God, the Lord, you will be in Paradise today with Me.”

I thank you.

May peace be a reality at each moment and within each inner world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, I have come from Heaven to be with you and, through you, to be with all My children of the world, those who cry out for justice, those who weep through their prayers, those who are sick and suffer in the innermost depths of their hearts.

But My children, this is the great time of purification. Do not see it as a punishment, do not see it as a condemnation, because the Son of God Himself was purified in the Temple. And the Mother of God and Saint Joseph were also purified.

The human matter must be sublimated, the human condition must be transcended, and each one of My children on this planet has their school, the best learning experience they need so that, at the end of their days, they may surrender their soul to God and merge with the Cosmic Source of Life.

Thus, My children, nothing is out of place at this moment. What is out of the Law in this time are the horrors that the world and humanity commit, the imbalance of the Universal Laws on this planet, the impunity that surfaces as something common and subdues millions of souls in the world.

But today, My children, I come to bear witness, before God, of how many wonders My Son has made in your lives, the small transformations He has achieved through the surrender of each one of you to God.

Therefore, do not see life as suffering or as a lament. Hold on to the Heart of My Son, and renew yourselves in Him.

And when the falls on your paths are so continuous and permanent, My beloved children, do not despair. In the deepest intimacy of your hearts the decision is already made and My enemy cannot make you tremble nor can he terrify you.

As much as the difficulties in this world are very great, and souls really need a lot of spiritual guidance, I invite you, My children, just as My Son called you, I invite you to affirm your faith in hope, in the Sacred Flame of the Divine Purpose, which now blazes before your souls and consciousnesses, a Purpose that your spirits already know, and which cannot be erased overnight, regardless of the great pain that you have undergone in these times.

On this special day for the Mother of God and for each one of you, I have brought something very special from Galileum: the Holy Shroud of the Lord, which is today in My Arms to envelope your souls and hearts, to envelope your bodies and consciousnesses and thus transfigure you.

Do you believe in the power of the Holy Shroud of the Lord, the Shroud which witnessed each drop of the Blood of Christ?

Today I have taken this Sacred Relic from the Ark of the Holy Covenant so that, through this Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus, I may purify your bodies, wipe each tear and each weeping from your faces and so that you may feel renewed and healed by the Hands of the Mother of God.

Continue praying and asking for the Grace of being consistent.

In that which is smallest and most invisible is where the Work of God can be carried out, because God does not show Himself with His Power to the world, God reflects Himself with His Power, with the Power of His Love, through the hearts that transform and redeem themselves day by day.

Thus, I offer this Holy Spiritual Shroud to you, so that it may serve as a Mantle of purification and healing for each one of My children, so that their physical and spiritual pains may be relieved, and thus on this day the soul of the planet may also be relieved of its suffering, the suffering that is caused by humanity.

But see, through this example of the Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus, how great is the Mercy of the Father, how immense is the Love of My Son for this Project of the surface of the Earth.

And on this special day, when we reaffirm, between you and Me, the commitment to fulfill the Eternal Will of God in all the times to come, My Son has asked Me to offer to you this Holy Spiritual Shroud so that on this August 8 the Cosmic Laws may descend to Earth, the uncertain doors may close once again, souls may be liberated of their own abysses and hells and all may be healed by the power of the Love of Jesus, just as you, My beloved children.

As much as your Heavenly Mother has ascended to the Heavens and is today the Spiritual Governess of all worlds, and carries in Her Hand the Scepter of the Will of God and of the Sacred Feminine Power at the end of times, I continue to be the Faithful Slave of the Lord, just as the Slave of God humiliated Herself and resigned Herself before the Cross for the salvation of the world, so that My Son, despite His agony and His pain on the Cross, might grant you the Grace of His being with you at this end time, a permission that was granted by the Eternal Father Himself.

Thus, dear children, I want you to glimpse and contemplate, regardless of the difficulty and of the human condition, the treasures that your hearts have received throughout these sixteen years, and each moment of sincere prayer that you have shared with Me in these years, even without many of you knowing how to follow My steps.

But rejoice and be reborn in Christ. He comes to liberate you from sin and error, through the Heart of the Mother of the World. He comes to grant you His Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.

I am here for the cause of the consistent and the brave, for those who do not fear purification, for those who take the risk of living the Plan of My Son regardless of the consequences.

Today, I come clothed with the Mantle of the whole universe, of all stars and all suns.

Today this is the Universal Mantle of the Mother of God, which extends Itself throughout the world. And the Light of this Sacred Mantle of the Mother of God, just as the Light of the palms of Her Hands, reaches the deepest corners of the hells of the planet, to raise the stars that are still fallen.

No longer think that this Armageddon is a new rebellion. This is the time of synthesis and of the great step, when the great spiritual battle against My enemy is carried out.

But do not forget that you are under My Mantle when you do not dare to leave it, when your paths are paths of prayer from the heart, when your acts are acts of charity and mercy for your neighbor, when every day you do not forget that life is eternal service.

Today, the center of My Crown is the Light of the New Aurora, like the aurora that radiates in the Northern part of this planet.

I am the Light of Aurora, which announces to the world the new time and the advent of My Son, the Redeemer, the arrival of His Presence.

Continue to be part of My Rosary of Light, continue to be this precious pearl that is purified and polished through the pious Hands of My Son, the Christ.

I just ask you one thing, My beloveds, that you never again close your hearts. May your hearts be a door open to self-giving and joy, to the bliss of living an encounter with Christ and eternal communion with the Father.

While I am here with you and for you, as the Cosmic Mother of the universe, many situations in the world are deterred.

And on this August 8, when Heaven descends to Earth and the Earth ascends to the Heavens through the hearts that open to the call of the Mother of God, it has been granted to Me that no soul should become lost at this moment, and that the unprotected, the innocent and the orphans may be safeguarded by the angels of the Mother of God at this moment, with the help of all their guardian angels.

My end with you also draws near, but do not lose heart. I will say to you the same as I said to the visionary Lucia of Fatima: “My Grace will be your strength, My Light will be your path and at the end of your days you will find My Great Star, that incandescent and perpetual Star that shines in the Eternal Sky of God to welcome and receive you.”

This is the same that I tell each one of you today, because the time has also come for you not only to listen to My Message, but also to be My living Message in this world. In this way, My Word will be fulfilled.

So that this Holy Spiritual Shroud of Jesus may expand in the world, embrace the impossible causes, protect all souls, especially the souls of the most unprotected children and young people of these times, My Son has asked Me that, as a preparation for this new stage, for this new year of the Brotherhood, we may close this inner meeting through the Holy Communion.

This is why it will be a moment for each one of My children to make their offering to the Universe, as the Sidereal Universe at this moment is open and attentive to the voice of all supplications.

This is an extraordinary moment, granted by the Eternal Father to all the hearts that listen to the Mother of God, all those who at this moment embrace the Mother of God, who at this moment love the Mother of God. A moment granted by the Eternal Father in these sixteen years of tireless work with the Divine Messengers.

Let us prepare for the moment of Communion. I am waiting for you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
